Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #185

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Great question. It’s entirely possible he acted alone and I get why many firmly believe so. My theory is that others were involved digitally, if not physically. If physically involved at the crime scene, others may have entered via the cemetery or another path that didn’t cross with any witnesses. I have toyed with the idea that the girls left the area and got in a car or walked elsewhere and met someone or a group of someones, then returned to the creek bed, but LE is adamant that they were deceased by 3:30. So, that theory doesn’t work.


My working theory is one of the girls tipped him off they were going to be there.

He is seen walking at pace towards the bridge and he doesn’t get there much before the girls.

I also think this would explain why Libby was quickly alarmed when he started to cross the bridge.

We know unfortunately Abby had been communicating with grown men thinking they teenage boys.

I am likely wrong but I just get the feeling he knew they were going there.

One of my sticking points with RA having a accomplice is there is no sightings of a second let alone a group of men out on that trial at 1.30pm.

If RA didn’t act alone then why is he seen alone by every single witness that we have heard from?!.
Maybe if there was an accomplice he was already at the killing site. He could have arrived by a different route not the MHB.

I don't think there was a second person at the scene, but I believe RA had help catfishing the girls or help in covering up the crime afterwards.

Great question. It’s entirely possible he acted alone and I get why many firmly believe so. My theory is that others were involved digitally, if not physically. If physically involved at the crime scene, others may have entered via the cemetery or another path that didn’t cross with any witnesses. I have toyed with the idea that the girls left the area and got in a car or walked elsewhere and met someone or a group of someones, then returned to the creek bed, but LE is adamant that they were deceased by 3:30. So, that theory doesn’t work.

Sorry STG, I reply in order and didn't see your response. We're basically on the same page. :)
My working theory is one of the girls tipped him off they were going to be there.

He is seen walking at pace towards the bridge and he doesn’t get there much before the girls.

I also think this would explain why Libby was quickly alarmed when he started to cross the bridge.

We know unfortunately Abby had been communicating with grown men thinking they teenage boys.

I am likely wrong but I just get the feeling he knew they were going there.

I do too, I think the girls thought they were going to meet AS or someone linked to that account. That's why I believe Libby was so freaked out when she saw this short, old stumpy man coming their way instead of the beefcake that A_Shots presented himself to be.

I've never seen a photo of any of the female witnesses (group of 4, 2 being sisters) in MSM. Is this a FB or SM thing?

BB and SC were shown photos and picked RA as the person they saw.

SC is shown a picture of the man on the bridge and she that is the same man she observed walking on 300 North.

Further, BB, was shown a picture of the individual on the Manon High Bridge and she says that is the same individual that she witnessed on the trails and on the bridge.

Through the statement of Mr. Allen, he admits that on February 13'", 2017, he parked his vehicle at the "old Farm Bureau building" from 1330-1530hrs and was on the trails at that time. There is no "old Farm Bureau building" anywhere close to the trails or bridges. In Detective Liggett believes he is referring to the old Child Protective Services building.

2017, Richard Allen owned a 2016 black Ford Focus and a 2006 grey Ford 500. Upon review of video collected from the Hoosier Harvestore on February 13", 2017, investigators were able to locate a vehicle that appears to match Allen's 2016 Ford Focus on the video at 13:27 actual time. That coincides with Allen saying he was at the trails at 13:30.

They caught RA in lies during his Oct 22 first interrogation.

I thought at first you meant SC and BB picked Richard Allen out of a lineup or something, and I was wondering how in the world I had missed that! Thanks for providing the link so I can see what you meant.
I do too, I think the girls thought they were going to meet AS or someone linked to that account. That's why I believe Libby was so freaked out when she saw this short, old stumpy man coming their way instead of the beefcake that A_Shots presented himself to be.


Yep this is one of my theory’s that they arrive at the bridge and you have RA waiting. Unfortunately there could of been a second phone which is why one got missed that day.

Maybe a weird exchange of some kind and the girls being teenagers just think he is a creep not realizing the danger he poses to them.

Very astute post Megs. Libby's phone = final witness = conviction of RA aka Bridge Guy.

If I were on the jury and only the phone video and some "witnesses" was all the state had, I would think he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

However, if that combined with confessions that seem real(are they good enough?) and an unspent cartridge that may have come from Richard Allen's gun are believable, I would think he is guilty.

The phone video is simply too grainy to make a positive identification. How do we know someone else was not there that day who was not seen or remembered?
If I were on the jury and only the phone video and some "witnesses" was all the state had, I would think he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

However, if that combined with confessions that seem real(are they good enough?) and an unspent cartridge that may have come from Richard Allen's gun are believable, I would think he is guilty.

The phone video is simply too grainy to make a positive identification. How do we know someone else was not there that day who was not seen or remembered?

Well you would have to slot them into the time frame and RA is placed at the bridge moments before the girls are set to arrive.

