Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #176

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Wouldn't want to be left out of the throw-anything-on-the-wall-exercise, so here ya go:

RA probably wore brown tinted contacts and a curly wig to the bridge that day, so those eye-witness reports are more accurate that we might think. ;)


He also may have worn shoe lift inserts since most witness's had him taller than his given height. One witness said her head only came up to about his shoulder (she must have been VERY short. o_O She also said he was wearing a blue or black windbreaker with a collar and his hood was up from the clothing he wore underneath.

It was in the PCA on page 3.
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To me, it is not the sketches but the CLOTHING that will be key
Agreed because if they can paint a picture of RA and BG being virtual Bobbsey twins out on the bridge that day, it's game over along with the ballistics. There are a lot of clothing items involved in that match, and depending on how many items "match up," it's going to be a critical piece of evidence. I know everyone's saying he's wearing a brown hoodie. Not as sure on this, I think it may be an unusually styled hat with a scarf attached that color. The fanny pack is brown, but it definitely looks like a fanny pack, not the "tail end" of a hoodie. I also wonder what the white cord is protruding out there.
On the white cord, has anyone considered an acoustic tube? Source: "For an acoustic tube to work, it must be plugged in to a wireless receiver, which is usually hidden beneath a person's clothing." Looking for more links on acoustic tubes used in surveillance.

Lavalier mic, maybe?
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You put a lot of good thought into that. I've pondered it until my head hurts.

In The PCA, the time KG's white car is spotted on the HH cam is used as the drop off time. If you used the time the family has offered (Around 1:37pm) what does that do to your timeline?

Then, suppose he really was there between noon and !:30, where does that take yo
I think people will say that Richard Allen had to be there after 1:30 pm because of the eyewitness who says she saw him on platform 1 of the Monon High Bridge. Then as the eyewitness was walking back to her vehicle parked at the Mears entrance, halfway back to her vehicle she passed who she thought was Abigail Williams and Liberty German as Abby and Libby were walking towards the Monon High Bridge.

The part that surprises me is that Richard Allen freely told the conservation officer he was there on the Monon High Bridge trail that day. According to the PCA he told the conservation officer he was watching a stock ticker on his phone.

Whether Richard Allen is guilty or innocent is anyone's guess, but he must have been very confident to think LE would not check out the story he told the conservation officer, especially after stating he was using his cell phone. Whether LE did check it out or not is another story, but Richard Allen would have no way of knowing that.
On that white cord, I'd bet that's a remote microphone of some kind, maybe cardioid lavalier. I see images for these online, it's pretty close in appearance to that BG blur of white if it had a clip, maybe, to hold it in place. Among other devices, these mics can be powered by a wireless radio transmitter pack or phone. A 100 watt transmitter would have 12 mile range. That big bulge in the jacket might be the transmitter.
I think people will say that Richard Allen had to be there after 1:30 pm because of the eyewitness who says she saw him on platform 1 of the Monon High Bridge. Then as the eyewitness was walking back to her vehicle parked at the Mears entrance, halfway back to her vehicle she passed who she thought was Abigail Williams and Liberty German as Abby and Libby were walking towards the Monon High Bridge.
Respectfully snipped
As far as I know, no-one has positively identified RA as the person on the bridge. BB, the witness who saw a man on the bridge, described him as a younger man with curly brown hair, and this description became the young bridge guy sketch (which imo looks nothing like RA). BB disagreed with old bridge guy sketch and was instrumental in the swapped sketches back in 2019.
Memorandum supporting Franks p 106
Indy star
I’m not sure if BB will identify RA at trial. But if she insists she saw a younger man on the bridge, and a different car parked, AND there are problems with the statement taken by the conservation officer misplaced/misfiled/recording lost could be an issue for the prosecution.

