AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 3

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Well, there's certainly more than a couple hours work there. Let me rephrase that. I'll be back on later tonight to see where I can help.
Great list. I think for phase 1, can you prioritize the top 3? Like I'd suggest truck stops, homeless shelters, and ___. Some like LE & Missing PErson Agencies, I'd hope don't need alerts but I"m still naive.
Churches puts me on overload. Thank you for all you do.
Unfortunately, I think that the family has suffered some backlash and lost some support due to the allegations against RSW and DK. In this case, media attention may only further distract the public from the fact that BW is missing. Not having law enforcement's support in their efforts to locate BW is not helping either.

I also think that they are probably very overwhelmed and worn down emotionally. I am sure that many of these people are trying to hold down jobs while they deal with BW's disappearance and the other family issues. They really are in a very difficult position.

Thanks for your response and, I agree, the revolting charges leveled against BW's uncles could result in a backing off of public support in anything surrounding BW despite LE's statements that they are not connected.

BBM - But, how is it that BW's parents do not have LE's support in their efforts to locate BW? TIA
I am planning to create a black & white and a color flyer that can be faxed.

So far although it hasn't been long since I posted my request - I have zero volunteers, so... yes... ALL help is appreciated.

Thank you! :)

I'm swamped with work until at least Saturday, if my slave driver gives me some time off this weekend I will work on some of this for you.
This might sound far-fetched, but it worked for me once. I used to post on another crime forum years ago, and I also had an obscure True Crime blog. One of the people on the forum had a relative who disappeared under what did seem like suspicious circumstances, so I posted an article about it on my blog. I had an analytics program that ran showing IP addresses of everyone who visited.

As it turned out, I had one particular IP that visited over and over and over. I gave the IP to the relative, who turned it over to police, and guess what? It was her! LE was able to do a welfare check and determined she was okay.

Hmmm, maybe I should try and see if it would work again. Anyone with a blog?
Kimster (or another mod), not sure if you're still on & I only have a second, literally...

What are the rules on sex offenders & felonious criminals? I've come across somebody close with the family that has connections to a serious sex offender whom I think may be presently incarcerated (rape of a young girl then failing to register or something like that so he's back in prison), and also this person close to the family was also connected to another criminal who is out on parole in one state but living in another state. I reported this man bc it looks like he may have relocated illegally, however it's the connected family tied person that I'm wondering about now. Considering this person is close with the twins whose hubby's are being investigated (1 committed suicide), I'm wondering if both of these criminals with very serious records had any kind of relationships with the accused people.

As a side note, I'm still not seeing anything even remotely negative (sexually) connected to RSW, with the exception of those affiliated with these same two sisters.

Is something like this allowed or should I sit on this info that may or may not be connected?
Footballmom, you are amazing! Thank you for all that you contribute!
I would suggest contacting the Klaas organization first to see if they have already done some of this effort to distribute fliers. And, more importantly, if they think that this should be done. They must have enough info about the case to advise as to whether or not this sort of effort is even going to be helpful.

Perhaps the member here who is in contact with the step-mother could communicate with her for some clarity on this???

There has got to be more of a reason for this “radio silence” about BW and I would want BW’s family and/or Klaas’ blessing to move forward on this effort. JMO

I thought you might want to include taxi and or bus/transit companies to your list.

To any guest viewers out there~it would be a great time to join!
Footballmom, you are amazing! Thank you for all that you contribute!
I'd like the name of the vitamins that FBmom takes...or at least the kind of coffee she drinks.

She has a whirlwind of energy & great ideas! :cheers: for Footballmom
I started researching homeless shelters this morning. There are a few in the area, but they have no FB or email addresses listed. I was going to try to call a few to see if I can email fliers to them. Does anyone have a better thought on how to get in touch with these folks? Does anyone belong to a local church that has outreach programs for homeless folks?

Also, are there any free medical clinics or visiting nurses associations in the area? Visiting nurses are often aware of things going on within their travel area because of the amount of time that they spend on the road.

