Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, cap murder chg, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22*Reward*

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Maybe she got to the point where she for whatever reason found a bit of happiness and then she also thought what did she have to lose.

I think so. That doesn't help to understand whether he would turn on her when he feels threatened. I think the age difference is a no-brainer regarding him turning on her. She's nearly 60 and he's nearly 40. Women his age are not the same as women his mother's age, and he probably targeted younger women when he was free, so I don't think he has much of a connection with her beyond survival and escape from life in a cage. I think he will assert control/power over her as soon as he feels safe.

Their entire relationship has been him in a cage, she has the keys. Today, he is likely asserting who he is when there is no cage. I suspect that she is in survival mode to some degree, but probably finds it exciting at the same time.
56 year old Vicky Davis/White's mother comments on her disappearance; describes her as a missing "kid".

"I lie in there at night and you can't get it off your mind, and then when you wake up if you do fall asleep, that's the first thing that you think of... You know if you got a kid and she's out there, it's just like she's in danger and we don't know where she's at," she says.

According to Davis, Vicky had been living with her for the past five weeks, ever since Vicky sold her house. Davis says her daughter didn't speak about work often, never bringing up retirement and never mentioning inmate White in conversation.

"You know, I never heard of him, never seen his picture, nothing. I didn't know anything about him," she says.

View attachment 342227
Mother pleas for missing Lauderdale County corrections officer to come home




View attachment 342228

Hunt ongoing for missing Alabama capital murder suspect, corrections officer who violated policy
I hate to say it but VW just took off and abandoned her elderly mother. I feel bad for her mother, so sad another senseless victim.
I think she is in grave danger, even if she did help him escape.

From reading about him, he would think nothing of getting rid of anyone.

It's the retirement thing that made me think she may helped him.

Its baffling that she could have thought he wouldn’t hurt her!

This is this kind of thing that typically happens in movies. That is, if she planned this with him, which appears to be what happened. Lonely woman gets charmed and seduced by a violent con she is charged with overseeing. He does this in order to get her to help him escape.

I’m shocked she fell for it.

Frankly, I don’t think there’s any way he will let her live. She’s got a distinct face - so too easy to spot- and I do not believe he was into her.

I would be surprised if the lady is still alive, unless he’s keeping her as a potential hostage.
I hate to say it but VW just took off and abandoned her elderly mother. I feel bad for her mother, so sad another senseless victim.

I think it looks like she abandoned her life - almost as though she did something completely out of character over a period of several weeks to wipe out the future she had been living for decades. She sold her house and resigned from a good job. Although she did not have children and family, she had a nest egg that gave her comfort in the same way that her mother has comfort.
CW is facing two capital murder charges. Given his criminal history, there is a good chance he would be sentenced to death in a state that has the highest per capita death sentencing rate in the country (although not as many executions per capita as TX).

With that hanging over him, getting to Mexico would be his smartest move. Mexico will not extradite to any country seeking the death penalty. The border is about 16-17 hours away. I would think there would have been a BOLO issued for the closest border crossings such as Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa before they could get there. Juarez is about 18-19 hours away, so also a possibility.

Capital punishment in Alabama - Wikipedia
The state [Alabama] has the highest per capita capital sentencing rate in the United States. In some years, its courts impose more death sentences than Texas, a state that has a population five times as large.[1] However, Texas has a higher rate of executions per capita.

Capital punishment in Mexico - Wikipedia
Mexico does not extradite to countries that are seeking the death penalty, and has successfully defended 400 of its citizens charged with a capital offence in the United States.[13][14] This has in the past led to American fugitives crossing the border into Mexico in order to avoid the death penalty.
CW is facing two capital murder charges. Given his criminal history, there is a good chance he would be sentenced to death in a state that has the highest per capita death sentencing rate in the country (although not as many executions per capita as TX).

With that hanging over him, getting to Mexico would be his smartest move. Mexico will not extradite to any country seeking the death penalty. The border is about 16-17 hours away. I would think there would have been a BOLO issued for the closest border crossings such as Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa before they could get there. Juarez is about 18-19 hours away, so also a possibility.

Capital punishment in Alabama - Wikipedia
The state [Alabama] has the highest per capita capital sentencing rate in the United States. In some years, its courts impose more death sentences than Texas, a state that has a population five times as large.[1] However, Texas has a higher rate of executions per capita.

