We live about 5 minutes away and were very disturbed and saddened to hear about this. This is so bizarre and horrible.
As another said, no this is certainly not a place where there is a lot of crime. Murders here are incredibly infrequent. If this was a foul play situation it will rock A2 completely. Either way her loss will be felt. The police here are very good and will hopefully solve quickly and efficiently.
Anyway I keep coming back to those texts. After AD says "No", then says "I need flfalllkf asleep" this seems very odd to me. Unless the misspelling and extra letters were a joke meant to show how tired she was, it seems she was not completely coherent or texting way too fast. And then the comment about "and used my bs." What does that mean? Is this a typo, and if not, what did she use? I can't help wondering if it means she used some type of medication or drug (perhaps that might help one sleep?)
And what does the friend mean by "I'm so confused you said you need THE gts?" Again, a typo? Did she mean TO gts (gts meaning go to sleep?) Either the way, the friend is clearly confused by her messages, and finds them odd also.
For these reason I'm wondering if this was a tragic accident, from confusion or overdose leading her to pass out outside and either succumb to whatever led to the confusion in the first place, or develop hypothermia. Others have said the timing to them makes them feel drugs or medication was unlikely, but I don't feel this way. My husband and I both attended nearby high schools in the area, and both partook in more drug use than we should have when we were in high school(well any drug use is more than one should, but you know what I mean). If students felt they could pass as sober or skip classes with friends there was no reason they wouldn't use drugs early in the day. This isn't a big crime or drug area, but in my experience since it is a wealthy area there is (well was at least) a decent bit of the student population that experimented with drugs, especially from friend's parent's medicine cabinets, etc. I would be surprised if it is different now. It does seem like she was skipping at least some classes if she arrived at 9 (I believe school starts far before this), and then left school at 11. But was it because she was ill (low blood sugar, concussion, etc?) or intentionally skipping, or something else? Also, leaving her phones at the tennis courts seems very odd as it is very snowy out, we just had a huge snowstorm Wednesday. I don't know any teenagers that leave their phone on the ground in snowy weather on purpose in normal circumstances.
I'm wondering if anyone might know of any acronyms that could help explain the phone messages more though, if bs did not mean and gts did not mean go to sleep.
My thoughts and prayers are with her poor family. She sounds like she was an amazing person, smart and beautiful, and I am so sad this story did not end with her alive and well.