What about local utility companies? Phone line and cable repair people might be a good avenue to pursue. Is there a way to get fliers out to these folks?

None of the above will help if BW is no longer with us, but if she is, maybe someone will see her and call it in.

It is difficult in the Mobile area to get into a homeless shelter if you don't have children. The programs have such a demand and the resources are so limited. Unless there has been a recent change, a new program of which I'm unaware, then I know for sure it is about impossible to find haven if you don't arrive with children. I am very sure the domestic violence shelters here would be aware of Brittney. I can't say that for an absolute fact but I will contact them to find out.
I started researching homeless shelters this morning. There are a few in the area, but they have no FB or email addresses listed. I was going to try to call a few to see if I can email fliers to them. Does anyone have a better thought on how to get in touch with these folks?

I'll do that. I'll contact homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters in Mobile and Baldwin County. I won't be able to start until tomorrow morning but I'll do it for sure.
I'd like the name of the vitamins that FBmom takes...or at least the kind of coffee she drinks.

She has a whirlwind of energy & great ideas! :cheers: for Footballmom

I may or may not need to consider rehab for my Starbucks Triple Venti Vanilla Latte addiction... just sayin...

I am planning to create a black & white and a color flyer that can be faxed.

So far although it hasn't been long since I posted my request - I have zero volunteers, so... yes... ALL help is appreciated.

Thank you! :)

I want to help. I'm trying to get caught up on posts and gather my thoughts. I have a Community Action datasheet around here some stinking where... if I can find it we will have alot of this already done for us. If I can't find my copy I'm going to go out tomorrow and get another one. They are available at various social service organizations. I think the public libraries even have them. They are a four page flier that lists just about every community organization that you can think of and they are listed in their categories; i.e., shelters, literacy councils... not everything will be relevent but some will be.
It is difficult in the Mobile area to get into a homeless shelter if you don't have children. The programs have such a demand and the resources are so limited. Unless there has been a recent change, a new program of which I'm unaware, then I know for sure it is about impossible to find haven if you don't arrive with children. I am very sure the domestic violence shelters here would be aware of Brittney. I can't say that for an absolute fact but I will contact them to find out.

Thanks that would be helpful. I had planned on calling myself before I provided the information. If they were already aware and had fliers, then there would be no need to send out fliers. I suspect that a couple of the ones on my list are already aware.
If my child was missing I would be launching the biggest news & social media campaign the world has ever seen. Which is why I am trying my best to create one for BW.

I would like to think I would too but maybe we would be alot like CW and not able to get out of bed and put clothes on some days. She wrote that on her FB page and I cried. It is heartbreaking to think about.
I may or may not need to consider rehab for my Starbucks Triple Venti Vanilla Latte addiction... just sayin...


Love Starbucks. I'm addicted to the Hot Green Tea Latte with Raspberry syrup instead of the classic.
I want to help. I'm trying to get caught up on posts and gather my thoughts. I have a Community Action datasheet around here some stinking where... if I can find it we will have alot of this already done for us. If I can't find my copy I'm going to go out tomorrow and get another one. They are available at various social service organizations. I think the public libraries even have them. They are a four page flier that lists just about every community organization that you can think of and they are listed in their categories; i.e., shelters, literacy councils... not everything will be relevent but some will be.

You're the best. The information that I compiled online is mostly geared toward men or families. It is hard to know if some of these places are currently up and running since websites are no longer working, etc.
I am also planning to look into creating a Twitter account.

It would be helpful if folks could send me ideas for people, groups & organizations to follow. Along with hashtag (#) & @ account naming suggestions.

For example... either @ or # the following:

Any & all suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you!!!!
An account has been set up for Brittney at BBVA Compass Bank 5399 Hwy 90 West Mobile, Al 36619. It's called the Brittney Wood's Donations Account. You can make donations in person or by mail.
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