AB's T Shirt

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Just for the record.... I'm addicted to Billy The Exterminator -- and anyone who's watched his show knows that he doesn't dress (or look) mainstream. But underneath all his "bling" or whatever you want to call it, I see a genuinely nice guy. :D

Don't worry you are not alone my boss loves Billy..
I listen to them and I even listen (or use to anyway) Insane Clown Posse. Harming a child is the last thing I would do. I think evil is everywhere though.....in some people more than others. I see what the thread starter is getting at though, but look at our generation now. Back when I was growing up it wasn't even allowed to say another network's name on tv. For example, if you were on Carson on NBC and were a guest you couldn't say I have a show on CBS. It was another network. I am sickened by what happend to precious Zahra. And I agree Surg would rip that shirt right off AB's body in a heartbeat.

I was also going to say he seems like he dresses like my ex..nothing but concert/band shirts!!
I can't stand to look at him but this T-Shirt, on this day???

People who wear band t-shirts a lot seem to sometimes forget the meaning the names might have to other people. They might choose one that has special significance for them, not realizing that other people who aren't into the band might see it differently.
People who wear band t-shirts a lot seem to sometimes forget the meaning the names might have to other people. They might choose one that has special significance for them, not realizing that other people who aren't into the band might see it differently.

Yes, I agree. As I stated earlier I think it was a thoughtless, disrespectful and bad choice under the circumstances.
Yes, I agree. As I stated earlier I think it was a thoughtless, disrespectful and bad choice under the circumstances.

I don't see any reason to read anything into his choice of shirt...especially considering the fact that they probably didn't have much of a clothing budget. If they were hard up for money...they would be limited in their choices of what to wear...if he is wrapped up in thoughts of a deceased daughter, whether he is involved or not, he is not going to put much thought into his choice of shirts to wear for the day...I know I wouldn't.
IMOO AB put allot of "thought" into his explanation during his 911 call.. he put allot of "thought" into covering up a murder and scattering remains.. but NO 'thoughts' were contributed to the shirt he wore knowing TV cameras were around... hmmm Not buying it. I'm sure that wasn't the only shirt he owned.

How ironic would it be if what LE found in that hole was a skull.
I don't see any reason to read anything into his choice of shirt...especially considering the fact that they probably didn't have much of a clothing budget. If they were hard up for money...they would be limited in their choices of what to wear...if he is wrapped up in thoughts of a deceased daughter, whether he is involved or not, he is not going to put much thought into his choice of shirts to wear for the day...I know I wouldn't.

Well, in what I bolded in your post, aren't you saying the same thing I said ~ that he was thoughtless? So if it had just been thoughtlessness ~ he should have thought better because I don't believe I am the only person who noticed his choice (hence, this thread). If my only child were missing and my aim was to appeal to the public to help me find her ~ I would give all my thought and energy as to how I could best do that. All the way from what words I would use to what I would wear to help get that message across the most effective way I possibly could. If I were so poor that I had no other shirt to wear, under those circumstances, I would have worn it inside-out. But, granted, we're all different and make different choices . . . and, thank God, we're all free to judge those choices differently, too.
IMOO AB put allot of "thought" into his explanation during his 911 call.. he put allot of "thought" into covering up a murder and scattering remains.. but NO 'thoughts' were contributed to the shirt he wore knowing TV cameras were around... hmmm Not buying it. I'm sure that wasn't the only shirt he owned.

How ironic would it be if what LE found in that hole was a skull.

I'm not defending him whatsoever!!! And I also believe he is guilty of something.. just not sure as to what extent at the moment (without all of the facts presented to us). LE have a lot of evidence in there possession at this point and they have chose NOT to arrest him...why? I just think that sometimes people on this forum read too much into things. STEREOTYPE. You are speculating that he was in fact involved in a murder and a cover up...do we know this as fact? Go ahead and quote the word "thought" all you want...this is the reason I normally don't post on this forum....I have seen too many members attacked for an opinion!!! Back to LURKING...thankyou.

At least I do not confuse readers as to what is fact and speculation.

Rest in peace Zahra.....
Well, in what I bolded in your post, aren't you saying the same thing I said ~ that he was thoughtless? So if it had just been thoughtlessness ~ he should have thought better because I don't believe I am the only person who noticed his choice (hence, this thread). If my only child were missing and my aim was to appeal to the public to help me find her ~ I would give all my thought and energy as to how I could best do that. All the way from what words I would use to what I would wear to help get that message across the most effective way I possibly could. If I were so poor that I had no other shirt to wear, under those circumstances, I would have worn it inside-out. But, granted, we're all different and make different choices . . . and, thank God, we're all free to judge those choices differently, too.

