AK AK - Tracie Vicent, 26, Anchorage, 14 June 1995

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DNA Solves
Anyone know the boyfriend’s name?

Looking closely at Tracie’s picture, it looks like she doesn’t have any teeth. Or maybe her tongue is sticking out slightly and covering her teeth? I only wonder this because if she is in fact missing her teeth that would be a helpful detail to know when looking at UID’s.

Sorry to quote myself. Should have looked around before asking questions. The guys name was Tyrone Versal Hill. Last name also matches alias Tracie used.

I saw the same picture of Tracie we have here posted on another site, but of a better quality, and I do believe I see her bottom teeth.

Thanks, hadn't seen that. Wonder if it's one of her kids.

Nov 6, 2016
On June 14, 1995, Tracie Denise Vicent, mother of five, vanished without a trace. The last person to report seeing her alive was her boyfriend Tyrone Verso Hill, an alleged pimp and drug dealer who was also the father of four of Tracie’s children. Hill told police that the two argued at their home in Mountain View, and that Tracie left on foot, telling him she would return.

Two weeks would pass before Tracie Denise Vicent was reported missing.

Tracie Vicent was born November 22, 1968, and came to Alaska from Florida as a teen. A pretty girl with brown hair and big hazel eyes, Tracie soon caught the eye of Tyrone Verso Hill, a man 12 years her senior. Like many alleged pimps and predators, he initially wooed the teenager with gifts, eventually developing a hold over her that he reinforced using both violence and the fact that he was the father of their four children. Indeed, reports after Tracie’s disappearance all say that she was a mother who loved her children and would not leave them, a fact that Tyrone Hill used to manipulate her into staying with him. Tyrone would also reportedly get Tracie addicted to drugs–and force her into a life of prostitution.

Tyrone Verso Hill’s rap sheet is a long one, including charges for drugs, assault, domestic violence, first degree robbery, hit and run, and violating a restraining order. Once Tracie Vicent was in his grasp, he became more like a jailer than her boyfriend, reportedly keeping the young woman confined to their apartment and refusing to let her leave unless accompanied by a handler.

Given that Tyrone Hill was so controlling of Tracie Vicent, it seems quite odd that he would just allow her to leave on foot after an argument. It furthermore seems very strange that a man like Hill would wait two weeks to report her missing–unless he knows more about her disappearance than he is admitting.

In addition, we must remember that when Tracie Vicent disappeared, she left behind four children in Alaska. Given her tumultuous relationship with Tyrone Hill–and his reported propensity toward violence–it doesn’t seem very likely that she would abandon her children to such a man by choice.

Tyrone Verso Hill has always maintained that he does not know what happened to Tracie Vicent, although his version of events has varied over the years. And given that we have found records of “Lisa A. Hill,” an alias Tracie Vicent used, working as an escort at the notorious Escort Mall that housed Oasis/Trapline/Playmates plus three known arrests for prostitution in the 18 months before her disappearance, we find once again that status as a sex worker seems to result in less scrutiny from authorities in a missing persons case like this one. Tracie Denise Vicent’s life was precious, as are the five children she left behind. Those children are adults now, and still don’t know what happened to their mother. Tracie’s children will never forget their mother–and they deserve answers.
Tyrone Verso Hill’s rap sheet is a long one, including charges for drugs, assault, domestic violence, first degree robbery, hit and run, and violating a restraining order. Once Tracie Vicent was in his grasp, he became more like a jailer than her boyfriend, reportedly keeping the young woman confined to their apartment and refusing to let her leave unless accompanied by a handler.

