AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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The Mall Murders totally fits with what we know about IK.

This picture, presumably done by the woman who was abducted by him, but, her life spared, is to a T.



What case is this, please? Names, locations, dates? This is absolutely him.
.then several days later the discovered the unit had a survelience camera and it had caught this image above driving her car, parking it, getting out and then walking by the fence....Note*** Car had very very little mileage on it....that sounds like Keyes.....He plans on where he is going to kill his victims and has his kill kits buried....There is a very large empty field or acreage behind these condo's.....

.I feel they should go in and search that ground for one of his kill kits

SBM - this area doesn't fit his kill kit location pattern. I'll talk more about that after I run an errand quick.

I hope you saw the comparison photo of the Boca Raton Mall Shooter on the page back.....I 199.9% believe this is Keyes...

oh yeah, that's him alright. I agree with you.

.and I do NOT believe Keyes did not kill kids....

I agree with you about this, too.
Re: IK's kill kits... I think they're all in National Parks or Nature Areas and may very well all be near some kind of "Fort". [this is a work in progress]

Known Facts about his "kill kits":

(FOUND) KIT #1. Used kill kit: Keyes had a kill kit stashed in Essex, VT - he stayed at the same Handy Suites motel when he stashed it there in 2009 that he again stayed in when he killed the Curriers in 2011. This is the kill kit he used in 2011 for the Curriers' murder, then transported to Blakes Falls Reservoir in Parishville, NY and buried there. These two kits (The Essex kit and the Parishville kit) are one and the same.

SITE DESCRIPTION: "Israel Keyes buried a "murder kit" at the end of the Woodside Natural Area's Woodside Loop Trail off Vermont 15 near Camp Johnson in 2009 that he would later use in the kidnapping and murder of WIlliam and Lorraine Currier."

"The park is a hidden suburban oasis. The natural area is found down a steep embankment from Vermont 15 and across a set of railroad tracks. The sound of traffic is nonexistent. There near the park entrance is the Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Facility, but no other buildings are in sight. The trails are sound: smooth dirt paths, wooden stairs wedged into slopes, side-by-side planks a foot or two off the ground over marshy spots.

The Woodside Loop trail extends a mile from the nearest parking area, and it is along this path that Israel Keyes walks sometime during this 2009 trip. He carries an orange 5-gallon bucket. Inside he has stashed some of the supplies he will use to murder Bill and Lorraine Currier two years later: ammunition, gun magazines, a flashlight, wires and fasteners — a cache of death similar to the others he has dropped across the country like time bombs.

He adds a drying agent, seals the watertight lid, and, at the farthest point on the loop before it circles back toward civilization, he buries the bucket in the earth."

- http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/...chorage-Texas-Arizona-serial-killer-Ted-Bundy

*MY NOTE: He got a temporary fishing license when he went to VT... and he buried his kill kit in a nature area. Perhaps he carried his bucket like a fisherman, with a pole in hand as well as he walked, on his way to bury it? If so there's likely a feasible fishing hole nearby so nobody would question this.

(FOUND) KIT #2. Unused kill kit: Retrieved from Eagle River, AK. This is the second of only 2 kits that have been found.

"Keyes reveals the location of a second kill kit, this one in Eagle River, Alaska. This cache is designed to dispose of bodies and contains Drano, to speed decomposition, and a shovel. Keyes hadn’t had the chance to use it — and he planned to keep killing if he hadn’t gotten caught."
(same link as above)[*NOTE - I can't find a description of exact location of the Eagle River kill kit. If anyone can help me here, that would be greatly appreaciated.]

*MY NOTE: He kept current fishing licenses for Alaska from approx 2006-2010 that I am aware of at this time (need to double check the info, which is on my map, for exact years. See above for reasoning on the importance of this).

*NOTE: I'm willing to bet he had fishing licenses from these three states: )
(UNFOUND) KIT #3. Texas

(UNFOUND) KIT #4. Washington

(UNFOUND) KIT #5. Wyoming
*NOTE - in at least one instance - VT kill kit - he killed right where the kid was. We already know where he has kits, so perhaps we already know where he has killed? Look for missing in Texas, Washington, Wyoming. We already know his Washington information (one couple, two individuals, etc) so perhaps a focus on Texas and Wyoming would be a more satisfying place to start.

