Addicted to the Jodi Arias Trial?

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I am so addicted that my hubby calls my watching the trial, my job. What time do you start work today baby :)
Mine too!!! When we went to our accountant to get our taxes done, my husband asked if he could claim the trial as another dependent, or in the alternative, put trial watcher down as my occupation. Then we could claim a loss on my "home business" account.
I know I am addicted because we are going overseas to visit my husband's family (cousin first, then his sister, two different countries), and I've already figured out the time difference, when the trial will fire up THEIR time, so I can be sure on some nights to be "a little tired" and not want to go running around at night so I can watch SOME of the trial (via the WiFi).

I am also a poor addictive soul. I live in the UK so I watch about an hour in the evenings live, then I have to watch the rest on you tube the following morning.

1) I watch you tube through the x box so I can watch the trial on a 55" screen, so loud that I cannot hear phones. I ignore the kids pleas the play games on it as "mummy is watching the trial".

2) I close the curtains and lock the doors, pretend I am not home, friends and family know not to visit until at least 1pm.

3) I find myself saying "please remember the admonition" at very inappropriate times. (tip dont do this in the supermarket) very strange looks.

4) My kids say "are you STILL watching that trial" or "when on earth is that going to finish".

5)I am actually panicking that now its getting warmer outside I may have to venture out. I have learnt over this past few months, kids do not like staying in all day every day.

6) Trying to think of songs that have one in the title so I can sing "your're the juan that I want ooooo ooo ooo.
Since you're in England, how about "I Juan-a Hold Your Hand" ? ;)
Mine too!!! When we went to our accountant to get our taxes done, my husband asked if he could claim the trial as another dependent, or in the alternative, put trial watcher down as my occupation. Then we could claim a loss on my "home business" account.
You all are just too funny. So funny, in fact, I'm trying to sweet-talk (read bribe, blackmail, and/or extort) my daughter into having a cyber-party ala Websleuths! :great:

I blew up balloons last night. While Willmott was crossing DeMarte. Do you know how hard it is to blow up balloons while trying not to laugh at all the helium-laced posts?

And...just to give you an update, DD did indeed get her cake at breakfast. Not that I'd let her eat it, mind you, but because it wasn't ready til 7am - after having stayed up all night - which absolutely in no way can possibly be attributed to my non-addiction to either this trial or you all. :biggrin:

Yea!!! Cake for everyone. :cake4u:
I am also a poor addictive soul. I live in the UK so I watch about an hour in the evenings live, then I have to watch the rest on you tube the following morning.
I'm in the UK too. As the trial starts at 17:30-ish our time, it's taken over my evenings. Your plan is far better! Everyone's posts here make me feel so normal. Thanks :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Yea!!! Cake for everyone. :cake4u:

Woot I <3 cake!

I work nights usually, at a nearby hospital (I am a lab technician). This fooking trial is on during my sleep time! I was almost grateful yesterday when I woke from a begrudging nap to find that the princess had a headache, and therefor I didn't miss anything.

I foresee tonight and tomorrow night being sleep-deprived, stumbling from analyzer to analyzer.

Another hobby of mine is online gaming. I know one of my acquaintances there is watching the trial (I can hear his HLN echoing mine through his mic), but I haven't let on that I am yet. I want to break out a Juanism on him when he least expects it. Probably one of the big ones "We're zoning into this instance tonight, do you have problems with your memory?" or "were you asked sir if you could pull that mob?!"

He calls Jodi "Jodi Watley"
"IS ANYBODY ELSE WATCHING THE JODI WATLEY TRIAL?!" he asked the other night, bursting with enthusiasm. I can't wait to blow his mind and then have a huge gab fest about it.
Love this thread!!! I feel much better about myself knowing I'm perfectly normal :floorlaugh:

I know I'm addicted because:

I wake up depressed on the weekends because there's no trial :sigh:

I get excited when its a rainy day and can watch guilt free :great:

When my daughter gets home from school I ask her what shes making us for dinner (she's 12 lol!!!)

I stopped logging into facebook because none of my friends are watching the trial and I have nothing to talk about *except* the trial :blushing:

The last time KCL was on DD I told my cat that i knew her :cat: he wasn't impressed

Yoga pants can be worn three days in a row without getting too funky (especially if you dont actually do yoga in them:facepalm:
I know that I'm addicted!!

I threw my back out this past Saturday and because I don't have a laptop or smart phone, I suffer thru the pain sitting in this chair.

Yesterday when the consort was napping, I turned on HLN, to see what was going on with the trial and found out someone was sick and immediately came back on the computer to find out why ( still with hurt back).

My crock pot hasn't gotten this much use in months!!

Just like everyone else, I have all my goodies lined up and am thankful the bathroom is right across from the office! Thank goodness for the squirt of hand sanitizer, when I do just a quick wash of the hands.

Clothes, whats that? I Love my jammies, I think they are embedded now LOL

The Consort thinks I have gone insane!!

Oh and having HLN on, even tho I'm streaming live, just in case there is some breaking news!!

and Last, but I'm sure there is more.. I log on here first before anything else, to read, what you all have to say !! Even !! Before I get my coffee!
I know I'm addicted because...
sorry, can't think of something funny to say, but have enjoyed reading the funny stuff people have posted :)

I know I'm addicted because I've been in fear of a light sentence as the many faces of others with blood on their hands and little or no prison time, keep parading across my mind....

