aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I thought we saw an article posted from ABC in Phoenix a few weeks ago that said even if she gets LWOP, she will be treated the same as if she is on death row. 23 hours a day in solitary but she does get a TV.

...Only at first. After she acclimates and settles in, she will be put in general pop. I heard that report and he was wrong....according to my experience in CA.

Inmates in general pop(in CA) can buy a tv anytime they want. I don't think TV's are allowed on Death row but that may have changed.
It's pretty darn difficult to get a child into therapy if they don't want to go. Once they get bigger and taller than you, your chances are slim. I refuse to blame her parents...because I doubt JA would EVER go to therapy if her parents suggested it. Heck, it may be the reason she left home.
In prison, I feel sorry for the staff because I know in my heart, she will leave a boatload of unemployed prison staff in her wake. That is what borderlines do. They delight in getting people fired, particularly those that have tried to help them...they're first in line.
Good Morning The Farm! Today is the day! However, we won't be done today. The sentencing phase will go on next week as well, I think. Hopefully we'll be done in a few days. The jury will deliberate for a couple of days I think. They'll come back with death as the penalty. I have no doubt in my mind.

Morning rose!

I thought it would be a done deal by today? The family gets to finally talk today right?
It's pretty darn difficult to get a child into therapy if they don't want to go. Once they get bigger and taller than you, your chances are slim. I refuse to blame her parents...because I doubt JA would EVER go to therapy if her parents suggested it. Heck, it may be the reason she left home.

Yes I agree with you part on once the get bigger and also don't forget the age of 18. There is really nothing you can do, your hands are tied.
But for some reason I do not want to agree with the part that I can not completely blame her parents. I think there were serious issues way before Jodi turned 18. But then again who knows. Her family just does not seem to with the program.
A couple of comments/questions about the (eyeroll) t-shirts she's been hawking. Aside from using this as a way to keep her "I was abused" farce front and center, there is also the financial gain aspect.

How is it not illegal to use a cause, any cause, to sell a product without some kind of endorsement? The site that will not be named says [[. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi]] -- that could mean a portion of the money she makes will buy a bag of fritos for Big Bertha in cell block C.

The other thing I'm wondering - is it possible that she could refer to this obvious self serving venture as a mitigating factor? ie: I am already working on projects to help victims of DV?

Lol. No selling t-shirts for her own benefit and handing $10 to a charity is not a mitigating factor.

I doubt and DV organization wants JA name attached to it in any way, as JA is an abuser.

Who is to say any money goes to any organization? Who is to say how much of it will go to JA? Don't ya' think the person running this and collecting is taking a slice of the pie?

Who would donate? Why? No one should donate to random online anything, imo. Red Cross, Unicef, your local DV Shelter, any thing you can look up to see where the money gets used and they have to submit yearly reports would be better served.
I'm just jumping off your post.....

I don't think being a pathological liar means you have mental problems.

I am kinda sick of everyone trying to wrap Arias, and others up in some 'mental defect" box. Some people are just selfish, self centered, evil and me, me, me. That would mean all these people who murder someone because they could not get what they wanted out of that person, can have "excuses" made for their murdering behavior.

What can you do with a kid who is a pathological liar? Take them to a psychologist to make them stop lying?

IMO I think some people are just born the way they are.

Well first of all, children who lie need to be held accountable. At all times. I suspect JA began lying at a young age, and was never held accountable for any misdeed, lie or other bad behaviour when young.

Also, JA's problems are more extensive than pathological lying. We've heard one psychologist testify that she believes JA to be a borderline personality. Lying is just one of the "symptoms" of that diagnosis.

I have seen zero evidence of the parents intervening when JA began acting out (kicking dog, hitting mother, lying, skipping school, etc.) as a child. Other than the parents calling the police when they found weed being grown on the roof of the house by JA as a teenager. By that time it was far too late. Her parents should have sought 3rd party intervention when she was a child IMO.

Yes, JA is selfish. Yes, JA is all me, me, me. IMO that selfishness was enabled by her parents and other adults around her when she was growing up. They are responsible. Society isn't. Society has paid a very high price for it.

I have zero, ZERO, sympathy for her parents and other family. They and they alone raised the monster known as JA today.
The jail Jodi's in is like a spa compared to the really big house. Whole different 'class' of people. It's true money can buy you protection, but how long will Jodi have access to funds? The gangs make the choice of who joins. She won't have the option to choose.

Smarty britches Jodi has a propensity to be a tattle tale. Nothing is ever her fault. That won't go over very well in the really big house.

IMO, it will be LWOP. I'd like to see an interview a month or so after Jodi's been incarcerated with the hard core, life long criminals. Let's see how the star power is holding up then.

I keep going back and forth on what I want to happen to JA. She deserves death - a brutal, merciless death. Since we can't give her exactly what she deserves, the DP is fitting. But then I think about how she always wants everyone to think good of her - she even wanted makeup for her mug shot. So, if she does get LWOP, it will be tough on her. She will have to be at her best, look her best, appear to be wonderful to the other inmates - every single day of her life. Whatever punishment she gets will be good.
Well first of all, children who lie need to be held accountable. At all times. I suspect JA began lying at a young age, and was never held accountable for any misdeed, lie or other bad behaviour when young.

