a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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Theres a video I saw on youtube called Jodi arias The whole story. Its funny. Someone making fun of her.

There are quite a few funny videos on Youtube. Two favorites--the never ending answer and "my bangs".

I'm at 455am. beautiful NE Michigan. Off work in 1.5 hours!
She may have been sedated, but did any of you notice at one point how she was holding her stubby little pencil like a dagger and slowly running her fingers down her throat area as she stared someone down, I suspect, a juror?
Maybe it is just knowing what she did to Travis, but to me, it was eerie!

I saw that also!!
Was literally out til 2:30 am. I'm not attending trial tomorrow as I need to work my day job...but will get to my notes as soon as I can..probably tomorrow nite! Great night out, so many laughs, tears, great food. Unforgettable memories. <3
A complete rebuttal list cannot even be known by JM until he knows everything that needs to be rebutted.

I'm not surprised the Hughes have been added. Their names have come up quite a few times by ALV. She never even interviewed them did she?

Hey Augustgurl! :seeya: Looks like you and I are the only ones up. I work nights and get to check here on the job!! Also it's so much easier to catch up at this hour.

I am here too.Can't sleep :please::please:
It's been reported recently that
neither one of them will be testifying on rebuttal.

CONFIRMED : Chris and Sky Hughes will not be testifying during rebuttal, nor will Matt McCartney [as reported here previously]

Rebuttal witnesses include: Cancun PPL, Dr Demarte, Gas Station in SLC, Walmart, Det Brown
My guess is there is a lot of information that has been excluded from this trial as being too prejudicial and she wasn't allowed to review that.

If she started talking about it or alluding to other information being withheld from the jury it could potentially lead to a mistrial.

Just a guess on my part.

I was wondering if it was that if she implied she wasn't given all the resources she needed, JA would have a case for mistrial.
Question....during ALV's testimony she kept talking about the fact that she had limited information to review and several times JM told her "let's not go there"

Then in jury questions, there was a question asking her exactly how much information she was given to review

Granted we know defense gave her that limited information to base her "domestic abuse" theory on, and my understanding is that she could have asked for more but did not...but could this be grounds for a reopening of the case later?

It just seems strange to me that she keeps saying that and even JM is telling her not to "go there"

i think it has to do with atty. client privilge
Was literally out til 2:30 am. I'm not attending trial tomorrow as I need to work my day job...but will get to my notes as soon as I can..probably tomorrow nite! Great night out, so many laughs, tears, great food. Unforgettable memories. <3

We can wait! I'm so happy that you had a wonderful time with the first two rows. Everyone needs to let out a little steam when under pressure and that must have been so over the top!

Once you've rested, done your job, I'll be setting here on the thread along with the others waiting. Take your time.

Nothing but good wishes for you, the Alexander family, and all who have worked so hard to bring this trial to its logical conclusion.
Katie, please tell the family for me, that I had a brother and sister in law murdered the same year , 3 months prior to Travis's murder. It was brutal! I end the day crying so much for the family, that my DH has suggested That I quit following, But I can't! If not for the love, phone calls and the support of WS, I would never have made it though. Our trial took 4 years to start and I feel their pain. Until you walk that walk (as you well know), you can't fully comprehend. If they read my brother's thread, they will understand how special, warm and understanding the peeps that are here are. God bless you , you brother, and Ta's family! :(
CONFIRMED : Chris and Sky Hughes will not be testifying during rebuttal, nor will Matt McCartney [as reported here previously]

Rebuttal witnesses include: Cancun PPL, Dr Demarte, Gas Station in SLC, Walmart, Det Brown

I'm looking forward to Dr Demarte. No doubt she is going to be 1000% more credible than the defense "experts" we have had so far.
Folks, I checked to see if this is ok, and it seems to be so....
Earlier today I started posting the link to Travis's actual Twitter page. I posted here, on FB and other sites on the web. It is so sad to see that his tweets stopped when they did.
Since I started asking people to go to Twitter and follow Travis in support of him and the Alexander family, the number of followers has grown by almost 800! God Bless Everyone who is following Travis in support and love.
Here is the link. Please follow him and share this with all your friends, family, and others. It's a stand for goodness, for positivity and for love. Thanks so much!