Capital punishment in Mexico - Wikipedia
Mexico does not extradite to countries that are seeking the death penalty, and has successfully defended 400 of its citizens charged with a capital offence in the United States.[13][14] This has in the past led to American fugitives crossing the border into Mexico in order to avoid the death penalty.

I think he's too tall, at 6'5", for Mexico. He would stand out where ever he was in Mexico. In Cuba, however, where people are a mosaic of race and culture, I think he could blend in with others who are commonly that tall.

So VW did sell her house! And she didn’t talk about retiring with her mother even though she was living with her for the past five weeks and was about to turn retirement papers in.

I’m really trying to give VW the benefit of the doubt here because I just can’t wrap my head around her breaking this guy out and running off with him. But ... with what we’ve learned from her mother, it’s getting more and more difficult ... hoping they are found soon, certainly before he harms her or someone else. Moo
And if VW submitted those retirement papers *a day earlier* and didn't think there might be more processing of them needed, did she really think they wouldn't be able to track her withdrawals, whether the retirement funds were a pension or 401k? Payments would perhaps be direct deposited into a bank account *somewhere* on a regular basis. Or perhaps she chose a one-time lump sum withdrawal of the funds.

Edited to add - last part got omitted above. Meant to add to last sentence - even a one-time lump sum withdrawal, which would be subject to penalties if she isn't 59 1/2 years old, has to go somewhere so you can access the funds!
Maybe it was a lump sum. But LE would know where she was then. A ruse? If she put it someone else's name then that person may be in danger in the future as she may want that money. Or she left it to the beneficiary. All a ruse so VW could be with a murderer. It really is insane! WTF! So in other words those years of her life didn't mean anything only being with this guy does? SCARY!!!! And they walk amongst us!
Just some pondering on my part...

Wouldn't LE have a BOLO out on her personal vehicle if it wasn't accounted for? To me that only leaves the possibility of Uber/taxi or a third party directly involved. And I'm not sure she would have risked Uber or the like because of the ability to trace the transaction. Is the city large enough to have a taxi service that might hang out around the mall?

I can't see a way that Vicky is not voluntarily involved, which means she likely would have to have access to cash, because surely she's not planning on turning herself in. Having a large amount of cash with a murderer for hire seems like a bad combination.

Also if CW was only in the jail for 3 weeks, that's a really fast timeline to go from stranger to willing to risk your life to bust a murderer out of prison after a 25 year career. Not to mention make a solid plan. I'm sure VW would be in the ideal position to get him out of the jail, but the logistics of staying off the radar for months or even years for the heat to die down? Certainly makes me wonder if CW's desire to be at that particular jail was because VW was there.
You don't need a computer. LE is a very close-knit community and they talk to each other about everything. Crime scenes, investigations, clues, leads. Everything. Especially in a small town like that. They all know things they are not supposed to know. jmo

ETA: My little sister was a county deputy for decades and heck, even I know a whole lot of things I'm not supposed to know. And I'm not even in law enforcement.

Additional ETA: I came to hate socializing with my little sister and her LE friends. All they did was "talk shop". Who did what to who, where, when. On and on and on. Every little detail about everything. And it was impossible to change the subject.
This is what gets me people don't take these things seriously. This is exactly why people get away with murder it just takes a little bit to conceal and voila there the criminal has done their deed! We let that person get away with it because it wasn't taken seriously! This just proves my point just throw off LE a little bit and someone has gotten away with who knows what! Wake up people!
Ohhhh...a question I can answer! My active duty military retirement can be revoked if I am convicted of something I did while on actual active duty. A crime I did while in the line of duty. I'm good if I commit a civilian crime while formally and officially retired.
Hmmm? A factor? Is she officially retired then? Maybe that was part of her rationale to give in her retirement papers.
As far as the retirement goes…she had to know that if she helped this guy escape there would be NO retirement. Why go through all that planning re:retirement when you know you are going to help a murderer escape. She had been in LE long enough to know that her pension would be gone if she helped this guy of her own freewill. Surely she wasn’t so deluded to think she could ‘retire’ and draw benefits while in hiding.

There is also the possibility that she was coerced into this. Perhaps he had people on the outside or at least led her to believe he had people on the outside who would hurt her family if she didn’t cooperate. She had the cash to purchase other transportation. Perhaps a getaway car stashed somewhere close to where they found the other vehicle.

Frankly I don’t see this going well for her. Whether she helped of her own freewill or was coerced he’s going to want to get rid of her. As long as they’re together they are going to stand out.

This is all MOO.
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