Found Deceased AK - Kathleen Henry, 30, video of murder victim found, Anchorage, 9 Oct 2019 *Arrest*

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...The last article I read about his wife, she felt a wife's duty was to stand by her husband. I'm sure there is so so much she never knew about him, must be quite a shock....
Today we're listening to him being interrogated. Talking about his gf, Alicia Youngblood. Liked to be choked. What BS from BS. Talking about finding a dead body in the back of his truck. Pleeease.

I agree that he probably enjoyed watching those videos of himself torturing a victim. He seemed to think he was an important movie maker... that's what concerns me. He had that drone he was trying to sell, and that blue thumb drive, he mentioned an audience of what I'd call snuff movies = more victims.

The below article was only 4 mos. into her shock, but she still sounds in love. Please read especially the tail end... she wasn't accepting the monstrous facts back then. MOO, perhaps soothing herself saying what he felt for her was different, a special love, and maybe making excuses for him.

This is an extreme case. Many women have fallen for a bad boy, been taken in by their love bombing only to get used. It can take a long time to untangle the mess and see the truth. MOO, all the below article now seems like romantic garbage when he was probably using her to get immigrated and supported.

What is she doing in the front row at his trial now? Is she ever going to divorce him? Is she putting money in his commissary account and supplying clothes for his trial? I hope she really listened to the audio and got a good enough glimpse of the vicious cruel demon he has hidden underneath. After almost four years, has she accepted the truth about him?

Durban love link to Alaska killing suspect
Published Feb 8, 2020
"...the wife of South African, Brian Steven Smith,..."
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Today we're watching video of Brian Smith in the Interrogation Room with Detectives

It's hard to hear and understand all BS is telling the detectives in the interrogation room. A lot being said about Alicia Youngblood (Supposedly a gf while he was married. Had a history with Alicia. She went to LE with info about BS. She later killed herself.) that I'm not able to hear clearly.

It's all about how he found a dead body in the back of his truck and waited two days before going to dump it in a remote place, and dump other things in another spot. Apparently, he can't remember the hotel room stuff.

Just heard him say-- "The fantasies Alicia and I had were..." Oh, and he also told her he was a serial killer. Hope his wife is taking this reality in.

Any member here that are catching interesting things he says, please post them here.

You can also watch it Live here:
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1707856945878.png Detectives say that they can really see what's going on when they watch his videos on a big screen tv. We can see you are wheeling out a dead body to your truck, and you actually stop to take pictures. (In my own words because it's hard to hear)-- They say it just seems like you are recording for an audience and you talk like you've made other "movies".

When questioned about stopping to pick up women, most likely prostitutes, he admits to three in one time period, and another three, so six in some time period. Some he must've paid, but some not.

1707857096904.png Courtroom taking a Recess Break now.
Today we're listening to him being interrogated. Talking about his gf, Alicia Youngblood. Liked to be choked. What BS from BS. Talking about finding a dead body in the back of his truck. Pleeease.

I agree that he probably enjoyed watching those videos of himself torturing a victim. He seemed to think he was an important movie maker... that's what concerns me. He had that drone he was trying to sell, and that blue thumb drive, he mentioned an audience of what I'd call snuff movies = more victims.

The below article was only 4 mos. into her shock, but she still sounds in love. Please read especially the tail end... she wasn't accepting the monstrous facts back then. MOO, perhaps soothing herself saying what he felt for her was different, a special love, and maybe making excuses for him.

This is an extreme case. Many women have fallen for a bad boy, been taken in by their love bombing only to get used. It can take a long time to untangle the mess and see the truth. MOO, all the below article now seems like romantic garbage when he was probably using her to get immigrated and supported.

What is she doing in the front row at his trial now? Is she ever going to divorce him? Is she putting money in his commissary account and supplying clothes for his trial? I hope she really listened to the audio and got a good enough glimpse of the vicious cruel demon he has hidden underneath. After almost four years, has she accepted the truth about him?

