Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #176

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About the clothing and the blue/black, Steve from True Crime Web did a video on witness accuracy. Watch from 5:00 to 7:15 regarding sun/shadows play a part in the blue vs black jacket issue. Probably it can play a part in facial recognition too from a distance.

From the 18:50 to 24:00 regarding to the "bloody" and "muddy"

This was great. I wish he had done drive by setup correctly. He had the mannequin facing west ( correct) but had the car approaching the wrong direction. Per PCA he was walking west on the north side of the road and she would have been traveling in east on the south side.
I do think the witness that saw him walking west on 300 got a pretty good look at him. The sun would have been on his front side and unless he dipped his head down low I think she got a pretty good look at his overall features.
I often wonder if one of the witnesses from that day saw him sometime in 2022 and recognized him. He had a local, publc facing job.
I agree and this is it in a nutshell.

Now, whether or not he intentionally marched them across the creek or if they fled and he chased, is maybe something we never know
I would say that a man holding a gun on 2 young girls could very easily get them DTH. They would have been terrified and not likely to run IMO.
Nice. Thank you. I want to see the front closures on his blue Carthartt jacket, don't you?

On OCT 13 LE removed from RA's home:
  • 12 various quarter-zip or full-zip sweatshirts
  • 3 coats
So these items are the same as in your list only more sweatshirts were taken; likely not hooded.

Wonder why LE took an Aquafina water bottle. Fairly sure the D said LE took stuff unrelated to the CS.
  • An Aquafina water bottle
I think the front closures could be toggle closures but I can't find any Carhartt jackets with that kind of fastener. Maybe that's the identifying feature of "the blue jacket."

There were 176 items taken in that list so if I missed something... it's possible.
Here are the rest of the sweatshirts.
Blue Sweatshirt with old label
Blue "Kenneth Cole" sweatshirt
Blue "Fruit of the Loom" sweatshirt
Blue "Starter" sweatshirt
Blue "Adidas" sweatshirt
Blue 1/4 zip sweatshirt
Black/blue "Walmart" sweatshirt 1/4 zip
Blue "George" sweatshirt 1/4 zip
I think people will say that Richard Allen had to be there after 1:30 pm because of the eyewitness who says she saw him on platform 1 of the Monon High Bridge. Then as the eyewitness was walking back to her vehicle parked at the Mears entrance, halfway back to her vehicle she passed who she thought was Abigail Williams and Liberty German as Abby and Libby were walking towards the Monon High Bridge.

The part that surprises me is that Richard Allen freely told the conservation officer he was there on the Monon High Bridge trail that day. According to the PCA he told the conservation officer he was watching a stock ticker on his phone.

Whether Richard Allen is guilty or innocent is anyone's guess, but he must have been very confident to think LE would not check out the story he told the conservation officer, especially after stating he was using his cell phone. Whether LE did check it out or not is another story, but Richard Allen would have no way of knowing that.
I personally don't believe RA knew about Libby's video at the time he came forward to the conservation officer and told him he was there in that clothing on that bridge.

Just think of that.. he thinks I will tell them I was there because so were many others. Nobody saw me take the girls, they just saw me walking the trail. I will just come out and tell them I was there and didn't see anything.

That would have worked very well if there was no video of him on the bridge taken by the victim. He claims to have not even seen the girls, yet he was there on the bridge in the clothing BG was wearing in Libby's video.
I would say that a man holding a gun on 2 young girls could very easily get them DTH. They would have been terrified and not likely to run IMO.
Absolutely. I'm sure neither of them thought he's going to take us DTH and then do what he actually did to them. What other option did they have? If this was just after coming off the bridge, then I guess go back across the bridge, but that doesn't seem like a good escape plan for 2 girls scared for their lives.. that bridge is high up and rushing across it would feel dangerous.. maybe they both thought just follow orders and we can escape. :( Horrific to think about how scared they must have been.
#RichardAllen just requested an early trial. Under Indiana Criminal Rule 4, the court must schedule the trial within the next 70 days. Rick's case will take priority over other cases, with very few exceptions. The court can reschedule the trial outside the 70-day period, but only under very limited circumstances.
#RichardAllen just requested an early trial. Under Indiana Criminal Rule 4, the court must schedule the trial within the next 70 days. Rick's case will take priority over other cases, with very few exceptions. The court can reschedule the trial outside the 70-day period, but only under very limited circumstances.
This makes me so happy, let's get this done boys and girls. :)
Absolutely agree.
I think RA is BG, killed the girls and acted alone. My opinion always was this is a lone wolf, a mix of a planned crime with a crime of opportunity in the sense someone (RA in my opinion) often walks on trails and had that fantasy in mind but neved acted because the opportunity neves came or came but he never had "guts" to act until now. In that day, the opportunity worked for him and he acted, unfortunately. I think the motive was something like a sexual motive( don't need to have SA to be a sexual motive)/fullfill a fantasize/thrilling killing.

