AB's Involvement ptII

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

How was AB involved?

  • Involved in the cover-up but not the murder

    Votes: 27 13.2%
  • Involved in both the cover-up and the murder

    Votes: 85 41.7%
  • Involved only by failure to stop any crime

    Votes: 11 5.4%
  • Not involved whatsoever

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • I am completely undecided on the matter of AB's involvement

    Votes: 37 18.1%
  • Gross negligence and cover up of body.

    Votes: 45 22.1%

  • Total voters
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Wow, It has been nearly 2 months since this case began (to our knowledge). Statements, clues, information, evidence, dna, leads, followups, swabs, search warrants, forensics, investigation, plea deals, and now a GJ? This reminds me of the Caylee case in that it seems that it took forever to find that baby girl, but fairly quickly KC was locked up. The laws are different in FL vs. NC but I get more nervous as each day goes by without more charges being brought (against anyone). I realize the GJ has much to go through (if indeed they are meeting), but there has to be a lot of evidence, forensics, dna, fingerprints, statements, etc - that are back by now (wouldn't ya think?)
Wow, It has been nearly 2 months since this case began (to our knowledge). Statements, clues, information, evidence, dna, leads, followups, swabs, search warrants, forensics, investigation, plea deals, and now a GJ? This reminds me of the Caylee case in that it seems that it took forever to find that baby girl, but fairly quickly KC was locked up. The laws are different in FL vs. NC but I get more nervous as each day goes by without more charges being brought (against anyone). I realize the GJ has much to go through (if indeed they are meeting), but there has to be a lot of evidence, forensics, dna, fingerprints, statements, etc - that are back by now (wouldn't ya think?)

Me too wenwen - I was counting on the GJ to bring the charges and the perp(s) to the light of day!

Remember how quick ICA was arrested after GA's testimony to the GJ? Well, still hoping!
was he ever asked why they checked on her at 2.30AM?i still find it a very weird hour to check on your kid (who is supposed to be sound asleep at that hour,right?)in the middle of the night, what was the reason?

weird,weird,everything about that call.........

I thought once AB said; 'EF checked her after hearing her cough', another time time 'she heard her cough'; so I was never even sure either of them actually had "seen her" at 2:30.

No doubt, those ever changing "last seen by" who and when, have not helped the investigation.

Sending positive thoughts to all LE involved in this horror.
I thought once AB said; 'EF checked her after hearing her cough', another time time 'she heard her cough'; so I was never even sure either of them actually had "seen her" at 2:30.

No doubt, those ever changing "last seen by" who and when, have not helped the investigation.

Sending positive thoughts to all LE involved in this horror.

This is one of the things that keeps me thinking AB knows nothing. I think EB was trying to make him think Z was alive and well in her room long after she wasnt. I just wonder if he didnt say something to the point of checking on Z and she said I just looked in on her cause I heard her cough. JMO
I thought once AB said; 'EF checked her after hearing her cough', another time time 'she heard her cough'; so I was never even sure either of them actually had "seen her" at 2:30.

No doubt, those ever changing "last seen by" who and when, have not helped the investigation.

Sending positive thoughts to all LE involved in this horror.

What strikes me as odd is the whole 911 call of course but this is exactly what HE said.. "WE checked in there last night about 2:30 and she was there"..Someone I'm sure will say that it was just his manner of speaking..but I believe that every word of that call was *for a purpose*..moo..and like you I don't believe she/he/we checked on her..but I also don't believe Zahra was IN her room @ 2:30 that morning. If that's the case, he's either lying through his teeth or saying what EB told him to say...which if he were innocent of any wrongdoing and she told him to say that..why didn't it raise at least a teeny tiny red flag for him? :furious:...

