Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #185

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Did you read the hoops the D jumped through to get the funding?
Note that JG only addresses that one issue. There are more than just that one.

I don't know where the problem is here but I do believe this judge marches to her own beat. Maybe her ideas of documentation are different from what the D's are used to.

JG does use the word "unsupported" often in her refusals for funding. What does that even mean? Are they not submitting the proper paperwork or does she find the additional services unnecessary?

Here's one of the denials from the document I linked below:

It’s taxpayer’s money, so think it’s reasonable to have to go through process and support their requests with sound documentation and validation of the services they want to use. Same as with McLeland trying to get funds for legal secretary County Council not pleased with Prosecutor’s secretary position change - Carroll County Comet
I absolutely want RA to have access to funds to allow him a rigorous defence, and think we all want a fair trial. But the D don’t seem to hold themselves accountable for their lack of good process and instead are very quick to hold themselves up as victims in my opinion.
It does look like we’re quoting from different studies. Didn’t catch that. The link @August West posted for FBI/Ames contained a study design but no results. The study I’ve been citing characterizes its findings thus:

“The results of this study are consistent with prior studies, despite its comprehensive design and challenging specimens.”
Ahh, there you go, we were speaking about two different things. Sorry WH for confusing everything. I missed the study you were adressing
Ok I'm at a loss. I've wracked my brain after reading Attorney CW most tantalizingly imply that Libby's photo of Abby may have been doctored somehow. Now others here saying BG may not have ever been on the bridge at all, even though Libby's video shows him there.

Please someone talk about the gorilla in the room and tell how this could ever be the case?
Is it meant to be the killer somehow did this with Libby's media while at the scene? Someone else much later did this? Nothing I can think of makes any sense. TIA if anyone's willing to lay out the scenario being implied.
Ok I'm at a loss. I've wracked my brain after reading Attorney CW most tantalizingly imply that Libby's photo of Abby may have been doctored somehow. Now others here saying BG may not have ever been on the bridge at all, even though Libby's video shows him there.

Please someone talk about the gorilla in the room and tell how this could ever be the case?
Is it meant to be the killer somehow did this with Libby's media while at the scene? Someone else much later did this? Nothing I can think of makes any sense. TIA if anyone's willing to lay out the scenario being implied.

Just cross it off as crazy tinfoil hat stuff.
Gorilla talk would be OT. :)
I'm a legal firearms owner. Licensed. Everything here is just my experience and from my firearms safety courses, the range and cleaning.

You can manually cycle a semi-automatic like the Sig Sauer P226.

The best way to picture a manual cycle is in movies when the bad guy pulls back on the top of the gun , which IMO is typically shown as a sign that the situation is escalating. He's essentially moving a round (bullet) from the magazine and into the chamber of the gun where it will be ready to fire.

The next time he pulls the trigger, the gun will fire and automatically cycle to the next bullet.

If he was to 'pull back' aka manual cycle again, any round that was in the chamber would be expelled out of the gun, unfired. IMO, there are a number of mechanical and metal parts that could cause markings during a manual extract from my observations and knowing what it looks like on the inside from cleaning it.

IMO RA forgot that he had a round already chambered a round into the gun. From personal experience, this is extremely common and the 100th reason why you should always leave your gun locked, trigger locked, unloaded before storing it etc etc.

IMO RA pulls back on the slide of the gun to chamber a they do in Hollywood show them that he was serious. And when he did that the round that was already sitting in the chamber expelled out onto the ground. I doubt that he wouldn't have noticed. He probably just couldn't' find it after all was said and done.

As far as the firing of the gun once. I have no clue why they would need to. Maybe it was important to demonstrate that it was functioning? I don't know. MOO.

Again, all MOO. Everything above is my experience as an owner of this specific semi-automatic pistol. An pretty common firearm.

My thought is, if he forgot there was a bullet already in the chamber, he may have loaded that weapon weeks or months prior to this day, never anticipating this day, and that raises the possibility for me that he might have done so bare handed at the time -- and that means there could have been fingerprints and our DNA left behind, just no one to match it to. Until.

But even without that, extractor markings is compelling -- thank you for your explanation from experience. Very helpful.

Ahh, there you go, we were speaking about two different things. Sorry WH for confusing everything. I missed the study you were adressing
Threw me, too. Apparently there were at least two attempts at a giant, “let’s settle this thing forever” study in 2023. One more than I was allowing for.
I'm a legal firearms owner. Licensed. Everything here is just my experience and from my firearms safety courses, the range and cleaning.

You can manually cycle a semi-automatic like the Sig Sauer P226.

The best way to picture a manual cycle is in movies when the bad guy pulls back on the top of the gun , which IMO is typically shown as a sign that the situation is escalating. He's essentially moving a round (bullet) from the magazine and into the chamber of the gun where it will be ready to fire.