He had enough time (more than an hour) at the crime scene for stage the crime scene
Do you think, pictures respective a video of the crime/crime scene was the main reason for the thrill-kill?
Call me jaded but I don't trust it.

I'll believe it when 12 jurors are seated.
Same I think this is another play by defense. They are facing contempt charges. Punishment could bump up against their clients 6th amendment rights with the motion for speedy trial filed.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Isn’t today they day they are doing depositions for the contempt case?
Wasn't it these same attorneys who said RA would be denied his right to a speedy trial, thst they were ready to go and replacement attorneys would stretch a trial out? So SCION re-instated them and now IMO this is a pretense to satisfy that representation/ruling. I'll be gobsmacked however if this goes to trial in 70 days.

My prediction: next there will be a flurry of motions demanding discovery from the State (which the Defense has already been given, haven't gotten to), multiple and creative delay techniques and then will come a motion to dismiss over timing, claiming stalling by the State.

Chess moves.

Here's the CCS entry.
I guess this will settle the question as to whether they are ready.

03/06/2024Motion for Early Trial Filed
Motion for Early Trial
Filed By: Allen, Richard M.
File Stamp: 03/06/2024

I continue to be amused by assertions/assumptions that the Defense Team, including Hennessey, are (in spite of their ~ 90 years of collective defense experience) a bunch of legal clowns.

I am more inclined to presumed the D's filings are calculated, strategic, careful and deliberate.

"Ready" is relative. This team has asserted they were ready for speedy trial prior to being removed from the case. Upon return from that long detour, they advised the Court that they received a discovery package from the Prosecution in disarray, that included brand new discovery and a disorganized set of previous discovery, and that the D believed discovery materials they'd previously logged were missing. Two weeks later, they've determined they are again ready for a speedy trial. A two/three week discovery review and reorganization period is a nothingburger.

I'm also inclined to think perhaps Gull did take a few notes from her trip to the SCOIN.

For sure, Gull continues to deliberately block the public from understanding case movement by keeping a blind, meaningless docket. Her Court, her judgement, her choice as some like to point out. Journalists like Barb McD phoning the "court executive" exercising A-1 press rights may be the only way the public will be able to follow what's going on with this Court between open court hearings.

That being said ... and practically speaking, it's possible that phone and/or chamber conference(s) with Gull/the Court and the parties have straightened out the parties' understandings - understandings that haven't been published to the docket - understandings that likely have resolved for the parties many of the questions we're still asking. For example ... Hennessey likely learned the same day of his filing exactly how he could bring his electronics ... and all parties (including Ausbrook) likely have known for some time what type of contempt McLeland means to charge.

It's also possible that (since SCOIN) Gull appreciates the benefits of giving more direct instruction as to the Court's expectations. (Which can happen via phone conference.) Allen Cty local attorneys may be familiar with her eyeroll and read between the lines traditions ... but those traditions have not served her well in Carroll County.

Finally - via this eta:
The timing of the speedy trial motion comes 12 days before the contempt hearing. Is this more deliberate Defense strategy at play? A speedy trial is at odds with any SECOND DETOUR from trial matters wasting time on contempt issues, to make a 2nd attempt to remove the Defense, to jail the defense.... The Court's obligation and time pressure brought by RA invoking his speedy trial rights makes the court's scheduling/calendar timing most precious. Speedy trial also pressures the Prosecution and resources there. There's much for this court to accomplish pre-trial. Ongoing contempt-related matters (depositions and fines and jail time and possible returns to SCOIN or other appellate) are in direct opposition to a speedy-trial calendar.

Again, IMO, the Defense is no clown car. And the Prosecution has no time for further detours.

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Wasn't it these same attorneys who said RA would be denied his right to a speedy trial, thst they were ready to go and replacement attorneys would stretch a trial out? So SCION re-instated them and now IMO this is a pretense to satisfy that representation/ruling. I'll be gobsmacked however if this goes to trial in 70 days.

My prediction: next there will be a flurry of motions demanding discovery from the State (which the Defense has already been given, haven't gotten to), multiple and creative delay techniques and then will come a motion to dismiss over timing, claiming stalling by the State.

Chess moves.

If prosecution was smart they’d schedule RA’s trial asap and get it on the books then ask to reschedule the contempt charges until after trial. Then watch what happens.
I don’t think for one minute that defense is ready for trial. IMO
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