Africa - Seychelles Police Probe Deaths of Sisters Annie and Robin Korkki Sept 2016

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I grew up with a guy who went on a trip to either Thailand or Indonesia (I forget which but I believe this happens in both places), a sports team trip, they all went out for dinner/drinks at bars, he wasn't feeling so good at one point and went back to his hotel room. They found him dead in his room the next day. It was because bars were essentially using 'homebrew' spirits in their drinks. He was not the first, he is not the last. I'm not sure how that relates to the causes of death of these two, I'm not sure of the official cause of death of the guy I knew. I don't know too much about the Seychelles but I know that in Thailand/Indonesia the advice is to think about how that drink is going to be made - beer where you see them pop the top is best, even if you see them pour vodka out of a bottle you recognise - well, it could have been refilled with homebrew. I'll see if I can find any articles, in the last couple of years there was a little spate of incidents.

Here's one article:

Again, I'm not sure of the drinking culture of the Seychelles but this was the first thing to come to mind since it's 2 people at once.

Now that is a scary never would have occurred to me in a million years. My son has been contemplating a trip to Thailand with some friends in the near future.....I will definitely tell him. Thanks for the info.
Now that is a scary never would have occurred to me in a million years. My son has been contemplating a trip to Thailand with some friends in the near future.....I will definitely tell him. Thanks for the info.

It is a lovely place to visit! And I might be selling Thailand a bit short too, I've mostly seen articles about Indonesia, but yes, good to be aware of things.
I doubt they would be anywhere with homebrew. Seychelles is luxury. The room was $1800 a night with their own butler. This is not the Holiday Inn. I imagine they were drinking those fancy drinks.

It is curious that two others died as well. These resorts like to keep these things quiet
Thanks for the updates, everyone !
Hope the family can discover the truth !

CBS4 Medical Editor Dr. Dave Hnida said that there were dozens of possible causes that can lead to the condition, including drug or medical overdose, altitude sickness from mountain-climbing or scuba diving, or carbon monoxide poisoning, to name a few.

Carbon monoxide? I recall not long ago there was a case in the US where an elderly couple died in hotel room, then later on a child died in the same room from carbon monoxide poisoning.

CBS4 Medical Editor Dr. Dave Hnida said that there were dozens of possible causes that can lead to the condition, including drug or medical overdose, altitude sickness from mountain-climbing or scuba diving, or carbon monoxide poisoning, to name a few.

Carbon monoxide? I recall not long ago there was a case in the US where an elderly couple died in hotel room, then later on a child died in the same room from carbon monoxide poisoning. It wasn't realized right away that couple died from carbon monoxide so other people were being placed in the same room, then the child died.
Carbon monoxide? I recall not long ago there was a case in the US where an elderly couple died in hotel room, then later on a child died in the same room from carbon monoxide poisoning. It wasn't realized right away that couple died from carbon monoxide so other people were being placed in the same room, then the child died.

Good point,but I think the carbon monoxide would be apparent upon opening door and discovering bodies.When left in a enclosed room it can poison whomever enters first.This has happened to first responders before.
Good point,but I think the carbon monoxide would be apparent upon opening door and discovering bodies.When left in a enclosed room it can poison whomever enters first.This has happened to first responders before.

There se also tell tale signs of carbon monoxide poisoning which was not noted.
Sorry turanna25,not sure what you meant.

i'm not turanna but thought I would jump in here. I think someone posted earlier that CM victims have a reddish/pinkish hue to their skin. I believe I've seen that on Kenda's show on ID too. Not sure of other visibly distinguishing factors though.

I'm about to contradict myself, so I apologize in advance. :)

I believe that until the answer is discovered, anything is possible. However, I also think many are over-analyzing this and ignoring the giant clue standing right in front of us - they had been drinking all day long. I do not mean to imply these girls were wild and crazy party types, but they certainly were not relaxing while reading books all day. Nobody sits there and drinks all day unless you are intending to party it up and get very intoxicated.