*Keyes said he buried murder kits in NY (Parishville), TX, VT (Essex), WA, WY, & alluded to perhaps there being others elsewhere. Parishville, NY likely refers to the fact that he re-buried it in NY after moving it from Essex, VT after the Currier's murder, IMHO
That post was long enough so I'm putting the rest of it in a different post, here.


Avenues to explore/sleuth:

1. He went to Essex twice and stayed in the same hotel both times, once in 2009 to bury his kit in preparation for a later kill, and once in 2011 to utilize it in the Currier's murder.


Are there other locations he has visited multiple times? If so, consider that he may have stayed once to bury a kill kit and later to utilize it. In these instances, find a way to check if he got a fishing license for that state. Look for Nature areas near the location of the multiple visits for possible kill kit locations. If possible find out if he stayed at the same hotel twice in any given city of interest.


example: When he went to VT, he always flew and then got a rental car - in 2009, flew Seattle to New Hampshire then drove to rob Tupper Lake bank, kill someone and dispose of them in NY, and bury kill kit in VT. [4/7 -4/14, 2009]

example: When he went back to VT and killed the Curriers in 2011 he flew to Chicago and drove to VT. During this trip he also accessed the VT kill kit and drove to NY to dispose of it. [6/2 - 6/15, 2011]

***EXTRA NOTE - Keyes told LE that he "always" stopped at his Constable house when he went back east. So far we see he has twice gone to NY to "dispose of" something murder-related after a murder ***
[this is a work in progress. my eyes are burning so I'll post now and edit later maybe]
What case is this, please? Names, locations, dates? This is absolutely him.
Just showed that big comparison photo to someone and asked if they think those are the same person and the reply I got was "well, yeah" like I was a tad nitwitted or something.

So I looked up the case and added it to the map. But now the frustrating part - 12/4/2007 he flew from AK to Indianapolis, where he rented a vehicle and put 537 miles on it. He left Indianapolis on 12/16/2007.

Nancy Bochicchio and daughter Joey were kidnapped and killed a the Boca Raton, FL mall on 12/12/2007.

Boca Raton, FL is 1,200 miles ONE WAY from Indianapolis.

The time frame works but the known travel info does not. This will take additional sleuthing to be able to see if this fits in, because right now it doesn't really seem to yet the sketch seems unmistakably IK.
I'm sad that this thread doesn't move as quickly as the ones in the main missing persons forum. It's too bad because really this is like multiple missing persons cases wrapped up in one. But I know it's hard to work backwards - instead of having a name and last known location and searching for who caused the disappearance, we have the suspect and possible times and locations but no names. But I think we can do this. I know I'm not going to stop until at least a dozen more victims of his have been named, because there are absolutely that many aside from the Curriers and Sam Koenig. Minimum. Shoot there are 5 in Washington alone, all before 2006.

a. His FIRST KILL he said was in WASHINGTON in 2001
b. He killed a COUPLE in WASHINGTON between 2001 - 2005
c. He killed two unrelated individuals in WASHINGTON between 2005 - 2006
= 5 right there.

Not to mention the person he abducted and murdered on the east coast with body disposal being in NY in April 2009.

(plus the Curriers and Sam = 9)

And this is just the information he slowly gave up to LE. IMHO he didn't tell them even half of what he'd done. But Bundy killed 30 people and IMHO Keyes didn't manage to match his idol. We're looking at under 30 IMHO.

And I'll say it once more: I believe the Constable house and surrounding acreage holds a key. I also find myself drawn to that fancy well on his property.

EDIT - an "artesian well", that's it. I couldn't remember what it was called.

"Even though the property is on a rural country road, several people we spoke to knew exactly where it was. That's because there's an artesian well on the property and several locals used to get their water there since the owner is not around."


[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artesian_aquifer"]Artesian aquifer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
1h Chris Daniels ‏@ChrisDaniels5
Keyes, according to AK authorities, killed himself in jail over the weekend, but had admitted to 7 murders WA and NY states.


That is very interesting. I need to know if there have been any other reports like this.

