Air Conditioner Repair Man and Nancy Grace video and transcription dated 3/16/2009.

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This quote is from America's Most Wanted Site. (bolded by me)

"Merchant confirmed that and air conditioning repairman did visit the home at 5 p.m. on Feb. 9, 2009, the day before Haleigh's disappearance, but police are confident he was not involved.

Inv. Merchant said he was questioned within an hour of the disappearance and provided a solid alibi.

Police have not focused the investigation on any individual at this point."

I tried to see on the picture of their trailer where the air conditioner unit is located. It seems like it must be near the back door/ back of the house. The reason I bring this up is b/c the AC man was in the house. I imagine while inside he was checking the thermostat but typically they check the big unit that is outside as well. So it is a high possibility that he did unlock the back door to get to the air conditioner unit-right? If the back door was closer to the unit instead of walking all the way around the house it makes more sense. Maybe Misty didn't realize he unlocked the door and he didn't lock it back. That's a theory of how the door got unlocked "harmlessly".

If that is what happened it is a sad coincedence that the same night an intruder happened to go to that door and it be unlocked.

Have we heard anything about the possibility of the intruder coming in through a window and simply exiting through the back door? I imagine all the windows were checked for forced entry but I haven't seen anything about the windows all being locked. Which brings me to another point....if some windows were left unlocked that wouldn't surprise me since the AC was broke. Maybe they left windows open often to get fresh air in. Just rambling now.

I tried to see on the picture of their trailer where the air conditioner unit is located. It seems like it must be near the back door/ back of the house. The reason I bring this up is b/c the AC man was in the house. I imagine while inside he was checking the thermostat but typically they check the big unit that is outside as well. So it is a high possibility that he did unlock the back door to get to the air conditioner unit-right? If the back door was closer to the unit instead of walking all the way around the house it makes more sense. Maybe Misty didn't realize he unlocked the door and he didn't lock it back. That's a theory of how the door got unlocked "harmlessly".


I am thinking the same that AC man went out the back door.

RC stated the door was hard to both close and lock, that is why he locked it before he left for work as MC wasn't strong enough to do it.

So if AC man used the door maybe he didn't even pull it hard enough to catch much less lock it and later in the night the wind caught the door and blew it open.

Since that door is on the side of the house and if the light was already on in the kitchen anyone going down that road would have noticed the door was open.

Would love to know the AC man's story of that day.
I don't think the AC man has anything to do with this. I think he unfortunately was on a call at the wrong place on the wrong day.
I don't think the AC man has anything to do with this. I think he unfortunately was on a call at the wrong place on the wrong day.

You are probably right, but when it comes to the life of a child nothing should be put aside. He should have been taken in for questioning and a lie detector test. Just as family gets scrutinized so should anyone who was around at the time. As someone pointed out, the Jessica Lundsford case Everyone should be polygraphed as well as thoroughly investigated. It is better to say sorry we made a mistake than the most horrible thing happening to that little girl.
I don't think the AC man has anything to do with this. I think he unfortunately was on a call at the wrong place on the wrong day.

Me either, but I would like to think he had taken a polygraph and passed. I am wondering what door he came and went out of, and if there was a cinder block propping the back screen open when he was there. He may not have even seen the back door at all. I seem to remember in one pic that the unit is on the right side of the house. If it is, it would be likely go in and out the front door as it would be closest.

This A/C man could very well have a part of the answer. What if he were to say that there actually was a cinder block at the back door and he does remember seeing Haleigh? AND he took a polygraph to prove he was telling the truth? Then both MC and RC would be telling a lie about there not having been a cinder block there.

There has to be a reason LE does not believe the A/C man had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance and cannot clear RC, MC, or anyone else in the immediate families.
Me either, but I would like to think he had taken a polygraph and passed. I am wondering what door he came and went out of, and if there was a cinder block propping the back screen open when he was there. He may not have even seen the back door at all. I seem to remember in one pic that the unit is on the right side of the house. If it is, it would be likely go in and out the front door as it would be closest.

