A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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Idk if this has anything to do with the courtroom coughing, obviously, but there's a "thing" going around in the valley characterized by persistent coughing without significant symptoms other than feeling carppy. I've had it and so have my kids and most of my co-workers. I had to close my bedroom door two nights ago 'cause of dd's coughing. Yet she has no fever and no other symptoms :::shrug:::

I had the upper respiratory thang about a month ago. After the other symptoms are gone the cough hangs on for weeks.
That's why I'm taking cough drops to court. They have been a big help. :)
Sorry to hear your kids have had it too.
I noticed Maureen with her hand under her chin like the "thinker". A couple of others were doing it as well. Is that the same, in body language terms, as hand covering the mouth?

Ponytail man (Biker Bob) was paying close attention on Tuesday. I didn't have any concerns about him. Poquito looks like he is ready to convict her.
Whoops, I think you were talking about ponytail gal... sorry. :)

Is biker Bob same as hippie Willy?
I'm not wanting to derail this thread so just a quick note from me to say thanks again, your observations and note taking for the day were truly enlightening and very welcome as I did miss a few minutes of trial and knew I could find the answers here.

Second (off topic I know) point I wanted to make re: the talking heads saying JM is taking too long and getting dragged into the weeds by JA. I in part agree but only in a couple circumstances. He, with JA's help is showing she is no wilting violet and is not afraid to be comative to get her own way. Secondly, when he is done with cross you can bet Nurmi will have her back on the stand to try and rehabilitate her image. IF Nurmi keeps her on the stand too long they are going to forget about how long JM kept her up there as the blame will fall on the last segment with Nurmi. If JM re-crosses he needs to keep it short. As of right now, I think JM is scoring points and doing a great job exposing the true JA.
New here as a participant, but I've very much enjoyed reading all the input from the courtroom observers. Very jealous of your ability to see this community theater production in person, starring the world's most unconvincing actress "The Thing That Calls Itself Jodi Arias". I'm ashamed of how hooked I am on this Cirque de Surreal. If I lived a little closer, or didn't care so much about my marriage, I'd hop on a plane and get in line. I'd love to just stare daggers at the <mod snip> on the stand for a few hours. I think it would be hilarious if everyone in the gallery adopted the VonTrapp pose and stare directly at the <mod snip> as it attempts to make mind contact with the jurors, who no doubt already have their first ballots filled out. I happened to be looking at an online story about this case, featuring a picture of the <mod snip> with the herd of daddy long legs attacking her forehead, and one of my three year old twin daughters asked me: "Daddy, who's that..?" I said: "Jodi Arias", and she said "<mod snip>?" I smiled and said: close enough."
I have become so in awe of Juan Martinez's masterful cross examination technique. A lesser prosecutor would have gotten thrown off stride by the creature's inability to utter simple answers without unnecessary and self-serving asides, editorial comments and snarks. The <mod snip> reminds me so much of Regan, the little girl who was possessed by the devil in The Exorcist, when she was having her first tete-a-tetes with the priests, trying to get into their heads. I'm certain the Girl Who No Guy Wanted or Could Stand for Any Length of Time can probably turn its head 360 degrees and throw up pea soup on command. He is being extremely methodical in his approach to the evidence, and has knowingly allowed <mod snip> to up her level of condescension and nastiness so that the jury forgets about the timid little school marm <mod snip> Nurmi tried to portray her as. I may even have a man crush on JM. As for the <mod snip>, if I thought she would feel it I would punch my computer screen every time they get a close up of her way-too-close-together shark eyes trying to stare down this skilled prosecutor. I envy you first person observers: what a trip it must be to be in that atmosphere. I have to hand it to the Alexander siblings: can't even imagine what it has to be like to be forced to sit just a few feet away from the waste of skin that killed your cool and successful brother and see her perpetuating the hurt with character assassination against a man who can't rebut her. On this, JM is Travis' voice, and he is speaking beautifully.

"the thing that calls itself jodi arias"--- how absolutely perfect-- you have so described this non human thing--- something from another planet, unhuman, inhuman. I have no idea how Travis's family can sit there while filthy lies spew so easily from it's lying mouth. I think "it" is a much more apt description than "she'. The inappropriate smiling and smirking. it is beyond comprehension. It was loving all that dirty talk yesterday - it was obviously enjoying it.
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