A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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Such great observations from all of you! I concur about the "50 lbs and 15 yrs older" (those darn cameras). I discovered this myself when I attended a trial and saw myself on TV. It was harsh. :yikes:

It's got to be tough for the attorneys, knowing the whole world is watching. Then again, this is their bread 'n butter.

Question: do you know (Anita or Katie or PASA) when the (a?) camera is on you? Or is it unobtrusive and anonymous?

Is it easy to hear inside the courtroom? I discovered during the 2 trials I attended in my area that the acoustics in the courtroom were terrible and I had a much better listening experience when I watched the trials online because the lawyers and witnesses were mic'd up for the network feed and it was much louder that way.

I had no idea when/if the camera was pointing in my direction. The only way I knew was watching the days proceedings later on YouTube.

Volume much better in courtroom than on live feed. The courtroom is big and IMHO acoustics are good.
I was in the back row behind defendants family and had no problems hearing. At home I have volume maxed out and have trouble hearing some of the trial.

You guys are making me want to go sometime next week too...but we can't all go or there won't be enough seats. ;)

I hope you go. Would love to read your observations on the trial. :)
I saw the Duchess of Cambridge, too! But in the upper left part of the cover was a goofy picture of CA saying "Ca$hing in!" or something similiar.

P.s. Love your nickname! Reminds me of my German grandmother, whom my dad always called "Mutti". (She was his mil.)

Aren't we lucky to still be treated to CA on the cover of magazines!

Thanks about my nickname--I took German through college & love the language!
We meet again....KatieCoolady & Anita Richman! I'm so happy I boarded this freak train and found you two on the inside again. Thanks so much for your insight in the courtroom. Makes it so much more interesting.
I'm sorry that I keep coming back and adding more, but little thoughts keep popping in my head!

I got to meet Aaron, who was Travis's roommate, when I was getting ready to do the Dr. Drew show. He went on right before us. I hadn't seen him on tv before, but I had read an article about him. So I asked him, "Are you the Aaron who picked up Jodi from the airport for the memorial and she asked to go by Travis's house since you had "time to kill"?" He said, "Yeah, I'm the one who picked her up from the airport, took her to his house, drove her to the memorial service and drove her to the police department for her interview."

My mouth was hanging open and I said, "Did you know she was a suspect?!" And he said, "Well, yeah, but I didn't believe she did it. I couldn't believe it." We talked about how we project our intentions, attitude, motivation on others; if we're a good person, we project goodness onto other people. At the end of the conversation I told him how sorry I was that it had happened to him, the loss of his friend. He gave me a big hug.
We meet again....KatieCoolady & Anita Richman! I'm so happy I boarded this freak train and found you two on the inside again. Thanks so much for your insight in the courtroom. Makes it so much more interesting.

:seeya: I laughed out loud at "freak train"! It is, indeed. :floorlaugh:

All aboard!
I saw the Duchess of Cambridge, too! But in the upper left part of the cover was a goofy picture of CA saying "Ca$hing in!" or something similiar.

P.s. Love your nickname! Reminds me of my German grandmother, whom my dad always called "Mutti". (She was his mil.)

You're right. Top left corner.

What I wish I would have shared on Dr. Drew is that I am a person who has had compassion for Jodi throughout the trial. Not so much that I would excuse what she did; but in that I have had friends who have dated cads who cheated on/with them, I know a woman who was an abuse victim who went back (moved states) to be with her abuser. The honeymoon was always worth it to her.

Anyway, there were things that Jodi said that rang true to me, which allowed me to feel for her. Those feelings of compassion were consistently and methodically whittled away by the defense team, however, and by her last day of cross by Kirk Nurmi, it was all gone. When she stated that at his memorial service she was sad but she "knew he was in a better place", I was so engraged. Yes, I believe in Heaven, but who gave YOU the right to send him there, Jodi?! And her self-serving claim of feeling forgiveness from his spirit; just wow. The final straw for me though, was when she talked about her "failed attempt at suicide" and how when she knicked herself and it was like a papercut and it stung really bad so she couldn't continue, that's when it finally clicked for me.

She is NOTHING like me or my friends. She is nothing like my friend who moved states, for her abuser. She is a psychopath, an alien. An abberation.