Durban love link to Alaska killing suspect
Published Feb 8, 2020
"...the wife of South African, Brian Steven Smith,..."
His wife was an innocent victim in all this. Just like BTK's wife and children. But Rader's wife applied for an emergency divorce and received it. No point in remaining married to this thing. I was watching the trial earlier. BS doesn't remember anything, not even how a body got in the back of his truck. Good thing the prosecutor's video of him taunting, torturing, killing and disposing of her is being viewed by him, it can help restore his failing memory.
I agree, it's so hard to hear sometimes. Frustrating. A couple of times the detectives told BS that they were speaking with his wife simultaneously (while she was on vacation still or had they flown her back? Maybe in an effort to get him to be truthful? I remember at the time it seems the detectives were pretty rough on her, because she didn't know what he was up to. Almost mocking her lack of knowledge.) Also they questioned him about troubles in the bedroom with his wife, was that why he had a girlfriend and picked up sex workers.
Warning of graphic details in this news article from today, details in this post, and what was heard on the audio / video today in the courtroom Monday, February 12, 2024.

On the video, a distinctive British South African accent narrates violence with turns of apparent glee and annoyance, once breaking into an AC/DC song. He refers multiple times to the killing being filmed for some kind of an audience.

“Hit the ‘like’ button,” he says at one point. “I’m trying to make a movie,” he says, while strangling Henry.

“In my movies, everyone dies,” he says theatrically at another point. “What must my followers think about you?”

He also makes reference to Henry not being his only victim.

“People need to cooperate,” he said. “People need to know when they’re being … serial-killed.”

At some points in the video, he laughs or giggles....


Jurors looked attentive but at times disturbed by what they were seeing and hearing.

In the gallery, family members of victims listened. Some hung their heads and cried. One woman in the back row who said she’d come to “stare down” the defendant did just that, holding a steely gaze in his direction.

Smith’s wife, Stephanie Bissland, sat in the front row. She glanced at her husband as she listened.

As the videos played, Smith sat at the defense table, which had been set up to face the large screen. He rarely looked away.
Wow, his wife is there?…
Edited to add that I saw the previous posts. I am being judgemental so I shouldn’t say anything more but this man is clearly a monster.
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...I can't find a link to this, it's been too many years, but when BS was newly arrested it was reported that the reason detectives knew his voice was because his black truck had been reported stolen. At the time I questioned it to myself, because a homicide detective wouldn't investigate a stolen truck. Did anyone else read this? I'll have to say this is therefore IMO....
1707878282748.png Bingo, found BS describing his truck being broken into and things stolen! See the time on that screen shot, 9:19 A.M.? You can forward the video to that time and hear it yourself. That's when BS starts talking about it. Note that if LE recognized his voice from him reporting his truck break in, then he essentially, unintentionally, set himself up and got himself caught. Then Valerie took his phone. Divine intervention in a way.

1707880038820.png I believe the date of this interrogation is Oct. 8th, 2019. The Detective (Bell) says they have matters to discuss with him. Does he know why they'd want to talk to him? Brian right away says it's probably about his truck being broken into. Says it was about 2 mos. ago, but figure the phone had to be taken by Valerie sometime after Sept. 6th)
(Something expires, exactly 4 yrs, not sure what. Guy told him his window was broken. Office Depot.) BS says papers were taken, things he used for immigration , he's worried about that, and credit cards were taken mentions something about Capital One, :eek: a phone was taken he says something about he hardly used it, not sure though.
(Says more about phones later tried to sell an iPhone, people do something with these phones, but I can't hear what he says clearly.) A briefcase, with the papers in it, a jacket was gone. :eek: A GoPro (discussion about recording can't hear) and a Gun were taken to, I think that's what I heard, a gun. Rambles on about reporting it to police and insurance, but I can't understand what he's saying there.

Brian Smith Interrogation by Detectives on 10/8/2019
Thankfully, this case went to trial in roughly 4 yrs. because there's a serious backlog in Alaska.


The two other sites cut out covering the entire trial today. I found this one covering the rest of Feb, 13, 2024 court proceedings. Hope it's an allowed site. If not, I do apologize. I think the sound might be better and I like that they give a warning when going into the horrific material.

It's covering Brian S. Smith being interrogated by detectives on 10/8/19. They tell BS that his wife is also being talked to and told. BS says, "But I wish you hadn't spoken to my wife" The detective says, "Don't you think this is a significant matter or event?"

Please know this is in my own wording to convey what little I can hear and make out on these interrogation videos. BS said something about he left the house angry at his wife. He admits to having anger inside. They weren't having much of a physical relationship then. (One of the LE team mentioned earlier that his wife had had a stroke at some point, but I don't know when or if it had anything to do with it.)

Looking at the hotel room pics-- He denies remembering, but is faced with LE having so much evidence from BS's own videos and pics. BS tries to confuse the detectives saying he was with a short haired girl. I know he does confess to dumping the body at a certain location, but I haven't heard him confess to Veronica's murder yet. Very tedious trying to listen to these interrogation videos.

