Air Conditioner Repair Man and Nancy Grace video and transcription dated 3/16/2009.

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I too want to know more about the AC man. I not pointing the finger at him but he could have information about what was happening at the house during the time he was there. And he could answer the question if he unlock the back door.

I agree I think that he is a key witness. He may be the last person to see Haleigh alive if she was there. Was anyone else there? Did he overhear any conversation between any individuals in the home or on the phone? Did he notice the washer/dryer running as he passed by?

I am sure they have asked him all these questions.

Edited to add: Sorry Scorpian, you already said all these things, and you said it better.
Absolutely, I dont think I can reveal the name or the company he works for.
I do know him.

I can say he was on vacation in the caribbean 2 weeks ago and if he was a POI I dont think he would have been able to leave the country.

As far as checking and AC system in Feb. AC is being used in general terms here.
Most AC systems are not just AC rather heating and cooling.
Kinda like northerners call a Coca Cola "pop" and to us southerners its a "coke" no matter what brand.

Amen to that, and dumping a pack of peanuts in a bottle of Coke is a real treat.

As I said below (or above?) I dont see him/her as a person of interest, but I do see him as a key witness to the home on that day.
Absolutely, I dont think I can reveal the name or the company he works for.
I do know him.

I can say he was on vacation in the caribbean 2 weeks ago and if he was a POI I dont think he would have been able to leave the country.

As far as checking and AC system in Feb. AC is being used in general terms here.
Most AC systems are not just AC rather heating and cooling.
Kinda like northerners call a Coca Cola "pop" and to us southerners its a "coke" no matter what brand.

Don't know if you have this info....

but I would like to know if the AC guy also 'serviced' the 'lattice trailer' next-door ?? and if anyone lives there. (it too seems to be a rental owned by the same landlord)

I have read the property owners had the A/C checked that day on all their properties, as routine maintenance.

i would like to know more about this guy too. could he confirm seeing haleigh? is he a total stranger to the family that would have no reason to lie for them?

he could definitely have been told that ron was working until 3am and he could have unlocked the door and misty just never checked it. you wouldn't think he would come back on the same day he was there because that would make him an obvious suspect. but maybe IF he unlocked the back door, he knew that that night was his only chance. i would assume that he would know he would be questioned so he made sure and had an alibi. maybe he has a creep friend that he provided the info to and this friend committed the act? there doesn't seem to be a shortage of creeps in the area who might do this. even if this a/c guy has an alibi, i think he needs a polygraph (even if they aren't foolproof) and investigating him thoroughly might be a good idea.

I have always thought it odd that this Ac guy was in the picture at all. The door was unlocked by somebody.

These are the people in the house that night:

1. Misty
2. Ron
3. Haleigh and Jr.
4. The mysterious AC guy
5. the mysterious man in black
6. Ron's Grandma
7. Cousin Joe

I agree with your post above. I wonder if LE found anything on that door??
He doesnt speak much of the day, maybe told not to do so by LE. Im not sure
I want to hear from the repairman too. I can't believe that the news media(especially NG) has not found him and asked for an interview. I am very curious as to whether he used the back door or not.

Usually the AC unit is outside of the back of the house. I'm assuming that he pretty much had to use the back (side) door to service the AC and to use the thermostat to check out that the AC was repaired. I was also thinking that the door was not re-locked after he left. Does anyone know the time that he was at the house?
Could anyone tell me if we have a name on this AC guy, I know we can't say his name......but a simple yes or no would work for me.....lolo
Could anyone tell me if we have a name on this AC guy, I know we can't say his name......but a simple yes or no would work for me.....lolo

I do not believe his name was ever released.
Has it ever been confirmed that the AC guy actually saw HaLeigh? tia!
Could anyone tell me if we have a name on this AC guy, I know we can't say his name......but a simple yes or no would work for me.....lolo

elle1919, I think maybe you and I are the only 2 people here that doesn't know the A/C guys name!! It's okay that I don't, tho.

I just still do not understand how LE has cleared him to the exclusion of all others tho.
elle1919, I think maybe you and I are the only 2 people here that doesn't know the A/C guys name!! It's okay that I don't, tho.