The next time he pulls the trigger, the gun will fire and automatically cycle to the next bullet.

If he was to 'pull back' aka manual cycle again, any round that was in the chamber would be expelled out of the gun, unfired. IMO, there are a number of mechanical and metal parts that could cause markings during a manual extract from my observations and knowing what it looks like on the inside from cleaning it.

IMO RA forgot that he had a round already chambered a round into the gun. From personal experience, this is extremely common and the 100th reason why you should always leave your gun locked, trigger locked, unloaded before storing it etc etc.

IMO RA pulls back on the slide of the gun to chamber a they do in Hollywood show them that he was serious. And when he did that the round that was already sitting in the chamber expelled out onto the ground. I doubt that he wouldn't have noticed. He probably just couldn't' find it after all was said and done.

As far as the firing of the gun once. I have no clue why they would need to. Maybe it was important to demonstrate that it was functioning? I don't know. MOO.

Again, all MOO. Everything above is my experience as an owner of this specific semi-automatic pistol. An pretty common firearm.

Thank you for this explanation to us who know nothing about guns! So, are you saying there was still a round in the chamber from previous shooting, like at a range or something? And that's the one that probably fell out when he pulled back on the gun?
I view it a different way. Gone are the days where media, in this particular case social media, is kept at enough distance where they don't become an actual part an of the case. It does not serve justice at all to have one side engaged in a kind of SM gerrymandering to sway potential juror's votes, especially when there's a gag order and a sealing of files in place to try and ensure a fair trial. AJMO
That's definitely another way to look at it, and I don't disagree with you.

Both are true, IMO.

Thank you for this explanation to us who know nothing about guns! So, are you saying there was still a round in the chamber from previous shooting, like at a range or something? And that's the one that probably fell out when he pulled back on the gun?
The audio from the bridge when Abby asks is that a gun and BG says, "Guys, down the hill" right after a gun is heard being cocked (I think for scare factor to get the girls oiving), so with a Sig that would load the empty chamber. A second cocking at the crime scene (probably done ti scare them into some kind of action would eject that one in the chamber and replace it with another.
The audio from the bridge when Abby asks is that a gun and BG says, "Guys, down the hill" right after a gun is heard being cocked (I think for scare factor to get the girls oiving), so with a Sig that would load the empty chamber. A second cocking at the crime scene (probably done ti scare them into some kind of action would eject that one in the chamber and replace it with another.

So you can *advertiser censored* a gun twice without firing it in between? Or cocked (bullet goes in chamber), uncocked (bullet stays in chamber), then cocked again (new bullet goes in chamber and pushes the previous one out)?
So you can *advertiser censored* a gun twice without firing it in between? Or cocked (bullet goes in chamber), uncocked (bullet stays in chamber), then cocked again (new bullet goes in chamber and pushes the previous one out)?
Yes you can keep "cocking" a handgun with a clip until it's empty, without ever firing it
Yes you can keep "cocking" a handgun with a clip until it's empty, without ever firing it
Ah ok, thank you. I didn't know that. So, the only way for a bullet to "fall out" of a gun (for lack of a better word) would be for a bullet to already be in the chamber when the gun is cocked?
Ok I'm at a loss. I've wracked my brain after reading Attorney CW most tantalizingly imply that Libby's photo of Abby may have been doctored somehow. Now others here saying BG may not have ever been on the bridge at all, even though Libby's video shows him there.

Please someone talk about the gorilla in the room and tell how this could ever be the case?
Is it meant to be the killer somehow did this with Libby's media while at the scene? Someone else much later did this? Nothing I can think of makes any sense. TIA if anyone's willing to lay out the scenario being implied.

Not it!
Ohh so you were not serious? Geez I missed the joke I guess...sorry I thought otherwise. With this case one never knows lol ;)
I didn't know you were talking directly to me. Here are my opinions.

About BG on the bridge: something about the image doesn't look properly grounded to me.
That strange turn to the left: I've watched every video I could find of people walking the bridge and never found one where the walker took a sharp turn at that spot to avoid a bad place in the wood.
His clothing seems to have too much movement in the 3 second clip... that white thing changes shape, that brown pouch/whatever changes in appearance, his hood/hat/hair?
LE's comment about the reenactments being wrong.
This one has a number of side-by-side pics of him

I don't know about the pic of A being edited. Do you have a link to your comment about Attorney CW's comments?

In the beginning, there was that pic of BG showing the dark area that many thought it was part of A's sleeve. Then it was gone, apparently edited out of the pic. I have no idea who did that... LE?
Video with image of BG with dark area.
1:23 mm
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How on earth can the photo on the bridge be faked and if we go down this absolute ridiculous path then the audio that was recorded is then also fake?!

Because the audio comes after he reaches them at the end of the bridge. So now the entire scene is somehow faked? :D
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