Anita.. I agree with you that hey we all been there right? Dated a guy who we thought OMG He's the One and he's thinking yeah she's fun I'm bored I'll call her etc.

That in that honeymoon stage it's all great wonderful rainbows & lollipops (or tootsie pops :) couldn't help self). And when we find out that he isn't maybe "that into you" usually have hard time accepting it at first but we do & move on...

But JA doesn't move on, she methodically plots to entrap them, she will use anything in her emotional arsonal to keep a connection & manipulate the situation. ONLY when she's lined up another man will she move on but as we see still keeps all her Exs in a corral in case she needs to change horses for awhile!

She's a piece of work but sadly I've known 2 women like her before & what you saw JA do on the stand with JM is exactly how I've seen these women evade/spin their answers/stories causing doubt/confusion to point where it can make the other person almost feel like XYZ was all their fault and sometimes even apologize to them!!

Why I've been watching trial it just makes me wonder if one of these women I know could ever go this far with their twisted antics..
I don't have a link. I haven't seen it yet. :blushing: Hubby recorded it, but I've been sloooooowly typing out my notes since I got up. (In between feeding and interacting with these DEMANDING children who expect to eat three times a day, plus snacks!)

Awwwww :) ha ha. I will have a look on google. Which channel doe it come on? Not familiar with your stations as in the UK. Thanks again :) xx
Ponytail worries me. What do you think Anita, is she sympathetic to the murderer? ( I know you are only going by looks, kind of a silly question!)
One last thought and I promise I'll leave this thread alone!

While watching The Bear (Nurmi) in court; it occurred to me that his style, sloooow, drawn out is because he is such a big, imposing guy. He could be very off-putting in a threatening way and as a defense attorney, I think this is way of being perceived as more "gentle" for lack of a better word. I shared my thought with Ben, the defense attorney who we met yesterday (he worked with Nurmi in the public defender's office) and he seemed to agree. Ben, by the way, if you were watching the gallery, was the handsome young black guy sitting in the row behind the defense table.

You are so welcome! Great questions, sorry it took so long for me to get to them. :seeya:

Thank you Anita for your insight! My opinion! She sealed her fate yesterday! Evidenced by her day and night demeanor or should I say dr jekel/ mr Hyde! Something like that. Her arrogance and hostile angry demeanor made the jury see that the librarian just screwed herself.

You are so welcome! Great questions, sorry it took so long for me to get to them. :seeya:

Thank you Anita for your insight! My opinion! She sealed her fate yesterday! Evidenced by her day and night demeanor or should I say dr jekel/ mr Hyde! Something like that. Her arrogance and hostile angry demeanor made the jury see that the librarian just screwed herself.
THANK YOU, Anita & Katie, for your priceless insights into what's going on in the court room.

I need more Juan. I'm completely in love with him (I haven't broken it to my 3 babies under 5 and my DH of 12 years yet :floorlaugh:) But seriously--Juan is the man.

I'm just in awe of his style--he knows this case inside and out, he's prepared for anything, has no other lawyer there helping--and he's articulate, concise, professional (attn: Nurmi) and since I'm a trial and law junkie, I just can't get enough of him. I'm so glad he's going to put this monster on death row. I am so angry that she actually pulled that pedophile nonsense. I can't even imagine how that family feels.

Anyhoo--keep up the great work & let's have a Juan-update a couple times a day!
Ponytail worries me. What do you think Anita, is she sympathetic to the murderer? ( I know you are only going by looks, kind of a silly question!)

I know, but that's all we got is looks right now, right?!

I don't really have a feeling one way or the other about if she is sympathetic. I can describe her a little more, though. She was a little heavyset, definitely NOT a "fancy girl" as far as makeup/hair/clothes. She reminds me of my daughter's friend who is super smart, very unemotional, not typically "girly" nor emotional.
Interesting, based on what I noticed about her dirty fingers. Not to be unpleasant or rude, but the skin around her fingernails (chewed very short, like mine) was very dark/dirty. Sooty comes to mind.

Thanks for the info, Shan!

Carbon from crack/heroin comes first to mind...
Thank you, Anita and Katiecoo. I have been enthralled by your observations and appreciate you taking the time
Well lets' do it!

Please do if you are able. The more members that can go would be great. Nothing would be missed as each of you would catch something the other might of missed or could not see from their seats.
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