What am I trying to say? Well, I seriously doubt pesticides had anything to do with it. Whether or not alcohol played a role (alone or mixing with another chemical), I think the fact they were drinking all day reveals their intent. Therefore, given they were very intoxicated from alcohol, we can guarantee two other things: 1) Their judgment was not reliable and 2) ingesting any other chemical would surely have a compounded effect due to the alcohol.

I have no idea how this story will play out, but I don't see them as "hard-core" drug users. According to the pics I saw online, they loved to drink. Therefore, if any other chemicals were involved, I would suspect pharmaceuticals of the benzo type. If you are very intoxicated and your poor judgement leads you to ingest an excessive amount of Xanax, then good luck. Unfortunately, people die from that cocktail every day.
Carbon monoxide? I recall not long ago there was a case in the US where an elderly couple died in hotel room, then later on a child died in the same room from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Why would there be carbon monoxide? From what source? No heat. Anything else would be electric such as air conditioning
Good point,but I think the carbon monoxide would be apparent upon opening door and discovering bodies.When left in a enclosed room it can poison whomever enters first.This has happened to first responders before.

What would be the source for carbon monoxide poisoning?

I'm about to contradict myself, so I apologize in advance. :)

I believe that until the answer is discovered, anything is possible. However, I also think many are over-analyzing this and ignoring the giant clue standing right in front of us - they had been drinking all day long. I do not mean to imply these girls were wild and crazy party types, but they certainly were not relaxing while reading books all day. Nobody sits there and drinks all day unless you are intending to party it up and get very intoxicated.

What am I trying to say? Well, I seriously doubt pesticides had anything to do with it. Whether or not alcohol played a role (alone or mixing with another chemical), I think the fact they were drinking all day reveals their intent. Therefore, given they were very intoxicated from alcohol, we can guarantee two other things: 1) Their judgment was not reliable and 2) ingesting any other chemical would surely have a compounded effect due to the alcohol.

I have no idea how this story will play out, but I don't see them as "hard-core" drug users. According to the pics I saw online, they loved to drink. Therefore, if any other chemicals were involved, I would suspect pharmaceuticals of the benzo type. If you are very intoxicated and your poor judgement leads you to ingest an excessive amount of Xanax, then good luck. Unfortunately, people die from that cocktail every day.

I know of some people that think of cocaine as a recreational drug. They only use it once in awhile
i'm not turanna but thought I would jump in here. I think someone posted earlier that CM victims have a reddish/pinkish hue to their skin. I believe I've seen that on Kenda's show on ID too. Not sure of other visibly distinguishing factors though.

"The classical signs of carbon monoxide poisoning — described as cherry-red lips, peripheral cyanosis, and retinal haemorrhages"
I know of some people that think of cocaine as a recreational drug. They only use it once in awhile

And it would only take one bad batch or spiked serving to kill them.

And it would only take one bad batch or spiked serving to kill them.

And it would only take one bad batch or spiked serving to kill them.


I don't see a bad batch of cocaine being the culprit.

They could not get to their room at 8:15pm. That is c-r-a-z-y. This means they were a stumbling, incoherent mess by 8:15pm, which probably indicates that if they had access to substances other than alcohol, they had already been using the substance for quite some time.

Whatever lead to their demise was not something they did only after getting to their room at 8:15pm. Instead, I think they had been doing it for hours before getting to their room. If resort staff had seen them drinking "all day", presumably in public, then I would believe it's more likely they were popping pills with their drinks (easier to conceal/ingest), rather than sneaking off to the ladies room and doing lines of bad coke. Besides, if you're going to snort cocaine, whether it's bad or good, those effects will come on quickly - in minutes - due to the method of delivery. Therefore, it would have been more likely to find one of them slouched over the toilet in the public restroom. Conversely, even if it were "good coke", it would somewhat offset the depressive affect of the alcohol, so they should have been able to find their room.

The fact they needed help finding their room at 8:15pm says a lot and leads me to rule out stimulants. I just think this sounds like a alcohol+benzo or maybe alcohol+opiates OD.

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