MOO and FWIW I do think RA is bridge guy.
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we know the confessions cant be great because the defence went to such great lengths to blame the odinists for forcing him to say them. imo the words must be pretty clear for the defence to have accepted they constitute admissions in the proceeding last year.
And f I remember well, the defese tried to explain the confessions with RA's mental health but when the prosecutor asked to have access to his mental health's files, the judge denied but advised the defense that if they keep talking about his mental health, she would gave access to his mental health's files to the prosecutor. So the defense change their strategy and came with the odinisth theory as an explanation for his confessions.

So, I think there is something in his mental health's files the prosecutor really wants and the defense really doesn't want that to be known. I think it's related to his confessions.

Apparently, at the June 15th hearing, there was testimony regarding multiple confessions to various medical and mental health care staff members at Westville and also to the Warden himself.
It’s really not a very good picture, but I’m totally convinced RA is BG. He put himself there, and so did several other people. Thing is, I’m foggy as heck on the before and after.

If I HAD to guess, I’d say he acted alone. I can visualize ways he might have done it. I know of no positive evidence to put others there.

But if I’m a juror, don’t make me guess!

Absolutely agree.
I think RA is BG, killed the girls and acted alone. My opinion always was this is a lone wolf, a mix of a planned crime with a crime of opportunity in the sense someone (RA in my opinion) often walks on trails and had that fantasy in mind but neved acted because the opportunity neves came or came but he never had "guts" to act until now. In that day, the opportunity worked for him and he acted, unfortunately. I think the motive was something like a sexual motive( don't need to have SA to be a sexual motive)/fullfill a fantasize/thrilling killing.

He had enough time (more than an hour) at the crime scene for stage the crime scene
About the clothing and the blue/black, Steve from True Crime Web did a video on witness accuracy. Watch from 5:00 to 7:15 regarding sun/shadows play a part in the blue vs black jacket issue. Probably it can play a part in facial recognition too from a distance.

From the 18:50 to 24:00 regarding to the "bloody" and "muddy"

I think people will say that Richard Allen had to be there after 1:30 pm because of the eyewitness who says she saw him on platform 1 of the Monon High Bridge. Then as the eyewitness was walking back to her vehicle parked at the Mears entrance, halfway back to her vehicle she passed who she thought was Abigail Williams and Liberty German as Abby and Libby were walking towards the Monon High Bridge.

The part that surprises me is that Richard Allen freely told the conservation officer he was there on the Monon High Bridge trail that day. According to the PCA he told the conservation officer he was watching a stock ticker on his phone.

Whether Richard Allen is guilty or innocent is anyone's guess, but he must have been very confident to think LE would not check out the story he told the conservation officer, especially after stating he was using his cell phone. Whether LE did check it out or not is another story, but Richard Allen would have no way of knowing that.
Delphi being such a small town, plus RA knowing he was seen by the girls on the Freedom Bridge <and who knows who else> might have thought he had to say he was there.

In his mind the girls might have recognized him from CVS, so he played the odds that it would look better to come forward and admit he was there in some capacity, rather than stay completely silent, which would raise even more questions. LE was asking for anyone on or near the bridges and trails to come forward.

And f I remember well, the defese tried to explain the confessions with RA's mental health but when the prosecutor asked to have access to his mental health's files, the judge denied but advised the defense that if they keep talking about his mental health, she would gave access to his mental health's files to the prosecutor. So the defense change their strategy and came with the odinisth theory as an explanation for his confessions.

So, I think there is something in his mental health's files the prosecutor really wants and the defense really doesn't want that to be known. I think it's related to his confessions.

Apparently, at the June 15th hearing, there was testimony regarding multiple confessions to various medical and mental health care staff members at Westville and also to the Warden himself.

Yes good points!

I think the issue is the medical evidence didn't come up to spec to maintain such a defence. Counsel can't just claim the defendant has 'schizophrenic type symptoms'. These are actual illnesses which medical professionals can diagnose. If they wanted to play that game, then they would have put his medical records into play, and clearly they don't support what the defence needs.

Instead they are going for something non-clinical and allegations of insidious doping. But again the problem is going to be that the defendant is the one who can exhibit his medical records and one suspects he won't do that because it either doesn't help or actually harms his case.

