Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

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It is more important to me that RA - the accused living in solitary confinement get a trial <modsnip>It's time to get RA to trial and for the State to either get a conviction or not.
I’d like to add one word to your post, fair. I’d like to see RA get a FAIR trial and as much as I can see at the moment, it won’t be if JG does not vacate her bench. The fact that she has left RA in a prison tells me she is not a fair judge, not to mention everything else she has done and not done. Her questionable behaviour has done plenty to prolong this agony for the families of the girls as well as RA and his family. JMHO
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I’d like to add one word to your post, fair. I’d like to see RA get a FAIR trial and as much as I can see at the moment, it won’t be if JG does not vacate her bench. The fact that she has left RA in a prison tells me she is not a fair judge, not to mention everything else she has done and not done. Her questionable behaviour has done plenty to prolong this agony for the families of the girls as well as RA and his family. JMHO
I love your proposed change!
So it's interesting what this filing is, as Judge Gull already ruled, and then this is a response to a ruling? And apparently a notice for the record?

3. The defense files this response and notice for purposes of maintaining a
record and does not wish for this pleading to delay future hearings from
taking place, particularly hearings related to the defense’s request to
transfer Richard Allen out of the Department of Corrections, which is the
most urgent of the pending matters that need litigated. Also, the defense’s
response is intended to provide correct information to Judge Gull as she
continues to self-evaluate her obligation to recuse herself from the case
should she believe that bias or the appearance of bias exists.1

I hope the defence is true to their word and intend to contest hearings and move forward to trial. Suddenly we are well into summer!

I guess Judge Gull will now reschedule the evidential hearings and we'll see if they are serious, or whether they intend to continue the recusal route. IMO if they had the goods on recusal they'd go to SCOIN now, but of course that would freeze everything again and maybe we wouldn't even get a trial this year. So maybe they want to have the hearing to transfer first, before going to SCOIN?


Defense Response to Judge Gull’s Order & Notice of Conflict
The only Positive is RA is still locked Away and unable to harm anybody but himself.

The defence will continue to play these ridiculous games as they are incompetent and unprofessional which just makes RA suffer even more so that’s a win and they know they can’t win a trial. So it’s just delaying justice!!

Judge Gull isn’t going anyway as it’s clearly a miscommunication via phone and I am positive nothing will come of this.

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I sure doubt Gull is going to recuse due to this Baston stuff.

it seems smart lawyering to expose the daylight in the accounts of Gull and LE on Baston but I am not sure where it takes you. I get the feeling Baldwin & Rozzi either have to go to SCOIN / appeal the recusal decision to get Judge Gull off, or suck it up and go to trial.

It's pure speculation on my part, but I think they would go to SCOIN now if they thought they had the goods.

Going to SCOIN could take several months like last time and then the trial dates are at risk?

all MOO
Yep. I think she thinks that the defense team is just going to get tired of fighting her bias and just give up. It's not gonna happen. She needs to follow the law and make sure others (McLeland, Leazenby) do too! She needs to recuse herself. And Leazenby needs to explain his lies (or hers, if that's the case, but my money's on him).

What bias?
I sure doubt Gull is going to recuse due to this Baston stuff.

it seems smart lawyering to expose the daylight in the accounts of Gull and LE on Baston but I am not sure where it takes you. I get the feeling Baldwin & Rozzi either have to go to SCOIN / appeal the recusal decision to get Judge Gull off, or suck it up and go to trial.

It's pure speculation on my part, but I think they would go to SCOIN now if they thought they had the goods.

Going to SCOIN could take several months like last time and then the trial dates are at risk?

all MOO
Which is most likely the force driving this, keeping the trial at bay for as long as they can. They have a client that has continually said he''s guilty of murdering the girls. You've got a judge who seems to not be on board with their SODDI defense being admitted. You can continue to spout poor Ricky still in prison while his lawyers are doing everything and the kitchen sink to get rid of the judge and stop the scheduled hearings and trial. This D NEEDS to get rid of JG. I just hope if it happens, ALL the other judges, who are in a position to be chosen as a replacement, are taking notice. AJMO
Which is most likely the force driving this, keeping the trial at bay for as long as they can. They have a client that has continually said he''s guilty of murdering the girls. You've got a judge who seems to not be on board with their SODDI defense being admitted. You can continue to spout poor Ricky still in prison while his lawyers are doing everything and the kitchen sink to get rid of the judge and stop the scheduled hearings and trial. This D NEEDS to get rid of JG. I just hope if it happens, ALL the other judges, who are in a position to be chosen as a replacement, are taking notice. AJMO


I think this might be over broad?

