aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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Definition of MITIGATE

: to cause to become less harsh

: to make less severe or painful

There is no reason for any of the above to apply in regards to the convicted murderess Jodi Arias ...PLAIN & SIMPLE
Hard to predict where the jury will go with the sentence. I don't see this as a slam dunk at all. Too hard to tell how 12 random people will think about applying it.

Still don't even know who the witnesses will be.
@maryellenabc15: #jodiarias

5 hours ago

Defense listed Kim Ross - Fellow inmate & Patricia Womack as sentencing witnesses + Daniel Freeman (confirmed he was notified)

@maryellenabc15: Daniel Freeman told #abc15 he emailed defense back that he's not against #jodiarias getting DP for killing close friend #travisalexander

4hours ago

@maryellenabc15: Defense has several of Travis friends listed from trial but may or may not call them.

1 hour ago
Cue interview with Fox .. I so hope he plays it .. the jury will be stunned to see that.

How about if he replays the "IF I hurt Travis, I would BEG for the death penalty.." (Emphasis mine)

Followed by the clips of her flipping off the prosecutor/jury/nancy grace?
Followed by the clip of her doing the "slit your throat" motion she did when JM said something she didn't like...

And just for chuckles, the clip of her shaking her head as JM explains how she was stabbing Travis in the back as he was bent over the sink...(if she KNOWS it didn't happen the way the prosecutor indicated by shaking head...she REMEMBERS...or the "fog" is yet ANOTHER lie)

Wrap it up by replaying "I want death" from her interview with fox 10 immediately after the M1 verdict...

Her life is one bad choice after another...and never, until now, ever faced the consequences...she may have a (verbal) IQ of 119, but she isn't very smart, and the future is only as long as her (oversize) nose, she thinks of the "immediate" not the "long term" and is unable to "walk in another's shoes"...

I hope she receives the DP, (not necessarily because I want her put to death, but) because only THAT will convince her that her lies and manipulations did not work. Only being on death row will restrict her access to her crayons, stop sales of her tracings (and "Survivor" t-shirts), end her tweets and put a stop to her being a "celebrity" among her "peers"...(of course, a "few thousand" in her commissary account is bound to attract a few "friends"...(the gold-digger being gold-dug?)

She deserves some serious penalty for the heinous nature if her crime...and every mother I know of a thirty-something son is grateful that she won't be out on the street anytime in the near future....

Travis will never finish his book, motivate others to success, marry & have children, celebrate holidays with his family, give or receive love....(and she will never serve another margarita or sizzling plate of fajitas!)
Yep, I called it. A proven LIAR!! The convicted killer doesn't want death now. I'm so glad she can't give interviews right now, got to be killing her (so to speak). :facepalm:,,20700733,00.html

"A source close to Arias tells PEOPLE that, after reflecting on what she said, Arias would prefer a life sentence over execution."
@maryellenabc15: #jodiarias

5 hours ago

Defense listed Kim Ross - Fellow inmate & Patricia Womack as sentencing witnesses + Daniel Freeman (confirmed he was notified)

@maryellenabc15: Daniel Freeman told #abc15 he emailed defense back that he's not against #jodiarias getting DP for killing close friend #travisalexander

4hours ago

@maryellenabc15: Defense has several of Travis friends listed from trial but may or may not call them.

1 hour ago

The defense wants to call a fellow inmate? Seriously?
Yep, I called it. A proven LIAR!! The convicted killer doesn't want death now. I'm so glad she can't give interviews right now, got to be killing her (so to speak). :facepalm:,,20700733,00.html

"A source close to Arias tells PEOPLE that, after reflecting on what she said, Arias would prefer a life sentence over execution."

Interesting that Jodi thinks it's all her CHOICE. She's made it known now that DP and LWOP are what she CHOOSES. Either option Psycho Jodi will take credit for the sentence.
How about if he replays the "IF I hurt Travis, I would BEG for the death penalty.." (Emphasis mine)

Followed by the clips of her flipping off the prosecutor/jury/nancy grace?
Followed by the clip of her doing the "slit your throat" motion she did when JM said something she didn't like...

And just for chuckles, the clip of her shaking her head as JM explains how she was stabbing Travis in the back as he was bent over the sink...(if she KNOWS it didn't happen the way the prosecutor indicated by shaking head...she REMEMBERS...or the "fog" is yet ANOTHER lie)

Wrap it up by replaying "I want death" from her interview with fox 10 immediately after the M1 verdict...

