aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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I remember this but I've just had a thought, I wonder if the angry emails had anything to do with this. Could JA have scammed Travis in any way about the car? JA said on this tape they had spoken to their attorneys about the car, and JA said in the angry text exchange, she was contacting her attorney for that other issue. Could there have been a connection?

Yes Gauntlet, there could well be.

I just wanted to highlight that we rarely saw JSS on the livestream, but she was paying attention and taking notes and watching reactions when we did see her.
I just wanted to put up a link to JA filing for victim impact statements to be done on video.
I don't think there is any way that JSS will grant this motion, since the Alexanders have been nothing less than dignified and a class act through the entire ordeal. NEWS/defensemotion.pdf

The Alexander family was so dignified and respectful during the entire trial proceedings, I cannot imagine any inappropriate or uncontrolled outbursts during the sentencing hearings. Another ploy to delay the inevitable for JA. The only uncontrollable outbursts I can foresee is from JA herself. Her rage is going to explode.
I remember this but I've just had a thought, I wonder if the angry emails had anything to do with this. Could JA have scammed Travis in any way about the car? JA said on this tape they had spoken to their attorneys about the car, and JA said in the angry text exchange, she was contacting her attorney for that other issue. Could there have been a connection?

Do you know where a copy of this part is? I've seen references to one or both of them mentioning attys but haven't seen the text itself. Thanks. :)
I don't have a clue but if the DT can do it, I bet they will
Really is beyond me. I've never heard of attorneys objecting to something in a victim impact statement. So if I got on the stand and said I was a lifelong friend of Travis and my life has been made immeasurably worse because Jodi stalked and killed him, the DT would object because I called her a stalker? That's the only thing I can think of.
Wow just wow (but your comments hafta say kinda cracked me up). And how weird he was going on about an injured finger considering this trial....! Exonerate yourself? Was he somehow expecting you to be blamed? Glad you got out of that nutbag situation.

I often wonder if he was watching the trial and if he saw himself.

His daughter (we are still very close) texted me the day Arias testified about her bent finger, "OMG. r u laughing your a$$ off right now?" :floorlaugh:

Seriously dodged a bullet with him.
Haven't read all the posts yet....but I am still wondering about the email Travis sent JA on facebook during that last argument. I wonder if Jodi refused to pay for car and maybe she stole the contact and Travis could no longer prove there was one....
The Alexander family was so dignified and respectful during the entire trial proceedings, I cannot imagine any inappropriate or uncontrolled outbursts during the sentencing hearings. Another ploy to delay the inevitable for JA. The only uncontrollable outbursts I can foresee is from JA herself. Her rage is going to explode.

She is just too much of a coward to hear the truth. If its on video she can ignore it. If they are in front of her talking directly to her she won't be able to...
Travis family deserves to be heard. They sat and listened to her and her bull crap stories and lies for months. They deserve to say what they need to say.
People in some occupations like journalism or Defense Attorneys have that ability to sell their soul and their grandmother if need be to get that scoop or defend that defendant. Others in those occupations wouldn't cross those boundaries. I couldn't a job like that. Na ah.
I have to disagree. As a former journalist who covered a crime beat I would have jumped at the chance for the interview.Ovbiolsy people are interested becuase look how many people are commenting on it. You watched it. Reporters who present all sides of information are not selling their souls, they are doing thier job. ANd as difficult as this may be to understand, it's in the public's interest to do so.. You get to form your own opinion about what is reported. That reporter crossed no boundries what so ever.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Alexander family was so dignified and respectful during the entire trial proceedings, I cannot imagine any inappropriate or uncontrolled outbursts during the sentencing hearings. Another ploy to delay the inevitable for JA. The only uncontrollable outbursts I can foresee is from JA herself. Her rage is going to explode.

You are so right. They've held everything inside for 5 gut wrenching agonizing years. You bet it's going to erupt and vitriol is going to spew all over Arias. But it won't be uncontrolled and it won't be inappropriate.

