Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #195

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Wouldn’t this be excuses RA’s defense should’ve been presenting to the court if they had any merit? As the D didn’t, neither disclosure nor medications were a suspected cause for his confessions. (Of note, only mention of anything significant preceding his confessions was he had found religion.) The D blamed the confessions on his incarceration and suggested it should be considered coercion by the state. The Judge disagreed and ruled the confessions are in.

“The statements given by the defendant were unsolicited by any of the individuals and were voluntarily given without coercion or interrogation," Special Judge Fran Gull wrote in the ruling. "The evidence shows he specifically sought out the Warden by written communication he initiated, and verbal statements he offered to the guards, inmates, mental health professionals, and medical personnel."

I think you've nailed the issue.

The factors like psychosis etc go to the weight the jury will ultimately give these confessions, but they don't make the confessions involuntary - and I guess that is why the D did not appear to make that argument.

Just as a question of common sense, I think you are going to struggle with the idea confessions to wife/mum/doctor are 'involuntary' - even in a context of incarceration.

Can you please site a source for this?

This is extremely irresponsible to post without a source in my opinion.

It was mentioned at the hearings in the Holeman testimony by Defense Attorney Rossi actually. Lines12 to19 on page 15 in the link below.

I know I read it somewhere else and Holeman just rings a bell on being the source. I'll try and keep looking for that one too.

I’d be more convinced if (when) someone finally asks if RA began to confess before or after he received disclosure, and when his mental health issues are better examined and detailed (eg: had he had medications? Which? When? Given by whom? Why? What amount? Side effects that are common? Rare but can happen etc). Moo. If we are going to lock someone up and throw away the key then hopefully it’s an airtight case that jurors and the victims family can feel ok with down the road. I can’t think of anything worse than possibly feeling reservations or wondering if the guy convicted is the right guy.
In Harshman's testimony he mentions a specific date of March 21, 2023 as the beginning of RA's come to God moment. Then Harshman testifies that a few days after the confessions started.

Lines 12 to 25 on page 9 on through pages 10-11
in the linked pdf.

I could very easily see this happening just based on how many people I have seen online who do not believe RA is guilty at all, vs how many believe he is - based only on whatever has been made public to date (erroneously or otherwise) by either side! moo
To be fair, at this point I don’t think RA is guilty.

I believe that could easily change once I hear the states case.

A lot of people are strictly basing his innocence off the lack of publicly available information.

For me personally, following this case since day one. It’s a gut feeling, I believe he possibly played a role in it but I don’t think he was the killer.
I think you've nailed the issue.

The factors like psychosis etc go to the weight the jury will ultimately give these confessions, but they don't make the confessions involuntary - and I guess that is why the D did not appear to make that argument.

Just as a question of common sense, I think you are going to struggle with the idea confessions to wife/mum/doctor are 'involuntary' - even in a context of incarceration.

Yes I agree. And Harshman's testimony bears it out that it was shortly after RA's come to God moment on March 21, 2023 that RA began confessing. I think at trial the specifics of that change of heart will be laid out in great detail.
I just recently posted the line numbers and pages Harshman talks about this during his hearing testimony. MO

Edit: here they are again

Lines 12 to 25 on page 9 on through pages 10-11 in the linked pdf.

It was mentioned at the hearings in the Holeman testimony by Defense Attorney Rossi actually. Lines12 to19 on page 15 in the link below.

I know I read it somewhere else and Holeman just rings a bell on being the source. I'll try and keep looking for that one too.

Thanks for posting this. I had posted before that I was pretty sure that there was a statement about his daughter's friend having been talked to.
Since it was stated right after the box cutter information from Holeman, I assumed that is what Holeman talked to the daughter's friend about. With the transcript, now I see that it could just mean any thing RA said while in DOC.
Btw, my comment was deleted because when I posted it I couldn't post a link to the source because it is unapproved here.
To be fair, at this point I don’t think RA is guilty.

I believe that could easily change once I hear the states case.

A lot of people are strictly basing his innocence off the lack of publicly available information.

For me personally, following this case since day one. It’s a gut feeling, I believe he possibly played a role in it but I don’t think he was the killer.
The first time I saw RA's mug shot picture when he was arrested, I thought, that don't look like bridge guy.
I guess I was expecting a physical match to be obvious right away. However, RA appears to have been heavier in 2019 as opposed to pictures of him in 2016. Also the BG video is so grainy that the man looks different in almost every frame even though we know it is the same man during the video. At some points BG in the video looks older, at other times younger.
When the PCA came out I believed RA was guilty
based on the timeline that he gave via Dulin's report.
Ever since then the evidence/testimony keeps leading towards him, not away from him imo.
Perhaps it’s this?

“Allen also reportedly expressed sorrow to another inmate over “molesting Abby, Libby and others which he specifically named.”
Thanks ClearAhead for finding this!
Now it makes sense to me. Reading this and then Holeman's recent hearing testimony transcript where Attorney Rossi's mentions RA's daughter's friends. It was just in my mind it clicked, remembering somewhere hearing RA had mentioned molesting others. So just my brain function thinking it was all from one statement and now my opinion putting the two together as possibly connected but separate statements. AJMO

Premiered Aug 26, 2024 #abbywilliams #libbygerman #SusanHendricks

Word on the street today is that Richard Allen, the accused Delphi killer of #abbywilliams and #libbygerman is going to plead guilty. I'll believe it when I see it but I called my dear friend, #SusanHendricks, author of #DowntheHill to talk about it. Delphi Update, He Confessed Over 60 Times! In this gripping update on the Delphi Murders case, we delve into the court proceedings involving Richard Allen, the man accused of the tragic deaths of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. The big question everyone is asking: Why did Richard Allen confess 60 times if he didn't commit the crime? Join us as we explore the latest developments, analyze the court's findings, and discuss the implications of Allen's numerous confessions. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates on this case and other true crime stories.
Yes, they did say there was little to no blood at the crime scene---The defense did state this, even cruelly saying the victims were likely hung upside down and drained of blood, which would be used in later rituals, without even a shred of evidence of such bizarre findings.
Agreed katy. The D made that CS section in the first Franks as sensationalized and perverted as possible for shock value and to push out their narrative to the public around the gag order with NO REGARD to Abby & Libby and their loved ones or even the people they publicly named. "Ooopsie Judge, we're sorry" is their go to excuse when they get caught intentionally misleading or playing the system. :mad:

Their very first PR statement after agreeing a gag order wasn't needed and then that ridiculous FM that showed me their true colors and how they were going to play this case. It's low blow, social media crank randos trying their Defense in the court of public opinion.

It has backfired spectacularly now IMO. Do YOUR jobs Rozzi and Baldwin and get your client into a Court of Law where a jury of his peers will decide his guilt or innocence. You've been dragging your feet and playing the blame games far too long.



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