AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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RAPE is RAPE. I don't understand why our court system, judges, etc. tend to treat cases of family rape different than a rape that happens in a corner alley. This infuriates me! Neither should be minimized, yet this happens to children of rape everyday. Dustin Kent should be in jail for the first charge. He is free even with the court knowing there are multiple victims and charges. While out on bail, he could commit suicide, threaten other victims, threaten witnesses, threaten his wife and the court system does not acknowledge this at all. Victims of abuse are usually threatened and afraid to speak out. The court system is silencing these victims even more by not keeping these perpetrators jailed until their trial or plea. What horrible message is this sending the victims?
If the allegation in the charge against Wendy is that she allowed her children to be placed in a situation where they were subject to these animals, I wonder if they could charge her with some sort of conspiracy charge as well. Frankly, this was all so rampant, any of them that were aware it was going on should be charged with conspiracy and that would then have as steep a sentence as the underlying charge.
Wow. Thank you for that doc. There is a book (I'll have to google the title) that's really similar and true. It was a case based out of Ohio. I read it about 10 years ago and it is really heart breaking.
I've been thinking of DK's sister and my quick judgement of her. I was wrong to jump to conclusions about things I don't really know about. It wouldn't be the first time and I've lived to regret it. For all I know, our brave young hero could have gone to her after Brit vanished and told her the truth, this woman could have been instrumental in her going to LE.. again I dont know. I'm just possibly trying to see some good here instead of the evil. Its just so hard to comprehend that there was NO ONE in her life to turn to..

I'm betting her and Brit were close. I think they at least shared these secrets. I pray she recieves the support, encouragement and love she deserves.

I hope DH experiences agony beyond imagination where he is now and will be glad when DK joins him.
Found the book (I don't think there is a video but I'll dig around) it's really worth the read if you can stomach it. "House of Secrets" by Lowell Cauffiel. Same premise as the video above but grittier so it's not for faint of heart.
I literally vomited after reading what DK and DH did to this child. I am stunned. And so very proud of her. I hate that the media made it oh so obvious who she is. You don't even have to be a sleuth to figure it out. Which, IMO is almost as disgusting as what happened to her. What about protecting the victim?

I realize none of this has to do with "Roll Tide".. but it seriously makes me wonder how much influence this family has because of their status in Alabama. Is DK's sister more worried about her family's "good" name than the welfare of this child? It appears she was. I am as disgusted with her as I am the rest of the women in this family.

Beautiful young woman, if you are reading here.. please know that you are brave and way above any of the vile things that happened to you. Im so sorry your father was a .. but remember.. there have been many of us who had horrible fathers and we survived and were made better people because of it. Sometimes the people in our lives teach us exactly what we don't want to be. Never let this define you.

I agree that she probably told her aunt because she trusted her and no other women in her own family. Appears she was let down again and again.

NONE of the Wood women deserve to have their children or any one else's. I, at one time, did think that Derek was a victim.. but nothing excuses his actions.. yes.. HE IS A PUNK.

snipped and BBM: During the ride, he testified, the girl had a headache, and Kent was rubbing her head. He started to kiss the girl, but she pulled away, the detective testified.

Just the thought of this creep touching her head, then kissing her makes me so ill. He is truly one of the most disgusting, horrid creatures I have ever seen.. in ANY case.

I cant help but wonder how much influence his family truly has as he is OUT ON BAIL AGAIN! WTF WTF WTF????? WHY? He should be under the jail. AND he is still allowed to be around family members under 16? IS this Judge as insane as this family??

Is the reputation of a star quarterbacks family more important than protecting children? Really? Apparently in Alabama it is. Roll tide.. right over every vile member of this sick family.

Run kids run.. to anyone who will protect you. Im so glad that Peyton is safe and away from all of them.