State of AK v Brian Smith: The SD Card Killer 2/13/2024
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News video shows some of the original interrogation video, and it's as clear as a bell, so much easier to hear what's being said. Wish we could see those. On Wednesday, February 14th, more of the interrogation videos will be played in the trial.
The detectives continued to bore into inconsistencies and his memory failures and he continued to say he could not remember specifics, until at one point, Smith admitted one photo showed a body in the back of his truck.

Smith said he just coincidentally found it there and then panicked and dumped it alongside the railroad tracks
near Six Mile Creek off the Seward Highway.

Why would you not call? A reasonable person would call the police and say, ‘Hey, I found a dead body,’


“Because I had been with a girl and if I have to bring this up, it would come up and my wife would find out that I slept with somebody,” Smith said.

Smith’s wife was in the courtroom Tuesday, as were relatives of the two victims.

Prosecutors expect to finish playing the police interrogation of Smith during Wednesday’s court session.

Go to Alaska’s News Source’s website to catch a livestream of the trial, which is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday.

February 14, 2024 Alaska V Brian Smith
It's now 10:37 a.m. Alaska time, and the Jury
just came back.
Please know this is my own take on what I'm hearing and must be taken as only my observations, allowing that I may have heard something incorrectly. It's very hard to hear these interrogation videos.

About three yrs. ago, I think he was telling detective... there was a woman he brought to his house when his wife was gone on a trip. He said she was a nice enough woman. She smelled. Implied they all smell if they've been homeless, and they look older than they are. Downstairs a couch in the basement. Mentioned a gun. Mentioned a hydro plant location. I deleted my notes because I couldn't figure out what it was about. At the end of the interrogation, I think this might've been another possible murder, but not sure. Veronica? The timing seems off.
1707939366024.png1707939278413.png Detective Bell1707940997235.png
Interrogator is using the technique of looking at BS like he's a split personality. There's a "bad" Brian, this one that won't remember and take responsibility, but has done this stuff. What if it was his Brian's sister, how would he feel as her family, not knowing, letting a woman's dead body be eaten by animals out there. Detective says, look, it's not unusual a scene for a man to pick up a prostitute and not want to be caught by his wife because he's not having sex at home, but.... I think this is all about dumping a body and saying he didn't kill her.

The woman in the hotel room-- did she pretty herself, shave her arm pits, and such? Brian has considered maybe he wanted to get caught. Detective says maybe that's why you were sloppy taking pics in the parking lot, letting that other girl take that memory card if you knew she had it you would've tried to get the phone back. blah, blah, blah Then, you reported your truck being broken into. Phone, he did notice his phone was missing? How many prostitutes did you pick up after that? Mentions Safeway again. Detective asks BS, going with the idea BS kills when unaware-- did it worry you that you might find a dead body again after you pick up another girl?

Detective technique saying it's obvious BS is enjoying torturing the woman on the video. Says there's people who can help BS with these problems. What would've stopped this before from happening?

Moving the convo to getting BS to admit he knew what he was doing, only because people can see it on the video, but says BS is just being unwilling to give an explanation. BS says can't, he can't... knows it seems like a lie, but he can't see himself doing it. You just killed someone with your bare hands. BS says she was obvious fighting back.

What we're going to do now is take DNA samples, take your shoes, go through your truck, did you wash it out, are we going to find biological evidence, (BS says there was some blood in the back, he did wash that out.) etc., BS asked if they're going to take him to prison. Yes, that's where, but later, when we're done here.

Are we (LE) going to find anything else, did you kill anyone else, you don't look like an amateur on that video, is that the only one you killed? BS says I haven't choked anybody else. LE says, Hmm, it just went from zero to what's on that video... I hope that someday when you're ready to talk so we can understand.

Eventually, they drove a car with a cage in it, taking the defendant, so that Mr. Smith can show where he disposed of the body. He indicated that was where he had left the body. Search warrants to take swabs, photographs of Mr. Smith cloth and unclothed, Prosecution showing exhibits 46-51 to submit of Mr. Smith's body, his shoes, etc., (These photos of his feet or his hand can be compared to the feet and hands in the video.) Recess Break now.

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Defense is subjecting Detective Bell to a bunch of questions about the interrogation. Every question Defense seems to be implying that LE somehow did "something"--whether it be something wrong, or tricky, or or untruthful. It sounds like Defense implies it was to mislead Mr. Smith.