Go here: https://twitter.com/travisalexander

Just followed as well ~ It's up to 2604 followers.. :)
Some of the jurors' questions were full of snarky crunchy goodness, especially the ones asking...errr...pointing out the faces ALV was making at various points during cross-exam. But some of the jurors' questions had me scratching my head and wondering if they were looking for reasons to give JA an 'out.'

At the end of the day I still think she'll be convicted of 1st degree murder, regardless of how much ALV attempted to advocate on JA's behalf.

However, I was quite perturbed by the judge allowing ALV to expand on her answers ad nauseum until it finally got to the point of ridiculousness and then (and only then) she would finally sustain JM's objections and cut off the verbal diarrhea. I blame the judge for not corralling ALV more.

And why the jurors asked ALV so many questions is strange to me. Didn't they realize she would expound on every question where they would lose hours of their lives listening to her? I would have asked her nothing and hoped she would get off the stand that much faster.

I am hoping they were willing to give her the time to well and truly admit to extreme bias and tie it up with a bow. JMOO, of course

"It's mine, just turn it off."

No please?..... No thank you?...


That's right, no "please" or "thank you".

Yet she was very adamant that one indicator Travis was "abusive" was because he told Arias to "Empty your voice mailbox". Acted like she was appalled he didn't say "please".

She is full of. . . herself.
Or worse cause a mistrial if found out ( and I do believe that in this case the DT has those jurors under surveillance to get the mistrial they need) which would deny justice to the victim. Just sayin...

it gives me the creeps to say this, but i agree with you that the DT has the jurors under surveillance because they will do anything and everything to get a mistrial and I mean ANYTHING
These jurors have had to stick with this for months now. Can any of them leave due to financial hardship?

It just boggles my mind how any of them can deal with the frustrations of court never starting on time, no court on Fridays, the amount of time wasted with rehashing of testimony that seems to be irrelevant, and courtroom theatrics like ALV's refusal to answer questions. I was really shocked when the judge asked about dates in MAY!

I'm editing this post because I didn't want to give the impression that anyone on this jury would walk away. I know they all must be sticking with it to give justice to Travis and his family! But honestly, if I was out of work for months and collecting a small fraction of what I get paid I wouldn't be able to continue. My family depends on my income as well as hubby's to make ends meet. I am wondering how the jurors are holding up after months on this case.

One way to look at it is that those jury members who have full time jobs get a chance to go to work and catch up a little, or at least have a normal day with their families. The thing that would drive me bonkers is trying to avoid any talk of Jodi Arias. You'd practically have to live in a cave to not hear anything about the trial. It must be driving them bonkers not to discuss any of the testimony. On this board we get to dissect every speck of information daily, but imagine not being able to vent about all the outrageous testimony they've heard so far.
Yeah, there is one juror who is reaching to believe jodi just "snapped " that day because of how she was treated. And I think it is one because the questions sound the same. But the questions are usually only one or two together and then they stop, which tells me this isn't a strong opinion but a speculative one. They are grasping. These questions also appear to have been asked before it was revealed Travis was extremely afraid of Jodi. All the other questions were pro state and they seemed to have been fueled by Juan 's cross. I have hope that the more attentive jurors will be able to set them straight or that they don't make the cut anyway. And Juan 's rebuttal is coming where it will be shown that the shelf could not ha e supported her weight.

Also, Paul asked a question during testimony regarding a text. So I paid attention to the question s related to that and they were all very interesting, especially the one about Travis wanting to distance himself from Jodi.

Good day.
I speculated yesterday that I thought the long delay in chambers before the start of juror questions was because the questions were pretty bad for the defense and the DT was fighting tooth and nail against many. It was worth the wait but I feel for our court watchers today who have to suffer through JW's effort to clean the mess up. She reaaaally should make it brief (if she knows what that means) because she is only going to make it worse. The jury has made their opinion of the testimony of AVL clear, IMHO.
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