aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I can't wait for Juan to get up & ask Jodi's ex-bunk mate where she knows Jodi from

I can see this exchange between them

Juan-So you know the defendant from the county jail
Juan-Please tell the jury what she has taught you to better your life
Kim-She taught me how to draw Snow White,but I am having a hard time with the 7 dwarfs!!
DT probably sweating bullets because they have no control over their client and no idea what the crazy person will say when she gets on that stand. Who knows. She may use this opportunity to tell the jurors off esp the way she has glared at them since the verdict. They had better sedate that beech good.

That would be good TV! :thumb:

You're gonna be only a state away! Unless your caught by TSA trying to smuggle an emu through security..,

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We're taking my brother's Miata. No room for emus.

I dunno about it one way or the other and really don't put a lot of stalk in talking head defense attorneys overall. What I do know is this DT has failed to control their client and rather than exert control from day one, when the going got really tough either they decided to bail, or the client may have asked them to do so. Either way, it seems to me, dishonest to ask to be removed at this late stage of the game they have played to this point.

Its like a pitcher asking out of the final innings of game to avoid a loss.
Don't know if you are a parent, but I raised 3 kids and I'm hear to tell you it's a crap shoot. It's a combination of nature and nurture. Nurture can modify but not overcome a kid's basic nature, not unless the kid agrees to change.

I have one child who from a very young age decided that he didn't have to listen or do anything he didn't want to. We had him in and out of counseling since the age of 3 -- that's not a typo. By the time he was three we knew we had a very serious problem on our hands. Little did we know it would only get worse.

Here's the sad but very true reality of parenting a child. The only power a parent has over their child is the power the child allows them to have.

Once they decide not to listen there is not a whole lot you can do. You can't actually force them to go to school short of chaining them to a desk, which you can't do. You can't force them to do homework or housework for that matter. You can't force them to be honest or loving or caring.

We were hauled ad infinitum into school and threatened because he kept cutting classes. He stole our cars and wrecked them. We reported him to the police, but they refused to file charges.

Our whole family was hostage to his behavior. We were helpless and we had to house, feed and clothe him until he was 18. He always manged to never get caught crossing the line. The law said we were responsible for his actions, but we had no tools to make him listen or follow the rules.

When I watched her parents' interviews, I saw two people who had decades of trying to help their daughter and realized the futility of it. My heart went out to them.

It's really easy to sit and blame the family but the fact that her parents called the cops told me they had been trying for years to get her under control. Hence their desperation of turning their own child in.

You can't force a child to accept help. My son sat in therapy week after week for years on end refusing to participate. We tried individual, family, group sessions. We tried MFCC's, psychologists, shrinks. We tried meds (which he refused to take). We tried and tried and tried. And he just said "You can't make me" and did whatever he wanted.

I haven't seen my son in years. I love him, I worry about him, but I know full well what he is and I know that we tried to "fix" him and "failed". I been waiting for the call from the police since he was a pre-teen. It hasn't come yet and I pray it never will but if it does I won't be shocked and I know we will be blamed.
CMJA didn't happen overnight, but that doesn't mean her parents made her. It could just mean they couldn't "unmake" here.

:seeya: cackle....I just feel like I needed to respond to your post. Your Son could be my husband. I wont go into detail, because I would have to write a book. I wasn't around for my DH young life, as we met when we were in our late, late 20's. He hadn't seen his parents in many years, as his young life and teens were somewhat like your son. There is hope!! DH and I have been married for 29 years, and have 3 amazing children, and two adorable grandchildren. Never in the first 25 years in our marriage, had I met his parents or siblings, of which are 7 brothers and sisters. To make a looonnnggg story short, One day out of the blue I received a phone call. When I answered, on the other end I heard " Hello this is (Mr. A's) mother, his father and I would like to meet with you and (Mr. A) for lunch. It was 35 years since they had seen or talked to each other. It was an amazing experience to see them interact for the first time in all those years, and every month since then. They drive 3 hours once a month to meet with us, the children and grandchildren. DH and his parents, even can laugh about some to the things that took place in their past. They are amazed at how he is an amazing husband, father, and grandfather. So keep the faith!! They waited many years, with the fear of hearing that phone call from the Police. My heart is with you, I have seen what this can do to a family, and it is heartbreaking.

BTW, this is my first post on this thread, but have followed from the beginning.
I pray everyday for the Alexander family, that they can have peace of mind one day, and remember Travis for the amazing young man he is.
:seeya: This jury has already rejected these lies ...

So IMO, if she continues to "bash" Travis in any way during the mitigation phase, she will get the DP :jail: ...


thanks and I do understand that, however I guess what I really want to know is what would happen if she did do this?? Guess I should ask this on the lawyers thread.
An hour or so left. I guess I could clean...

Dont do it nooooooo :floorlaugh:

My house is still sparkling from when I scrubbed it on the week break, surprising when my kids are messy little so n so's

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
Just a reminder that today may be the very last chance we get to see the stun belt go off. <bites nails>

I wondering who Jodi's going to quote from next? Maybe Eleanor Roosevelt? Father Damien the Leper Priest? Larry the Cable Guy?
That is for the jury to decide. Don't worry, wherever she ends up it will not be nice for her where she is going.

Sorry - this has probably been explained but under what circumstances could she be in the general population? LWOP? Thanks!
Just search Arizona?

I haven't used the app but when going to UStream via web browser, I search for Arizona and scroll down until I see the convicted killer's ugly mug.

I then click on her face so hard that I've had to replace ten mice to date.
Kyra Phillips of HLN "Raising America" just reported the following...

"the Judge and Attorney's in the JA trial were supposed to be meeting but apparently that's been delayed"

"Also, it might be open to the camera's"
Wow. What kind of mom wouldn't get up there and say anything? If that was my daughter, I wouldn't support her..but I would at least get up there and beg for them to give her LWOP. You would still love your daughter no matter what she did. You wouldn't want her to die.

I have this feeling like CMJA will not allow her mother to testify on her behalf even tho her DT has begged her.

She doesn't want to see her mom get sympathy and attention ant HER trial.

We are starting at 1.30 EST time correct?
Is wild jumping the gun. The seal is up already.
:woohoo: I finished just about all of my chores so I can listen to the victim statements. I hope they finish by 4:45 EST because I have to go to my brothers so we can leave for Pennsylvania.

Since your finished with chores can ya swing by my place? I feel like I'm living in a den of slack :banghead: 16 week old puppy has my routine out of whack. Not to mention my family room looks like a doggy daycare :facepalm:
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