The official most widely reported count is 4 in WA and 1 in NY, but we already knew that there were more than 4 in WA because LE has told us that the couple was killed in 2001 - 2005 and the two individuals were killed in 2005-2006. And, those are in addition to an early article said very clearly that the FIRST person he ever killed was in Washington in 2001. Although it's very possible this "First person" he killed in 2001 WAS the couple.

This needs to be sleuthed, IMO.

I suppose it could be that there are only those 4 in Washington like LE seemed to be so certain of, but then that would have to mean there were 3 in NY.

I wonder if he is responsible for the disappearance of Cedrika Provencher? Aged 9 missing from Trois-Riviers Quebec (canada) July 31, 2007. When was he released from the military?

Google is showing me that Trois-Riviers is about a 2.5 hour drive from Constable NY along a direct route. It is right on the Canada/USA border.

I am re-re-reading the thread and bringing forward suggestions from people so that I can research them and map them.

re: this one - July 31, 2007 - official timelines do not have Keyes specifically accounted for (which to me makes this a possibility):

unknown date, 2007 - moved to Alaska
May 7, 2007 - obtained fishing license in Alaska

<July 31, 2007 - Cedrika Provencher missing from Trois-Riviers, Quebec, Canada >

August 26, 2007 - Flew from Anchorage, AK to Seattle, WA. Rented vehicle in Seattle. Mileage unknown.
I've wondered if he's responsible for Holly Bobo. It fits his MO.

She went missing April 13, 2011. Let's check the timeline:

October 15 - 25, 2010 - Flew from Anchorage, AK to Chicago, IL on 10/15/2010. Continued on to Boston, MA on 10/15/2010.Rented a vehicle - mileage unknown. Left Boston on 10/25/2010.

< Holly went missing on April 13, 2011 from Decatur, Tennessee >

April 23 - 25, 2011 - Flew from Anchorage, AK to Juneau, AK on 4/23/2011. Rented a vehicle - mileage unknown. Left Juneau on 4/25/2011.

Well, once again he's unaccounted for at the time someone has gone missing, which to me makes it a possibility.
Phylis Ellen Lewellen wrote a check AFTER she disappeared. http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/l/lewellen_phyllis.html

Disappeared December 27, 1996 from Cowlitz county, Washington.

Timeline check:

ca. 1996- 1998: Oregon -
His first crime, according to information he gave to LE: Keyes raped a 14 - 16 year old girl along the Deschutes River near Maupin, Oregon in the summer sometime from 1996 - 1998. Says he wanted to kill her but let her go. Authorities can't find a record of this and think it went unreported.

< December 27, 1997 - Phylis Ellen Lewellen goes missing, writes check just after she disappears >

Well in theory it could fit in, but then there's this other data point:

2001: Washington - His first kill.

I'm not entirely sure how honest he was of course but since all we have to go on is what he told LE, and this doesn't fit with what he told LE, I'm hesitant to consider it likely. all JMO of course!
There may be victims in other states, besides the four states noted by Keyes, FBI Special Agent in Charge Mary Rook said.
Keyes also confessed to bank robberies in New York state and Texas."


Well of course there are, let's explore the information surrounding his admitting to killings in those particular four states:

1. Vermont - obvious. he admitted to killing the Curriers here.
2. Alaska - obvious. he admitted to killing Sam Koenig here.
3. New York - predictable, LE had records showing he owned a home there. Confronted with proof of his owning property here, it was likely higher on his list of ones to admit to.
4. Washington - predictable, LE had records of his living here for a long time and Seattle was his most flown into and out of airport in all his extensive travels.

So he gave up the ones they already knew he had killed in - Alaska and Vermont - and he gave up the ones they already knew he had lived in/owned property in - Washington and New York.

He was giving out his info so slowly, obviously he would start with the information that was mostly likely to be figured out first anyhow. He held the "best" ones for last, and last never came because he killed himself.

This list of four states is hardly remarkable, IMHO. I think the list of states he kept kill kits in as well as robbed banks in will be more useful.

MOO and whatnot.

