AFTER the hearing - who do you find more credible?

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AFTER the hearing - who do you find more credible?

  • The alleged survivor of sexual abuse?

    Votes: 65 70.7%
  • The alleged rapist?

    Votes: 27 29.3%

  • Total voters
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Politics, 2.

Personally, it seems more likely to motivate the repub base if K is "forced" to withdraw his nomination than to confirm him, but then, I never have understood the mindset of the less than 40% of voters trump base. ;)

The only R calculation to toss in is that holding the Senate is priority one, and that R's hoped/hope to force red state Dems to vote on a right-wing nominee BEFORE the midterms.

For Dems? The K disaster has given red state Dems cover to vote against K & to perhaps survive.

Dems are best off now if Kavanaugh IS confirmed, not if he is defeated. Confirming K would energize Dems still further. There is little upside for Dems if K goes down in flames before the midterms. Nothing will stop a right-wing nominee from being confirmed to the Court after the election. Nada.
This article is lame. I scrolled thru to this point to try and find the lies.

The bold face lie is from the author. If Keyser doesn't know him she sure as hell means she never was at a party with him and therefore never was at the party to witness any kind of assault perpetrated by Kavanaugh against her good friend.

I'm not going to waste anymore time reading this drivel.

Journalism is dead. There is no more critical thinking to any of it. Bias runs rampant. Assumptions are presented as truth.
Am I understanding correctly that there were only the four people named at this party? If so, it seems she was most likely driven by her girlfriend, or did Mark Judge pick her up? This would be an important question for the FBI to delve into, IMO.

Another item would be, if there were only these four at the party, then the house belonged to a family member or acquaintance of one of the boys. JMO.

There is a big missing piece here that no one has bothered to investigate because they don’t want to know!

My opinions only.

There are several alleged victims and several alleged events. At least two, we’re told, are being investigated by the FBI.

But as of yesterday, Blasey Ford’s attorney said she had not yet been contacted.

I’m a little behind today — has that changed? Do we know if she been interviewed?
I think Republicans will hold the Senate. I hope BK is withdrawn as a nominee as a majority of Americans disapprove of him for various reasons. He is too partisan with ties to Bush administration and Trump has refused to release these records. More and more is coming out every day: now it looks like he overruled release of a GOP operative's record therefore blocking an ethics investigation.
I hope a quality candidate like Gorsuch or Roberts can be put forward.
Here’s a piece of Rachel Mitchell’s memo....

Brett Kavanaugh: New questions emerge over role of White House in FBI investigation - CNNPolitics


Rachel MItchell, the sex crimes prosecutor who was tasked with questioning Ford on her allegation of sexual assault, said a "reasonable prosecutor" would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Ford's allegation given the evidence presented to the committee.

Mitchell cited inconsistencies in Ford's statements to the committee, as well as to The Washington Post and her therapist, and noted the lack of corroboration of her account, including recalling details that could back her story.

"In the legal context, here is my bottom line: A 'he said, she said' case is incredibly difficult to prove," Mitchell wrote. "But this case is even weaker than that. Dr. Ford identified other witnesses to the event, and those witnesses either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them. For the reasons discussed below, I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence before the Committee. Nor do I believe that this evidence is sufficient to satisfy the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard."

At this point in time (ought to change in a couple of weeks no matter what happens) this is not a criminal case.

Think of it more like OJ case criminal acquitted civil case lost.

None of this should matter tho. He perjured himself during the actual hearings before any of this emerged.

Actually like all the other people who have been charged and plead guilty to committing perjury - legally he can go to prison just for that.

Ple note: Several actual documents related to a couple of the perjured claims were linked earlier.
And those claiming it is or is not a "conspiracy theory" should consider this...

It's (sadly) politics as usual.

Both parties have a habit of using the media to create discontent and doubt. The media participates because the salaciousness of it increases readership, therefore it increases advertisers income. The rush to release is so extreme that few in the media actually take the time to investigate and validate, most of them just regurgitate.

The Democrats have (twice now) gone to extremes to release claims against potential SC nominees, and they know that all they have to do is place seeds of doubt.

IMO, Kavanaugh reacted normally and within reason to these attacks. Particularly when one considers the very lopsided reporting and serious lack of verification. Add to that the outrageous assumptions that have been made and accepted as truth.

