AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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CW posted a comment on her fb she is planning another prayer vigil for Friday September 7th. (and glad Derek is home!)
Sex crime suspect in court
Updated: Thursday, 30 Aug 2012, 10:12 AM CDT

A family friend of missing teenager Brittney Wood... William Brownlee is one of five men arrested for allegedly having a *sexual relationship with an underage Fairhope girl.

Investigators say she (Wendy Wood Holland) knew about the sexual encounters with several young victims and didn’t report it.

*there they go again with the "relationship" language...

I'm going to try to remain optimistic that even if this "relationship" is considered "statutory rape" and the fact that Wendy Wood Holland knew about the several young victims' "encounters" - that it collectively withstands a better chance of being considered a sex ring and/or possibly in exchange for money, favors, drugs, housing, whatever... or at the very least bribery/extortion...

ANYTHING to make these charges far more serious against everyone will increase the chance of Brittney being found and justice being served for the victims.
I am double bolding your bold regarding Wendy Wood Holland knowing about the several young victims' encounters!

I was thinking they may only have had her for knowing about one child, thus the suspicion of endangering a child. (As if one child isn't enough! :maddening:)

We know better... but I was hoping the police did, as well!
Sex crime suspect in court
Updated: Thursday, 30 Aug 2012, 10:12 AM CDT

A family friend of missing teenager Brittney Wood... William Brownlee is one of five men arrested for allegedly having a *sexual relationship with an underage Fairhope girl.

Investigators say she (Wendy Wood Holland) knew about the sexual encounters with several young victims and didn’t report it.

*there they go again with the "relationship" language...

I'm going to try to remain optimistic that even if this "relationship" is considered "statutory rape" and the fact that Wendy Wood Holland knew about the several young victims' "encounters" - that it collectively withstands a better chance of being considered a sex ring and/or possibly in exchange for money, favors, drugs, housing, whatever... or at the very least bribery/extortion...

ANYTHING to make these charges far more serious against everyone will increase the chance of Brittney being found and justice being served for the victims.

So far Wendy Holland only has one misdemeanor charge of endangering a minor child. The article says she knew about several "encounters". Let's hope there are more charges in the wings.

Encounters and relationships? Why don't they call it what it is? Assaults and rapes.
So far Wendy Holland only has one misdemeanor charge of endangering a minor child. The article says she knew about several "encounters". Let's hope there are more charges in the wings.

Encounters and relationships? Why don't they call it what it is? Assaults and rapes.

Couldn't agree more. I don't think the charges against those arrested were "relationships" and "encounters". I think they were charged with rape and incest. I really don't understand why a reporter or LE would use that language. They allegedly raped someone, they didn't allegedly have a relationship with someone. Last time I checked, having a relationship with someone isn't a crime in and of itself. CALL IT FOR WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!!!

Sorry. Done with rant.
Not sure if this has been posted here before:
"(MOBILE, Ala.) Detectives are canvassing a Tillman’s Corner neighborhood where four attempted abductions by a man in a beat-up white pickup truck have happened since April."

Makes me wonder....what if Brittney was hiding/on the run/on a binge/whatever in the days after Uncle Donnie's suicide & she met up with this guy by chance. He offered her a ride/money/whatever and she's gone.
I have to keep a door open to the slight possibility that some sexual predator happened upon Brittney. Until she is found and we know what happened to her, all women/girls in the area should be on guard just in case.
I think of the Mickey Shunick case- her killer pleaded guilty a few weeks ago to killing Mickey & a woman back in 1999 named Lisa Pate who had some drug issues and wasn't living the middle class all-American girl lifestyle when she was killed by Brandon Lavergne. I have thought that it's possible that Lisa's case didn't get the attention it deserved back in 1999 because she wasn't a middle class college student like Mickey (among other reasons- there was no facebook back then to spread the word, either).

If there's some sexual predator who took Brittney he's a danger to all women/girls in the area because there will only be more victims. If Brandon Lavergne had been jailed for murdering Lisa Pate back in 1999, he never could have hurt Mickey (or anyone else he may have hurt). I hate to see Brittney written off like Lisa was.....

ETA: Obviously, I think a stranger abduction is very unlikely given all we know about what was going on in the family....and I hope Brittney is found soon alive.
The bit about the white truck was brought up early on because a friend of Brittney's had posted on facebook that she was seen getting into a white SUV. However, I do not know what was ever made of that. I know that an Aunt of Brittney's had conversed with her in that facebook comment/status, and the status post that this girl commented it randomly within - also plead with them to PLEASE contact police. I know the Aunt said so as well and the person pretty much acted odd after people took this comment very seriously. Once the reward money was mentioned, if the clue led to the recovery of Brittney - the person perked up a bit (I hope that made sense).