Karla Homolka now living in a tropical paradise after receiving a BA degree in prison courtesy of taxpayers, OJ playing game after game, Lorena Bobbitt who started a charity for abused women and children (gag me!)... yeah, I think a lot of us are 'addicted' simply out of apprehension about the outcome--disappointed too many times already.

Oh, ok, I just thought of a funny one. I know I'm addicted because I often forget to eat, even when chocolate is at hand.
Ummm... I'd have to categorize myself as "perfectly abnormal"!

I could not even begin to list the things I have been ignoring, but for sure housework is in the top three. What finally led me to come to this thread (I was in denial for such a long time) is when a poster on another thread mentioned "rebooting" her laundry!, so funny and so accurate!

She mentions that her whites have never been whiter and that she needs to stop adding bleach the third time she washes the same load. Yep.

I have a wonderful hint to share. If you have a "Family Dollar" store anywhere near you, they carry a huge, industrial sized bottle of a Fabreze wanna-be for a very low price. Takes away that yucky smell that wet clothes get when left in washer for a few days. Better yet, I can justify all of this by telling myself that I am merely doing a thorough job of finally rinsing all of the built up soapsuds out of my laundry. You know, that soap residue that "builds up on and dulls" your colored clothing? I'm finally getting rid of all that- not only from my colored load, but from my towels and sheets also.

These times are definitely one of the times when it is so-o-o-o nice to live by yourself! (And yes, there are others.) If I had to deal with my late husband and his expectations of things like a cooked meal and regularly washed, dried and folded clothing, well what can I say?

As for food, I like to make a favorite casserole or stew and then eat that until it is either gone or I can't stand it any more. (This is another freedom thing for me. My husband would not eat the same thing a second night, denigrating it as "leftovers". Picky, picky. If I really like something, I can and will eat it three nights in a row.)

It goes without saying that I don't answer the door. But I don't do that anyways, unless I am expecting someone. Hey, even my kids usually call before they come over, so why would I want to open my door to some stranger or to someone who did not even bother to call first? Plus, it has been my experience in life that unannounced visitors are so very rarely anyone I want to see.....

The telephone? Thank goodness for Caller ID! Adult daughter and sister are both watching, so yes, sometimes we will call each other during a particularly "outstanding moment" during the trial.

I keep the TV on HLN during the trial. And boy, do I hate this station. But it is on. Plus I stream on my laptop, but minimize the window. Then I open a new window and come to websleuths to read the trial thread. How's that? Three sources at once! You can't say I don't know how to multi-task!

I've loved reading about those of you at work and how you are getting your fix there. The poster with the headphones who looks like she is transcribing is my favorite. I was lucky that when I worked I had a private office and the way it was situated I could see when someone was approaching. So I could just have a trial or a website up and quickly close it out when someone approached. But boy, did I hate it when someone came in during a good part.

Thanks for this thread!
My boyfriend actually gave me a day alone to watch the trial today. He's half way into it because he claims that its not often that you find a defendant evil enough to have actually kicked a puppy.
I know I am addicted for almost all of the reasons that have been listed above... I listen all day to live stream with my headphones at work..on breaks and lunch I catch up on websleuths and go into a panic when my wifi goes crockpot is my best friend, although I have to admit our local Subway has gotten alot of my business lately...hey ! Its good to eat fresh no? My college student sons friends come to the house and ask me..."when do they send her to jail?" and "is this trial still going on?"

Oh for the days when your house is really needing a spritz of febreeze and your bottle is empty here is a great homemade recipe... I have a housecleaning business and we use it all the time... its cheap and works great....You dont even have to go to the store !

Homemade Febreze
Sprayer Bottle
2 cups water (warm)
1/4 cup fabric softener
1 TBS baking soda

Spritz away and your home will smell fresh and clean !!!
I know I'm addicted to this trial because my internal clock is now synched to 'Arizona court time' which means I wake up at 2:30am every morning without an alarm...
1. I just started a new job (on Wed.) and I'm already spending my down time on WS...I just have to make sure my phone is fully charged in the morning before I leave in the morning.

2. My mom called me one evening earlier in the week to ask what I was watching. She knew I was watching HLN, she was testing me because she was worried about me watching too much of "that trial."

3. I have friends asking me for updates on the trial, although I think most of them are humoring me.

Those are just my main points. Aside from the ridiculous dreams about JM, and the guy at the gas station tonight who looked like Bobby Juarez.
With the trial finishing about 00:30 for me, not getting to sleep till about 01:30 and then having to go to work at 06:30, I am rather tired today and tonight I am looking forward - sort of - to going to sleep at a normal time.
I am know I am addicted because I actually set up a trip to go to the friend lives in AZ and is making room for me...hope I can get in...
I am addicted but not as addicted as I want to be. I am limited as to when I can follow the trial. I try to follow the trial via WS and listening on my phone while at work.
I cannot follow the trial at home because WWIII would break out - my better half is disgusted by this trial.

I am addicted but I could be addicted even more if I had a spouse that would let me follow the trial at home!!
I do the same stuff you all do. But worst of all, I told my kids the other night, "In a week or two, I'll be able to be a mom again." They didn't think that was very funny.

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