This is a sad time for our political process.

If an investigation by the FBI is to be honest and complete, they must look into Mrs. Ford's past, the need for long-term counseling, her family life, claims from all friends and family (not just the one's who support her), any medications she may have used long-term, etc.

Only fair if Kavanaugh is subject to same.

I imagine Dr. Ford would be just fine with all that invasiveness if Kavanaugh is treated likewise, and the FBI is allowed to interview the over a dozen peeps who knew him who call him a mean drunk, and all his HS buds who wrote about Renate & drank a 100 illegal kegs of beer with him, and the girls who saw him drunk in HS & college -under oath, and if he's asked by the FBI how much he drinks now & how often, and has he ever been warned about his drinking by a DR or attended AA meetings or been told by those who knew him that they were concerned about his drinking, and was he truthful in all 6 background checks about his drinking, and has he ever been aggressive towards girls/women when drunk, or been told by others that he had been, and yah, under oath to the FBI- have you ever blacked out? And, what does Devil's Triangle really mean?
I imagine Dr. Ford would be just fine with all that invasiveness if Kavanaugh is treated likewise, and the FBI is allowed to interview the over a dozen peeps who knew him who call him a mean drunk, and all his HS buds who wrote about Renate & drank a 100 illegal kegs of beer with him, and the girls who saw him drunk in HS & college -under oath, and if he's asked by the FBI how much he drinks now & how often, and has he ever been warned about his drinking by a DR or attended AA meetings or been told by those who knew him that they were concerned about his drinking, and was he truthful in all 6 background checks about his drinking, and has he ever been aggressive towards girls/women when drunk, or been told by others that he had been, and yah, under oath to the FBI- have you ever blacked out? And, what does Devil's Triangle really mean?
Good point. He lied Thursday about his record so did he lie during previous background investigations?
I imagine Dr. Ford would be just fine with all that invasiveness if Kavanaugh is treated likewise, and the FBI is allowed to interview the over a dozen peeps who knew him who call him a mean drunk, and all his HS buds who wrote about Renate & drank a 100 illegal kegs of beer with him, and the girls who saw him drunk in HS & college -under oath, and if he's asked by the FBI how much he drinks now & how often, and has he ever been warned about his drinking by a DR or attended AA meetings or been told by those who knew him that they were concerned about his drinking, and was he truthful in all 6 background checks about his drinking, and has he ever been aggressive towards girls/women when drunk, or been told by others that he had been, and yah, under oath to the FBI- have you ever blacked out? And, what does Devil's Triangle really mean?

It took me a while to connect Judge piling on top to Devils Triangle

That is what it is -- two guys and a lady - at first i thought god he had to be so blasted to jump on top while his friend was allegedly raping someone -- now it makes total sense.

There are no statues of limitations - of course he cant admit to being to drunk to to enter the devils triangle !!

If the recipe for devil triangle is two MEN and one WOMAN ...........................

Hate math

Dr Ford -- Female
Brett - male
Judge male
Apologies if this has been posted already!

This is so deceptive. The standard is different between a criminal court and a judiciary hearing, and any attorney worth a dam* knows this. I hope the ABA calls her out on it.

The standard for the judiciary committee is, AT MOST, probable cause, NOT “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Makes me wonder if her memo was edited, and by whom, before it was released.


Rachel MItchell, the sex crimes prosecutor who was tasked with questioning Ford on her allegation of sexual assault, said a "reasonable prosecutor" would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Ford's allegation given the evidence presented to the committee.​


The Washington Post offers a list:

12) Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): "Judge Kavanaugh, have you taken a professionally administered polygraph test, as it relates to this issue?"

Kavanaugh: “Of course, those are not admissible in federal court, but I’ll do whatever the committee wants, they’re not admissible in federal court because they’re not reliable.”

Kavanaugh's presentation of the effectiveness of polygraph tests is accurate. But it's worth noting that this hasn't always been his position.

“As the Government notes,” he wrote in a 2016 decision, “law enforcement agencies use polygraphs to test the credibility of witnesses and criminal defendants. Those agencies also use polygraphs to ‘screen applicants for security clearances so that they may be deemed suitable for work in critical law enforcement, defense, and intelligence collection roles.’”

