aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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Here's another one:


Is it possible she wore some kind of veneer over the front of her teeth to make them look straight which she is not allowed to wear in prison? I mean it's not like she had a problem with fake hair, fake *advertiser censored*, coloured contacts etc, maybe fake teeth too.

Yeah I confused me too because clearly her teeth are crooked. She did her hair blonde! I read that she was ashamed of her Hispanic heritage and preferred to be considered Caucasian.
i don't think her reaction to nurmi's comment was abnormal. i doubt she cares much for him, either. it's, at the very best, a strictly professional relationship. and it was a funny comment.

I do think he lied, though. I'm sure he doesn't like her on the tenth day, either.
Well, so far as anyone knows, she never killed any of her old boyfriends, besides Travis. I suppose there's that.

She was kind enough to write Ryan Burns and tell him he was never in any danger from her.

She offered Deanna a freshly baked cookie once.

She might have tipped the Starbucks barristas although there was no testimony to that effect.

She did send Travis's grandma flowers, they could use that, couldn't they?

She smiled when Nurmi said he doesn't like her 9 out of 10 days, that's nice, right?

She got Walmart more free advertising than they could ever dream of and their stock price went up $10 per share between Jan. 2nd, 2013 (start of trial) and May 7th, 2013 (day before verdict). So she enriched millions of stockholders. She was helping the economy. Maybe Obama will speak on her behalf! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Yeah, maybe veneers.

Is there some kind of bridge you can wear that goes over the top of your teeth but isn't fixed? Like a cosmetic bridge or something? Either that or they've actually moved .. you can photoshop anything, but being able to do it so it looks realistic takes a lot of training / or costs a lot of money .. JA had neither.
I think, in her zest to make sure she will be the center of attention after the verdict, she does the interview. In addition to her continuation to trash Travis, she knows all the world will hear her say she wants the DP. I think most agree that was said for pure manipulation purposes. Oh poor thing, we can't possibly believe she really wants to die, so let's all just agree she needs to get LWOP. But apparently, Little Miss Einstein didn't realize that in the State of Arizona, if you want the DP, they will give you the DP, after a comp hearing. So what happens next - her DT file a motion to have the DP taken off the table. That's denied and lo and behold what happens next? She has a meltdown or whatever and where does she land - the psych ward!

Part of me wonders if she thought the Alexander Family would be making a statement and she wanted to trump them or offset anything she thought they might say. With CFJA, anything is possible. :moo:
:floorlaugh: I know.....that's what I find so crazy wow about how clean Travis's comp was!!! What about JA's? There's never been any mention about her hard drive??? Really wanna know what that testimony from the fraud expert would have been!

Her hard drive was mysteriously destroyed, don't you know? It was not salvageable and no data could be retrieved. Imagine that.

Convicted Felon.

I don't think JA would have been good enough at Photoshop to do that, I think her teeth have actually moved position .. she had braces at one point .. they're looking bad now hey?

She's good at getting people to do things for her so someone must have touched the photos up for her.

If she posted pics, they would have to be "perfect" ... remember she said in that unfortunate sex tape in response to Travis telling her she was photogenic? Something like, "No, no, I'm not. Just careful about which photos I choose."

But maybe dental work is the one thing for which she couldn't get the state to pay?
Part of me wonders if she thought the Alexander Family would be making a statement and she wanted to trump them or offset anything she thought they might say. With CFJA, anything is possible. :moo:

Could be...she did make that cruel comment about them reminding her of her abuser so maybe she thought they'd be dueling for airtime on the nightly news.
Haven't been able to load WS bc of this xbox complicated bs. Praying my laptop comes back from repair monday or tuesday... :please:

Consider all posts thanked that I would usually agree with. For the ones I DEFINITELY don't agree with, those can go in my packed away treasure TROLL collection ;)

Just smile & wave... The JA loonies are trying to keep others down just to make themselves feel more important. CMJA is going down & there is nothing they can do about it! Hopefully I'll be back on WS soon if xbox cooperates :facepalm:
i'd really like to know why this was kept out? how could her hard drive not be an important part of this case, and HOW was this kept out?

I believe her hard drive was damaged and the prosecution had some experts examining it. I never heard any more after that....
I don't think JA would have been good enough at Photoshop to do that, I think her teeth have actually moved position .. she had braces at one point .. they're looking bad now hey?

Well, she is a profeassional photographer, right?:giggle:
I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

I actually think this is spot on!!!!! :seeya:
I can't remember the name...the pic was on the boards during the National Enquirer stuff though...

O/T the quesadilla is two flour tortillas filled with bananas, brown sugar, choc chips, cinnamon...cook in skillet in butter until browned, chips melted. Top with ice cream and caramel sauce.

I will keep looking for the name though!

Found her name, jodis alleged jail gf, Marissa Devault
Beat husband to death with a hammer. She says she was abused. Awaiting trial since 2009
Yeah I confused me too because clearly her teeth are crooked. She did her hair blonde! I read that she was ashamed of her Hispanic heritage and preferred to be considered Caucasian.

Miss Margie Manipulator will be playing up her Latina blood when she gets to Perryville and needs to cozy up to one of the gangs for protection.
Can't help but comment on the resent photos of Jodi Arias.

You may want to string me up, but I still say she was a stunning young women (photoshopped) teeth or not. She has lost a lot of weight and her face shows it. Look at how she looked when Troy Hayden interviewed her.

Bet she had the right lighting and makeup on then--come to think of it maybe that is why she wanted to be on TV One last attempt at vanity.

The saddest thing about ALL of this--is Travis was slaughtered by a women he "genuinely "cared" for. Even his friends said he cared for her and they thought they were a good fit in the beginning, before she went all stabby. I mean there is betrayal and then there is "BETRAYAL" . Poor, Poor Travis what a deadly , life-changing that first meeting with Jodie turned out to be.:twocents:
I personally think the change in Jodi's teeth is along the lines of a slow motion morphing like was shown in the film The Devil's Advocate. I swear she's grown fangs, top and bottom, during this trial. I think the true monster has emerged from behind the mask which isn't that uncommon when sociopaths are incarcerated.

One of the many reasons I believe she transcends sociopathy in to a territory I've never seen before.
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