Also, JA's problems are more extensive than pathological lying. We've heard one psychologist testify that she believes JA to be a borderline personality. Lying is just one of the "symptoms" of that diagnosis.

I have seen zero evidence of the parents intervening when JA began acting out (kicking dog, hitting mother, lying, skipping school, etc.) as a child. Other than the parents calling the police when they found weed being grown on the roof of the house by JA as a teenager. By that time it was far too late. Her parents should have sought 3rd party intervention when she was a child IMO.

Yes, JA is selfish. Yes, JA is all me, me, me. IMO that selfishness was enabled by her parents and other adults around her when she was growing up. They are responsible. Society isn't. Society has paid a very high price for it.

I have zero, ZERO, sympathy for her parents and other family. They and they alone raised the monster known as JA today.

I have to agree, especially what I have seen of them in court. Jodi's behavior did not "just" happen. This was a long way down the pike.
I have to agree, especially what I have seen of them in court. Jodi's behavior did not "just" happen. This was a long way down the pike.

But to add to this I can bet her parents never thought that it would come to this either. But it did.
Morning rose!

I thought it would be a done deal by today? The family gets to finally talk today right?

Oh I don't think we'll finish today. It usually takes a few days at the very least. I don't know if the family will speak today. I hope so!
I have to agree, especially what I have seen of them in court. Jodi's behavior did not "just" happen. This was a long way down the pike.

ITA. JA didn't suddenly become what she is today overnight. She was a very long work in progress, unfettered, enabled by the adults around her as a child.

What strikes me is her father appears to have washed his hands of her, even in his police interrogation interview he never refers to JA as his daughter. When referring to JA's sister, he says "my daughter". Most parents would have said "my OTHER daughter". That indicates to me that he washed his hands of JA a very long time ago. All this talk about his being "too sick" to attend trial etc is IMO hogwash. He wants nothing to do with her (can't blame him at this point). I wonder when he backed away from JA for good? IMO it was long before she slaughtered TA.
I guess we will find out later today!! I thought I read that only with DP was it that harsh...and, that makes sense, I suppose...I can't imagine giving ALL the folks who receive LWOP basically "solitary confinement" (or their own room with a TV!)...we would need even more prisons than we have already! But, I will do a google search, and see if I can find out! :)

Actually, I too read and also saw a report that in AZ whether Jodi gets life or death, she will get the same treatment. Which means 23 hours solitary confinement a day and like an hour 3 days a week for exercise and showers.
I'm still sticking to my prediction CMja will be her own witness for the mitigation stage of trial, and she will attempt, with promting from her DT, to force out an apology of sorts. I also predict that knowing ja has to add extra details, she'll quickly be unmasked by her own words, as the uncaring, unremorseful "de-edified" fake that she is.

Don't feel you have to thank me for the run on sentences, they come easy for me. ;)

"I feel deep remorse and shame for murdering Travis. I wish we had handled everything so differently. If I hadn't been so careless with the camera, I wouldn't have enraged Travis so much and if he hadn't jumped out of the shower, I wouldn't have reacted with such fright and fought him so hard. I know what I've done is beyond forgiveness but if you could find it your hearts to forgive Travis then by association you've forgiven me and that's all I can ask. That I allowed my fear of such anger to drive me to such a brutal murder is still so upsetting for me. The sacrifices I've made to ensure no one discovers what really happened before I fought back, well ... it's so painful for me. This damage to my finger will be a reminder of what I endured that night and how horribly I reacted to it and it's a burden I will carry with me forever. If you allow me a forever. Thank you for your time."
Oh I don't think we'll finish today. It usually takes a few days at the very least. I don't know if the family will speak today. I hope so!

Unfortunately, we have to listen to the defense first. Didn't we hear enough about JA already? Now they are going to try to paint her in a good light, while probably still trying to trash Travis. All I want to hear is Travis' family. It will be so very sad, but I want to hear them talk about the real Travis, not the lies the defense said about him.
If she doesn't really, really, really want the DP, I think she will apologize and may even be a bit dramatic about it. After all, this will be her last hurrah.

The black lady judge on HLN said yesterday that if Jodi apologized now it would ruin her chances for an appeal. Yet we hear on so many cases that inmates requesting parole are denied unless they say they are remorseful or admit guilt. :twocents:
Oh I don't think we'll finish today. It usually takes a few days at the very least. I don't know if the family will speak today. I hope so!

Ther are supposed to speak after opening statements so they will probably speak today.
Actually, I too read and also saw a report that in AZ whether Jodi gets life or death, she will get the same treatment. Which means 23 hours solitary confinement a day and like an hour 3 days a week for exercise and showers.

If that's true, that's good enough. JA in solitary for the rest of her miserable depraved life is beneficial to the rest of society.
If that's true, that's good enough. JA in solitary for the rest of her miserable depraved life is beneficial to the rest of society.

Call me whatever but I still want the DP. People need to be held accountable and I want her to think of what she did right up until she enters the glass room on a gurny.
Practicing my dance even as I sleep....:skip::skip:

Justice for Travis...
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