Listen again here if anyone would like~

Just MO, but for me to believe Adam to be innocent of any wrongdoing (and I don't believe that he is innocent, I'm still just not sure what his role was) I would have to chalk SO MUCH up to coincidence, give him the benefit of doubt on everything he has said or done..or not said/not done, believe that his unemotional way of acting/speaking is the norm for him, believe him to be a very unintelligent, naive, gullible man, a father that was completely unplugged in his post cancer daughters life..to the point that he noticed NOTHING was going on whether Zahra said anything or not...the lists just goes on and on...if it was just one or two of those things going against him, I might could entertain it as a possibility..but as it stands now, I can't even think of one thing that points to him being innocent or reason to believe that he is..or even give me hope that he is...except that he says so. Sorry, I just ain't buying what I believe he's trying to sell.. :( Again, that's just in my mind...and my mind ain't what it used to be..:crazy:..
JMO If LE thought this man was heartless enough to kill and dismember his OWN child they would have him behind bars on a bail he couldnt come up with. I just cant imagine them letting him walk around free. If you can kill and dismember your own child what would you do to someone else that crossed your path the wrong way. Its not like hes not being accused of things by many people. If I was heartless enough to do this to my own flesh Id be able to do worse to someone else.

I just wish they would charge someone so we would know one way or the other.
JMO If LE thought this man was heartless enough to kill and dismember his OWN child they would have him behind bars on a bail he couldnt come up with. I just cant imagine them letting him walk around free. If you can kill and dismember your own child what would you do to someone else that crossed your path the wrong way. Its not like hes not being accused of things by many people. If I was heartless enough to do this to my own flesh Id be able to do worse to someone else.

I just wish they would charge someone so we would know one way or the other.

Sure they would..If they didn't have enough to charge him with yet. I don't believe that he is a threat to society (only to Zahra in some way;() and they're not going to tip their hand too soon..that would be a bonehead move for them to make. Although I am getting impatient, I believe they are working on that as hard and fast as they can. Adam's not going anywhere..and you can bet they are watching him like a hawk. I believe they want to keep him and EB off balance if they can..make them wonder.

west, I'm not saying that I believe that Adam killed or dismembered his daughter...although I believe that he could have had a part in especially the latter. I don't even know what I believe he did, lol! I just know that I DO NOT believe everything went right over the top of this mans head..I just don't..
What strikes me as odd is the whole 911 call of course but this is exactly what HE said.. "WE checked in there last night about 2:30 and she was there"..Someone I'm sure will say that it was just his manner of speaking..but I believe that every word of that call was *for a purpose*..moo..and like you I don't believe she/he/we checked on her..but I also don't believe Zahra was IN her room @ 2:30 that morning. If that's the case, he's either lying through his teeth or saying what EB told him to say...which if he were innocent of any wrongdoing and she told him to say that..why didn't it raise at least a teeny tiny red flag for him? :furious:...

Listen again here if anyone would like~


Thanks Pondering - I had forgotten that he said "WE" in the 911 call - this case has been moving in circles for two months - drives me nutz!

The latest "We didn't do it" article re the alleged rapists says that LE found some of her remains in at least two sites... :furious: :furious: :furious:

It's unclear how the girl died, but police have reported that some of her remains were discovered in at least two rural areas five miles apart.

AB IMHO neglected ZB and let EB abuse her. There is no one on the planet that can convince me other wise. To me AB helped murder his daughter. He helped in the cover up and lied for EB. Then fact that he is still not charged with anything makes me ill. Maybe it was drugs or what not I dunno, but I do feel that the story of him working long hours and not seeing Z is a bunch or bunny hop. I doubt that he worked that many hours and that late at night doing landscaping. Just silly.
I haven't read through the whole thread, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned...

If AB really did think his daughter was missing/kidnapped when he made the 911 call WHY WHY WHY would he not tell the dispatcher she was deaf?! That is one of the first things I would be letting them know! Even before the fact that she has a prosthetic leg. Also, no mention of what she was last seen wearing.

Oh that's right, its because he knew they would find her leg in the woods.:furious:
I haven't read through the whole thread, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned...

If AB really did think his daughter was missing/kidnapped when he made the 911 call WHY WHY WHY would he not tell the dispatcher she was deaf?! That is one of the first things I would be letting them know! Even before the fact that she has a prosthetic leg. Also, no mention of what she was last seen wearing.

Oh that's right, its because he knew they would find her leg in the woods.:furious:

I do not believe that Zahra was totally deaf, she even stated herself when she got the hearing aids that she could hear better. One thing i do know is that without her leg or her crutches she was not going far. See how far you can hop on one leg, you can walk for miles but try hopping for miles. You can't
I haven't read through the whole thread, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned...

