Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

The easiest explanation of how BG did it, how he would even dare try, is that he carried a kidnap kit and had a plan.
A gun and a knife. The first to control, the second to kill. He used the gun to make them vulnerable, quiet and to make them obey...then the knife, a simple plan. The thing that gets me is Abby being redressed. He'd probably killed Libby first and cruely told Abby to dress again making her think she might live...such evilness. Just some thoughts </3
A gun and a knife. The first to control, the second to kill. He used the gun to make them vulnerable, quiet and to make them obey...then the knife, a simple plan. The thing that gets me is Abby being redressed. He'd probably killed Libby first and cruely told Abby to dress again making her think she might live...such evilness. Just some thoughts </3

Is it possible that when DC, at the 2019 PC stated, "I believe that you have just a little conscience left", that it was partially due to the fact that AW was redressed?

I have heard in past cases that "covering" a body can be a sign of regret.

If we are to believe that the FM was even partially factual, poor AW died a slow death. I wonder if the original assault on this little child was initially intended to silence her, incapacitate her, until he finished with LG.

Is it possible that he had other plans for AW?

Just wondering. Speculation only.
I am a little confused with your post.

Why would it be necessary to convince or persuade the public that they ( ISP) have the right person?

I also don't understand DC and his lunch dates,?

Please help me to understand.

About the lunches/dinners.

DC is dealing with countless cases of child abuse and CSAM produced in the state. And then, during the Delphi active investigation, he openly spoke about monthly meetings with a retired FBI agent. The said agent's retirement is directly involved with mishandling the probe into the gymnastics scandal.

Here is my view: at the stage when your friend's decisions are the subject of conversations and gossips amidst unproven accusations, you can choose to keep a friend, as nothing has been proven. But then, comes the phase when your friend has left a job to avoid bigger problems related to mishandling the investigation into adolescent gymnasts abuse. It is in world newspapers. It is in official documents. You, meanwhile, blissfully announce continuing to meet him and the family during the lunch, and discussing the Delphi case. What does it say about your judgment?

A) Bad judgment

B) The conclusion about your friend mentions "patriarchal" attitude, so by publicly announcing meetings with your friend, at best, you advertise yourself are a patriarchal person.

At worst, paraphrasing Aristotle's "Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend" - for some people, friends are better than the truth.

(Keep in mind, I don't criticize DC for having lunches with his friend privately. But his official position is political.)

About who ISP has. For six years, we heard "if you knew what we know", and ultimately, I stopped following the case. It seemed to be scandalous news and no movement. Finally, ISP has arrested someone. To understand whom they arrested, I would like to watch the trial. But it is closed?

I want to watch it.
Is it possible that when DC, at the 2019 PC stated, "I believe that you have just a little conscience left", that it was partially due to the fact that AW was redressed?

I have heard in past cases that "covering" a body can be a sign of regret.

If we are to believe that the FM was even partially factual, poor AW died a slow death. I wonder if the original assault on this little child was initially intended to silence her, incapacitate her, until he finished with LG.

Is it possible that he had other plans for AW?

Just wondering. Speculation only.
I honestly believe that when LE said that one kid had the chance to escape, but chose not to leave her friend, they mean, Abby. I think for some reason, BG was either very angry with Libby due to some transference, or for some reason, he targeted her.

Either he took all his anger against women on Libby, and had nothing left for Abby, or maybe his psychosis was gone, and he killed Abby as a witness.
About the lunches/dinners.

DC is dealing with countless cases of child abuse and CSAM produced in the state. And then, during the Delphi active investigation, he openly spoke about monthly meetings with a retired FBI agent. The said agent's retirement is directly involved with mishandling the probe into the gymnastics scandal.

Here is my view: at the stage when your friend's decisions are the subject of conversations and gossips amidst unproven accusations, you can choose to keep a friend, as nothing has been proven. But then, comes the phase when your friend has left a job to avoid bigger problems related to mishandling the investigation into adolescent gymnasts abuse. It is in world newspapers. It is in official documents. You, meanwhile, blissfully announce continuing to meet him and the family during the lunch, and discussing the Delphi case. What does it say about your judgment?

A) Bad judgment

B) The conclusion about your friend mentions "patriarchal" attitude, so by publicly announcing meetings with your friend, at best, you advertise yourself are a patriarchal person.

At worst, paraphrasing Aristotle's "Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend" - for some people, friends are better than the truth.

(Keep in mind, I don't criticize DC for having lunches with his friend privately. But his official position is political.)

About who ISP has. For six years, we heard "if you knew what we know", and ultimately, I stopped following the case. It seemed to be scandalous news and no movement. Finally, ISP has arrested someone. To understand whom they arrested, I would like to watch the trial. But it is closed?

