Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #181

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Yep because if he behaved like he did In the interview he wouldn’t have lasted long in his job.
He is definitely a jekyll and hyde IMO
I think I would behave a bit differently while helping somone select a hemorrhoid cream than I would while being aggressively accused of a monstrous crime.
They know they aren't going to get a fair trial with this judge. She's probably going to disallow way more than she's going to allow in this trial. So, they have to prepare for an appeal based on what they suspect she will do (based on her own track record in this case). This is my opinion of their strategy. I could be way off.

I've said this before, but I'll say again...I do think RA was involved in some way, but I do not think he killed Abby and Libby. I think this needs to go to trial to get testimony out under oath so the rest of the evil doers involved get prosecuted. Why the State/LE have been so shady (or just negligent?)....I guess time will tell.

They know they are going to think it’s unfair if he loses.

They gonna cry unfair if RA walks? No.

Statements of associated attorney who has worked with the Judge says she’s fair:

Special Judge Fran Gull appointed Lebrato and attorney Robert Scremin to represent Richard Allen, who faces two counts of murder in connection with the February 2017 deaths of Abby Williams and Libby German near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi.
Last week, with Rozzi’s and Baldwin’s status as Allen’s attorneys restored, Lebrato and Scremin filed a motion to withdraw as his representation. As a result, the attorneys are no longer bound by the case’s longstanding gag order.

Lebrato thinks highly of Special Judge Fran Gull. He’s practiced law in front of Gull for more than two decades and believes she can be impartial, despite calls from the defense to have her removed from the proceedings.

“Judge Gull knows no other way than to be fair,” he said. “She does not play favorites. The Supreme Court didn’t pick her name out of a hat. They chose her for a specific reason. In their ruling, they unanimously voted that Judge Gull stays on this case.”

He said her “ethical and moral standards” were beyond reproach.

‘I’ve never seen so many twists and turns’: Former attorney for Delphi suspect Richard Allen discusses case

all imo
That's what I'm screaming! It's very much a narcissistic rant. I know, I deal with one on the regular, clinically diagnosed. Anyway... you tell your man he's cheating then he breaks his phone because he is so mad you would accuse him? That's RA :) Never get to see that phone and how dare you? In fact you're the cheater! Gaslighting.

Respectfully disagree. Why? Because, in the process of running down everything RA for 2-3 weeks, it follows that LE was contacting RA's friends and his workplace at this time. RA has reason to be concerned about his reputation. JMHO
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Respectfully disagree. Why? Because, in the process of running down everything RA for 2-3 weeks, it follows that LE was contacting RA's friends and his workplace at this time. RA has reason to be concerned about his reputation.
At CVS or the pool hall? I mean I get it we all value our reputation. Sounds like they found what they needed and had more than probable cause.
When a person is booked in at Hendricks Co. jail, there's a lot of info available. It's day and time specific.
I would imagine ISP does the same upon arrest/intake. I believe that was the information regarding RA's arrest reporter Ron Wilkins requested and was refused.

That info is (or was) publicly available and it should answer the question as to Holeman's intentions regarding RA's arrest. MOO and I am NAL. Since the search warrant was signed, dated and noted when it was served, I assume his arrest warrant would have that info also.

Here is the HC link in case anyone is interested in seeing what info is there.
2024 4/15 suppress 2nd statement .pdf

In my view, the most interesting thing about this document is where Rick says:

"You're gonna pay for what you've done to my wife. You want to with me, with me but you leave my wife out of this. . Leave me out of this." (p. 11).

In that statement, it seems that RA feels a need to appear big and strong and protective. He sounds awfully upset that LE have now involved his wife and tells them to mess with him, but not with her. What would ever make it ok for them to mess with him at all if he were completely innocent? Just wondering out loud here. Wouldn't an innocent man be screaming about being innocent? Wouldn't he be trying to explain why witnesses saw him on the bridge (he says they didn't see him in the exchange just above the quoted section). Its only my opinion, but something is off with RA's statement here.
2024 4/15 suppress 2nd statement .pdf

In my view, the most interesting thing about this document is where Rick says:

"You're gonna pay for what you've done to my wife. You want to with me, with me but you leave my wife out of this. . Leave me out of this." (p. 11).