This one is curious to me because LE said that they looked into it determined there was no connection between IK and Celina. They even went so far as to say:

"A federal prosecutor in Alaska told the New Hampshire Union Leader that Keyes, 34, was not believed to be in New Hampshire during Cass' late July 2011 disappearance. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Feldis said investigators tracked Keyes' travel through credit cards, plane tickets and rental cars.

Records show he was in Alaska when Cass disappeared in late July.

"Our investigation indicates he was not in New Hampshire at that period of time," Feldis said."

But here we are five months after that article was printed and we just got a new updated timeline a couple of weeks ago that I've already added to my timeline and map, and LE hasn't officially released any info on their timeline that suggests that he was in Alaska in late July, 2011. I wish they'd release ALL that they know. It's not like he's reading the articles and covering his tracks anymore, geez.


Flew from Chicago, IL to San Francisco, CA on June 15, 2011.
Flew from San Francisco, CA to Anchorage, AK on June 16, 2011.

< Celina Cass goes missing July 25, 2011 >

FBI Timeline puts Keyes in the Western US between September 15 - 25, 2011
*interesting to note, this is one of the only time frames that hasn't had the original vague FBI timeline updated with much more detailed information*
Keyes admitted to murdering four people in Washington; he killed two people (independent of each other) sometime during 2005 and 2006, and murdered a couple in Washington between 2001 and 2005. It is unknown if these victims were residents of Washington or if they were vacationing in Washington but resided in another state. It is also possible Keyes abducted them from a nearby state and transported them to Washington.

That narrows it down. Good.
So, for Washington, we need to focus on missing persons 2005-2006. And a couple in 2001-2005.

The only missing couples in Washington I could find were from the 80s...
There *is* a couple that disappeared from Oregon in 2001 though. Kami Vollendroff and her boyfriend Eugene Hyatt. http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/v/vollendroff_kami.html

Timeline check -

May 13, 2001 - DUI in Tacoma, Washington while serving at Fort Lewis, WA
July 8, 2001 - discharged from the Army (Ft. Lewis, WA) *he has said he couldn't wait to get out of the Army so he could start killing*

< November 21, 2001 - Kami Vollendroff and Eugene Hyatt disappear from Boiler Bay State Park in Depoe Bay, Oregon >

No further solid dates for the timeline for awhile, so this fits.

Also, Keyes said his first kill was in Washington in 2001. He has also said the couple he killed in Washington was in 2001 - 2005, and that the two individuals he killed in Washington were in 2005-6.

SO, the couple MUST have been his first kill, and they MUST have been killed in 2001, if we can trust what Keyes told LE... and thus far what he has told him has always checked out to the best of my knowledge. So I think this could be a real solid possibility here.
He broke into their home and, in their bedroom, Keyes told police, he bound them with zip ties, forced them into their car and drove them to an abandoned house, where he shot Bill Currier with a gun he brought from Alaska, and then sexually assaulted and strangled Lorraine Currier.


SBM - just making a note for myself and anyone else - potential victims of Keyes' would likely show signs of sexual assault (if female), possible zip tie usage, and strangulation. I definitely recall him talking about how it takes much longer than one would expect for someone to die of strangulation, and other things that led me to note this is likely is main preference for mode of killing.

(He said one victim had been found as of the time of his death but had been ruled "accidental". This suggests to me that we might want to look for anyone who was found in Washington, in particular, (since we know he killed 4 people there and why not start with a known possibility rather than an unknown?) and who was ruled to have died of accidental airway restriction of some sort. Gotta have somewhere to start, why not there?)
Re: campgrounds.

Delmar Sample disappeared after going to spend some alone time in the wilderness. http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/s/sample_delmar.html

Timeline check -

October 6 - 16, 2004: flew from Seattle, WA to Manchester NH. No known rental car. Leaves Manchester on 10/16/04.

< March 5, 2005 Delmar Sample disappeared from Centralia, Washington >

April 20 - 25, 2005: FBI timeline puts Keyes in Washington and British Columbia

*NOTE - Keyes said he killed 2 individuals in Washington in 2005 - 6*

Well, sounds like this is another possibility since IK's unaccounted for during that time.
I found it interesting that Keyes lived in several remote places VERY close to the Canadian border, and are in, near or associated with native reserves or tribes.