I thought your post deserved to be repeated! Well said!!! :goodpost:

BBM: Unfortunately, it seems that the media has no problem revictimizing the victim. There was no reason for it to be put out by the media who this precious child is. They didn't give her name, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I'm just wondering about Donald Jr now...surely not! :puke:

I've been thinking of DK's sister and my quick judgement of her. I was wrong to jump to conclusions about things I don't really know about. It wouldn't be the first time and I've lived to regret it. For all I know, our brave young hero could have gone to her after Brit vanished and told her the truth, this woman could have been instrumental in her going to LE.. again I dont know. I'm just possibly trying to see some good here instead of the evil. Its just so hard to comprehend that there was NO ONE in her life to turn to..

I'm betting her and Brit were close. I think they at least shared these secrets. I pray she recieves the support, encouragement and love she deserves.

I hope DH experiences agony beyond imagination where he is now and will be glad when DK joins him.

BBM: I hope this is correct. With that said, who in that family has the money to continually bail DK out of jail?? :banghead:
Very good point. I don't know if we are aware of when in time this victim confided in DK's sister. However, I will remain suspicious of any claims of lack of knowledge of what her brother was up to. She may not have known x, y and z happened on such and such date, but I have a hard time believing complete ignorance. It's also a shame she didn't use their notoriety to help Brittney before all the charges came to light. Thankfully they do use their notoriety to assist a stranger with cancer (touching story, truly) so it would have seemed natural they would do it for family too, even if through marriage.

Wow. I haven't had much time to read or post lately as i started a new job and new hours /commute ( havemy hands full but yay), and because I am stunned and speechless about the case of missing Brittney Wood.

The reason i say this is because I initially steared clear of this case because of the sick- evil- incest -abuser- rapists involved in all allegations. I really felt that her disappearance was tied to the case in that she was a victim/ witness.

After reading this transcript, and the fact that the 13 year old came forward after sicko SR killed himself- i have changed my mind. 360 .

I think Brittney had gone forward was a witness.
I think they all let him Donald Holland SR ( is that his full sick name?) take charge ( as always) handle it as he was like head of the " gang". I think he killed her. trying to bury the sorrowful family secrets. Then he killed himself.
Just heard on the news that DK was arrested again just a few hours ago. I can't find the link on the local news site yet, but it was broadcast as breaking news.

Apparently it was a parole violation and had to do with his monitoring device going off.
Just heard on the news that DK was arrested again just a few hours ago. I can't find the link on the local news site yet, but it was broadcast as breaking news.

Apparently it was a parole violation and had to do with his monitoring device going off.

Think its time to keep these (*W#$& in jail.
^^That is an incredible documentary.

I just started reading about this case, and I am literally getting physically ill. I don't have anything productive to add to the conversation yet...I'm just stunned.

I saw that doc a few months ago. I as shocked. What put me in a wtf mode the most was how these women can stand being in the same room as this sick fkr. :furious:

I hope this ends the cycle of abuse in this "family". I pray for it.
Just heard on the news that DK was arrested again just a few hours ago. I can't find the link on the local news site yet, but it was broadcast as breaking news.

Apparently it was a parole violation and had to do with his monitoring device going off.
:clap: Maybe they will keep him in jail now...:clap:
Just heard on the news that DK was arrested again just a few hours ago. I can't find the link on the local news site yet, but it was broadcast as breaking news.

Apparently it was a parole violation and had to do with his monitoring device going off.

I can't find a link to that info anywhere. I am watching the local news now and they haven't mentioned it. Do you know which station you heard it on? I'm trying not to get my hopes up yet.
Nevermind TXangel............I'll go ahead and jump for joy!!! I don't know why it wasn't on the local news at 6 but, it wasn't. Weird.
I can't find a link to that info anywhere. I am watching the local news now and they haven't mentioned it. Do you know which station you heard it on? I'm trying not to get my hopes up yet.

I was watching Fox10. I still don't see anything on their site about it but it wasn't on the news at 4 on that channel either.
I was watching Fox10. I still don't see anything on their site about it but it wasn't on the news at 4 on that channel either.

No problem. There will be a link very shortly. I feel certain.
wooooHOOO!! And that is a felony, I don't see him getting out on bail for that in addition to the other charges. Fingers crossed someone tears him a new one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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