In that statement, it seems that RA feels a need to appear big and strong and protective. He sounds awfully upset that LE have now involved his wife and tells them to mess with him, but not with her. What would ever make it ok for them to mess with him at all if he were completely innocent? Just wondering out loud here. Wouldn't an innocent man be screaming about being innocent? Wouldn't he be trying to explain why witnesses saw him on the bridge (he says they didn't see him in the exchange just above the quoted section). Its only my opinion, but something is off with RA's statement here.

We're missing the context of the entire interview, remember.
I'm having trouble digesting the timeline. From the moment Libby started filming BG to the moment DG showed up looking for the girls seems like a fairly small window for the killer to lead the the girls down the hill and across the creek, undress them, do whatever he had in mind when undressing them (ugh), murder them, drip blood spots all over Libby, redress Abby in Libby's clothes, make the symbol on the tree, arrange sticks over the bodies, clean himself up enough to walk out, and make his way out of the area without being seen by the very people already out looking for the girls. It almost seems impossible, yet here we are.
Respectfully disagree. Why? Because, in the process of running down everything RA for 2-3 weeks, it follows that LE was contacting RA's friends and his workplace at this time. RA has reason to be concerned about his reputation. JMHO
Respectfully disagree, innocent people with nothing to hide don't erupt like Mt Vesuvius. It's the guilty when they know they are caught...

IMO of course as always
It's from the Franks Memorandum.

View attachment 497586
Thank you for posting that, but honestly anything from the FM I'm gonna have to pass on or take with a large bag of salt. Anyone can interpret, or try and make something appear to fit something else, if they want to hard enough. I do not believe what was posted on BH had anything to do with the murders of Abby & Libby.

I respect anyone who feels otherwise though.

I'm hoping that someone for whom this wasn't news will be along shortly to make sense of it. This place is great for that. :)
I've got the majority of this horrible information memorized after all this time. I will be glad when justice comes to Abby & Libby and this case is over. It's been very emotional for me.

The pic from BH facebook page from 2/17/2018. A painting he did of someone hanging from the tree by their foot. Also a photo of his hand with "the exact rune Abby had on her at the crime scene".

It's not in the media but mentioned in franks memo beginning at pg 59:


"On April 7, 2017, Holder posted a photo of a hand marked with the exact rune found on Abby’s body.
Attached and marked as Exhibit 41 is a Facebook post that displays Brad Holder’s hand.
The photo displays Brad Holder showing off a rune that was inked onto his hand (not a tattoo, but
likely from an ink pen). This rune that Brad Holder is proudly showing off is the same rune that
the killers laid on Abby’s body using sticks. This image was posted by Brad Holder approximately
52 days after the murders. The public had no idea what the crime scene looked like, and that Abby
had sticks placed on her body like a Hagal rune. Yet, Brad Holder coincidentally was showing off
the same rune that was found on Abby? That should be important information for curious, honest
and well-intentioned law enfo
rcement officers."

pg 62:

Brad’s Facebook page where he (Purdy) found a very eerie photograph.74 This
photograph is marked as Exhibit 43. It shows two girls lying on what appears to be the ground of
a forest. The girls either are dead or are posed as if they were dead. The girls have tree limbs
arranged over their bodies. The girl in the forefront of the photograph has her left arm and hand
positioned very similarly to that of Libby’s left arm and hand (outstretched above her head). The
Defense has prepared a side-by-side photograph of the mimicked photograph compared with the
crime scene photograph of Libby which is marked as Exhibit 44 and filed as confidential.