If AB really did think his daughter was missing/kidnapped when he made the 911 call WHY WHY WHY would he not tell the dispatcher she was deaf?! That is one of the first things I would be letting them know! Even before the fact that she has a prosthetic leg. Also, no mention of what she was last seen wearing.

Oh that's right, its because he knew they would find her leg in the woods.:furious:

No mention of her name either. He was just to busy talking about a mysterious fire, kidnappers, puberty and brooding to give those kind of details. Seems these were the things he was most focused on, IMO.
No mention of her name either. He was just to busy talking about a mysterious fire, kidnappers, puberty and brooding to give those kind of details. Seems these were the things he was most focused on, IMO.

Had been awhile since i listened to that 911 call and this is what i found interesting

The 911 operator did not even ask for her name
The details regarding the fire etc., were given when the 911 operator asked what happened last nite

i need to listen to the full version as goes looking for it
The entire call was totally weird right down to the questions the 911 operator asked/did not ask

The first time i listened to it i felt he was quite calm this time around it seemed there was more panic in it. Need to listen to it again on another day

I simply dont know what to make of all of this at times ....shakes head at self
Personally i have no clue how long it would take to dismember someone nor do i know how dismembered ZB was, Dont think there has been any report on if it was the whole body or a leg. As for the painting I can paint a room in about 2 hours without a problem and thats taping it out also but could be done faster and messier but then again I do not recall any reports just speculation that the rooms were painted over or even touched up.

Only thing I hate about cases like these is how quickly speculation turns into assumption and then misleading information. It spirals and i can see where and why people start bringing out the pitch forks even though a FAIR trial with ALL the known facts are in front of a group of peers has not happened. Only KEY players know what actually happen

We do not have all the information, and quite a bit of assumptions are spiraled out of control to be facts, which is not the case. I do not know if AB is involved I can only assume and go by what the media and LE lets us know.

I tried to do a google on how long it would take to dismember someone but i did not find any reports or offical documents to say one way or another. It could be a process that takes a few days or possibly if say a chainsaw was used a few hour but again i have no clue

Respectfully bbm

I believe the term "dismemberment" would encompass whether it is one or more limbs. If dismemberment were done with a "chainsaw" as you pondered, I'd highly doubt it would take 2 hours especially with the size of a small child.

I'd venture a guess that the home owner could vouch for what color the walls of this house were prior to the Bakers moving in, as well as relatives & friends of EB & AB.

I see nothing wrong with speculating just how many of Zahra's limbs were dismembered as well as if the walls of Zahra's bedroom & the bathroom had been recently painted.

If my husband were to have come home from work one day and let's say not only was there a major painting spree going on (even over the bathroom tiles) not to mention the odor a body would leave behind IF the dismemberment cut through intestines...believe me that would be cause for a WTH have you been doing today...not to mention a missing daughter.

If the media did not provide the pictures (especially of the interior) of the house or the mention of painting supplies found in the home then I would understand your train of thought but, that's not the case here.

He already explained this, you must have forgot that she was in puberty and brooding in her room. Unless she wanted something from them.

Oh yeah, she had the flu somewhere in there too.

It is a crock but clearly he is more than willing to claim absent parent. clueless to what was going on around him.

But we can all conclude based on time lapsed and the amount of clean up that had to have gone on that the dismemberment, disposal, and housekeeping had pretty much concluded before our happy couple went out for the local celebration. If he physical evidence proves Adam was involved in at least the dismemberment and disposal of his daughters body, and they can show him out for drinks and socializing, that says a lot about state of mind regarding her death.

Warning: GRAPHIC

For some reason people think that dismemberment, disposal, cleanup etc would take a long time and that it would be very messy. This simply does not need to be the case

I was a born and raised in a city, till i moved to the middle of no where right during the time of butchering cows, pigs and chickens.

Even i have to admit i found it amazing how little time it took to butcher an 1800 pound animal. I can also state that there was very little mess; as well at no time was a chain saw used. What they did use were knives and at one point only a small hacksaw.

The animal was ready to hang in the cooler and the area was wiped off with no visable trace to the naked eye in under 2 hours up and this was an 1800 lb animal. There was also no lingering smell after the animal was moved to the cooler.

This was simply my experience during the time i lived there and it was done 2 times a year every year
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