“The Government has satisfactorily explained how polygraph examinations serve law enforcement purposes,” he summarized.
I imagine Dr. Ford would be just fine with all that invasiveness if Kavanaugh is treated likewise, and the FBI is allowed to interview the over a dozen peeps who knew him who call him a mean drunk, and all his HS buds who wrote about Renate & drank a 100 illegal kegs of beer with him, and the girls who saw him drunk in HS & college -under oath, and if he's asked by the FBI how much he drinks now & how often, and has he ever been warned about his drinking by a DR or attended AA meetings or been told by those who knew him that they were concerned about his drinking, and was he truthful in all 6 background checks about his drinking, and has he ever been aggressive towards girls/women when drunk, or been told by others that he had been, and yah, under oath to the FBI- have you ever blacked out? And, what does Devil's Triangle really mean?

Devil’s Triangle: “A made up game of quarters with three cups arranged in a triangle. The rules are unknown because the inventor of the game, Brett Kavanaugh, could not explain them under oath.”


This is kinda hilarious, too: Here Are Some Rules for Playing That Well-Known Drinking Game, the Devil’s Triangle

It’s not hard to find examples of people using the phrase “Devil’s Triangle” to refer to relatively innocuous things, if you have a reason to lie about what it means. Perhaps Kavanaugh and his social circle were obsessed with musical history, and Squi built a replica of the Devil’s Triangle , as described in the Interior Journal of Stanford, Kentucky on Feb. 3, 1882:

“John Buford, a gentleman of color, has invented a musical instrument he calls the devil’s triangle, and which gets away with anything we have seen. It is in the shape of an Indian bow, with a wire string. He puts one end of the bow, or triangle as he calls it, in his mouth and hits on the string with a goose quill, and can play any tune. It sounds something like a Jew’s harp, but much louder.”

(More at link)
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

IMO, the latest "psych de jour" is narcissism, followed by sociopathy (antisocial personality disorder), psychopathy, etc.

IMO, we do have a higher level of damaging narcissism these days than say, 50 years ago. Probably a multitude of reasons for that beginning with poor parenting techniques to the damaging side of social media.

Claims of sociopathy are rampant, but unless one is trained in the field (I am not) making those claims are pretty much guesses. And those guesses are always filtered through our own personality traits.

Even in sociopathy, there are varied levels. Not everyone who disregards another's rights is prone to criminal behavior.
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John Oliver Devotes Whole Episode to Brett Kavanaugh

At the end of the week, according to Oliver, it came down to whether you believed the “the terrified psychology professor who blew up her entire life to relive her trauma on a national stage“ or “Judge Animal House who seemed to be sweatily making up drinking games before members of the Senate.“

After all this, Oliver can’t see a single good reason for conservatives to continue supporting Kavanaugh over an equally conservative replacement candidate who isn’t “an unhinged partisan with multiple allegations of sexual assault hanging over him.“ Oliver’s interpretation of the GOP’s continued support for Kavanaugh is that it’s not only a “f–k you to Democrats, but a f–k you to women.”​
IMO, the latest "psych de jour" is narcissism, followed by sociopathy (antisocial personality disorder), psychopathy, etc.

IMO, we do have a higher level of damaging narcissism these days than say, 50 years ago. Probably a multitude of reasons for that beginning with poor parenting techniques to the damaging side of social media.

Claims of sociopathy are rampant, but unless one is trained in the field (I am not) making those claims are pretty much guesses. And those guesses are always filtered through our own personality traits.

Even in sociopathy, there are varied levels. Not everyone who disregards another's rights is prone to criminal behavior.


Interesting. I had no idea!
Mose falsehoods: appears he lied about being a Yale legacy. He drank when he was 17 so he was underage.

Are we able to do a karaoke singalong here? Can we make it happen? I have the perfect song for our lying liar of a lying scotus nominee, imo.

True. Dr. Ford accused him of sexual assault, not rape. There's a difference. I think the option should be changed.

Actually she stated she feared hs was trying to rape her, but got thrown off by his level of inebriation and her wearing a one piece bathing suit.

Funny - I would think one would be pretty darn messed up if they were unable to get a bathing suit off!

Now , I obviously I am not an expert in removing a woman's one piece bathing suit , but I was highly proficient in getting board shorts off the guys!!

smile a little levity....
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