Her life is one bad choice after another...and never, until now, ever faced the consequences...she may have a (verbal) IQ of 119, but she isn't very smart, and the future is only as long as her (oversize) nose, she thinks of the "immediate" not the "long term" and is unable to "walk in another's shoes"...

I hope she receives the DP, (not necessarily because I want her put to death, but) because only THAT will convince her that her lies and manipulations did not work. Only being on death row will restrict her access to her crayons, stop sales of her tracings (and "Survivor" t-shirts), end her tweets and put a stop to her being a "celebrity" among her "peers"...(of course, a "few thousand" in her commissary account is bound to attract a few "friends"...(the gold-digger being gold-dug?)

She deserves some serious penalty for the heinous nature if her crime...and every mother I know of a thirty-something son is grateful that she won't be out on the street anytime in the near future....

Travis will never finish his book, motivate others to success, marry & have children, celebrate holidays with his family, give or receive love....(and she will never serve another margarita or sizzling plate of fajitas!)

BBM: And don't forget the oh so many times she stuck her tongue out at JM as he walked past her, in the guise of "licking her lips".
Interesting that Jodi thinks it's all her CHOICE. She's made it known now that DP and LWOP are what she CHOOSES. Either option Psycho Jodi will take credit for the sentence.

It's not her choice. She lost control a long time ago. Someone needs to inform her of this. :floorlaugh:

I called her this a long time ago...she is a CHICKEN! A COWARD!! What she did was cowardly, her 3 stories were those of a coward, the trial showed her to be a coward, and facing death...she is still a coward!

Travis had more integrity and bravery in his little finger, than what this convicted murderer has in her entire soulless body.

Heading to bed. Thankful for the jury, praying for the family, and knowing Travis is smiling down on his loved ones. Tomorrow will be tough on the family, but they are almost there. The convicted killer lost. The system worked. Justice has been served.
Interesting that Jodi thinks it's all her CHOICE. She's made it known now that DP and LWOP are what she CHOOSES. Either option Psycho Jodi will take credit for the sentence.

I say give her both, starting with the needle and if she doesn't like that then ........ Oooopsie! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I say give her both, starting with the needle and if she doesn't like that then ........ Oooopsie! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Since she and her defense team, think it doesn't hurt as long as you have adrenaline, I say, make her run a few miles and give her nothing. Stab her 27 doesn't hurt..dontcha know. :furious:
The jail Jodi's in is like a spa compared to the really big house. Whole different 'class' of people. It's true money can buy you protection, but how long will Jodi have access to funds? The gangs make the choice of who joins. She won't have the option to choose.

Smarty britches Jodi has a propensity to be a tattle tale. Nothing is ever her fault. That won't go over very well in the really big house.

IMO, it will be LWOP. I'd like to see an interview a month or so after Jodi's been incarcerated with the hard core, life long criminals. Let's see how the star power is holding up then.
I see parents of schnauzers are late nighters, I think we need a self help 10 step program. I'll be back shortly, I have two freshly groomed schnauzer boys that need to go potty so Daddy can have some free time at the KB.

Dewey... Every time I see your name I think "Dewey 2 me JUAN mo thyme"!!!!

Interesting that Jodi thinks it's all her CHOICE. She's made it known now that DP and LWOP are what she CHOOSES. Either option Psycho Jodi will take credit for the sentence.

Ugh!! I think this is what bothers me the MOST!!! The fact that she thinks she's running the show!! It truly makes me sick!

I really wish someone would let her know that she is NOT getting her own reality show when this is over! :behindbar
I'm on such a high after hearing what Juror #8 had to say. I cannot wait for today! JA isn't running any show. She can't even control where she stays or what she eats. She is done, done, done. Now all we have to do is to sit back and watch her get humiliated over and over again. Is it 10 a.m. yet?!
Originally Posted by Tenaciousdae
There are a lot of lessons to learn from this case, that will hopefully not go unnoticed. The Alexander's have been a great loving example of family.


The biggest lesson to learn from this case is for concerned parents to get the help needed for problem children. The parents of JA abdicated their responsibility to get JA psychiatric help when she was a young. They knew she had "mental issues" (per the mother), she was acting out, they knew she was a pathological liar at a very young age, that she was violent, etc.