IMO the Judge could well allow testimony from Click, the KAK theory etc. I am not sure any Judge would allow Messer, BH, PW etc when there appears to be literally no evidence of them committing a crime?

I've personally seen no evidence the Judge would not approach it fairly - see for example the motion to dismiss hearing where she gave considerable leeway.

I do suspect she was warning the defence that some of the more wild allegations in the Franks wouldn't fly at trial, but it's not as if the defence and prosecution are not well aware of the rules here. So crawling over Odinist facebook posts and prison guard theories - maybe not as part of SODDI.

MOO/Wild speculation etc
It is more important to me that RA - the accused living in solitary confinement get a trial <modsnip> It’s time to get RA to trial and for the State to either get a conviction or not.
<modsnip - quoted post was snipped>

It certainly is <snipped> "time to get RA to trial and for the State to either get a conviction or not." <snippped> Maybe the people who should start understanding that are RA's lawyers?

But Ricky's lawyers are bent on keeping him locked up. If he's in such emotional dire straits where he's at, why have they not asked for an evaluation to be done so doctor's can help him? Well because that would mean Ricky would confess to more professionals who could then testify. Nope can't have that. Forget Ricky's well-being, let's keep going after the judge, delaying hearings and the trial. That's their strategy, even though the SCOIN has ruled JG has no bias towards them. That part of the judgement seems to be a non-existent fact to many.

What's next...the judge is a witness to an inmate saying, **** NO, I WON'T GO TESTIFY not being transferred to court, because she talked to the sheriff, who then spoke to a deputy, who then spoke to a warden. It really just boogles the mind just how bad these attorneys are. Ricky has no idea.

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I think this might be over broad?

IMO the Judge could well allow testimony from Click, the KAK theory etc. I am not sure any Judge would allow Messer, BH, PW etc when there appears to be literally no evidence of them committing a crime?

I've personally seen no evidence the Judge would not approach it fairly - see for example the motion to dismiss hearing where she gave considerable leeway.

I do suspect she was warning the defence that some of the more wild allegations in the Franks wouldn't fly at trial, but it's not as if the defence and prosecution are not well aware of the rules here. So crawling over Odinist facebook posts and prison guard theories - maybe not as part of SODDI.

MOO/Wild speculation etc
I doubt the Odin stuff, having been sufficiently investigated, will be allowed, including Click. KAK I believe may be involved. He may even testify. JMO It's really odd to me that KAK has never been mentioned by the D.
I doubt the Odin stuff, having been sufficiently investigated, will be allowed, including Click. KAK I believe may be involved. He may even testify. JMO It's really odd to me that KAK has never been mentioned by the D.

This I agree with as it’s one avenue I can’t rule out. RA clearly did the killing ( imo) but he could of been online in some weird group downloading stuff he shouldn’t.

So KAK would make more sense as a patsy than Odins which is quite frankly laughable.

So I'm now wondering if Judge Gull would feel it's prudent to schedule that safekeeping hearing and grant a change of (more favorable) custody for RA before this thing is elevated to SCOIN - given the LE/TL mess now divulged that begs rectifying ... A YEAR LATER. oops.

If she doesn't hear it, will SCOIN?
I think the SCOIN is kicking themselves for reappointing Rozzi and Baldwin. They have done NOTHING to advance this case further for their CLIENT RA since they were reinstated, except spend time dreaming up ways that Judge Gull is being a big ole' meanie to them for no reason at all.

Their pettiness and unfounded accusations are truly representative of themselves.

I think the SCOIN is kicking themselves for reappointing Rozzi and Baldwin. They have done NOTHING to advance this case further for their CLIENT RA since they were reinstated, except spend time dreaming up ways that Judge Gull is being a big ole' meanie to them for no reason at all.

Their pettiness and unfounded accusations are truly representative of themselves.


