AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #10

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I wonder why Brittney didn't turn them in when she turned in the gp? What a terrible life for a child to endure. I'm sickened.
I wonder why Brittney didn't turn them in when she turned in the gp? What a terrible life for a child to endure. I'm sickened.

I'm guessing this happened after the fact and lord only knows on many levels what this *advertiser censored* even entailed :( I feel perverse even speculating.
This stuff has been going on for years and it doesnt look like any child in that family escaped the abuse.
I hope this is an appropriate question.

Why would a young woman like Brittney want to hang around some older perv like Donnie?

It's called grooming and is a very common technique predators use to get their victims to comply without talking. Abuse doesn't happen for years and years to children by the adults being scary monsters who pounce on them out of the blue. It's often a very slow manipulative insidious process where the abuser starts by establishing an emotional bond with their victim first, much like a suitor courting a romantic partner. The bond is not only with the familial relationship - the victim is slowly romanced. Because they are young and this is new to them, it makes them less likely to come forward because they may not view it as "abuse", because it hasn't been taught to them that way. They experience it as love. That's how it gets passed down in generations. It starts very young and creates an imprint for how relationships work. It bothers me so much that we teach kids that the "bad guys" are identifiable strangers who look scary, when they are probably right in their own homes. Most victims are victimized by someone they know. The long-term effects when that victim reaches adulthood can be that much worse when it's a family member and the abuse has taken place over a number of years. Brittany may have recognized that bad things were done to her and others, but also very confused and conflicted because she loves these people too. It's very very common.
Ok, at least two talking, that's good, do you think these two would know what has happened to Brittney?
Do you think it possible that *advertiser censored* was found at Wendy's house on the weekend, and we don't know about it yet because she hasn't been formally charged? (She has had a long time to get rid of anything)
Do you think Chessie knew about the videos, with Britt?
I know what you mean by shocked, but not really shocked. We knew, but didn't really know.
How could they? How did they dare?
It does seem though that there is more than a glimmer of hope now.
I wonder why Brittney didn't turn them in when she turned in the gp? What a terrible life for a child to endure. I'm sickened.

Please forgive me as I have been out of the loop on this case until the latest arrest. Can you post a link to the story about the gp? This is the first I'm hearing of it. But I'm not at all surprised.

Also, how old was Brittney when she turned in the GP? Poor girl, it is not hard to see why she didn't turn in everyone else. This seems like a family where no one leaves the area, and from what I understand, she never finished high school. She probably didn't think she had any options. I mean, look around - who in that family would protect her? And who could actually physically protect her from this many predators? We're looking at this from the perspective of educated adults with choices and freedom, not a young girl in a poor environment with no education and a family of abusers and few options for escape. Maybe all she wanted was for no one to touch her ever again. Or maybe her only excape from this hell was drugs to obliterate her memories. Given the circumstances, I do not blame her for using drugs.

Should we take this to mean that they're issued a warrant to search Chessie's home?

When I look at this picture, I just keep thinking "poor baby". I want to give Brittney a big hug :hug: and make everything ok for her and Payton. Looking at her brave smile breaks my heart :heartbeat:. She seems to have that affect on a lot of people. I wish she could know how much love is being sent to her and also to you BrittsStepmom.

And I feel a deep, abiding anger at the abusers beyond anything I've ever felt. WWH walking into court chewing gum with a nonchalant smile on her face made me see red :curses:. One seed of hope is that apparently some of them are talking :talker:. Maybe loose lips will sink their ship.

If there's any justice at all in this world, I hope with all my being that it will prevail.

It's called grooming and is a very common technique predators use to get their victims to comply without talking. Abuse doesn't happen for years and years to children by the adults being scary monsters who pounce on them out of the blue. It's often a very slow manipulative insidious process where the abuser starts by establishing an emotional bond with their victim first, much like a suitor courting a romantic partner. The bond is not only with the familial relationship - the victim is slowly romanced. Because they are young and this is new to them, it makes them less likely to come forward because they may not view it as "abuse", because it hasn't been taught to them that way. They experience it as love. That's how it gets passed down in generations. It starts very young and creates an imprint for how relationships work. It bothers me so much that we teach kids that the "bad guys" are identifiable strangers who look scary, when they are probably right in their own homes. Most victims are victimized by someone they know. The long-term effects when that victim reaches adulthood can be that much worse when it's a family member and the abuse has taken place over a number of years. Brittany may have recognized that bad things were done to her and others, but also very confused and conflicted because she loves these people too. It's very very common.