Given that Tyrone Hill was so controlling of Tracie Vicent, it seems quite odd that he would just allow her to leave on foot after an argument. It furthermore seems very strange that a man like Hill would wait two weeks to report her missing–unless he knows more about her disappearance than he is admitting.
This extra information leaves no doubt in my mind that Hill murdered Tracie. Guys like Hill should be put away long before they have a chance to commit murder. Mandatory life sentences for pandering would be a good start.
Hello to all that have found themselves here. My name is Julie Harper and I am Tracie Vicent’s oldest child. I was left behind with my grandmother, Tracie's mother when she left for Alaska. Over the years I have sought out information in regards to my mother’s missing case. In short, some of the information provided on this website is indeed correct but not all of it. I am gathering what I can find and I will be submitting another post to this thread before this week is over correcting any potential flaws. If anyone would like to reach out to me personally, I can be found on Facebook under the name Julie Harper. Thank you all for your time and dedication.
Hello to all that have found themselves here. My name is Julie Harper and I am Tracie Vicent’s oldest child. I was left behind with my grandmother, Tracie's mother when she left for Alaska. Over the years I have sought out information in regards to my mother’s missing case. In short, some of the information provided on this website is indeed correct but not all of it. I am gathering what I can find and I will be submitting another post to this thread before this week is over correcting any potential flaws. If anyone would like to reach out to me personally, I can be found on Facebook under the name Julie Harper. Thank you all for your time and dedication.

Hi Julie, thanks for joining. We're not FB friends I looked. I'm friends with Princess and your aunts (Tracies sisters). I know some info is incorrect as it came from whoever was trying to remember it. I sent you a message with my facebook URL. Send me a message. We;ll get this thread corrected.
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Bumping for Tracie, now missing 25 years...

I'll be shocked if her BF didn't do something to her. Alaska is way too huge to be able to find Tracie. Hopefully if he hid her she will be found with everything melting. Her family deserves answers. She didn't just up and leave her babies
It would be hard enough to find someone in a forty-acre wood let alone the Alaska wilderness. Alaska needs to get with the program and start bringing murder charges even when the victim's body can't be located.
It would be hard enough to find someone in a forty-acre wood let alone the Alaska wilderness. Alaska needs to get with the program and start bringing murder charges even when the victim's body can't be located.

I agree. There's no reason they couldn't try to prosecute her ex without a body

Tracie Denise Vicent
Missing since June 14, 1995 from Anchorage, Alaska.
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics
  • Date Of Birth: November 22, 1968
  • Age at Time of Disappearance: 26 years old
  • Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'0"; 115 lbs
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown hair; hazel/brown eyes
  • AKA: Has been known to use the alias Lisa Hill.

Circumstances of Disappearance Doe network
Vicent was last seen at her Mountain View home on June 14, 1995. She has not had any contact with her four young children since that date. She was reported missing after her live-in boyfriend called relatives in Virginia to see if Vicent was with them.

The boyfriend, told officers that Vicent left the home on foot after the two got in an argument. She told him she would return.
Vicent has a history of prostitution, including three arrests for soliciting

Circumstances of Disappearance Charley Project
Vicent was last seen at her home in the Mountain View neighborhood of Anchorage, Alaska on June 14, 1995. She got into an argument with her live-in boyfriend and left the house on foot, and has never been heard from again. Her boyfriend reported her missing two weeks later.

Vicent was arrested three times on prostitution charges in the 18 months prior to her disappearance. She has not had any contact with her four young children since the time she went missing, which is uncharacteristic of her; her boyfriend stated she might have left him but would never have left the children. She has relatives in Virginia. Her case remains unsolved.
*Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004.
*Last updated February 1, 2007; details of disappearance updated.

*She does not have a NamUs page

The Doe Network: Case File 1331DFAK

The Charley Project- Tracie Denise Vicent

Alaska State Police Active Missing Persons Bulletins Direct link to PDF bulletin

NamUs Link
For Tracie Denise Vicent


Today is Tracie's birthday. If she is still alive, she would be 54 today.

Big hugs to her family who deserve to have their loved one found and to have their questions answered. I'm sure they years past have made anyone miss her less. Usually the more time that passes means there are less family alive if a resolution is found.

Happy 54th birthday Tracie. ❤
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Today is Tracie's birthday. If she is still alive, she would be 54 today.

Big hugs to her family who deserve to have their loved one found and to have their questions answered. I'm sure they years past have made anyone miss her less. Usually the more time that passes means there are less family alive if a resolution is found.

Happy 54th birthday Tracie. ❤
I recognize you from city-data. Small world.

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