Addicted to the Jodi Arias Trial?

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The day I met Jodi. Walking through the living room making my way to the cookie jar having Pecan Sandie withdrawals. I turned and looked at the tv, my wife had the trial on and Jodi was spewing up some lies. The first thing that I noticed were those crazed eyes.
I asked my wife what's up with her? and she say's she's a talking can of mixed nuts. I've been watching the trial since that day. It was those eyes that creeped over me. Really scary at times. When it's over and she is hopefully erased it will be hard to find another trial that has captured my attention like this one. But I'm sure one will pop up. The world is full of them unfortunately. Meanwhile back to the Sandies, especially good with p-nut butter on them.
I am celebrating my 68th birthday today watching a YouTube marathon of the JA trial, from the beginning.
Me too. You know we're in need of a 10 step program to wean ourselves off this trial once it's over right? :scared:

We'll be ok, if we just take it Juan day at a time, right?
I was just reading in another topic and someone mentioned the Hippocratic Oath.....I thought they said hippocampus oath.


WAY too close for some of us to risk using within a conversation.
(words above)

I am using my first three vacation days of 2013 next Wed, Thurs & Friday. I couldn't be more excited than if I was heading to Cancun! ( which I would not do because there is this trial going on, duh!)
I'm going to

go for walks and get more exercise once this trial is over,

eat more vegetables once this trial is over,

start dressing in day clothes more once this trial is over,

make all those phone calls and appts I've been putting off once this trial is over.

Family and Friends no longer ask me how I am. They ask me if I'm still watching THAT TRIAL.

That is absolutely hilariouis and let me tell you, RIGHT? is now part of my normal conversation. I can't believe how I latched on to that. Everything you listed is exactly right. I hate Fridays too IS IT WEDNESDAY YET???
Tomorrow (Monday) we can say day after (Wednesday) we have court! Woo hoo!
So many of us are hopelessly addicted to the Jodi Arias trial, that one must wonder what will happen when it's over.

Some who have followed this case intensely are going to be in need of some serious rehab when the trial ends :scared:

Some will likely move on to another case - even though they've sworn that they won't :blushing:

Some will continue to go over every detail of the Jodi Arias case, re-watch testimony, read every thread about the case that's posted on Websleuths, including accompanying media articles and video :deadhorse:

Some will slowly return to their everyday lives but continue to read/post on the Jodi Arias board because they can't resist knowing every detail about what transpires when the trial ends :trainwreck:

Some might be able to quit cold :turkey:

Some will be waiting for Juan Martinez' book about prosecuting Jodi Arias :juanettes:
So many of us are hopelessly addicted to the Jodi Arias trial, that one must wonder what will happen when it's over.

Some who have followed this case intensely are going to be in need of some serious rehab when the trial ends :scared:

Some will likely move on to another case - even though they've sworn that they won't :blushing:

Some will continue to go over every detail of the Jodi Arias case, re-watch testimony, read every thread about the case that's posted on Websleuths, including accompanying media articles and video :deadhorse:

Some will slowly return to their everyday lives but continue to read/post on the Jodi Arias board because they can't resist knowing every detail about what transpires when the trial ends :trainwreck:

Some might be able to quit cold :turkey:

Some will be waiting for Juan Martinez' book about prosecuting Jodi Arias :juanettes:

I'm not even going to lie....I'm sure I will end up obsessed over another one! The only two I have followed to this degree in the past were Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. I had never even heard of JA until the January 48 Hours. Damn them!!

I sure do love meeting up with all of you and sharing more than just a love of justice. A better group cannot be found.
Today at 7pm (pacific time) "Runaway Jury" is on AMC; it won't stop us from Jonesin' for Wednesday, but it may help with the shakes.

I'm an addict.....AND an enabler.
Meeting today with boss which always involves 'healthy' debate. It's a good thing. Something came up that I am very right about but he's not completely convinced about but I know this situation better so we are going through with my idea. He's a good boss ;) What did I almost say "You can mark my words". Instead I said, "I am sure this is the best plan. Thanks for giving it a chance."
I'm not even going to lie....I'm sure I will end up obsessed over another one! The only two I have followed to this degree in the past were Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. I had never even heard of JA until the January 48 Hours. Damn them!!

I sure do love meeting up with all of you and sharing more than just a love of justice. A better group cannot be found.

BBM I completely agree! This is the ONLY forum where people do Not Bicker and fight. Such outstanding people here!


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