AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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In the only case we have detailed information about, he killed Samantha, then went on the cruise, then returned to dispose of her body.

One example doesn't mean it was part of his method, but it does sound a bit like having just killed somebody might have been part of his enjoyment of a vacation.

Well we do know about the couple, and the information released, and that does indicate certain things regarding his mo. Suffice to say, that for me , anything was a possibility for that monster, he was an anamoly for SK's if that's possible. No end to the possibilities.
Well we do know about the couple, and the information released, and that does indicate certain things regarding his mo. Suffice to say, that for me , anything was a possibility for that monster, he was an anamoly for SK's if that's possible. No end to the possibilities.

I meant the one case where we had information about cruises, and that was the only aspect of his method that I was thinking about.

Both cases involve stalking the victims. I suspect that's essential to his thrill. But beyond that, you're right, almost anything is a possibility.
Samantha was supposed to be a couples kill but her boyfriend was late and IK didn't feel like waiting anymore.
Samantha was supposed to be a couples kill but her boyfriend was late and IK didn't feel like waiting anymore.

That's interesting. If I knew that, I had forgotten it.
Property owned by Keyes in Constable, NY on the Canadian border, near Watertown, NY. Watertown is a major cross-border shopping destination for Canadians. This house is ultra-creepy.


According to Franklin County real property records, Keyes has been paying taxes on the 10-acre parcel at 511 Poplar St., Constable since Oct. 23, 1997. The address listed for Keyes in the real property records is the same as is listed in a Yahoo! Local entry for his Anchorage contracting business, Keyes Construction. The business is named in numerous recent Alaskan media reports talking about the Koenig murder.

W & B P, who live just down the road from the Keyes house in Constable, said they recall an Amish family with a couple of children living there for a very brief stint in the summer of either 2008 or 2009. They could not recall the exact time frame.

“They weren’t there a month and they moved right on,” Mr. Patnode said.

Keyes was raised in an Amish family and was one of nine siblings.

Keyes would have been about 19 years old when he acquired the land in Constable. The actual deed is listed as belonging to a different Israel Keyes, this one from Colville, Wash., and 10 years older than the accused murderer from Anchorage. The lawyer who oversaw the transaction was Thomas LaRocque of Malone. He could not be reached for comment.


The female admininstrator said she believes that Keyes could have used the other Israel Keyes’ identity. She said she has been in contact with an individual who claims to have records showing Keyes reporting a false age some years ago, but has not yet received them. She said she dug up evidence of him using aliases Izreal or Isreal Reyes, or shortening his name to Izzy.

Creepy too:

According to town records, Keyes purchased the Constable cabin and 10-acre property in 1997. And he's kept up with his taxes ever since.

Even though the property is on a rural country road, several people we spoke to knew exactly where it was. That's because there's an artesian well on the property and several locals used to get their water there since the owner is not around

It would be nice if LE was checking the forest, but, I highly doubt it, without a lead. Good grief.

"There were state police, and it might've been the FBI," Guagliano said. "Between 25 and 30 people getting out of vehicles. ... There were a bunch of them getting ready to head into the woods."

The New York state police referred questions about the search to the FBI. A New York spokeswoman for the FBI declined to comment.

According to property records for Franklin County, in which Contable sits about five miles south of the U.S. border with Canada, Keyes bought the property in 1997 when he was 19. The property includes a two-bedroom house built in 1890 and listed in poor condition.

Nobody has been seen living at the red house for at least 10 years, probably longer, Guagliano said.

"It's old. It's shambled. The roof's caved in. Unkempt, you might say," he said. "From the looks of everything, it hasn't been kept up in years. It's really in bad shape."

With little development in the area and a 686-acre state forest nearby, the woods stretch for miles, Guagliano said.

"We're out in the middle of no man's land," he said. "You could put anything and everything out there, and nobody would ever know it."

Hunters and neighbors pass through from time to time, and sometimes people go onto Keyes' land to get water from a well, said Chana O'Leary, Guagliano's friend and the nearest neighbor to Keyes' property. O'Leary said she lives about a mile away.

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2012/10/26/2673032/searchers-scour-keyes-new-york.html#storylink=cpy
Decrepit site scoured for muder

This spot at 511 Poplar St., Constable, shows evidence of having been disturbed recently. In addition to obvious dig spots, the property is rife with foot paths in the surrounding woods and into the house and outlying structures on the property.