This A/C man could very well have a part of the answer. What if he were to say that there actually was a cinder block at the back door and he does remember seeing Haleigh? AND he took a polygraph to prove he was telling the truth? Then both MC and RC would be telling a lie about there not having been a cinder block there.

There has to be a reason LE does not believe the A/C man had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance and cannot clear RC, MC, or anyone else in the immediate families.

Maybe LE FINALLY found someone without a record.
Most of the work done by the A/C man had to have been done on the outside as they have central air conditioning/heat pump. The only reason for the A/C man to come inside would be to turn the A/C off to repair or do general maintenance on the outside unit, and then come inside and turn the A/C on again and check the air register for temp.
Me either, but I would like to think he had taken a polygraph and passed. I am wondering what door he came and went out of, and if there was a cinder block propping the back screen open when he was there. He may not have even seen the back door at all. I seem to remember in one pic that the unit is on the right side of the house. If it is, it would be likely go in and out the front door as it would be closest.

This A/C man could very well have a part of the answer. What if he were to say that there actually was a cinder block at the back door and he does remember seeing Haleigh? AND he took a polygraph to prove he was telling the truth? Then both MC and RC would be telling a lie about there not having been a cinder block there.

There has to be a reason LE does not believe the A/C man had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance and cannot clear RC, MC, or anyone else in the immediate families.

I am sure LE has checked him out and documented he did his job and moved on to his next call. I do agree LE still has not ruled anyone out, but I also feel his name should not be put out there, if he has a clear account for the whole day and a family, why drag him through the mud?
I too want to know more about the AC man. I not pointing the finger at him but he could have information about what was happening at the house during the time he was there. And he could answer the question if he unlock the back door.
I am sure LE has checked him out and documented he did his job and moved on to his next call. I do agree LE still has not ruled anyone out, but I also feel his name should not be put out there, if he has a clear account for the whole day and a family, why drag him through the mud?

I'm not wanting to drag him through the mud either, I'm just curious how and why he was cleared. And curious if he used the back door at all since it has been said he was IN the house around 5ish unsupervised.

I just don't think LE needs to be so quick to clear the last stranger to see Haleigh. I would totally understand if it were me and people were questioning me. And if I had nothing to hide I would give a polygraph. Just wondering if he was asked to do one.
Here's the statement.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, we want to get to the rest of our panel, but Jennifer, I do understand that there was an air conditioning repairman who was there earlier in the day, as well as some kind of relative of Misty`s.

BAUER: That`s right. What we`ve heard from police is earlier in the afternoon, there was an air-conditioning repairman who was in the home there to fix the family`s air conditioning. He had asked Misty about that earlier. And she said that she let the air conditioner man in the home, and then the family went outside to sort of let the kids play and socialize and let the air-conditioner man do his work.
*snipped, bold & color by me*

This quote is from America's Most Wanted Site. (bolded by me)

"Merchant confirmed that and air conditioning repairman did visit the home at 5 p.m. on Feb. 9, 2009, the day before Haleigh's disappearance, but police are confident he was not involved.

Inv. Merchant said he was questioned within an hour of the disappearance and provided a solid alibi.

Police have not focused the investigation on any individual at this point."

I tried to see on the picture of their trailer where the air conditioner unit is located. It seems like it must be near the back door/ back of the house. The reason I bring this up is b/c the AC man was in the house. I imagine while inside he was checking the thermostat but typically they check the big unit that is outside as well. So it is a high possibility that he did unlock the back door to get to the air conditioner unit-right? If the back door was closer to the unit instead of walking all the way around the house it makes more sense. Maybe Misty didn't realize he unlocked the door and he didn't lock it back. That's a theory of how the door got unlocked "harmlessly".

OK...still playing catch-up:bang:.

