Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #187

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But then the reverse is also true here :D

let’s not pretend the same doesn’t happen with the prosecution and all their “twisting” of facts.

I think the prosecution just goes by what the investigators gave them. No twisting being done by the prosecution. Nick makes some mistakes (i.e. reading stuff he's not supposed to and then filing motions based on it, outing himself), but he's not the one who investigated the case.

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Doesn't it seem odd that Click only pushed that narrative much later? 5 or 6 years later?

I 100 percent see no reason for the 4 characters that he so badly wants to be responsible to be protected by LE. If they were behind the murders, they would have been charged.

Jmo, Click is salty because he didn't get to be the hero in this case. He wanted to have the answers and those just didn't hold water.

I would question just how much TC had access to regarding the direction of the investigation after he left. I would guess it was basically nothing. So the arrest documentation may have felt to him like it came out of left field, but he wasn't a part of the investigation while that was all being worked, developed, run to ground. And it didn't match the idea he'd formed of the case, so his kneejerk reaction was to reject it.

I think the prosecution just goes by why the investigators gave them. No twisting being done by the prosecution. Nick makes some mistakes (i.e. reading stuff he's not supposed to and then filing motions based on it, outing himself), but he's not the one who investigated the case.


He is doing a fantastic job when his hands are tied and unlike the defense can’t do multiple Franks to get around the gag order to try and get social media brigade foaming at the mouth about poor RA.

Doesn't it seem odd that Click only pushed that narrative much later? 5 or 6 years later?

I 100 percent see no reason for the 4 characters that he so badly wants to be responsible to be protected by LE. If they were behind the murders, they would have been charged.

Jmo, Click is salty because he didn't get to be the hero in this case. He wanted to have the answers and those just didn't hold water.

IMO i think that there is a strong alliance/brotherhood within Law enforcement so I don’t take it lightly that a law enforcement officer is putting his reputation and relationships on the line to come out against fellow officers and say “this isn’t right”.
We know that there was an FBI task force created of Click, Murphy and Ferency to research suspects possibly related to this case and that Click came forward via a lawyer when he saw RA arrested and read the PCA because he thought his work on the 3rd parties was far more direct and compelling. IIRC the last time Click appeared in court regarding his investigation was March 2024.

Again, this is a path of investigation early on. Nobody in LE thinks this now. Click even said that.
This path was abandoned way back then. Just because Click was in love with it, does not mean it was the the way to go. LE certainly does not think that now. Click is not a part of LE now and hasn’t been for awhile. The Odinist angle was investigated to LE’s satisfaction and dropped.
That does not indicate any disagreements. Click is no longer a part of this, though he certainly wants to be.

More opinion
He is doing a fantastic job when his hands are tied and unlike the defense can’t do multiple Franks to get around the gag order to try and get social media brigade foaming at the mouth about poor RA.


He doesn't need a Franks memo to get the social media brigade foaming at the mouth about RA. The PCA did that.

IMO i think that there is a strong alliance/brotherhood within Law enforcement so I don’t take it lightly that a law enforcement officer is putting his reputation and relationships on the line to come out against fellow officers and say “this isn’t right”.

This can't be emphasized enough. They usually stick together. Just look at what's happening in Canton, Mass.

He doesn't need a Franks memo to get the social media brigade foaming at the mouth about RA. The PCA did that.


Well when you murder two teenage girls it does tend to get people quite upset. So the fact RA was capable of committing such barbaric acts it does get people emotional. So the PCA didn’t change that as soon as he was charged people were rightly quite vocal. Now he has confessed 50+ times and all the game playing on the defense part it’s just got people more upset at what some perceive as a lack of respect towards the victims families.

imo moo imho
Not sure how anything can be 'proven' prior to trial. However it is believed by many that Richard Allen did indeed have a gun on him.
Many here talk as if it is fact. And that RA is a child killer, as if it is fact.

The fact is we don't know anything until trial except that Abby and Libby were murdered. And another fact is that RA is innocent until proven guilty. He's not a child killer. Yet.

Many here talk as if it is fact. And that RA is a child killer, as if it is fact.

The fact is we don't know anything until trial except that Abby and Libby were murdered. And another fact is that RA is innocent until proven guilty. He's not a child killer. Yet.


This forum isn’t a court of law so we are allowed opinions.

Also again this is in a court of law but he is already guilty in his own eyes hence the multiple confessions to anybody who would listen.

Many here talk as if it is fact. And that RA is a child killer, as if it is fact.

The fact is we don't know anything until trial except that Abby and Libby were murdered. And another fact is that RA is innocent until proven guilty. He's not a child killer. Yet.


Public opinion is separate from a court of law.

It's acceptable for people to feel a certain way based off evidence available.

IMO i think that there is a strong alliance/brotherhood within Law enforcement so I don’t take it lightly that a law enforcement officer is putting his reputation and relationships on the line to come out against fellow officers and say “this isn’t right”.

There is a brotherhood.
I know from experience because both of my parents were LE and my entire youth was spent as a part of the pack.

Having said that, there is a clear lack of solidarity with the Rushville officers and other members of LE.
I was subtracting the walking time to get from bridge to crime scene and then crime scene to CPS building. I’ve watched a handful of videos with people doing the walk themselves so it was an estimate of how much time would be left over once you exclude the walking time (a general estimate because I don’t know really how fast this person actually walked)
From end of bridge to crime scene is 8 minutes. We do not know where on W300N RA was seen “like he had been in a fight” walking west by the person driving the East. No where has it been confirmed it was at the CPS parking lot ( although that would be damning).
Per Gary Hughes timeline RA most likely had from 2:25-3:30 pm isolated at the crime scene. That’s a very long amount of time to be alone with a murderer with two deadly weapons.
Of course you can disagree but I believe statistically most child abductions with a SA intent are murdered within the first hour.
This is no different in my opinion.

Been following this case since February 13, 2017. Pretty sure I'd have remembered that.
Have you a MM or State of Indiana (ISP or DA) reference to Libby wearing sweatpants? I cannot find one. Please do not link anything from the defense filings. TIA

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