Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #176

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I think RA = BG may have had the gun in his back waist band prior to getting on the MHB and in closer proximity to the girls. He would have to have it close enough to pull out and make commands to them quickly, so he could have simply transferred to his coat pocket when he began his stalking of them on the MHBridge.

He sure couldn't have afforded to have it appear obviously from the time he arrived and while he traveled to MHB. The SS is not that heavy of a gun for a grown man weighing 170-180 pounds. They are particularly used for their ability to be held easily in the hand.

Photo curtesy of
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How long is the length of the barrel from hammer to the end of the barrel? Would the gun in his pocket possibly be another similar gun and not a sig 226 but just looks like a sig 226? Would all of these guns accommodate the same cartridges? Could the bullet found and the ones at RA's just be a coincidence? Also, do es sig make a compact?
Oh, my. Don't tell me people are "seeing things" in this video again.
Isn't it obvious yet that this malignant defense team makes up everything they say?
They see this trial as one long gravy train they hope to ride as long as possible.

Excuse me. My post had nothing to with the Defense. The mocking is not appreciated.

I have a right to post about BG and what he's wearing if anyone doesn't want to know about it, there's an ignore button for that purpose.
My understanding of Cara Wieneke's actions:

The CCS was a mess and she attempted to get it straightened out with her Supreme Court filing.
IMO She was not trying to get properly sealed records unsealed.
IMO She was trying to get sealed public records made public again.

What she did IMO was a very good thing for everyone concerned. Transparency.

IMO Someone needs to step up and straighten this sad case out.
Filing documents should not be that difficult and the accuracy of the CCS is of concern.
More Irony:

The P needing to withdraw their 3rd attempt to have at the defendant's private medical records due to it's own unforced (ethical) sanctionable error comes at a rather inconvenient time - within 10 days of the P's prosecution hearing against the D, where the P seeks sanctions for the D's errors.


lighter side: Wondering who yanked this twisted case's plotline out of some tinseltown writer's room waste basket? And ... can we please be done with character development and move along to the penultimate episode? MOO
That pic was for illustration purposes. The PCA states it's heard that one of the victims asked 'is that a gun or he's got a gun' from Libby's video. The SS P226 weighs approx 2 lbs, so not sure where the 5 lb bag of sugar is coming from in comparison?

Add in a fully loaded one (15 rounds of 40 mm standard, anywhere from .9 - 1.2 ounces ea) and that's another pound, if it was even fully loaded. I believe it was being carried and used more for intimidation purposes because you certainly aren't going to shoot that gun in the middle of the day with people milling about and not draw attention.

My own weighs more than that fully loaded, so I don't see a problem with RA being able to stick that in his front pocket from the time he stepped on the MHB and easily make his way to the girls.

Half a 5 pound bag, not a whole 5 pound bag. Would be about right then.
Which document are you referring to? The fact that either/both girls said "gun" does not prove that there was a gun. Without the context it's impossible to say. For example, people have been known to threaten others by holding their hand in their jacket in such a way as to suggest a gun.
That is true, they could have blotted the gun out of the picture if they didn't want us to know. But they didn't do a good job of blotting out Abby when he went around her. She's there, you can see her tennis shoes behind his left shoe in one of the pictures. JMO
How long is the length of the barrel from hammer to the end of the barrel? Would the gun in his pocket possibly be another similar gun and not a sig 226 but just looks like a sig 226? Would all of these guns accommodate the same cartridges? Could the bullet found and the ones at RA's just be a coincidence? Also, do es sig make a compact?
7.7 inches long, 5.5 inches high. I think the real issue is the weight, the mass... 2.2 pounds is a lot more than you realize until you try to carry it in a jacket pocket. It's more than twice the weight of the Sig I carry in my pants pocket, and that thing is way too heavy to carry in a jacket pocket. It's a matter of support.

Even if he had a clown jacket with gigantic pockets, that jacket will SAG right where that pocket is. Never mind printing, if you're dragging your pocket 2 inches lower than the rest of your jacket it's not fooling anyone. And I really see no sign of that in the BG video. JMHO, of course. :)
Totally agreed on this. Snaps or clips. I don't think that's a zipper jacket, either. And it looks a little more supple. The white-- I don't think that's a print shirt. I think that's actually protruding. Pretty sure on the PCA they noted they took an Aquafina bottle from RA's home, maybe they were wondering if what we're seeing in the image was like a drinking bottle plastic white straw protruding out of the jacket. I hate to annoy with this, but I'm becoming really fascinated w/the idea that's a mic. It looks like one in terms of the shape. Obviously MOO, I'd swear that's a mic.
I wonder too, going off the idea it could be goggles, that if it was a pair of white anti-glare or anti-fog tactical goggles, that he was able to fix with a ribbon or short rope so he could hang it around his neck, like some people with glasses do? Perhaps he was using them to help him better navigate the terrain in the case of fog or the sun being positioned in the same direction he wanted to walk in and thus blinding/impairing his vision?

