Found Deceased AL - Aniah Haley Blanchard, 19, Auburn, Lee County, 23 Oct 2019 #3 *Arrest*

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@margarita25 we are completely unsure. Someone may have just come forward, or it’s a possible accomplice, or the tip was placed way before and LE never made it public. It feeeels like it just came out since the video was released the day before. Jmo
*^In addition to what I said above, I wanted to add that my sister ended up going on to college, graduating & has a degree in accounting. Self control is accessible if you choose to work at obtaining it. Teaching yourself not to act on all of your impulses just bc you have them is possible!

I am so glad your sister recovered enough to go on and live a productive life, including obtaining a college degree. That said, as someone who has worked with patients with brain injuries for decades, your statement above is not always true. It really depends upon the extent of brain damage, but there are also cases where the observable damage on scans doesn’t seem to correlate with the observed deficits. This can go either way. Some have massive damage observed on scans but function at a much higher level than one would typically expect. Others have more minimal damage on scans but function at a much lower level. Obviously some with frontal lobe damage don’t even survive their injuries, so there is absolutely a continuum in damage, and functional level and ability, seen after brain injury.

It is not factually true to suggest that brain injured patients can “control themselves” if they’re just given enough resources and/or want it bad enough. I surely wish that was the case.

For this particular man, if he has a demonstrated brain injury that prevents him from interacting safely in society, he needs to be locked up. The only real question would be what type of facility or prison was most appropriate given the totality of circumstances. Having him roam freely in society should not have been an option before he murdered this young woman, and it certainly shouldn’t ever be an option again.
Can somebody please make sense of this for me? From what I can gather, there were four people (including IY) involved in this incident, and one of the defendant's names was not released. One of the people arrested is a woman who has prior prostitution charges against her (within a month or two). Another is a terrifying looking man - I honestly don't even want to type his name (it's in the article). Then there is another kidnapping and beating with the 77 year old man. Can someone determine if the 77 year old was in the hotel, or if this was ANOTHER beating and robbery that IY was involved in? I'm confused by the article. According to what I can find, the other man was charged AGAIN with kidnapping and attempted murder in September 2019 and made bond again. I'm terrified.
Elmore man charged with attempted murder, kidnapping and robbery in January hotel incident
I see your point. It does sound like two separate crimes? Is Gaines in custody?
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In regard to this “witness” I wish I knew...
1. Who this “witness” is (obvs).
2. Where this “witness” saw IY forcing Aniah in the car. I went & read the affidavit again & it does not say that he witnessed this at the gas station. The only time it refers to the gas station is as the place where both IY & Aniah were seen on surveillance in the store at the same time, & the last place Aniah was seen.
3. What LE has on surveillance OUTSIDE the gas station...some of the previous statements coupled with this affidavit make some of it unclear. Example: When they put his photo out with the description of the “early 2000s Lincoln Town Car seen leaving the Chevron...”
4. When did this “witness” call 911 or alert police?
5. How was she forced in the car? Was it aggressive/she was putting up a fight where it was OBVIOUSLY something was way bad wrong? Or had he knocked her out outside the car & was sticking her in the car? Or did he have a weapon to her forcing her in?

This is just my own opinion & me talking different scenarios. We’ve all considered the scenario that whoever this “witness” is, he could have also been the accomplice that is now turning on IY. If I’m considering another scenario, & me being familiar enough with the area, I know that Wednesday night is the “going out” night in Auburn for the college kids. Think lots of drunk idiots walking around (even some pregaming before they go to the bar). If this “witness” was actually not part of this crime, & IY didn’t force her in the car aggressively with a fight, I could 100% see a scenario where someone saw something & thought to themselves, “hmmm that’s odd....but I guess his gf went too hard too early & he’s trying to get her in the car to take her home.” Then when Aniah was reported missing & her face plastered everywhere, then the witness being like oh $#%* I saw that girl being put in that car!!
I don’t like to have hate in my heart for anyone but I’m reallllly struggling with this one...being why this “witness” didn’t call the cops immediately - could have saved her life. Not to mention they are getting DRAGGED everywhere & if their name ever gets won’t be good.
So, I was thinking & this would be a scenario that I came up with 1. if the “witness” wasn’t an accomplice, 2. if IY wasn’t aggressively putting her in the car, & 3. where there could have not necessarily been a 911 call immediately made by said “witness.”

I see your point. But he evidently could function well enough to make choices on his own. When he made bad choices, it seems as if his mom stepped in to deflect the consequences. If that was the parental pattern in his life and he never had to face any serious intervention from the courts/legal system, well there you have it. I don't believe he lacked the ability to know right from wrong, or to be able to make good choices. He needs to be removed from free society forever and can rehabilitate (or not) in prison.
He can't be rehabilitated he needs to be eliminated
I don't know how to find out if he made bail or if he's in custody.

all I could find
Access Denied

are 2 open cases for 2016.