I can't recall if the LE looked into that or not. I hope that they did. I do know that many here participated in that discussion and hopeful outlook that she's alive albeit in distress and in dire need of help.
YES! I knew DH owned a truck in addition to the Suburban that Wendy Wood Holland is driving... (I'll post in the Social Media thread after I find out if the image is allowed)
YES! I knew DH owned a truck in addition to the Suburban that Wendy Wood Holland is driving... (I'll post in the Social Media thread after I find out if the image is allowed)

Hmmmm... interesting.
It seems truck & SUV are used interchangeably. I don't recall seeing any information/posts indicating or identifying anyone who allegedly claims to have seen BW getting into a white SUV. It has been previously established that Dustin Kent owns a white SUV.

If I ever receive an answer about how to post tables then I'll load one that can help identify known facts vs rumors or speculation and their sources.

We seem to keep circling back to things that have been discussed and addressed previously only to find them needing to be clarified again.
Is there a way on this site to make the organizing of this case easier to follow and keep the information fresh and updated?
A permanent place to put lists ex…players, media links, timelines, facts vs rumors, that won't get lost in the three threads. Having to go back to search and search, copy-paste then try to decipher the next several pages of questions regarding the info in the post against what we have discussed before but can't remember when it happened, where it was or who said it!!! (...see it's very confusing!)

I think there are some main points that could use some organized structure and clarification (fact/rumor) (source)
ex. BW leaving home, what info do we have...
-These are the things that MSM has stated:
-These are things that verified sleuthers have stated:
-These are the things that are believed to be rumors, and by whom:

I'm sure someone here is great at organizing and simplifying that can help get this case clearer for us trying really hard to assist in finding BW.

Great Idea, Buggsmom!

You're elected!:woohoo::woohoo:
I did send an email to the reporter who wrote about the "sexual relationship" (as opposed to calling it rape) to ask why that phrase is being used, will post if I get a response.
I did send an email to the reporter who wrote about the "sexual relationship" (as opposed to calling it rape) to ask why that phrase is being used, will post if I get a response.

Thanks Clu!!!! Please let us know. Unless I'm confusing my cases, this isn't the first time either that they used that language.
Ya'll were up last night past my bedtime!! LOL
I must admit, I think I'm the one that may have started the "left barefoot" story. I could just bet my bottom dollar that when this story first came out on WKRG it was reported BW left her mother's house barefoot. I was sitting on the couch with DH watching the evening news when the story of BW missing came on. I could just swear the reported said "barefoot" cause I remember looking at DH and thinking.. "WTH,, here goes Alabama in the news again and somebody leaves barefooted, as if we don't look redneck enough"... now this is just what I recall and MOO.
Since it came up again couple weeks ago and someone pointed out to me that I may have misunderstood the report, she left "on foot", I went back through the initial reports and sure enough, can't find report of "left barefoot" anywhere!!!!!!
Now, some may ask.. what does it matter if she left "barefoot" or just "on foot".. Well, to me, it means more about her intentions when she left.
Please excuse my obsession about the feet, shoes, or lack of shoes. It's just what I remember and it all caught my attention,, therefore leading me to WS.
Also please excuse my run-on sentences, I'm sitting here barefoot... for the record.
I think I'm going nuts!!!

Well crap!!! I was not watching the news with DH.... I was watching it with Dear Husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:floorlaugh:


You were watching TV with DH!!!

that explains EVERYTHING!!! :woohoo::gasp: :woohoo:
Reporter wrote back and said it should say "sexual relations" not "sexual relationship"...FWIW

You were watching TV with DH!!!

that explains EVERYTHING!!! :woohoo::gasp: :woohoo:

I KNOW!!!! Didn't read that till after I had posted... when I read I was watching tv with DH ,,, I was like WTH??? :floorlaugh:
You know I should really proof read better before I post.
Reporter wrote back and said it should say "sexual relations" not "sexual relationship"...FWIW

actually it should say RAPE since that is EXACTLY what they are charged with...
The bit about the white truck was brought up early on because a friend of Brittney's had posted on facebook that she was seen getting into a white SUV. However, I do not know what was ever made of that. I know that an Aunt of Brittney's had conversed with her in that facebook comment/status, and the status post that this girl commented it randomly within - also plead with them to PLEASE contact police. I know the Aunt said so as well and the person pretty much acted odd after people took this comment very seriously. Once the reward money was mentioned, if the clue led to the recovery of Brittney - the person perked up a bit (I hope that made sense).

I can't recall if the LE looked into that or not. I hope that they did. I do know that many here participated in that discussion and hopeful outlook that she's alive albeit in distress and in dire need of help.

Didn't someone post somewhere that there were 2 men and a white truck? Will look in the social thread when I get home.

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