I couldn’t agree more :)

I don’t think they care about anybody but themselves here.

It’s all an ego trip, which is why they are trying so desperately to get Judge Gull off the case. They need cameras in the courtroom to further their agenda of trying to make a name for themselves out of this case.

Some of it is, but much of it isn't. She's not handling this case well at all. Why won't she just hold Nick McLeland accountable for accessing the ex-parte documents?
I think she explained that very well in her most recent response----The Defense mislabeled that communication and it was incorrectly sent to NM, with the wrong notation on it. So it was not his fault that it was then opened. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Why won't she hold Tobe Leazenby accountable for lying about what SHE said? She behaves like if she just ignores things they will go away, and the defense isn't having it.

That's an interesting description of Judge G---"behaves like if she just ignores things they will go away..." ----to me that sounds exactly like the defense duo.
Their job isn’t to show respect for the victims or their loved ones left behind though. We would certainly hope that they would but their job is solely to vigorously defend RA and ensure his legal rights are not trampled by the state or the courts. They’re trying to do this. It worries me - the ways they’ve gone about has been concerning at times no doubt. But there appear to be some big problems on this case:
- the judge appears biased. And now it appears someone is lying. The deputy? The judge etc etc. Something isn’t right given the newest filing by the D.
- matters not being ruled on expediently and or without benefit of written decisions several times in the past.
- communications via email between counsel and the judge or by telephone which have broken down.
- lack of payment to the D for months on end
- refusal to allow open ended trial And / Or to limit the time allotted evenly to both sides….

It’s a colossal mess!! I’ve taken a few weeks break from following this case as nothing seems to be progressing forward really. It must suck to be the family of the victims and to be RA or his loved ones with no resolution.

For the real victims of this case no doubt it does indeed suck that the justice system has failed them time and time again.

But RA and loved ones this is on the team they have hired who have once again delayed justice with games.

To Demand a speedy trial then at the 11th hour pulling out because they are incapable of going to trial. So in other words playing games and it failed as the majority of people can see exactly what these people are. No doubt justice will come for the family but unfortunately it just means months more of unnecessary pain and suffering.

I sure doubt Gull is going to recuse due to this Baston stuff.

it seems smart lawyering to expose the daylight in the accounts of Gull and LE on Baston but I am not sure where it takes you. I get the feeling Baldwin & Rozzi either have to go to SCOIN / appeal the recusal decision to get Judge Gull off, or suck it up and go to trial.

It's pure speculation on my part, but I think they would go to SCOIN now if they thought they had the goods.

Going to SCOIN could take several months like last time and then the trial dates are at risk?

all MOO
Judge Gull and the Court do not have jurisdiction of the IDOC. RB refused to leave his cell and refused to testify, they couldn't drag him to Court, or better yet Judge Gull shouldn't have been expected to personally drive herself there to pick him up and bring him. Why didn't Rozzi or Baldwin stop and get him? This is insane IMO.

She ordered his transport, RB refused to leave his cell and testify, that's on RB. Not JG, or LE.

I think she explained that very well in her most recent response----The Defense mislabeled that communication and it was incorrectly sent to NM, with the wrong notation on it. So it was not his fault that it was then opened. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

And the defense is saying they didn't mislabel it and submitted it exactly as they were supposed to. I believe the defense on this one. They have way more experience than Nick McLeland. They know how to file documents.

And the defense is saying they didn't mislabel it and submitted it exactly as they were supposed to. I believe the defense on this one. They have way more experience than Nick McLeland. They know how to file documents.

Well according to the judge they sure don't know how. They also didn't know how to file to get paid correctly nor to have their expert witnesses get paid.
It's pure speculation on my part, but I think they would go to SCOIN now if they thought they had the goods.
“So maybe they want to have the hearing to transfer first, before going to SCOIN?”

You answered yourself :). I believe 100% they have the “goods.” Their priority is to get RA out of prison where he does NOT belong, to give him the opportunity to be closer to his family and counsel and to regain or maintain his mental health after languishing for NO GOOD REASON in a prison for many months longer than he should have been.

Can’t wait to see who is lying, Tobe or JG! We’ll likely see more lying. This case is FULL of lies and subterfuge and not by the defense.

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