Wants to suggest that even the timing of the interrogation right after Mr. Smith got off an airplane, LE could've waited until the next day, Prosecution says no, not. Every tactic LE tried to use to get some kind of responsibility from BS is being criticized. Sure, MOO, the Detective tried all kinds of professional tactics to get him to talk. "Don't let somebody else write it for you. Don't let somebody else tell your story." BS just kept saying he's not remembering, trying to excuse it by saying he drank a lot, excusing memory loss as he was drunk. BS never says he actually remembers. He only agrees that he can accept that LE has pics and videos.

Interrogation went on for eight hours, longer than about the five hrs. shown in the courtroom. Miranda Rights were read to him at the very beginning of the interrogation, and never read to him again throughout the long interrogation. Prosecution up now asks if detective had professional training to go out of his way to not violate BS's legal rights. BS was not allowed to go back home as a way to protect evidence. They showed Mr. Smith more than most a ton of evidence they did have.

They were done questioning him, ready to call it a day, when Mr. Smith came back into the interrogation room and told them about Veronica Abouchuk. (I don't think we saw that part.) Done with this witness.

1707952637062.png Last witness of the day, called him a 5-minute witness, gets on the stand. Sorry, didn't catch his title. I believe his name is Chapman, and he works in drug enforcement of some kind. I think they possibly got a urine sample to test BS for possible drugs. This is strictly my own guess as to how it would apply to the rest of the testimony. If someone else was watching, please fill us in on what you heard. I wanted to hear what BS said to this man that is testifying.
1707949685494.pngThey let BS go to the bathroom, told him he could wash him hands. This part was very hard to hear distinctly. That's when BS said something roughly like this-- "If you knew what I've done with these hands you wouldn't worry if I wash them now." Later, he says something like, "You're all going to be famous."

Court in Recess-- Break for the Day-- Back Tomorrow Morning at 8:30 a.m.
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Curious Me, great job on letting is know what was happening.
The detectives sure did work hard to try to get a confession out of BS. Saying he did what they were showing him because he was angry with his wife after an argument, and BS walked out because when they argue he wants to STOP but she goes on and on. Then they tried the old, "well you're a man, you arranged the room and the girl said NO and that made you angry". BS I think came close but so far nothing. Unfortunately I didn't get to listen to the testimony from the drug enforcement person.
He is one sick monster. And yet his wife is in the front row. WOW! SMH
1707970047983.png Are you watching the trial, too, @Tealgrove? Wife sitting behind the defense team is very telling. I'm trying to give her the benefit of doubt, thinking maybe she's trying to shock herself into disgust for him as a way to hate him, get over him, turn her romantic memories to the reality that she was married to a monster. Then, there's the fact that she helped this man immigrate only to have him kill some woman in their basement. (see below) Gee, he lies that he doesn't remember killing the one in the hotel, then offers killing the one in his basement. That must've been Veronica Abouchuk.

"Smith’s wife was again in court Wednesday, sitting just behind and to the side of the defense team in the gallery. Relatives of the victims largely sat behind the prosecution table."

About three yrs. ago, I think he was telling detective... there was a woman he brought to his house when his wife was gone on a trip. He said she was a nice enough woman. She smelled. Implied they all smell if they've been homeless, and they look older than they are. Downstairs a couch in the basement. Mentioned a gun. Mentioned a hydro plant location. I deleted my notes because I couldn't figure out what it was about. At the end of the interrogation, I think this might've been another possible murder, but not sure. Veronica? The timing seems off.​
This concerns the notes I deleted, but included some details in my post anyways. I was troubled and confused by what I thought I heard, and sure enough it was BS confessing to killing the woman who smelled bad.

During taped interrogation, jury hears Brian Smith confess to shooting a victim over refusing to shower

During a bathroom break, while with an Alaska State Trooper, Smith hinted that there were other crimes he had committed. When questioning resumed with detectives, he then detailed how he picked up a woman outside a grocery store, brought her home for sex, but then grew angry because she smelled bad.

When she refused to shower, he told detectives, he killed her.

Smith said in the video: “I can’t visualize this girl but I went to the garage and I got my little pistol there. I said ‘go shower’ and she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, and I just did it,” pointing his finger at a detective as if was a pistol.

“While she was on the couch?” the detective asked Smith.

“Yeah, there was no, the only messed up thing I can tell you honestly there was no emotion,” he responded.