So how did a man magic there way to the bridge without being seen and you have to have them dressed Identically to RA and BG?
If I were on the jury and only the phone video and some "witnesses" was all the state had, I would think he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

However, if that combined with confessions that seem real(are they good enough?) and an unspent cartridge that may have come from Richard Allen's gun are believable, I would think he is guilty.

The phone video is simply too grainy to make a positive identification. How do we know someone else was not there that day who was not seen or remembered?
I’m not a big fan of the cartridge, and the witnesses will get beat up by the defense.

But due to the gag order, we don’t know what else they have.

LE may be sitting on a wealth of other evidence that we have not yet seen, and if they do, I believe it will be enough for a jury to convict Richard Allen.

Young people tend not to judge spacial the same as adults, IMO. We know not much of what BB has described either. I see a lot of RA features (before he gain all that post-murders weight) in her drawing though, from I think we figured the 1st platform was something like 50-60 feet away, IIRC. In Libby's video I can certainly see RA. I can also hear him in the audio,"Guys, down the hill". I can't wait to hear his confessions to hopefully verify my hearing. AJMO

One of the girls that were leaving as BG arrived stated that she recognized BG from Libby's photo that was released. That IMO is a huge piece of the puzzle. So the way I understand it, this witness saw the photo and stated I saw him. Something such as (we passed him as we were leaving). This witness recognized the photo. She provides the arrival time of BG. Now at trial the state must prove Richard Allen is BG. Which I believe the state will provide with evidence.

However, must include my opinion that I do not think this will go to trial.

Justice is coming Libby and Abby.
But Carter stopped short of saying RA is "BG." He also said, "We haven't cleared anybody."

And as Bursten said in that very first big presser, this is all very complicated and involved.

IMO, There's definitely stuff "we" do not know, and I firmly believe it's not as simple as just RA was out there, killed the girls on his own, and left. All the word salad by LE supports that, too, in my opinion.

I think it is that simple.
MOO The level of the brass fest after the murders created complications.
I do too, I think the girls thought they were going to meet AS or someone linked to that account. That's why I believe Libby was so freaked out when she saw this short, old stumpy man coming their way instead of the beefcake that A_Shots presented himself to be.

I believe that is what happened also.
So why has the defense been so quiet lately?
Have they exhausted all their creative writing ideas?
Is Hennessy treating them to a spectacular Caribbean vacation paid with the crowdfunding money he collected to pay for experts that wasn’t necessary because the experts did get paid once the defense figured out how to fill out paperwork correctly?
But really, all poking fun aside, they’ve never been this quiet this long.
Is something going on behind the scene?
I hope so, but I’ve been so wrong before.

Speaking of the crowdfunding money I tried to do some research. There is an ill feeling I have that the defense is going to fabricate a way to creatively account for these funds. As an example, maybe search the internet for people to call and attempt to recruit "expert" witness. Leave long messages on voicemail and "bill" that to crowd fund money. As an example, IMO

Recordkeeping for Money Raised Through Crowdfunding​

Crowdfunding organizers and any person receiving amounts from crowdfunding should keep complete and accurate records of all facts and circumstances surrounding the fundraising and disposition of funds for at least three years.

Speaking of the crowdfunding money I tried to do some research. There is an ill feeling I have that the defense is going to fabricate a way to creatively account for these funds. As an example, maybe search the internet for people to call and attempt to recruit "expert" witness. Leave long messages on voicemail and "bill" that to crowd fund money. As an example, IMO

Recordkeeping for Money Raised Through Crowdfunding​

Crowdfunding organizers and any person receiving amounts from crowdfunding should keep complete and accurate records of all facts and circumstances surrounding the fundraising and disposition of funds for at least three years.

The Murder Sheet had an episode a while back with an expert on crowdfunding who stated that any money raised would be RA’s. So I’m trying to figure out why Hennessy still has it. Seems he should have to turn it over to KA as her husband’s power of attorney. Either way there are some questions he needs to answer.
I’ll post a link to the MS episode when I find it.

Someone else who came from the south end of the bridge?

We will never know 100.00000% sure nobody else was there on the south side.. because someone COULD have come in to the south side of the bridge from the semi-private gravel road driveway under the south side of the bridge.

All they can probably prove is that nobody came on the trail at or around the time of the murders.
We will never know 100.00000% sure nobody else was there on the south side.. because someone COULD have come in to the south side of the bridge from the semi-private gravel road driveway under the south side of the bridge.

All they can probably prove is that nobody came on the trail at or around the time of the murders.

I'm hoping for some kind of satellite evidence that shows who was and was not on that bridge at that time.
If I were on the jury and only the phone video and some "witnesses" was all the state had, I would think he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

However, if that combined with confessions that seem real(are they good enough?) and an unspent cartridge that may have come from Richard Allen's gun are believable, I would think he is guilty.

The phone video is simply too grainy to make a positive identification. How do we know someone else was not there that day who was not seen or remembered?
Someone just brought up to me that in that 118 page document dump is mention of DNA and fiber/hair testing.
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