OK lets put it this way.....If one of my children were missing...you betchya, I would have handled it a lot differently than AB...I'd be screaming from my rooftop...I'd be in front of every news camera, I'd be at every search site whether they wanted me there or not...but I would not think twice about my clothing, especially if most of what I owned was pretty much the same...T-shirts, goth, rock groups, etc....just throw one on and go.

My whole point is....I DOUBT he put the d**n shirt on to influence/intimidate anyone, specifically ED.

ETA: I honestly could care less what I wore in front of a camera if one of my children were missing! That would be the LAST thing on my mind.
IMOO AB put allot of "thought" into his explanation during his 911 call.. he put allot of "thought" into covering up a murder and scattering remains.. but NO 'thoughts' were contributed to the shirt he wore knowing TV cameras were around... hmmm Not buying it. I'm sure that wasn't the only shirt he owned.

How ironic would it be if what LE found in that hole was a skull.

I've been trying to find a link to the video/picture from awhile back of AB wearing that shirt in the interview with LE. This is the closest I've come:
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/...iew&current=101110adamBakerchiefTomAdkins.jpg but the shot I wanted to show was when the chief turned to look at AB while he was talking & fake crying for Zahra. I'm sure LE knew then what they were dealing with, and the restraint shown while AB put on his 'show' for the cameras is very apparent.
I've been trying to find a link to the video/picture from awhile back of AB wearing that shirt in the interview with LE. This is the closest I've come:
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/...iew&current=101110adamBakerchiefTomAdkins.jpg but the shot I wanted to show was when the chief turned to look at AB while he was talking & fake crying for Zahra. I'm sure LE knew then what they were dealing with, and the restraint shown while AB put on his 'show' for the cameras is very apparent.

ITA the Chief's reaction while listening to AB talk, along with his body language... was one of the first things I noticed when I saw that video.
Wardrobe, or choice thereof makes no difference to me. My husand is a "working man" he is in contruction, he wears t-shirts (yes some of them, lets just be honest, a lot of them are handmedowns), etc. He is also an ex-felon (big time from youth,late teens =, early twenties).

He would, never, in a zillion years, ever, harm, let me harm, let anyone harm his children. Despite our struggle as a married couple, despite money troubles, marital troubles and any other troubles that may have come up in our ten+ years together, he could never, ever, and I mean EVER, harm or help dispose of the remains of our children.

This to me, this RL experience, is enough to tell me, AB is culpible. Period, End of debate (for me) ya'll are welcome to carry on with the degee of or not degree of AB's participation, but for me, it's done. finit.
I'm a tattooed and pierced mama with black hair that likes to listen to metal and wears clothes and jewelry with skulls. While people might see me and think they can tell what type of person I am, they would probably be wrong. I knit, bake, garden and clip coupons. Even my grandma teases me and calls me granny because the things I enjoy! I don't even drink, smoke or do drugs and I would never hurt my children. Ever.

One of my boys has a mohawk and likes to wear tshirts with skulls and "skater" clothes. The other one likes to wear his hair short and nicely combed. He prefers polo shirts and khakis. They are both extremely sweet and intelligent and they both love acting silly and dancing around the house to System of a Down music with their mama once in a while :)
As new facts surface in the coming weeks -- God forbid, months -- issues more relevant than AB's wardrobe choices will come along to divide us. That's been true of every other case I've followed, and I have no reason to believe this one will be any different. For now, we should all try to stay united in our compassion and sorrow.

Having said that, I do have an opinion about AB's shirt. I agree with those who've said a shirt's a shirt. If you wear a lot of different t-shirts, eventually the art and logos on them lose their meaning. If my child was missing, I'd be lucky to get clothes on at all. On the other hand, I've been faced with the terminal illnesses and deaths of several loved ones. In each instance, I was highly sensitive to visual images I associated with the circumstances of their deaths. For example, for the longest time after my brother hung himself with his belt, I was very conscious of belts on people; couldn't stand to look at them. Granted, it is my nature to be overly empathetic, but not that far beyond the norm. So I would think that when a child is missing, presumed dead, and there is a question about the state of her remains, pictures of skulls and bones would be utterly repulsive to the parent of that child. Even familiar ones, previously benign, would take on new meaning -- I would think. So why would AB wear that particular shirt? I can't rule out the possibility that it was deliberate, as some have speculated. At the very least, IMO, it was another example of his dull insensitivity.

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