a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #8

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I just posted the following in the weekend thread, but I thought I'd post it here, too, because I'm wondering if any of our court watchers saw this or if they know who should be contacted about it. I suspect the camera person may have contacted someone, since the camera stayed on JA for this part, but you never know. Whatever she did, she wasn't supposed to be doing it:

Around 32:45 into part 3 of the JA trial day 46 put on youtube croakerqueen123's channel today, JA is CLEARLY up to something clandestine having to do with JW's chair. No. Question. About. It. Here is a slo-mo, then normal speed video of it.

Jodi Diddles JW's Chair

  • First she kicks JW's chair away/into position.

  • Then she twirls the seat of JW's chair into a different position.

  • Then she slowly pulls JW's chair alongside her own, using her foot.

  • She waits a little bit, looks covertly out the side of her eyes to see if anyone is glancing at her.

  • She picks up a notebook and grasps it near the middle with her left hand, then slides the thumb across the bottom of the page.

  • She puts her hand down on the arm of her own chair and makes a couple of picking motions.

  • She quickly moves her hand to JW's chair at the back of the armrest.

  • She works the end of the armrest along the back and bottom of it. It looks like she's screwing or unscrewing something and/or picking/poking at something.

  • She jerks her head up and looks at the bench conference, pretending to be interested in what they are doing, but continues to diddle the back and bottom of the armrest on JW's chair.

  • She quickly pulls her hand back to in front of her, picks up a stubby pencil and starts to write or pretend to write as the conference breaks up and the lawyers head back toward their respective tables.

I never actually saw anything IN her hands other than the notebook and the pencil, but she did something she shouldn't have been doing (I think she hides something). Does D have access to those chairs after the court clears out or before court convenes?

I noticed JA swirling JW's chair, too...

I thought maybe... Just for laughs... JA was putting tacks on JW's chair so that when the attorney sat down... JW would go...:noooo:

Cutting fingers cutting apples?

Wrestler chews his pen.

CPA looks out toward gallery.

She sure is crisp with her yes and no's with JW.

Paul, Hw, Maureen, note taking "knife on nightstand"

ALV seems like she's phoning it in (LDS Link UP story)

Most dangerous time for battered women is when she separates


Jodi didn't write abuse in journals but still was abused

Travis didn't write fearing her in journals means it didn't happen.

CEO reviewing Juror question then places it in the basket

This Brazilian business related to pedophilia is not impressing the males
I still lean towards her Tuesday testimony being about the pending Mistrial Motion. I know it is supposedly about her personal stress issues, but I don't think she wants to come back to court anymore. I think she was ready to hightail it back to Long Beach.

And even though this is a pro-defense motion, it will still be stressful for her, to have to go and discuss all of the negative messages and calls and reviews and posts harassing her. JMO

... Especially if she engaged in some combative comment/replies herself?

She may not want to expose HER side of the conversations/comments/etc. ...

Just a thought...
No one on back row taking notes.

"collaborative data" 12 year old girl supports JA's claim of pedophilia with little BOYS, ok.

HW taking notes.

CEO pulls out another question form re: Jodi's prior boyfriends.

Most attentive CEO and HW (foreperson candidates imo)

Trying to make travis more of a liar than Jodi will never work and insult this jury.

Nancy only NT.

Even HW not note taking during this Travis deception stuff.

Double life testimony--HW, Paul R., Nancy note taking

Looks like maybe Wrestler is writing a question. Hope we get another good zinger from him.
During sidebar it's clear she has no idea where to rest her gaze.

She seems weak.

Another question landed in the basket.

Nurmi's shirt tail sticking out the back of his jacket.

Jodi's hair is a lot longer than when trial started.

Again with the women battered/men abusers story.

Even her voice sounds weak today.

Security guard looking at JA, taking notes.

Double life related to sex life does NOT equate abuse.

CEO looks like he's getting pissed now.

He had a significant amount to lose? How about HIS LIFE?
Here is my prediction, and Jodi is already starting to plot it: When this whole thing is done and she is convicted, she is going to throw Samuels and ALV under the bus. She is going to come up with a fourth story ( Maybe Insanity) and tell the world the truth. That these experts came to her, told her to change her story from the Ninjas to being the Victim, and gave her the material to try to perfect her story. She will totally ruin their career and won't care because she knows that they used her for their own benefit. And of course, Nurmi and JW are going down too because she will expose them also, and Samuels and ALV won't even see it coming.

But I tell you, I can see it in her face, she is already plotting her next move.

I'm with you totaly! Evil is as evil does.
It appears that the jury has already disregarded most of AL's testimony.
Unfortunately, she was a huge waste of taxpayers money and a huge
wasted hunk of trial time.

At first thought... ITA...

However... I remember another poster saying that ALV has actually shared some information that otherwise would not been revealed...

Only example I can think of at this moment (brain drain... :blushing:) is the mention of Jodi's Manifesto...

No note taking re: Travis double life.

Fear of losing who you are.

So she extrapolates this to fear to anger to rage to abuse-ok.

Again she betrays all TRUE domestic violence victims she's ever helped.

Paul R. places a juror question in the basket (he and CEO are right in front of it so often they are passed to them and they place in the basket).

CEO appears to write a question. Writing fast and alot.