One is driving with a revoked license & the other is for expired tags....
I am right on the same page as you. The only excuse I can think of for this “ witness” is that maybe it looked like a couple
Fighting, just dumb drama for the Or questioned what they saw so they just brushed it off. Or could the witness be someone closer to him that hesitated to share with LE at first or a buddy that turned ...... cant think of any other reasons

In regard to this “witness” I wish I knew...
1. Who this “witness” is (obvs).
2. Where this “witness” saw IY forcing Aniah in the car. I went & read the affidavit again & it does not say that he witnessed this at the gas station. The only time it refers to the gas station is as the place where both IY & Aniah were seen on surveillance in the store at the same time, & the last place Aniah was seen.
3. What LE has on surveillance OUTSIDE the gas station...some of the previous statements coupled with this affidavit make some of it unclear. Example: When they put his photo out with the description of the “early 2000s Lincoln Town Car seen leaving the Chevron...”
4. When did this “witness” call 911 or alert police?
5. How was she forced in the car? Was it aggressive/she was putting up a fight where it was OBVIOUSLY something was way bad wrong? Or had he knocked her out outside the car & was sticking her in the car? Or did he have a weapon to her forcing her in?

This is just my own opinion & me talking different scenarios. We’ve all considered the scenario that whoever this “witness” is, he could have also been the accomplice that is now turning on IY. If I’m considering another scenario, & me being familiar enough with the area, I know that Wednesday night is the “going out” night in Auburn for the college kids. Think lots of drunk idiots walking around (even some pregaming before they go to the bar). If this “witness” was actually not part of this crime, & IY didn’t force her in the car aggressively with a fight, I could 100% see a scenario where someone saw something & thought to themselves, “hmmm that’s odd....but I guess his gf went too hard too early & he’s trying to get her in the car to take her home.” Then when Aniah was reported missing & her face plastered everywhere, then the witness being like oh $#%* I saw that girl being put in that car!!
I don’t like to have hate in my heart for anyone but I’m reallllly struggling with this one...being why this “witness” didn’t call the cops immediately - could have saved her life. Not to mention they are getting DRAGGED everywhere & if their name ever gets won’t be good.
So, I was thinking & this would be a scenario that I came up with 1. if the “witness” wasn’t an accomplice, 2. if IY wasn’t aggressively putting her in the car, & 3. where there could have not necessarily been a 911 call immediately made by said “witness.”

He needs locked up forever... wherever or for whatever reason he has poor impulse control. He consistently shows bad evil behavior!
Personally I’m for just giving him the death penalty immediately and doing away with him. Why should he be allowed to live in a prison with better accommodations than he had on the street at my expense? Cut to the chase, try him, find him guilty, put him to death. Still more humane than what Aniah suffered.
Out of order question.

I was looking at the probable cause affidavit. I noticed the blood evidence was tested at the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences. Is that normal when the FBI is involved? Do they normally use state facilities?

Just curious and thinking about why he was not identified right away as I would think he would be in the database, from dna (so it seems) .

Ibraheem Yazeed Probable Cause Affidavit
I see your point. It does sound like two separate crimes? Is Gaines in custody?
When you click on more information on the 3/26 date it pulls up the later date info and bind and charges are same on both. I do remember hearing the only one still in custody was Ford... yet that’s a different pic of him in September.

sorry I am responding without reading all
To me, it’s very likely he was beaten and abused in other ways as a young child. While the brain is developing, trauma can set off predisposition to sociopathy, psychopathy, etc. I honestly would not believe his mother for one moment because she likely had a part in his obvious lack of social/moral critical thinking from a young age. I don’t think this man ever had the ability to “opt out” and chose a better life. He belongs behind bars forever, as the damage in his brain is incurable and I don’t think he can ever change.. that he made it this far without getting life in prison is a rude awakening to all of us.. so sorry that beautiful Aniah was caught up in his wake of violence, it should have been stopped long before.
I strongly disagree. Many many children are abused, victimized, tortured, ignored, humiliated, etc. without becoming murderers, kidnappers, or rapists. Free will gives everyone the ability to opt out of bad circumstances. In no way does that background justify a person’s crimes or evil motives. Not only that, but being raised financially destitute, poor, or in a bad socio-economic situation also don’t justify these types of actions. I’ve seen people come from absolutely horrible horrible situations and backgrounds that don’t resort to killing people simply because “you don’t know what I’ve been through”, “they can’t help it” or “my mother abused me”. The bottom line is there is no fear of the consequences of being caught because there are so many opportunities to beat the broken system or get away with the crime altogether. Until criminals see suffering and severe punishment of those committing these types of crimes, prison is not a deterrent. Who doesn’t want three square meals, free health care, use of the weight room, tv time, pickup basketball, when faced with what many of them come from. It’s simply an upgrade or at most an inconvenience to go to prison.
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