Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #189

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I really hope the State can present the evidence about the gun, and the science behind how it all works, and why a juror should believe them in a clear and easy to follow manner. I’ve read bits about it but there seems to be some conflicts of opinion in what I’ve read as too the legitimacy of the science behind proving a gun matches a bullet cycled through a chamber. I don’t actually understand it as I haven’t spent much time trying to do so as it’s just not something of great interest to me at this time. But I can see how easy it might be for the D to completely flip that issue on its head and confuse the jurors enough to introduce reasonable doubt about this one issue….
I hope the truth about the matter is heard in court, the truth concerning that match or non-match, whichever the case may be. Experts are divided on the topic.

Concerning forensics, take DNA and bite marks. DNA has become accepted and even expected; whereas, forensic odontology has determined bite mark evidence to be unreliable. I guess we'll see in time to which camp this new technique belongs, accepted versus debunked.

Probable cause or conviction based upon junk science, IF that turns out to be the case, isn't justice. moo
Oh, you think they do have DNA from the CS that matches RA? I would love that.

And I am so curious about the rest of the BG video. The DT seems to really want to suppress or nullify the validation of that video. It might have something very incriminating on it.
I think defense teams, in general, attempt to suppress anything and everything. There may be something significant there, but maybe not. moo
Was Libby in contact with someone online in chat?

And why do you think Libby.
We know Libby was in contact with the anthony_shots profile.
BP confirmed.
"Police have said there (is) DNA," she said. "They have made the comment that there was DNA. I know for a fact that this Anthony Shots account did have contact with Libby. I feel that he knows more than he says."

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This case has become an absolute maze. I've not followed it for a while then read the past 7 pages and have no clue what's going on, or who most of the initialized are anymore. Tentacles indeed.

Hoping for something like a competent trial and safe verdict, though no longer expect the seeming infinity of loose ends to be ever be fully resolved to the satisfaction of most, let alone all. Sooner the better, IMO. Not sure there's been a case in recent memory where delays are more ill advised.

IMO, MOO, IMHO, etc.
Plus the participants are available to testify and be cross examined.
Plus, although unfortunate, it wasn't limited to this case alone. It was across the board, system/equipment dysfunction. It's not like someone intentionally destroyed them.

It's only wishful thinking for the Defense to represent 1. malfeasance and 2. facts not in existence. There's no evidence that what was recorded and lost contains anything exculpatory. In fact, seeing at LE did not pursue any lost interviewees as POIs, it may well reinforce RA's culpability. Revealing why certain subjects were eliminated as possible POIs, leaving no one left but RA.

The lack of recordings did not direct or misdirect the investigation

To Anyone & Everyone:

Who do you think was the target that day out of Abby and Libby - and why? Or was it both girls?

Also -

b: What do you feel was the motive?

Here is the catch...

Try not to go off of what you may have read or seen on the news, online websites or in the newspapers since RAs arrest. What is fine to rely on though would be what was released to the public as information in the way of initial news reports before and after the bodies were found, Libby's video and the two drawings that were put out there.
a: Not the girls specifically. Anyone who would fell in his trap. I think it was a mix of a prepared/fantasy crime with random victims. It is also possible that he saw one of the girls on the trails in that moment and target one of them for some reason/fantasy.

b. sexual/thrilling kill/fulfill a fantasy. There does not need to be rape to be a sexual crime.

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To Anyone & Everyone:

Who do you think was the target that day out of Abby and Libby - and why? Or was it both girls?

Also -

b: What do you feel was the motive?

Here is the catch...

Try not to go off of what you may have read or seen on the news, online websites or in the newspapers since RAs arrest. What is fine to rely on though would be what was released to the public as information in the way of initial news reports before and after the bodies were found, Libby's video and the two drawings that were put out there.
Just looking at what I believe we know of the crime scene and how Abby was redressed, I would say that I think Abby was the intended target and it was done by a person who knew Abby but didn’t know Libby as well. I think that it was a targeted crime by people who knew they would be at somewhere at a certain time.

As for motive, using what we know, I have no idea! I’m open-minded to whether the “signatures” were real or a diversion tactic. A murder for murdering sake or some “reason”. Hypothetically I do think it’s possible a person could elevate their crimes from murdering animals to then trying out killing humans.

Only with what we know of the crime scene, I think there should be some evidence of escalation somewhere with the killers. I don’t think a person just wakes up one day and does a stranger murder like this out of the blue.

But I’m aware of the IMO inadequate investigation so I think there may be far more options we just don’t know about because they weren’t looked into properly, so I am open minded and not set by one particular group of people or motive.

To Anyone & Everyone:

Who do you think was the target that day out of Abby and Libby - and why? Or was it both girls?

Also -

b: What do you feel was the motive?

Here is the catch...

Try not to go off of what you may have read or seen on the news, online websites or in the newspapers since RAs arrest. What is fine to rely on though would be what was released to the public as information in the way of initial news reports before and after the bodies were found, Libby's video and the two drawings that were put out there.
I believe both girls were targeted but for different reasons. I cannot elaborate. JMO
To Anyone & Everyone:

Who do you think was the target that day out of Abby and Libby - and why? Or was it both girls?

Also -

b: What do you feel was the motive?

Here is the catch...

Try not to go off of what you may have read or seen on the news, online websites or in the newspapers since RAs arrest. What is fine to rely on though would be what was released to the public as information in the way of initial news reports before and after the bodies were found, Libby's video and the two drawings that were put out there.
I think he knew Libby would be there, maybe Abby. If Abby’s presence was a surprise, it didn’t forestall the crime. The motive was sexual. He was likely attracted to both. What happened across the creek in the woods is unclear. The trial should help make sense of it.
To Anyone & Everyone:

Who do you think was the target that day out of Abby and Libby - and why? Or was it both girls?

Also -

b: What do you feel was the motive?

Here is the catch...

Try not to go off of what you may have read or seen on the news, online websites or in the newspapers since RAs arrest. What is fine to rely on though would be what was released to the public as information in the way of initial news reports before and after the bodies were found, Libby's video and the two drawings that were put out there.
I think Libby was just expected to be there at first (I believe she was catfished into a meeting, not sure if it was anthony_shots or emilyanne) and Abby coming was thought of by the killer as not a problem, he had a gun and she was a very slight girl.

As far as a motive for the meeting...murder, possible filming it to distributed and make money (Dropbox?) but also for the thrill of the act, maybe a longtime fantasy fulfilled. Just pure evil.

I think the possibility of the killer having a tiny bit of a conscience (ISP Carter mentioned in the April 2019 PC) was in allowing Abby to redress. Killer may have felt a tiny regret about Abby. Hardly any though, he still slit her throat:mad:
everyone will be shook when it turns out none of the big conspiracies are true and RA just went out and did these murders one day.


Yes, I'll be asking those folks about it here. They've got DNA and plenty on ra.


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