AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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Foxfire, I think national expert on serial killers could be just about anybody. If you google national expert on serial killers you get a lot. It could be a professor from a college, not necessarily the usual FBI profilers. Obviously, they did not want a name attached.

After reading and watching the brief interrogation/interview clip we are allowed to view, I came to a couple of minor conclusions.

Don't believe this guy never killed a child. All serial killers deny it. Probably b/c of the taboo and fear of a violent prison death. This guy's hero, Mr. Bundy, did the same. Deny, deny, deny.

On being 2 different people. I don't understand why this is taken as a multiple personality or anything as such. It simply means they have their nice, smiling, compliant social side for work, family, friends. They let others assume what they want and don't get too deep with anyone as they know the darker energy would be too much, and someone would call it in to LE. So, you think I am nice, maybe you think I'm a jerk, maybe you think I am a perfect boyfriend, a responsible man? I never said that, you thought it.

This I understand. I don't let too many people know about me, it is easier to let them ramble on about themselves for years, and years later when they find out they made assumptions about my life, that I never talked about, and I finally tell them, they are shocked or choose to continue to believe whatever they made up in the first place. It is okay, I don't wish to speak of the bad things that happened anyway, and they are clearly not interested. They fill in mental gaps with what they have seen in themselves or other friends, never asking, I don't mind. Only my ex-hubby and my DD know.

I see this as what the SK's are doing. Their bad side is hidden and well under control from others b/c they know it is not acceptable. They lived a long time developing this from a young age, when they first discovered that their thoughts and impulses are not normal or acceptable. That is all that they mean. Not 2 personalities, just not showing the dark stuff to anyone. I guess they have good reason not to.

All jmo, moo, etc...
Just last night I watched a 2010 episode of ID channel's "Disappeared" and almost IMMEDIATELY thought of Keyes as a potential suspect.

I respectfully disagree.

He doesn't seem to have been on the east coast during that time, initially, per the FBI timeline.

More convincing to me is the fact that Maura's disappearance was clearly, if a crime, a crime of sudden, unexpected opportunity. This guy, Keyes, did not do anything on a whim or on sudden opportunity---until Samantha Koenig and even that wasn't a whim really--I mean he still managed to never be seen on any of the cameras---clearly he had staked the coffee shack out previously.

Yes he waited around for people at isolated areas, but Maura's car went off the road in pretty much the middle of nowhere. It wasn't near any of the types of places he mentioned that he "hunted" (for lack of a better word) and it wasn't near anywhere that people would get out of their cars naturally and become vunerable to him (ie trails, cemetaries and campsites).

Maura didn't make a sharp curve on an isolated road and disappeared from that same area, that is pretty much undisputed, it was an unexpected event, not one someone would sit around waiting for....unlike getting out of cars to hike, to visit graves or to camp.

Also, our states here (NH and VT) are so sparsely populated even in the summer, that he had to go to the Currier house...laying in random wait could have been a long wait---so many trails, cemeteries and campsites here and so few people. In the winter? Even fewer.

To me, Maura's disappearance doesn't fit his "style" at all. Pat O'Hagan though....that would be his "style" for sure---although again, per FBI timeline, he wasn't around VT during that time either.

I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.
Wow, thank-you for sharing that. It must have been, and still remain, a profound experience.
I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.

Thanx for sharing, vtmeme, and Welcome to Websleuths. You may want to check into becoming a verified local poster. When sleuthing a perp or crime, it is invaluable to have a locals perspective, especially verified locals. Your information is very interesting. Keyes said that he choose the Curriers due to the layout of their home and lack of children signs; bikes, swing sets, toys, etc. Was the man also asking curious/personal questions, and what is Handys?
vteme, although coincidences do happen, imo you & your hubby should trust your instincts. They are rarely wrong..


[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158887"]Professional Posters and Verified Locals / Insiders - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Professional Posters and Verified Locals / Insiders

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If you would like to add youself as an expert in a certain field or an insider to a case, please contact Tricia.

Locals who are describing the area or are members of the gyms and that sort of thing do not need to be verified.
We only verify people who know the players or have been named in the media, etc.
I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.

Oh my, it must be rather unnerving to realize that you crossed paths with him.
I just listened to the funeral "sermon" given by Jake Gardner from Keyes mother and sisters church. It is posted here: http://www.thechurchofwells.com bottom right in the sermon audio player. It is very, very strange.

He mentions that Keyes wrote a letter to one of his sisters describing his cell as a concrete paradise where he passed the time doing crossword puzzles.
I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.

Oh my, that would be unnerving if so. Doesn't seem far fetched, as he seemed to have "chosen" the Curriers. In one of the news stories, it said Keyes targeted them because they had an "attached garage and no children". The no children thing kind of mystifies me, how would he know that for certain? Anyway, it would seem he did some exploring in that vicinity.

Is it odd that the man had on a heavy jacket in June? I'm in Cali, by that time we are pretty hot here.
I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.

It could be weeks or even months before they get your tip, so sit tight. They (fortunately) probably have a lot of tips coming in right now and need to go through each one.
I just listened to the funeral "sermon" given by Jake Gardner from Keyes mother and sisters church. It is posted here: http://www.thechurchofwells.com bottom right in the sermon audio player. It is very, very strange.

He mentions that Keyes wrote a letter to one of his sisters describing his cell as a concrete paradise where he passed the time doing crossword puzzles.

Did not listen, but I consider the way it is listed on their sermon audio menu bizarre. The Funeral of a Serial Killer: Israel Keyes

Feels a little like Jake Gardner is trying to capitalize on a horrible tragedy.