I want to watch it.

I think that we all want to see the trial.

As far as DC and his lunch dates, do you have a link for that please?

I have chosen to keep up on the case and honestly don't recall anything concerning DC and his friends.

I honestly believe that when LE said that one kid had the chance to escape, but chose not to leave her friend, they mean, Abby. I think for some reason, BG was either very angry with Libby due to some transference, or for some reason, he targeted her.

Either he took all his anger against women on Libby, and had nothing left for Abby, or maybe his psychosis was gone, and he killed Abby as a witness.
We don’t know for sure how much LE has been able to forensically reconstruct, or what truthful info was in RA’s alleged confessions. The trial may be enlightening if there is one. What happened in the woods is very vague to me.
I think that we all want to see the trial.

As far as DC and his lunch dates, do you have a link for that please?

I have chosen to keep up on the case and honestly don't recall anything concerning DC and his friends.

Interestingly, as there were podcasts and interviews

Here is a short one with Jay Abbott. He says, 4 years into Delphi murders so, 2021?

- speaks about Doug Carter remaining a good friend
- speaks about technical help of FBI (great because you see how much forces that case dragged)
- speaks about daily prayers and commitment of LE to solve the case
- finally, speaks about continuous regular meeting between himself, his wife, Doug Carter and Doug's wife during which they discuss Delphi case.

And, btw, one can see that by general education, experience, manner of speech, the way he relates to public, Jay Abbott could be a very good asset to Doug Carter. But, it was 2021. He retired amidst a huge scandal in 2017-2018. No one can blame Doug Carter for his personal choices, but there should have been no discussion of Delphi case. JMO.

Not trying to debate this theory with you, simply share mine. The reason I do not think this was a random act because, to me, it appears Bridge Guy came prepared. When I study the image of him, I see the outline of a gun, and possibly the outline of a tripod. It also looks as if other items are inside his jacket.

Very curious on the 'white thingy' near his collar. We hear that many men, especially in that area, wear the same type of clothing. However, there are unique features to BG's attire that singles him out, which I believe the witnesses will testify regarding. The hat, the white thing, the tan under his jacket, and the bunched jeans. There certainly could have been other men on the trails that day. But I doubt they were dressed with the same details as I mentioned.

As far as the crime being a pagan ritual, I am aware of nothing to support that theory. Nothing at all. In fact if that were the case there should have been certain pieces of evidence found to support it. To me the CS screams CSAM.
Totally agreed. Not random, and I think he probably targeted these particular victims and expected them there at or around the time they arrived-- but they were in no way aware of it. Any of the small telltale signs of pagan ritual at the CS were left intentionally to mislead LE. They may also coincide with some vague and largely unfocused interest in paganism on the part of the perp.
IMO it wasn’t his first attempt. I think he may have attempted and perhaps been successful before.
I think he walked those trails for months planning this horrific crime and waiting for the right opportunity. I think KA being out of town was necessary to his plan. He needed to pack certain things in his car and come and go from the house without witness.
I believe he carried a kidnap kit and already had dropped off the rest of his tools at the kill site prior to parking and entering the trails. I believe it’s why he drove the long way from the east.

Teenage girls go missing everyday and many are assumed to be runaways.
RA didn’t count on several things: 1) a parent coming to pick up shortly after drop off 2) a victim posting on social media shortly before abduction giving evidence of time, location and proof they weren’t running away from home 3) victim capturing his approach and abduction on video.
I think LE followed the evidence and it took 5 long years but finally led to the right suspect. Someone that was initially overlooked. This is the opposite of a frame job.

all my opinion
I don't think it was his first attempt, either, and I'd be looking for CSs with unusual staging. I think he had at least one first attempt and it was successful. It's all guesswork and jmo, though, until the trial. Maybe once the trial comes, more dots can be connected and we'll finally have some definite answers. Hoping.
We don’t know for sure how much LE has been able to forensically reconstruct, or what truthful info was in RA’s alleged confessions. The trial may be enlightening if there is one. What happened in the woods is very vague to me.

Someone has to do a study comparing the approach to the results.

I understand the need to keep the details close to the vest to avoid false confessions. It makes sense in the situation when one knows enough.

However, when nothing is known (and I am positive looking at the 2019 PC that ISP had no idea about the personality of BG), does it make sense to not provide any information to the public? Did it ultimately prolong the case?

Also I do question the utility of such a huge reward fund. If we, the moms, would be living next door to the maniac and scared every day, don't you think we'd feel safe knowing he was apprehended? Don't you think we'd cooperate? So why create secondary gain?

I think very rigid approach to all cases doesn't help.

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