They did nothing.

I cannot fathom how parents of a child such as JA just stand back and make excuses for her behaviour, pretending all is well.

JA the adult is the extreme result of parental responsibility abdication. She will not be the last of her kind either.

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 9h
"God's love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 10h
If you preorder at "Survivor" tee, shipping began Mon. Thx for furthering the cause.
<mod snip>

All I want for my birthday is the DP for Jodi Ann Arias.

I love you guys :heartbeat:, ever since i've joined WS in February, it's been quite the ride and a learning experience.



:balloons::balloons: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ElleElle! :balloons::balloons:

I hope you have a fabulous day, and ALL your wishes come true!

:bdscroll: :bdscroll: :bdscroll:
The jail Jodi's in is like a spa compared to the really big house. Whole different 'class' of people. It's true money can buy you protection, but how long will Jodi have access to funds? The gangs make the choice of who joins. She won't have the option to choose.

Smarty britches Jodi has a propensity to be a tattle tale. Nothing is ever her fault. That won't go over very well in the really big house.

IMO, it will be LWOP. I'd like to see an interview a month or so after Jodi's been incarcerated with the hard core, life long criminals. Let's see how the star power is holding up then.

Even in the "big house" a sociopath (cuz that's what she really IS) will have "friends"...usually of the Donavan variety...totally unaware they are being used and manipulated...and, if you've been to "that" website, the one with "innocent" in the name, you will see that there are plenty of people with more money than brains willing to "help" Jodi with commissary funds....I actually feel sorry for the folks that are buying her "art" (complete with thumbprint to authenticate...couldn't Donavan just as easily trace and put HER thumbprint on the back? What's a buyer to do? Get DNA to prove that M1ja traced it HERself?)

Just like Scott Peterson, and Drew Peterson and that other Peterson who killed his wife on the won't be too long before we can't remember her name, and her "celebrity" will be history, replaced by the next victim/defendant whose heinous crime either touches our hearts or causes outrage.

Did this trial catch our interest because the murder was so "over the top"? Because the defendant is so "pretty"? ("Pretty is as pretty does!") (and IMHO, M1ja is NOT attractive, even with the bottle blond hair and breast augmentation! She has "evil eyes" and needs rhinoplasty!) Whatever reason for such world-wide interest, we've all learned a LOT about Arizona law, had a rare opportunity to actually see a defendant take the stand (and learn why attorneys tell their clients NOT to do so!!), hear a jury ask witnesses questions and watch a DEDICATED first class prosecutor work a trial without notes! (And we also learned more than we wanted/needed about the DSM-IV, and the entries therein!)

I'm tending toward agreeing with you, the sentence will probably be LWOP. I'm glad I'm not on THAT jury and faced with THAT decision! The ONLY thing that makes me believe that the DP is a possibility is that I've viewed ALL of the very graphic photos that the jury has seen...and there isn't enough eye/brain bleach available to erase the images of Travis Alexander's body from my memory. After seeing those photos, it is easy to understand JMs vigorous prosecution of this case. I've watched several hours of the trial with the sound off, just watching M1ja's expressions and actions...she is quite "a piece of work"...and beginning with her parents and siblings, ending with Wilmont and Nurmi, she's left a string of bodies (figuratively) in her wake. Undoubtedly, her fear/anger that Travis would expose her lies/actions to her family and friends was a contributing factor motivating her to murder him....but her parents wouldn't have been any more surprised by his revelations than they were when told she was a murderess....

After watching Nurmi lounging in the chair like it was a BarcaLounger throughout the trial, I've decided that if I'm ever in trouble in Arizona and need an attorney, and he is the only one available, I will have to go pro se!

I cannot help but think that the only "winner" in this is jodi herself...she knows that Travis will NEVER belong to another woman, will NEVER marry anyone...and her name and his will be linked in people's minds FOREVER! No one will ever SAY Travis Alexander without thinking of her or saying her name....she looks forward to death, so she will be reunited with him. They may have never "married" legally....but their names are linked for eternity....

As prayers are for Travis''s obvious that he was a beloved brother and friend to many...I've read some thoughts that wish that M1ja says "I'm sorry"...I hope she doesn't...she won't MEAN will be said only to won't be believed...and coming from her, I don't believe that it will give comfort to the Alexanders...
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