Long talk with WildAboutTrial on the break. Love that he/she is keeping their mystique and I'll hold it for them.

ALV back up, here come the jury questions.

Oh wait, here's the burger name Nicole and i came up with for the Juan Martinez burger:

The Spicy Slider
I might be small but I can make you sweat.

Q- You stated that....

She's gonna go on and on with these questions...

Paul R note taking

Friends/family question --CEO note taking

What did you learn re: Travis? Paul R., Nancy , HW note taking
Maureen too

Do you think Jodi could have lied to you to protect case?

Hard time looking at herself as a battered woman (until YOU convinced her to go this way)

I apologize if this link doesn't post correctly, I'm not really sure how to do it..Part 1 of today, 1st question from jury is what I'm trying to link. The judges reaction to her answer is priceless.
BTW, is there a tutorial on WS where I can learn my way around and how to post correctly?

My cousin and I were both put on BP meds. We both were put on the same meds, an developed a horrible cough, it lasted until my cousin (not the doctors )figured it out what it was. As soon as our meds were changed our cough left immediately.

Pass this on if you know anyone that has this problem.

Rut Row, methinks I posted this in the wrong tread. Mods please do your thing, tia.
I noticed JA swirling JW's chair, too...

I thought maybe... Just for laughs... JA was putting tacks on JW's chair so that when the attorney sat down... JW would go...:noooo:


I thought the same thing, only thought she was putting a tack where her elbow would hit it!:rocker:
Paul R arms crossed in front w/ did Jodi deceive her.

Nancy HW taking notes.

Is she really up there minimizing the lying??

?- Jodi exaggerated to help the case?

Nancy, HW note taking

Paul R. rubbing face

6 jurors have hands over mouths

?- friends/family embellished to help her?

Nancy, HW note taking

Push sexual limits, push PPL on them HW note taking

I want to smack her for these description re: him "playing women"

She tries to claim his empathy was a negative thing.

It's called friendship.
Just read an interesting blog discussing what might be happening with ALV...they point out some of the questions JM asked her today to show how the prosecution may be asking for an impeachment hearing. She misrepresented her expertise on her CV, "misspoke" on 2 or 3 important issues, and today was caught inflating her trial experience. JM touched on those things again today, and started to question her education before an objection. I want to say another issue I just can't recall.

Maybe her 'standing' as an expert is being questioned, along with her in & out of court behaviors, such as the interview disclosing the topic of an in chambers meeting. If such a hearing has been requested, the blogger added, it could also be why the judge looked so unhappy...having to make this kind of a ruling? If the witness is impeached, the jurors will be instructed to disregard any of her testimony.

It's gonna be tough...here I go...trying to disregard....and I'm done.
Is it common for women in abusive relationships to snap and commit acts of violence? MONEY SHOT!!!

She's just tailoring all her answers to fit in this case--she's lost all perspective of her own FIELD.

This is how you're taking your career out ALV? Congratulations.

HW reviewing notes during sidebar.

YES of NO of course she evades the question.

Hitting back? How about driving 1000 miles to premeditate a murder?

Haven't seen it with a weapon. How about 2 weapons?

Minimizing kicking/slapping her mother makes ALV look ridiculous.
HW note taking.

She calls the relationship w/ Jodi "long term"?

She just looks ridiculous and an embarassment to herself by minimizing BIG things with Jodi and maximizing small things with Travis to justify her position over and over.

HW, CEO, Nancy, notetaking on "no way out". JA was already out.se

CEO just placed another question.

Abuse escalated both sides question. Both victim/both perp --of course she says the male will be more violent.

Were they in this type of relationship? 5 males have hands over mouths.
If Jodi kicked, slapped her mother--she's really gonna excuse this isn't she?

Exaggerating again? That's what they are thinking (jury)

I'm so sick of her taking every question and spinning it to claim Travis was abusive. Defense is getting what they paid for.

Don't have the whole story? All the information you can get that points to the opinion you were paid to give.

? re: Jodi a perp? "No evidence" this hurts her credibility

? Jodi psych abuse of Travis? She uses prior relationships. NO note taking any jurors
Any of Travis actions defensive vs abusive? "beyond defensive" How about 29 stab wounds? No note taking

Makes me wonder if JM will call a sibling to refute this abusive childhood stuff.

Tried to get as complete a story as I could get--BS--you didn't interview on person who knew Travis.

How quickly abuse escalate? Maureen, Nancy, note taking, also Barb

? re: Deanna, on and off for 7 years yet didn't you say Travis only had short term relationships. Busted.
Thanks Katiecoolady!

So sorry to see another juror go -- hope #11 knows how much his time and effort is appreciated and will have a chance to speak out when this is all over.

DT :seeya:
Any of Travis actions defensive vs abusive? "beyond defensive" How about 29 stab wounds? No note taking

Makes me wonder if JM will call a sibling to refute this abusive childhood stuff.

Tried to get as complete a story as I could get--BS--you didn't interview on person who knew Travis.

How quickly abuse escalate? Maureen, Nancy, note taking, also Barb

? re: Deanna, on and off for 7 years yet didn't you say Travis only had short term relationships. Busted.

Too bad Travis and Deanna didn't marry. Travis would still be alive. my quote not katie
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