View attachment 483357 Are you watching the trial, too, @Tealgrove? Wife sitting behind the defense team is very telling. I'm trying to give her the benefit of doubt, thinking maybe she's trying to shock herself into disgust for him as a way to hate him, get over him, turn her romantic memories to the reality that she was married to a monster. Then, there's the fact that she helped this man immigrate only to have him kill some woman in their basement. (see below) Gee, he lies that he doesn't remember killing the one in the hotel, then offers killing the one in his basement. That must've been Veronica Abouchuk.

"Smith’s wife was again in court Wednesday, sitting just behind and to the side of the defense team in the gallery. Relatives of the victims largely sat behind the prosecution table."

This concerns the notes I deleted, but included some details in my post anyways. I was troubled and confused by what I thought I heard, and sure enough it was BS confessing to killing the woman who smelled bad.

During taped interrogation, jury hears Brian Smith confess to shooting a victim over refusing to shower

During a bathroom break, while with an Alaska State Trooper, Smith hinted that there were other crimes he had committed. When questioning resumed with detectives, he then detailed how he picked up a woman outside a grocery store, brought her home for sex, but then grew angry because she smelled bad.

When she refused to shower, he told detectives, he killed her.
View attachment 483316

Smith said in the video: “I can’t visualize this girl but I went to the garage and I got my little pistol there. I said ‘go shower’ and she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, and I just did it,” pointing his finger at a detective as if was a pistol.

“While she was on the couch?” the detective asked Smith.

“Yeah, there was no, the only messed up thing I can tell you honestly there was no emotion,” he responded.

Just horrible… every detail.
I believe his name is Chapman, and he works in drug enforcement of some kind.
I might've been wrong about drug testing him, but I think the Chapman guy was the state trooper mentioned. I wasn't wrong thinking I heard what I did about the woman who smelled... he killed her for not taking a shower. Shot her laying on the couch in his basement when his wife was gone. What did he do with the bloody couch? o_O Bad Smells bothers him more than blood and dead bodies.
BS I think came close but so far nothing. Unfortunately I didn't get to listen to the testimony from the drug enforcement person.
"During a bathroom break, while with an Alaska State Trooper, Smith hinted that there were other crimes he had committed."
When questioning resumed with detectives, he then detailed how he picked up a woman outside a grocery store, brought her home for sex, but then grew angry because she smelled bad.

:eek: When she refused to shower, he told detectives, he killed her.

Just horrible… every detail.
@Marysmith, it is just awful. I don't know how his wife can compartmentalize it, but it seems she is clinging to him having a good side. What does that matter if he has a shred of good mixed in with all that evil cruel women hating?

An article from 2/12/24 earlier this week. Warning the Graphic Details of the pics and videos of the murder in the hotel room.
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February 15, 2024 Thursday Alaska V Brian Smith Trial
Mr. George Trickler is on the witness stand. He worked for the railroad co. as a ditcher. He drove a tall excavator. Ditching is clearing out rocks and debris that fall onto the area. In Oct. 2019 working near Rainbow Siding area, he found skeleton remains.
1708024815565.png Taking a break. Judge says he wants to give more breaks to alleviate discomfort. Prosecution points out one of the juror's chairs keeps breaking, so Judge will get someone to replace it.

Missed the intro of this witness. Didn't catch his name or title... his first name Shawn. He's some kind of forensic investigator in Homicide. Role to take photos and collect evidence, and run tests like Blue Star searching for blood evidence.

He went to the railroad tracks scene where they found the skeleton remains. Showed photos from there and where the bones were found. He also went to the Marriott Hotel room where the murder videos were taken, also showed lots of photos from there.

1708028358788.png1708028391481.png1708028426071.png Bones found.1708028753631.png Arm bones

These are photos of the hotel room where the murder of Kathleen Jo Henry occurred. (Note- this detective had not seen the videos of what occurred in the hotel room, so he didn't know specific places to look for evidence.) A length of time has gone by though, so other guests had stayed there since then. Trace amounts of blood or other substances were collected to test for DNA analysis. (Makes you realize... the new hotel room guests have no idea what went on in that room!)
1708030026675.png Took the covers off mattress.
1708030263557.png "Blue Star" testing is a luminating substance that reacts upon being applied to anything that may have blood on it. They had removed some carpeting to run tests. Results showed some blood on the carpet and electrical outlet, the luggage cart. Photos of how they left the hotel room also were taken. Over 400 photos were taken. A Cyber Team came out and a Canine Unit, a dog, were brought out.

Courtroom is taking another break now.

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