I hope they take the crayons and coloring book away from her. With no "shields" to separate herself from the reality of what's going on, we may get to see her tazed after all. :D
I often wonder if he was watching the trial and if he saw himself.

His daughter (we are still very close) texted me the day Arias testified about her bent finger, "OMG. r u laughing your a$$ off right now?" :floorlaugh:

Seriously dodged a bullet with him.

About ten years ago, I was working for someone who recommended me to a friend who was also looking for a bookkeeper. I worked for this man for about a month before it became apparent that things were not going to work out. Things had to be done his way no matter what. I finally told him that he didn't need me, he would be better off with a high school or college student to do data entry. Over the next twenty minutes he went through the oddest display of manipulation I'd ever seen. First he got angry, then he played the pity card, then he tried to flatter me, and finally he implied he would "expose" me to my friend who had suggested I work for him. I said, fine, and left.

I tried to tell my friend that this guy had a serious problem, but he couldn't see it. Later on, though, I think he figured it out. Always wished I'd had the whole thing on tape. As soon as one argument failed, he's simply flip a switch and move on to the next. Truly weird.
Bringing my last post over from previous thread in reply to a question about JSS and if the Hon Judge has been paying attention during the trial. ..........

If you watch the following clip, you will see JSS writing and taking down notes.
This particular clip Arias talks about trashing Travis' BMW and him taking it so well (yet he goes crazy at her dropping a camera?!?!?!).
She also mentions to DEt Flores that she contacted the executor of Travis' last will and testament :eek:
I had missed this at the time, but I don't think JSS would have. I have faith in her.

Interesting she asked if any weaponS were used...plural...
About ten years ago, I was working for someone who recommended me to a friend who was also looking for a bookkeeper. I worked for this man for about a month before it became apparent that things were not going to work out. Things had to be done his way no matter what. I finally told him that he didn't need me, he would be better off with a high school or college student to do data entry. Over the next twenty minutes he went through the oddest display of manipulation I'd ever seen. First he got angry, then he played the pity card, then he tried to flatter me, and finally he implied he would "expose" me to my friend who had suggested I work for him. I said, fine, and left.

I tried to tell my friend that this guy had a serious problem, but he couldn't see it. Later on, though, I think he figured it out. Always wished I'd had the whole thing on tape. As soon as one argument failed, he's simply flip a switch and move on to the next. Truly weird. BBM

YES! It was his way or the wrong way and you kept choosing the wrong way. lol

They are master manipulators. If you aren't paying attention, you'll carry the weight of the entire "relationship" whatever it may be, on YOUR shoulders.
She is just too much of a coward to hear the truth. If its on video she can ignore it. If they are in front of her talking directly to her she won't be able to...
Travis family deserves to be heard. They sat and listened to her and her bull crap stories and lies for months. They deserve to say what they need to say.

This is one of the few things with which I respectfully disagree with many of the posters here. I think she's looking forward to the victim impact statements. She can't wait to hear how the Alexander family and friends have suffered. That was her goal with this trial IMO.

I believe the DT filed the motion to have the statements on videotape. They know what an impact they will have on the jury (why they call them impact statements, I guess!). They're trying to save her life -- that's their job. But I think it's pointless. The jury has seen Tanisha, Samantha and Stephen every day. They already know how they feel. I'm not even sure they need to make a statement, except that it will finally give them a chance to speak out.
This is one of the few things with which I respectfully disagree with many of the posters here. I think she's looking forward to the victim impact statements. She can't wait to hear how the Alexander family and friends have suffered. That was her goal with this trial IMO.

I actually hadn't considered that. I was focused so much on her disinterest and deadness of soul that I forgot about the sadistic side of her personality that really would take pleasure in being front and center to witness how much anguish she's caused these people. It would reinforce her godlike feelings.

Maybe that's why the DT wants it on videotape: they know she won't be able to hide her smirking and obvious pleasure if it's "live."