'There must be darkness present for the light to shine through

Stealth Predator Israel Keyes was not on the FBI VICAP's radar before Samantha Koenig's abduction/murder. Even immediately after his arrest investigators were oblivious to the magnitude of Keyes evil trail of terror.
It came slowly, in teased-out bites, law enforcement officials said, with Mr. Keyes apparently enjoying the sense of control over his information.

Keyes' cell phone & credit card usage went dark 30 times from October 2004 through March 2011


Law enforcement investigators are now trying desperately to illuminate the dark shadows Mr. Keyes left.

They appealed this week to the public across the country for help in solving his crimes. They produced detailed timelines of Mr. Keyes’s extensive road trips — driving thousands of miles, by his own account, over the last decade — and are trying to match missing persons reports with his travels.

New York, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming and perhaps elsewhere.

What makes the task even more chilling and urgent, the authorities said, is that every crime he spoke about in detail after his arrest was substantiated. He may have conducted one of the worst one-man crime waves in recent United States history, but in keeping with his life of concealment, he took the final dimensions of it with him to the grave.

Keyes said that he had not patterned himself after any other serial killer. Imo, he was being deflective. Although he didn't pattern himself after any one serial killer. Keyes; a hybrid, had patterned himself after many.

It was reported that Israel Keyes became a bit compulsive toward the end. Imo, a nationally recognized expert on psychopathic serial killers should have seen this as a warning sign of things to come.

But he also adeptly covered his tracks. Indeed, before his arrest in March after a traffic stop in East Texas, the authorities did not even know they were hunting for someone who had committed a string of monstrous crimes.

FBI releases timeline of confessed Alaska killer's travels;

First admitted victim by Keyes' : a 14 to 18 years old girl, he raped along the Deschutes River, in Oregon between 1996 and 1998. Keyes told investigators he planned to kill her after raping her but freed her instead.

1998 through 2000 served in the U.S. Army at Fort Lewis(WA), Fort Hood(TX), and in Egypt.

From 2000 through 10/2004 - He also told them he began killing people in 2001, when he was living in WA, and doing construction work for the Makah Tribal Council.

1 trip in 2004
1 trip in 2005
4 trips in 2006
7 trips in 2007
8 trips in 2008 - peaked?
4 trips in 2009 - robbed the Community Bank branch in Tupper Lake, NY 04/ 2009
6 trips in 2010
2 trips in 2011 ?
2 trips in 2012
* burglarized a Texas home and set it on fire(date unknown)
* stalked victims in remote locations; campgrounds, trailheads, cemeteries & boating areas.
* tortured animals as a child

More clues may come from an illegible, blood-soaked note that was found in Keyes' cell after his suicide. That is being analyzed at the FBI's lab in Quantico, Virginia.


Israel Keyes - Wikipedia
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Keyes"]Israel Keyes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Wide net cast in search for Alaska serial killer's victims

My work has given me a profound respect for what humans suffer at the hands of evil, and a particular sensitivity for what its victims endure. During every investigation that I participate in, there is always an invisible observer at my shoulder, whose presence I never forget. Regardless of the circumstances of a case, I am always giving voice to its silent victim.
Quote Roger L Depue

If you really think about it, it's pretty astonishing we know Israel is a SK. Finding Samantha's killer was amazing in itself considering he was as far as possible as he could be while still being in the US, then finding out he's a SK with a number of victims? There must be 20 other SKs out there that we are completely clueless to and will never even know about.
"The guy went in at the right time," Counter said. "The bank was quiet."

He probably picked this bank because it was predictable.
Actually after reading more I'm really surprised in how much time, effort and coverage they put into this bank robbery. I don't mean to sound "bad" but bank robberies are a dime a dozen. They don't even make the news in the Chicago area.
If you really think about it, it's pretty astonishing we know Israel is a SK. Finding Samantha's killer was amazing in itself considering he was as far as possible as he could be while still being in the US, then finding out he's a SK with a number of victims? There must be 20 other SKs out there that we are completely clueless to and will never even know about.

Claudette, good eventually triumphs over evil...

Considering that there is 100,000 persons missing/unaccounted in the USA(actual number unknown), and others; runaways, prostitutes, deep sixing, etc. The percentages are at best fuzzy math...
Too many cold cases to get an accurate count, imo...

http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2009/april/highwayserial_040609(See US-Victim Map)
The FBI Trucker Serial Killer Iniative 2009 already has 500 victims & 200 POIs & Suspected Serial Killers identified..

The FBI estimates 35 to 50 serial killers active in the US at any given time. This very conservative FBI estimate was made before the definition of serial killer was lowered from three victims to two in 2005 or the 2009 Trucker Serial Killer Initiative was activated...

The Silent epidemic of missing/murdered persons continues to escalate..
I just listened to the funeral "sermon" given by Jake Gardner from Keyes mother and sisters church. It is posted here: http://www.thechurchofwells.com bottom right in the sermon audio player. It is very, very strange.

He mentions that Keyes wrote a letter to one of his sisters describing his cell as a concrete paradise where he passed the time doing crossword puzzles.

Wow, weird
He did ask where we live and my husband had the sense not to tell him, out yard borders the garden area. Handy's is the hotel he stayed at both times he was here in 2009 and 2011.
The weather here can be unpredictable here. A heavy jacket usually necessary. I believe it was in the hi 40's early on. He also had a hoodie underneath and his back pack was full. The direction he came from could have been from where he had left his kill stash.
He did ask where we live and my husband had the sense not to tell him, out yard borders the garden area. Handy's is the hotel he stayed at both times he was here in 2009 and 2011.

TY, vtmeme.. I know that it has been a while back, but can you remember any specifics of the conversation? Besides asking where you lived did he mention whether you had children or pets, or say anything that caused your husband to be suspicious?
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