Or perhaps going off his 2017 statemwnt about wanting to use the MHB to look at fish he brought a pair they could be a pair of white binoculars to further go along with his disguise/lie and actually used them to scope activity or possible incoming witnesses around MHB before and abducting and murdering Libby and Abby and to scope ahead for any witnesses or activity as he planned or adjusted his escape route? This could include using the binoculars to see if he noticed anyone looking for the girls or seeming frantic near the MHB area?

Just a thought or possible theory/speculation. I attached some examples below.


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I thought the same. I guess it would depend on the plea. If RA had a coconspirator and identified that person, I could envision some type of plea deal for naming them. I've always thought RA had specific knowledge that Abby & Libby would be at the bridge at that time that day. RA arriving minutes before them, carrying a gun/knife and who knows what else in his fanny pack, walking with a purpose, head down, heading to the Monan High Bridge is just too coincidental for me.

I can't even begin to imagine what these families might want at this point other than justice for their daughters. It's been 7 long years. They may hope for a trial where they can get some answers or they may be so weary of the constant commotion and anxiety this case brought they'd be willing to consider one. IDK :(

I think he knew they would be there also. I would like to know how he knew they would be there. I hope police have somehow figured that out because if there is a bigger thing going on here, then it needs to be uncovered. Was it an app? Did he have a fake account on snapchat or some other app that kids have these days and was he pretending to be a young boy or was he just stalking one of them somehow.

I just think where he parked is bizarre.. he intneded to do something nefarious that day so weather they were the random target that presented itself or weather they were known to be going there and he went there to meet specifically them, he was there to commit a crime. The girls didn't carry a knife or gun, he did. Post people out walking a trail and looking at stocks on their phone are not coming with 2 weapons and so over dressed for the weather. Seems something else was planned for that day, but did the girls know he was coming or did they think he was someone else and when an older man showed up, they recorded him.

I wish we knew.. all these predators need to be exposed for who/what they are. If he was part of some sick ring of child predators I wish all of them could be taken down.. exactly how they did it, what apps, etc.
More Irony:

The P needing to withdraw their 3rd attempt to have at the defendant's private medical records due to it's own unforced (ethical) sanctionable error comes at a rather inconvenient time - within 10 days of the P's prosecution hearing against the D, where the P seeks sanctions for the D's errors.


lighter side: Wondering who yanked this twisted case's plotline out of some tinseltown writer's room waste basket? And ... can we please be done with character development and move along to the penultimate episode? MOO
“Inconvenient time?” I’d say the timing is absolutely perfect!! :)
Okay, so lots of possibilities here. Maybe white thing/cord that seems to extend to the chin is binoculars as someone has stated (hadn't thought of this). Maybe it's goggles. I still am freaking out over looking at it from a certain angle and being positive it's a mic. If it's a mic (haha, pretty big "if"), it needs a transmitter. The transmitter would be in that abyss beneath what's visible of the jacket.

If it is a tactical jacket, there are way, way better ways to position that weapon than where we see the outline on the jacket. If that is indeed a pistol, I mean it's positioned in such a way it might discharge and-- hurt the perp! Everyone else's life is cheap to such a perp, but they always view their own lives as priceless. And as someone noted on here, that is a pretty big gun, it would drag down the entire jacket. I agree outline looks just like the pistol, I nonetheless suspect it's not the pistol after all. Agreed with someone else who said well, ok, maybe he repositioned it there as he came closer to the victims. That I would think is also possible. I still wonder if that is going to turn out to be the gun after all, though.

If they actually used a radio system, it would now be untraceable. It's not like Verizon. They'd need a transmitter. They often resemble pistols. More than BG involved. That explains the much younger sketch out there circulating. It also explains how someone rolling around on that bridge looking like he's going to fall apart left such a pristine CS behind. And if he's wearing a tactical jacket, who knows what is packed in there, and those tactical jackets look exactly like what BG is wearing, one tactical jacket in particular, right down to the little cloth tie we see crossing from one jacket side to the other near the bulges in the jacket. I think he's wired and mic'd up. It's definitely a possibility, although ok, farfetched at this point. And they recovered a "GPS system" from RA's home. There are handheld GPS systems. Maybe he assumed others on the trail-- if they had seen him-- would think what was a handheld GPS was a phone, and this was supposed to be the "stock ticker." I know very little about these GPS systems, but I know they can be used not just to help the user navigate, but also for the user to track. Theories abound here. But I lean towards more than BG alone involved at this point, and the radio makes sense in line with that thinking. Still mulling over BG and RA being two of the most overdressed males on the trail that day, the fact that a catfisher is associated with one of the victims and said catfisher searched a gas station right in the area, as I recollect on that day. Said on Facebook he was meeting victim that day, and allegedly failed a polygraph. And more than anything, wondering still on the "keepsake bullet." ??? One bullet left at the CS between the victims. And another bullet in a "wooden" (??) keepsake box, which conjures up images of a small coffin. Two victims, and two unused bullets, one at the CS, one possibly in a "keepsake box." But nothing but speculation at this point and MOO>
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Hmmmm...why no deets like the defense's list?
FWIW, I thought:
The P's witness and exhibit list was provided to the D as an exhibit to the Contempt motion filing back aways. And this information confirms that's the list and there's no more at this time.

(Above is from memory as - I'm not easily able to check the record atm. Should be easy to check.)

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