Goes on and on for pages. This was just the D throwing it in again for good measure since all their Franks get denied. MOO
"We also believe this person is from Delphi — currently or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis or works here," Carter said.
Carter kept speaking directly to the killer, whether he was there in a standing-room-only crowd that lined up to get in to witness the announcement or not: "We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you. We know that this is about power to you, and you want to know what we know. And one day you will. A question to you: What will those closest to you think of when they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls?"

Delphi murders: Is Abby and Libby’s killer one of Delphi’s own? ISP says, yes

So someone local is worried what others think of him.

RA has a reputation to protect!

And he thinks a pat down is molestation demonstrating he is capable of coming up with unlikely grievances and accusations to contribute to his defense.

And doesn’t say I’m innocent.

I don’t see anywhere anything like proclaiming innocence.

No: “I was there at the same time but I didn’t do this; you’ve got to believe me!”

Doesn’t say “I could never, I have my own precious girl.”

Page 2 {...]
Rick said the following: “It’s over. I was perfectly fine. I was cooperating.

I was going to give you my phone and then, you know, when you

started reading all these documents – that’s at the – here’s my thing

is. I feel like you guys think I done this. So, I’m done. You do what

you need to do. It’s your job. I understand that, but you better

leave my reputation out if it.
So you do what you need to do, and then,

like I said, when you do find this guy, I’ll expect the apology.” Rick

then described how police were trying to ruin his reputation by

accusing him of the murders in public, even groping him as they

patted him down in the street.
Rick was expressing that the mere act

of mentioning his name as a possible killer or patting him down on a

public street as if he were a criminal would ruin his reputation and

was greatly upsetting.

2024 4/15 suppress 2nd statement .pdf

Here’s the RA from the videos and pictures we’ve seen.

No stunted, feeble CVS employee too weak willed to even cross a stream this is RA showing his grumpy self-centered nature.

I hope he insists on taking the stand.

all imo

Since his arrest, we have only seen the specially packaged version of RA presented to us by the defense. The one who can only wear oversized prison jumpsuits to court.
Despite the evidence, even I wondered how this tiny, cowering, mousy, guy could do such awful things. After reading the few short excerpts from those interviews, however, I have no doubt he could do those awful things.
I'm having trouble digesting the timeline. From the moment Libby started filming BG to the moment DG showed up looking for the girls seems like a fairly small window for the killer to lead the the girls down the hill and across the creek, undress them, do whatever he had in mind when undressing them (ugh), murder them, drip blood spots all over Libby, redress Abby in Libby's clothes, make the symbol on the tree, arrange sticks over the bodies, clean himself up enough to walk out, and make his way out of the area without being seen by the very people already out looking for the girls. It almost seems impossible, yet here we are.
By my estimation, the killer had at least an hour and 15 minutes (2:13 - 3:30ish). I have nothing to support my own speculation, of course, but I do think that's more than enough time for one person to have committed the crime. Specifically, I think he made A redress herself before he killed her. Just because the clothing was "clean" doesn't mean she couldn't have been killed and died in a position that the blood didn't get on the clothing, IMO. That possibility alone would have saved a lot of time and trouble.

In reality, how long would it really take, in whatever order and within a relatively small area, to walk them out of view, make them disrobe, cross the creek, make one redress, kill them (no struggle or fight, per RL affidavit), drag them near each other, walk 50 feet to the creek and toss some clothing, and cover them with a dozen or so sticks? IMO, it still leaves time for some weirdness on the killer's part, doing whatever else he did. JMO.

In fact, I feel like it would have been a quieter and quicker event with one killer than had a group of 3 or more men been working together, likely talking to each other and there being far more movement in the woods, yet seemingly, nobody heard anything.

Now, this isn't to say that I just dismiss the FM with a wave of my hand, but I do look at it as being biased toward the D's narrative, just exactly as I look at the State's PCA. They are two different theories to how it went down and I have a LOT of questions on both sides. I want to know more details about not only RA's "confessions," but also EF's, and so on.

Just my random thoughts...
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