The town were Keyes grew up, Colville WA, is only 30 miles from the Canadian border. The Colville tribe was originally from around the Colville area, however the reserve lands are further west. The Inchelium district of the reserve is quite close to Colville.

The Colville tribe is associated with the Canadian tribes in the southern Okanagan.

In 1997 Keyes bought the property in Constable NY. This is only about 2 miles from the Canadian border and very close to the St. Regis Mohawk reservation (Akwesasne).


And, of course, Keyes was employed from 2001 to 2007 by the Makah Tribal Council in Neah Bay WA, which is directly across the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Vancouver Island in BC.

While it wouldn't have been that easy to sneak across the border from Neah Bay, it certainly would be from the other two locations. Perhaps his choice of property in NY state was partly influenced by the ease to flee over the border if LE was on his trail, or to mask his travels.

This entire post is brilliant and i'm quoting it to bring it forward so I can refer to it again more easily in the near future.
And, speaking of being easy to slip across the border from NY....

Two other cases have baffled investigators in the North Country over the years,

Maura Murray was a 21-year-old University of Massachusetts nursing student when she disappeared on Route 112 in Haverhill after a minor car crash on Feb. 9, 2004. According to the New Hampshire State Police website, her disappearance is being treated as suspicious.

Louise Chaput, 52, a social worker from Sherbrooke, southern Quebec, Canada, was last seen on Nov. 15, 2001. She was reported missing when she failed to return from a scheduled hiking trip in Pinkham Notch. Her body was found a week later near the Glen Ellis Falls parking lot at Pinkham Notch. Authorities said she died from multiple stab wounds.


This is from the same article from July that discusses Celina Cass as a possible victim.

(Sherbrooke is only 150 miles away from Constable NY. Haverville MA is 300 miles away. Essex VT is 100 miles.)

Timeline check -

7/8/2001 IK is discharged from the Army; lives in Colville WA

< 11/15/2001 Louise Chaput disappeared from Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire >

[timeline is sparse for next few years]

no reason to think he couldn't have done it. This particular case has been on my radar as a potential Keyes victim for a good six months now. The cause of death kind of throws me off though. Doesn't quite seem right to me. He was too methodical and careful to stab - it would spill TONS of blood which I can't see him being willing to deal with, and stabbing would cause a lot of screaming I would think... he used a silencer on his gun when he couldn't strangle (which is also relatively quiet), to avoid noise. So I waver back and forth on this one.

[no known specific timeline previous few years]

< 2/9/2004 Maura Murray disappeared from Haverhill, New Hampshire >

10/6/2004 - flew from Seattle, WA to Manchester NH. No known rental car. Leaves Manchester on 10/16/04

No known reason whatsoever to think he didn't do this one as well at this time, since we have no timeline saying he couldn't have been responsible. Totally possible.
B. I personally believe his women targets were for sexual assault specifically.

C. I also personally believe that his male targets were for financial gain. If he were a part of a couple, it was because he was a witness, not a true intended victim, so to speak.

D. I personally believe that any couples he targeted were of pure opportunity (as he mentioned about the layout of the Currier's home, etc.).

E. The one victim he referenced as being classified wrong by the police is a male; otherwise, there would be evidence of a sexual assault. This person was a 'soft kill' and probably put in water to make it look like a drowning.

ahhhh you've got my wheels turning again now.

I also believe his female victims were all sexually assaulted, as you mentioned. We certainly know Sam Koenig and Lorraine Currier were. And I believe they both were strangled to death, right? But Bill Currier kept getting in the way and he just flat out got the silencer treatment. So your observation about the person who was found and wrongly classified as being an accidental death HAVING to be male makes perfect sense.

If it had been female, there would've been signs of sexual assault as you pointed out, and obviously then the death wouldn't have been simply declared "accidental" and closed. So, this was a male.

And as such probably wasn't strangled because that's special stuff he really enjoyed doing, and probably saved that for the women.. who he saved the other "special stuff" that he "really enjoyed doing" for. *ugh*

So then the most likely murder method that would be interpreted as an accident is, as you pointed out, drowning/being put in the water after a clean kill (if there is such a thing, I don't know).

Awesome post, thanks for taking the time to mention those thoughts!
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