Soooo...benefiting from jokell's fine posts :thumb:

We see a scenario that has a potential for the back door to be unlocked/propped open at a time AFTER Ron would have left for work and fitting with his account of checking it to be locked. It doesn't explain how Misty wouldn't have noted the interior door being open if she was doing laundry that evening...only that the exterior door could have been open without being seen (interior door is solid and appears only to have a peephole which Misty wouldn't have been compelled to check). We just don't know the as-found status of the interior door (to expand the :banghead: over from the door thread :rolleyes:)

Misty stated she rarely goes around back...only to wash her car. So...if the solid door was pulled closed, but, not locked...we have a perfectly legitimate, plausible story for the doors in their as-found condition that may or may not have anything to do with Haleigh's disapearance.

AC-Repair-Dude could be either be totally innocent...or not...dunno.
*snipped, bold & color by me*


OK...still playing catch-up:bang:.

Soooo...benefiting from jokell's fine posts :thumb:

We see a scenario that has a potential for the back door to be unlocked/propped open at a time AFTER Ron would have left for work and fitting with his account of checking it to be locked. It doesn't explain how Misty wouldn't have noted the interior door being open if she was doing laundry that evening...only that the exterior door could have been open without being seen (interior door is solid and appears only to have a peephole which Misty wouldn't have been compelled to check). We just don't know the as-found status of the interior door (to expand the :banghead: over from the door thread :rolleyes:)

Misty stated she rarely goes around back...only to wash her car. So...if the solid door was pulled closed, but, not locked...we have a perfectly legitimate, plausible story for the doors in their as-found condition that may or may not have anything to do with Haleigh's disapearance.

AC-Repair-Dude could be either be totally innocent...or not...dunno.

BJB it was Ron that made that statement that he rarely goes around back..only to wash his car.
By the way I can't wait to see what your conclusions will be. :clap:
I also would like more info from the air conditioner man. By the way, having someone check an air conditioner in February, sounds strange to me, but I live in Illinois.

Anyhow, I don't think he is connected to what happened except I would like his confirmation which door(s) he used and whether he remembers seeing Haleigh. If he used the back door, then it is possible that it did not get locked. If not, we're back to square 1.
Does anyone know what time it turned dark in February? Seems to me it would get dark earlier in February. Doesn't mean the A/C man couldn't have worked in the dark or at dusk.
Sunset 6:12 pm

I think he was suppose to have been there about 5 o'clock. Don't know about there but here getting one after 5 is called emergency & they raise the rate.
I don't think the AC man has anything to do with this. I think he unfortunately was on a call at the wrong place on the wrong day.

Absolutely, I dont think I can reveal the name or the company he works for.
I do know him.

I can say he was on vacation in the caribbean 2 weeks ago and if he was a POI I dont think he would have been able to leave the country.

As far as checking and AC system in Feb. AC is being used in general terms here.
Most AC systems are not just AC rather heating and cooling.
Kinda like northerners call a Coca Cola "pop" and to us southerners its a "coke" no matter what brand.
LE cleared the A/C man pretty quick...Maybe he is an older person, well known and respected so it was not hard for them to clear him. And was checked out.

Suppose his story differs from the others....I would certainly believe his account of that part of the evening (based on LE clearing him so soon).

1. He could be an eye witness as to seeing Haleigh alive and well around 5:00 pm. For verification purposes.

2. He could be the one to put the brick on the door or doors for easy access
if he needed to go in and out several times. Maybe he left the brick with
the outside door propped open and didn't shut the inside door very well.
Maybe he thought he shut it but it sticks and he didn't get it shut all the
way or there were cloths in the floor and they got caught on the bottom
and didn't let it shut all the way. If the wind was high like they say maybe
it blew the door open and MC just didn't notice the door not closed all the
way. If he used the back door at all.

3. He could be an eye witness on the amount of cloths on the floor at the
time and maybe some other details about the trailer. I just wonder if there
was a lot of cloths on the floor or not.

I was just thinking what if he says, yea, I put the brick there and forgot to remove it, what would that do to MC's story of events? What if he says there were no cloths on the floor? I would really like to know what he saw.

Sorry so long, I wasn't sure which thread to put it under as it covers the door propping and the A/C man. JMO:)
This is not an accusation at all, but could the air conditioner man have a dark complexion and/or been wearing dark clothes.

This might be part of Jr's story, that a man came to see Misty.
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