I just still do not understand how LE has cleared him to the exclusion of all others tho.

I still have not found a name....I am still looking though. Problem is I don't think LE ever released it. Did they say he was cleared or did they say he was not a suspect at that time. He was indeed interviewed by LE, but I have not read what most seem to assume, that he was cleared. I hesitate to jump to that conclusion because I have the over-riding echo in my brain of LE re-iterating that NO-ONE was completely in the clear. Problem is when I first heard LE state that in the press conferences I assumed they were talking about the immediate family and what they really meant was NO-ONE. I am at present going back and listening to all of the media coverage of the press conferences to see if there was a name I missed.
I have been asking that question since day one

I have not got answer yet
I too cannot believe we have not gotten any info on the ac man.Ihave never heard of his name and would really appreciate any info he gave about seeing Haliegh.
He doesnt speak much of the day, maybe told not to do so by LE. Im not sure

Hi wam, I was wondering if you knew the AC repairman personally but in reading the first page of the thread I see that you do say that you know him and I apologize for being redundant.
This quote is from America's Most Wanted Site. (bolded by me)

"Merchant confirmed that and air conditioning repairman did visit the home at 5 p.m. on Feb. 9, 2009, the day before Haleigh's disappearance, but police are confident he was not involved.

Inv. Merchant said he was questioned within an hour of the disappearance and provided a solid alibi.

Police have not focused the investigation on any individual at this point."

I tried to see on the picture of their trailer where the air conditioner unit is located. It seems like it must be near the back door/ back of the house. The reason I bring this up is b/c the AC man was in the house. I imagine while inside he was checking the thermostat but typically they check the big unit that is outside as well. So it is a high possibility that he did unlock the back door to get to the air conditioner unit-right? If the back door was closer to the unit instead of walking all the way around the house it makes more sense. Maybe Misty didn't realize he unlocked the door and he didn't lock it back. That's a theory of how the door got unlocked "harmlessly".

If that is what happened it is a sad coincedence that the same night an intruder happened to go to that door and it be unlocked.

Have we heard anything about the possibility of the intruder coming in through a window and simply exiting through the back door? I imagine all the windows were checked for forced entry but I haven't seen anything about the windows all being locked. Which brings me to another point....if some windows were left unlocked that wouldn't surprise me since the AC was broke. Maybe they left windows open often to get fresh air in. Just rambling now.

My bold and my red, sorry not to be a stickler here but doesn't anyone else find this strange? Who was questioned within an hour of the disappearance? The AC guy? What hour? At 3 something when Haliegh was reported missing?

Also I read the AMW page and the info that they posted about the AC guy...fine cops talked to him and he provided an alibi okay so they cleared him as a suspect or so they say....if we go by the information on the AMW page they also state that LE gave poly's to RON and Misty and they are satisfied with the results! So if we are going to believe that Law Enforcement cleared the AC guy(I don't), then all the neighsayers should also believe that LE was satisfied with Ron and Misty's poly's we shouldn't just pick and choose which parts of reports we believe, all of said report should be believed.....right or wrong?
Hi, elle1919:
Several LE talked to him, checked out his alibi and confirmed it, and said that he was cleared, yet you don't believe them? May I ask why not?
It's pretty standard for them to not clear family members, actually, so I don't make too much of that. Ron and Misty are the only ones who said they passed the polygraphs.... LE said they were satisfied with the results... which could mean anything. They could be satisfied that they got the answers they needed, they could be satisfied that someone was not being truthful. Or they could be satisfied that they were telling the truth. We don't know and LE does not have to tell us, until the case breaks and they are ready to charge someone.
The way I take this is: LE may not publicly announce that anyone is cleared, but that doesn't mean no one is cleared. Unofficially, they may not be looking in one direction right now, but that could change, if new information comes in. It would make them look incompetent to publicly say that so-and-so is cleared and not a suspect... and then later on, have to retract that if something turns up to indicate that person might be involved.
I hope this doesn't sound too confusing, but I'm tired and my brain is trying to shut down.
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