I think you may be right about that.
Dateline Obsession, Jodi Arias May 10

[ame=""]Obsession The Jodi Arias Story Dateline N_B_C [SD] - YouTube[/ame]
People in some occupations like journalism or Defense Attorneys have that ability to sell their soul and their grandmother if need be to get that scoop or defend that defendant. Others in those occupations wouldn't cross those boundaries. I couldn't a job like that. Na ah.
I have to disagree. As a former journalist who covered a crime beat I would have jumped at the chance for the interview.Ovbiolsy people are interested becuase look how many people are commenting on it. You watched it. Reporters who present all sides of information are not selling their souls, they are doing thier job. ANd as difficult as this may be to understand, it's in the public's interest to do so.. You get to form your own opinion about what is reported. That reporter crossed no boundries what so ever.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Each to their own. There's just no way no how could I give a convicted murderer a platform to speak just 20 minutes after the verdict was handed down. That interview was so soft too. Who was the victim here - JA or Travis? IMO there was nothing the public *needed* to see in that interview, and it could certainly have waited till after the trial was over.
The Alexander family was so dignified and respectful during the entire trial proceedings, I cannot imagine any inappropriate or uncontrolled outbursts during the sentencing hearings. Another ploy to delay the inevitable for JA. The only uncontrollable outbursts I can foresee is from JA herself. Her rage is going to explode.

I feel that after having a family sit through this trial for so many months and being ordered to refrain from any emotion and respecting that instruction...they get to let it rip in the court room. To me, their raw emotion whether it's in a form of uncontrolled outburst(as long as it's not physical) or a controlled statement is indicative of the pain they have suffered. I personally feel victim impacts should be as emotional and as heartfelt asthey chose and should not be censored in any way. If the emotion is too's because the crime was so awful. And no way should they have to video tape. They should have their day and their say. And I'm ok if they want to get in JA's face and scream bloody murder...becuase that's what this was.
Each to their own. There's just no way no how could I give a convicted murderer a platform to speak just 20 minutes after the verdict was handed down. That interview was so soft too. Who was the victim here - JA or Travis? IMO there was nothing the public *needed* to see in that interview, and it could certainly have waited till after the trial was over.

I'm sorry I left off your name..I did not know how to quite bring over the whole quote. I hope I did not offend you by leaving that off. I do agree though that it was a "soft." interview
You are so right. They've held everything inside for 5 gut wrenching agonizing years. You bet it's going to erupt and vitriol is going to spew all over Arias. But it won't be uncontrolled and it won't be inappropriate.

I hope they take the crayons and coloring book away from her. With no "shields" to separate herself from the reality of what's going on, we may get to see her tazed after all. :D

I also hope she is made to wear her hair up in in ponytail so there will be no hair curtains. I want her to look them straight on.
Re: the victim impact statements... I have a few thoughts about JA wanting them to taped rather than spoken live in court...
I think it's just another display of how very unimportant the Alexander family is to her. In reality, no one matters to her. Insignificant, pesky things in her way.
I also think she knows that she will have a bit of a problem sitting there and hearing them speak. She may be able to put her head down, or draw or right, but truth is, she may be heading down the spectrum to where she won't be able to contain herself.
I doubt that the Judge will grant the motion. It's ridiculous.
It's JA telling the world that the family isn't important at all. Let them just say it on tape. She is truly evil.
I am still trying to figure out her plan to get herself onto Suicide Protocol. I've watched the post-verdict interview a few times. She is seething and hateful. It's more evident and you can tell it's just under the surface, more so than ever before. One on hand, I get the feeling that the death is freedom comment was like a kid who is defiant. You want me dead, okay, I'll show you dead. She doesn't ever intend to off herself. It's her ploy. She isn't winning so she doesn't want to play anymore. She's packing up her crayons and going home.
She must be SO conflicted right now. She said previously that she didn't want to mention wanting to die so she wouldn't be put on suicide watch yet that is all she keeps saying in the most current interview. Who knows with her? She lies so much that even her previous comments can't be taken as fact. There's so much empty space inside her that a million different versions could be in there bouncing around at all times.
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