Addicted to the Jodi Arias Trial?

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I have a medical procedure I'm going to postpone.... when I call to reschedule, what do I tell them? Uhhhhhh May?
Yesterday there was a tornado watch so we dismissed early. My first thought was not about the safety of my family but "Now I can watch the trial live!" :thumb:
My name is coopzoo and I'm a junkie. :eek:kay:

After the Anthony debacle, DH informed me that if I ever "got into" another trial like that, he would start divorce proceedings.

He is now reduced to sitting in a dusty living room, laundering his own clothes, cooking dinner more than once every two weeks, and making the bank appointments for our home equity loan either before noon or on Fridays. He sits quietly and watches HLN with me, pretending he doesn't have the energy to get up for the remote. He is a closet Juanabe. :giggle: He thinks I don't know, but all the signs are there.

Son and his GF ask for updates as soon as they come in the door every day, and the first thing my mom and I say when we get on the phone Mon-Thu (after evening recess) is, "Did you see it today?"

It's become an epidemic here, friends.

Thank goodness for WS and my fellow addicts for making me feel somewhat sane. :seeya:
I was just reading in another topic and someone mentioned the Hippocratic Oath.....I thought they said hippocampus oath. Duhhhhoo
I decided to join this forum because of the trial. :seeya::newhere:
I decided to join this forum because of the trial. :seeya::newhere:

Me, too. I lurked for years here when there were trials I followed, but finally joined because of this one.

Hilarious thread! Now I don't feel like such a dork.

What I'm addicted to is Websleuths. Never knew such a fantastic forum even existed until the Anthony trial; couldn't beat a path over here fast enough! So it's because of Websleuths that I became a trial addict.

FORTUNATELY my husband is, too. Since 1) he's computer illiterate and 2) I can't stand listening to the THs on the tube (with the exception of Beth K.), he sits out in the living room cursing at the tape delay and I'm on the computer in the bedroom, relaying information from the threads here. It's doing a number on my vocal chords, I can tell ya!

But I knew I was truly an addict when I went on vacation (last week; a few days in Biloxi, MS) and the first thing I did was try to find trial coverage on the TV in our hotel room! My husband's downstairs playing video poker and I'm upstairs watching Dr. Drew. For the money I wasted lounging around on someone else's bed playing with the remote control, I could've stocked up on chocolate bars and microwave dinners, enough for TEN trials! So lame.

Websleuths: The Addiction For Which There Is NO Cure.


P.S. While I was typing this, I left my shirts in the dryer too long and now they've SHRUNK. Aaargh!
After the Anthony debacle, DH informed me that if I ever "got into" another trial like that, he would start divorce proceedings.

He is now reduced to sitting in a dusty living room, laundering his own clothes, cooking dinner more than once every two weeks, and making the bank appointments for our home equity loan either before noon or on Fridays. He sits quietly and watches HLN with me, pretending he doesn't have the energy to get up for the remote
. :
Respectfully Snipped and BBM

Mah dear dear Coopzoo....deep NancyGrace inhale...yes, we are most certainly here for you.

In addition, it appears, utilizing the ALV continuum of Dastardly Domestic Daddies here, that you are allllllso...deep inhale...a victim of hubby's abuse (if you disagree, not to fret, that's a perfectly normal sign of PTSD).
One of the first days of Jodi ‘s testimony, I actually streamed the trial on my iphone (volume muted) and hid it on the lectern while I lectured my grad students, so I could glance over and “watch” Jodi while I lectured! (No, I’m NOT proud of THAT! :blushing:) After that day, I only checked in on the streaming site on potty breaks! (Yes, in the stall. Those silly students think they can ask me questions on breaks….sheesh.) :floorlaugh:

I ducked lunch with colleagues (um…twice) to go to a restaurant ALONE (a restaurant I knew had decent wifi for streaming, not the cheesy sloooow wifi some places have), so I could listen to some of the trial in real time. I requested a table near an electrical outlet, lol, because I needed to plug in the laptop, because the iPad battery was dead, and my phone was at about 30%. I just don’t know how all the battery power disappears so quickly…… And doggone it, my satellite radio was STILL not working right, so eating fast food in the car was out. Exactly how much mobile technology does a trial addict need, anyway?? :silly:

I rescheduled my cleaning service on a trial day when I didn’t have to work so I could watch from home and not have to leave.

I burned up my monthly cell data plan streaming Jodi’s testimony in the car on the cell towers while driving home, and to the kid’s activities, because my satellite radio wasn’t working.

I’m doing much better now. I am more calm and confident. I can stick it out till deliberations and the penalty phase. Croakerqueen123, tawnidilly, and David Lohr are my new best e-friends! I know they will be there for me, no matter what time of day I need them, like after the kids are in bed and hubby is done talking with me! I don't stream anymore when it isn't wise! And I LOVE the archived video that omits the sidebars!:seeya: Thank you! Love all the WS'ers-- just wish I had more time to comment with y'all in real time!
I've got the shakes. It's been too long since I've heard Juan say "ma'am." :cold:
One of the first days of Jodi ‘s testimony, I actually streamed the trial on my iphone (volume muted) and hid it on the lectern while I lectured my grad students, so I could glance over and “watch” Jodi while I lectured! (No, I’m NOT proud of THAT! :blushing:) After that day, I only checked in on the streaming site on potty breaks! (Yes, in the stall. Those silly students think they can ask me questions on breaks….sheesh.) :floorlaugh:

I ducked lunch with colleagues (um…twice) to go to a restaurant ALONE (a restaurant I knew had decent wifi for streaming, not the cheesy sloooow wifi some places have), so I could listen to some of the trial in real time. I requested a table near an electrical outlet, lol, because I needed to plug in the laptop, because the iPad battery was dead, and my phone was at about 30%. I just don’t know how all the battery power disappears so quickly…… And doggone it, my satellite radio was STILL not working right, so eating fast food in the car was out. Exactly how much mobile technology does a trial addict need, anyway?? :silly:

I rescheduled my cleaning service on a trial day when I didn’t have to work so I could watch from home and not have to leave.

I burned up my monthly cell data plan streaming Jodi’s testimony in the car on the cell towers while driving home, and to the kid’s activities, because my satellite radio wasn’t working.

I’m doing much better now. I am more calm and confident. I can stick it out till deliberations and the penalty phase. Croakerqueen123, tawnidilly, and David Lohr are my new best e-friends! I know they will be there for me, no matter what time of day I need them, like after the kids are in bed and hubby is done talking with me! I don't stream anymore when it isn't wise! And I LOVE the archived video that omits the sidebars!:seeya: Thank you! Love all the WS'ers-- just wish I had more time to comment with y'all in real time!

Now why couldn't have I had a professor like you? :blushing:
I was feeling down all weekend, like I had no purpose. I woke up in a great mood today because we have trial!!!!!!!!
I was feeling down all weekend, like I had no purpose. I woke up in a great mood today because we have trial!!!!!!!!

Me too. You know we're in need of a 10 step program to wean ourselves off this trial once it's over right? :scared:
Uh, guys, what am I supposed to do till Wednesday? :scared: :panic:

Uh, guys, what am I supposed to do till Wednesday? :scared: :panic:


Watch the trial videos from Day 1 on youtube? It's amazing what I missed the first time and to hear the testimony as it was told before we knew what we know now.

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