In addition, a Burlington, Vt., TV station, WCAX, reported Thursday that a neighbor said he called police after discovering what appeared to be a shallow grave on the 10-acre property at 511 Poplar St. in Constable. The unidentified neighbor is said to have led the FBI to the location.


I hate to say it, but, I do hope people that hired him have looked around their properties. :(

Lots of pictures on the Wayback.
Here are pictures of one of Keyes "kill kits". :(


Two years before he killed Bill and Lorraine Currier, Israel Keyes buried a so-called "kill kit," in Essex.




The FBI in Alaska tells Channel 3 News, the serial killer buried a five gallon bucket, filled with ammunition, a silencer, gun scope, wires, a flashlight and other supplies, in the Woodside Natural Area along the Winooski River. It's located in Essex near the intersection of Susie Wilson Road and Route 15. Keyes was staying at the Handy Suites nearby. He stayed there again June of last year -- dug up the bucket -- and used those supplies when he kidnapped and killed the Curriers.


Israel Keyes, 34, now linked to at least eight murders throughout the United States in the past 11 years, was a childhood friend and neighbor in Stevens County, Wash., of terrorists Chevie and Cheyne Kehoe — two racist brothers now serving lengthy prison sentences for murder and attempted murder.

“The two families, the Keyeses and the Kehoes, were neighbors and friends and lived about a half mile apart off Aladdin Road north of Colville” in Stevens County, Wash., a source with direct knowledge of the situation said. “The kids in both families were home-schooled and they sometimes attended a Christian Identity church called The Ark, just up the road from their homes,” the source said.

Israel Keyes is believed to have been one of two teenage boys in the Keyes family who showed up along with Chevie and Cheyne Kehoe at a 1992 rally at Ft. Colville Grange, where human rights activists where attempting to organize and counter a growing number of racists and neo-Nazis in Stevens County, the source told Hatewatch.

The FBI is now actively putting together a timeline of Keyes’ past, including times he spent in Stevens County. It’s not clear if any of the four murders Keyes confessed to committing in Washington state occurred in Stevens County, but there is interest in his possible connection to the 1996 murder there of a 12-year-old girl who had prosthetic legs.

Based on the FBI timeline released I think the following cases should be checked for connections to Israel Keyes.

Christine Lindsey Walters, age 23, missing from Arcata, CA, 11/14/2008

Brittanee Drexel, age 17, missing from Myrtle Beach, SC, 4/25/2009

Lindsey Baum, 10, missing from Mccleary, wa, 6/26/2009

The Jamison family, missing from Red Oak, OK, 10/17/2009

Holly Bobo, missing from Darden, TN, 4/13/2011

Foxfire, I think national expert on serial killers could be just about anybody. If you google national expert on serial killers you get a lot. It could be a professor from a college, not necessarily the usual FBI profilers. Obviously, they did not want a name attached.

After reading and watching the brief interrogation/interview clip we are allowed to view, I came to a couple of minor conclusions.

Don't believe this guy never killed a child. All serial killers deny it. Probably b/c of the taboo and fear of a violent prison death. This guy's hero, Mr. Bundy, did the same. Deny, deny, deny.

On being 2 different people. I don't understand why this is taken as a multiple personality or anything as such. It simply means they have their nice, smiling, compliant social side for work, family, friends. They let others assume what they want and don't get too deep with anyone as they know the darker energy would be too much, and someone would call it in to LE. So, you think I am nice, maybe you think I'm a jerk, maybe you think I am a perfect boyfriend, a responsible man? I never said that, you thought it.

This I understand. I don't let too many people know about me, it is easier to let them ramble on about themselves for years, and years later when they find out they made assumptions about my life, that I never talked about, and I finally tell them, they are shocked or choose to continue to believe whatever they made up in the first place. It is okay, I don't wish to speak of the bad things that happened anyway, and they are clearly not interested. They fill in mental gaps with what they have seen in themselves or other friends, never asking, I don't mind. Only my ex-hubby and my DD know.

I see this as what the SK's are doing. Their bad side is hidden and well under control from others b/c they know it is not acceptable. They lived a long time developing this from a young age, when they first discovered that their thoughts and impulses are not normal or acceptable. That is all that they mean. Not 2 personalities, just not showing the dark stuff to anyone. I guess they have good reason not to.

All jmo, moo, etc...

BBM. I agree. We would need to know how he "defines" child. He mentioned he assaulted a young teen girl, but did not kill her (can't remember the article). So, child could be anyone pre-pubescent to him, but not including tweens/teens. I also wonder if his patterns changed as his daughter got older.
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