Respectfully snipped
As far as I know, no-one has positively identified RA as the person on the bridge. BB, the witness who saw a man on the bridge, described him as a younger man with curly brown hair, and this description became the young bridge guy sketch (which imo looks nothing like RA). BB disagreed with old bridge guy sketch and was instrumental in the swapped sketches back in 2019.
Memorandum supporting Franks p 106
Indy star
I’m not sure if BB will identify RA at trial. But if she insists she saw a younger man on the bridge, and a different car parked, AND there are problems with the statement taken by the conservation officer misplaced/misfiled/recording lost could be an issue for the prosecution.

MOO and FWIW I do think RA is bridge guy.
I believe all of the witnesses were shown photo or in person lineups and identified RA as the person they passed or saw on the bridges and N300 that day. That would be SOP for LE in any case where they have witnesses who saw the suspect.

It’s really not a very good picture, but I’m totally convinced RA is BG. He put himself there, and so did several other people. Thing is, I’m foggy as heck on the before and after.

If I HAD to guess, I’d say he acted alone. I can visualize ways he might have done it. I know of no positive evidence to put others there.

But if I’m a juror, don’t make me guess!

Coordinating an attack like this with another individual would be extremely unlikely. It would be beyond lucky.

1) That day and time, there had to be a defenseless party (2 teen girls).
2) Trapped at the end of the bridge
3) RA timing it so such that only 45 minutes max had passed when a couple of victims showed up at the right time, at the right place.
4) No other cars were spotted parked or otherwise not in and out for the trail. A second person was not seen walking down the trail from Freedom Bridge.
Absolutely agree.
I think RA is BG, killed the girls and acted alone. My opinion always was this is a lone wolf, a mix of a planned crime with a crime of opportunity in the sense someone (RA in my opinion) often walks on trails and had that fantasy in mind but neved acted because the opportunity neves came or came but he never had "guts" to act until now. In that day, the opportunity worked for him and he acted, unfortunately. I think the motive was something like a sexual motive( don't need to have SA to be a sexual motive)/fullfill a fantasize/thrilling killing.

He had enough time (more than an hour) at the crime scene for stage the crime scene

I agree and this is it in a nutshell.

Now, whether or not he intentionally marched them across the creek or if they fled and he chased, is maybe something we never know
On the white cord, has anyone considered an acoustic tube? Source: "For an acoustic tube to work, it must be plugged in to a wireless receiver, which is usually hidden beneath a person's clothing." Looking for more links on acoustic tubes used in surveillance.

Lavalier mic, maybe?
Someone on here once said white goggles and that’s exactly what it looks like to me. Clear goggles with a white trim.
I agree and this is it in a nutshell.

Now, whether or not he intentionally marched them across the creek or if they fled and he chased, is maybe something we never know
If either one had made a break for it, he would likely have had to either use the gun or give it up and flee. It was a deeply flawed plan. Doesn’t mean he didn’t do it.
Absolutely agree.
I think RA is BG, killed the girls and acted alone. My opinion always was this is a lone wolf, a mix of a planned crime with a crime of opportunity in the sense someone (RA in my opinion) often walks on trails and had that fantasy in mind but neved acted because the opportunity neves came or came but he never had "guts" to act until now. In that day, the opportunity worked for him and he acted, unfortunately. I think the motive was something like a sexual motive( don't need to have SA to be a sexual motive)/fullfill a fantasize/thrilling killing.

He had enough time (more than an hour) at the crime scene for stage the crime scene
Agree with you. He had planned this and Abby and and Libby just walked into a trap. If it hadn’t been them. It would have been another unfortunate child/children.
I hope the prosecution presents the facts and evidence effectively at trial and justice is served so these families and this town may begin to heal.
oh pro camera cables, plastic bag ties, weird man sideburn braids, sweatshirt drawawstring , wires, clothesline that a baby goat under his jacket???

it's been a long strange trip with that footage. mOO
I also remember someone suggested a thin white plastic grocery store bag. I got it into my head that if we could only figure out what the heck it was it would solve the case.

I still want to know, dangit.
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