Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

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I agree 100%. The ONLY difference between DP and LWOP is that with DP, the taxpayers pay for high dollar appellate attorneys to file brief after brief after motion after motion on JA's behalf. If JA gets LWOP, SHE gets to pay for any appeal expenses. She will be isolated for 23 hours a day, not allowed to speak to other inmates, eat her meals alone in her cell, get two 10-minute telephone calls per week and die in prison. She will not be followed by reporters writing about death row women and will very soon be forgotten.

DP just costs more and affords her all that notariety that she craves. The anti-death penalty websites will get behind her and make websites for her where the crazy supporters can contact her for all kinds of years until some whacko judge or governor commutes her sentence. Does anyone know how many women have been executed in AZ since the Supreme Court lifted the ban on capital punishment ins 1976? NONE. ZERO. There have only been a dozen
women put to death in all of the U.S. in that time.

I really believe LWOP makes sense for this thing.

Great post NanKelley.
So agree with you.
The taxpayers have already spent 2 million+ on defending this murdering piece
of trash.

LWOP would be much harder for JA. she's a legend in her own mind only.
Lock her away for life ... 23 hours/day in a tiny cell.
Her notoriety would keep her out of general population - so no socializing with
pod-mates, etc.
This would be JA's worse nightmare I think ... No special attention and JA all alone with her evil self.

Plus LWOP would not grant her the all the automatic appeals that the DP would give her. (also paid for by the taxpayers)

If she got the DP it would drag on for decades ... and JA would be the poster-murderer of martyr's for all the looney-tune crazies that fill her commissary account.

Put JA away and throw away the key. Never to be heard from again.

“I find it really hard to believe what happened, knowing her,” convicted arsonist Donvan Bering said. “Never, ever have I seen her raise her voice, seen her yell, seen her do anything. So when I’m sitting there in court, it blows me away because I’m sitting there knowing the person that I know, seeing her and talking to her and see how much compassion she has.” - Donavan Bering


OMG, I can't stop laughing!!!!
In regards to JA's childhood friend who always sounds under the influence (and who has been on NG) and about whether she sounds drunk or UTI of something else (ae: chemical "mood enhancers" &/or the like).....
Yes, I agree (about the chemical intoxicant part). To me -& having been around a couple people who have been under the influence of the following- after hearing the consistent murmuring & slurring of her words/speech in the few interviews NG did w/ her, it sounded like the distinct speech of someone under the heavy influence of the stronger anti-anxiety meds (specifically speaking, Xanny the Nanny, if you get my drift). I've been around people who have taken more Xanax than prescribed and they all sound EXACTLY like Jodi's childhood friend. The way that they ALL talk/interact/assassinate words/mispronounce words sounds identical -yet- much different than that of the garden variety drunk. Or my second guess would be a cocktail including the above mixed with alcohol or maybe something from the opiod family... JMO.
A strong anti-anxiety drug wouldn't be out of the question here.... Anyone who has had interaction with/dealings with/encounters with JA I'm sure is prescribed some anti-anxiety drug to help them deal with all the trauma that JA has inflicted in their life/lives. Again, JMO.

This comment is in reference to the above post about sodium pentobarbital... (I always forget how to bring over a post from a closed thread).

I just asked an anesthesiologist, and he said that it is manufactured in Europe and they won't sell it to US because we use it for the "death penalty". He said it is very hard to get.
I then asked why a drug company in the US didn't manufacture it. His comment and "opinion": "probably for the same reason Europe doesn't sell it to us. They don't want all the grief they would get and also lawsuits filed against them by people/organizations that do not believe in the death penalty.

Pentobarbital is what vets use to euthanize pets. It's manufactered in the US and is quite common though there are only two US companies that manufacture in - one in NY and one in CA. It's also used sometimes in lower doses to control seizures in humans.

Pentobarbital is typically not what is used in the US when putting someone to death by lethal injection. More typically a cocktail of drugs is used: sodium thiopental, followed by pancuronium bromide (a muscle relaxant) and potassium chloride which is what stops the heart. Pentobarbital has been used in lethal injections on humans though. Each state seems to have their prefered drug or cocktail of drugs of choice which may have a lot to do with availability and particularly pricing.

Pentobarbital is rarely used in humans as an anesthetic except in some experimental cases. There are sooooo many preferable anesthetic drugs to use instead.
Yes - The only way she gets Isolation is on Death Row. That is where she is going. IMO

Hi Auburn. I am pretty sure that she could be put in closed population when she goes to prison. I know that is normally reserved for child molesters so maybe someone on WS that has worked in the prison system would know.
Well, more specifically, the psychology of it is, "yeah, she deserves it but remember, she is still someone's daughter."

If your a female your someones daughter. Being female shouldn't keep someone from the death penalty. If your guilty of a crime you should pay the penalty. If Jodi was a man she would get death, is there any doubt?
Oh, no, was referring to this "documentary" style program on the Estrella jail.

Oh...well ...duhh... kinda slow here tonight... and yes.. it doesnt take those "ladies" long to find companionship in there does it?
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