It's so very difficult when this happens to children in their home and it is, I agree, all too common. These are the people they're relying on for food and shelter and it's not like they can just go find another place to live. I'm not sure whether I agree with the children thinking it's love. Attention, yes, but also painful and at some point, they figure out that they've been wronged in the most despicable way.
Whenever I think about BW's disappearance I always end up coming up with theories, many of them elaborate, but most at least somewhat plausible.

The one thing I have NEVER been able to come up with is a plausible explanation for how this sex ring started. Let's say all the Wood siblings grew up with this abuse and so to them it's just "natural", it's a part of their sad family lives. But the spouses????? Like, "oh honey, now we're married and you're a part of my family, you get to take part in child abuse"... So many people involved in this are either family friends or married in. I have this horrendous morbid fascination (the same way I feel about plane crashes) with trying to come up with a plausible theory for how former outsiders get brought INTO this. I just cannot imagine that conversation.

I thought about that as well - how the spouses come to be involved. Then again though, we do tend to seek out partners that are like our parents. So it's plausible that if the abusers were once abused themselves, they sought out many of the same qualities in their partners. They knew of an "inclination" so to speak. Or they happen to seek out partners who had also been abused themselves. It's interesting to me how some victims go on to become abusers themselves, whereas some victims end up marrying abusers or repeating the abusive relationship with adult partners. I just hope the children in this case get serious, SERIOUS long-term therapy and not just court-appointed therapy for the duration of the trial to make them better witnesses.
Please forgive me as I have been out of the loop on this case until the latest arrest. Can you post a link to the story about the gp? This is the first I'm hearing of it. But I'm not at all surprised.

Also, how old was Brittney when she turned in the GP? Poor girl, it is not hard to see why she didn't turn in everyone else. This seems like a family where no one leaves the area, and from what I understand, she never finished high school. She probably didn't think she had any options. I mean, look around - who in that family would protect her? And who could actually physically protect her from this many predators? We're looking at this from the perspective of educated adults with choices and freedom, not a young girl in a poor environment with no education and a family of abusers and few options for escape. Maybe all she wanted was for no one to touch her ever again. Or maybe her only excape from this hell was drugs to obliterate her memories. Given the circumstances, I do not blame her for using drugs.

I don't believe there is a link. But it wasn't her GP, but her GM's bf, iirc. According to verified posters, he is in prison currently & the GM still sends money & visits him.
I used GM as an abbreviation for grandmother, meaning the mother of RSW, Chessie, Mendy & Wendy. Sorry for the confusion.
I don't believe there is a link. But it wasn't her GP, but her GM's bf, iirc. According to verified posters, he is in prison currently & the GM still sends money & visits him.

Thanks. can you just debrief on what went down with the gm's bf to those who don't know and when this took place?
Not really. This has been and still is a tread very lightly part of the family history as it does not relate directly to Brittney's disappearance. I will look and add if I find any prior discussions on it.

Well we know two are talking. They best all spill what they know, because LE is finding out anyway!!

Wendy is the biological aunt of Brittney Wood who was last seen leaving her home with Donald Holland May 30, 2012.

Detectives say Donald shot and killed himself two days later.

The search warrant also says that Brittney’s uncle, Dustin Kent and family friend William Brownlee have admitted to seeing videos of several child victims engaging in sex acts.

It reads, “Donald Holland showed them videos on his computer of (the victim) and Brittney Wood, at various ages all under 13, engaging in sexual activity with different adults.”

:-( ugh together with the article re. GM's BF who raped her when she was 9-How tragic, I agree with people who said we -knew- this but we did not know this. Poor BW. it just keeps getting far worse than any of us could have believed when this young Mom went missing.

The article that stated that she was inclined to fibbing at 9 outrages me. can you see the smoke fuming out of me as I type this?

I had hoped quite vocally that she was in some witness protection program somewhere. Now more than ever I pray that young woman and all the young victims of these sick-animals get to see the day that they are all locked up for good.

so sad for BW
Fox 10 reports, “Donald Holland showed them videos on his computer of (the victim) and Brittney Wood, at various ages all under 13....”

Wondering why there's "the victim" and then BW is being named; she's a victim too. What's up with this one video? These two pervs only saw this one video? I'm not getting it. Maybe it's a "stay tuned" sort of thing. Sickening; literally have the shivers.
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