Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, cap murder chg, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22*Reward*

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The question then becomes, who? It doesn't seem like VW has any close family (at least that we know of) and CW has been in prison since 2015 so his contact with his 'outside' friends/family has been severely limited and closely monitored (although maybe not given the lack of oversight at the Lauderdale Co. jail) so coordinating with them would be a challenge.

Re: lack of oversight at the jail....

During/after the high-speed pursuit of CW in 2015, bodycam footage shows "deputies attempting to get White to surrender by offering him “a dip” of smokeless tobacco, followed by an offer of a Sundrop. The videos also show deputies telling White asking him to drop a firearm he was holding against his head after the pursuit stopped in a field. A deputy can be heard telling White that Sheriff Mike Blakely is on the way after White requested to speak to the sheriff." (BBM.)
BREAKING: Limestone Sheriff's Office releases videos from suspect pursuit
Now, that was in Limestone county vs. the current Lauderdale county setting, but I wonder if CW had/has some familiarity with certain LE that he feels might go easier on him? Or something? Connections, Old Boy Network, etc...??? MOO.

In light of that, it was interesting to read that the Limestone county sheriff Mike Blakely (mentioned above in re: to the 2015 incident) was later (in 2021) sentenced to three years in jail on theft & ethics charges.
Former Limestone Co. Sheriff sentenced to 36 months in jail
Former sheriff Mike Blakely speaks for the first time since conviction
"Blakely served as Limestone County’s Sheriff for nearly forty years. His career and benefits were all stripped away when Blakely was convicted of two theft and ethics charges in a trial that lasted for weeks." (BBM.)

Hmmm. To badly quote Shakespeare, something is rotten in the state of... Alabama.

It's unsettling how lax the protocols were at this sheriff's office. Like someone mentioned earlier why did the releasing officer not question why CW was escorting a prisoner without a second officer? Where was the authorization for the transfer? Do they have access to computer records to verify the details before releasing a prisoner? Or is this some kind of small town easy going operation where you don't question your superior regardless of the hinkiness of the request?

This could have been planned for a while. She could have set up a fake Amazon account and ordered clothing to fit this guy and have it sent to a post box. She could have had a locker at the mall where she stashed it.

They keep talking about 'her' car but it's a police patrol car. Does she get to drive that car as her every day car even when she's not on the clock? So does she have her own vehicle? And if she does, where is it? Does she have a cabin, a cottage, a trailer or knows about one that is closed up because the owner is in jail?

I agree with the poster who thinks they are laying low. It would be madness to be traveling. If they did travel, they probably figured they had a window of opportunity before being discovered. It took about six hours before the sheriff's office knew something was up. If they were smart they'd err on the side of caution and quit driving after about 3 or 4 hours. People seek familiarity when they are stressed.

I fear for this women's safety.
One thing that is confusing to me is in re: to the timeline that was released.
Lauderdale County sheriff releases timeline of events regarding missing employee, murder suspect

"9:41 a.m.: Vicki White leaves detention center with Casey White en route to courthouse for “mental health evaluation.”"
"11:34 a.m.: A Florence Police Department officer spots the vehicle parked among other cars left on a lot that are for sale. The officer is unaware of the situation involving Vicki White and Casey White."
"3:30 p.m.: [snipped] A citizen hears that authorities are looking for the patrol vehicle that Vicki White and Casey White were in Friday morning. The citizen says she saw the vehicle on her lunch break in a shopping center on Cox Creek Parkway. Deputies retrieve the vehicle and search it, but no evidence is found."

Another article said: "The vehicle that the two left in was found at a shopping center located at Highway 72 and Cox Creek Parkway in Lauderdale County, Alabama."
North Alabama deputy, inmate missing

Is the "for sale" lot a different location than the shopping center at Cox Creek Pkwy and Hwy 72??? Looking on Google maps, I don't see a car lot at the intersection of Cox Creek and Hwy 72.

If they are different locations, why would it be at a car lot at 11:30 (two hours after they left the detention center), then later be at a shopping center, probably very soon after the 11:30 car lot sighting? Did anyone see either of them at those locations or just the vehicle?

One thing that is confusing to me is in re: to the timeline that was released.
Lauderdale County sheriff releases timeline of events regarding missing employee, murder suspect

"9:41 a.m.: Vicki White leaves detention center with Casey White en route to courthouse for “mental health evaluation.”"
"11:34 a.m.: A Florence Police Department officer spots the vehicle parked among other cars left on a lot that are for sale. The officer is unaware of the situation involving Vicki White and Casey White."
"3:30 p.m.: [snipped] A citizen hears that authorities are looking for the patrol vehicle that Vicki White and Casey White were in Friday morning. The citizen says she saw the vehicle on her lunch break in a shopping center on Cox Creek Parkway. Deputies retrieve the vehicle and search it, but no evidence is found."

Another article said: "The vehicle that the two left in was found at a shopping center located at Highway 72 and Cox Creek Parkway in Lauderdale County, Alabama."
North Alabama deputy, inmate missing

Is the "for sale" lot a different location than the shopping center at Cox Creek Pkwy and Hwy 72??? Looking on Google maps, I don't see a car lot at the intersection of Cox Creek and Hwy 72.

If they are different locations, why would it be at a car lot at 11:30 (two hours after they left the detention center), then later be at a shopping center, probably very soon after the 11:30 car lot sighting? Did anyone see either of them at those locations or just the vehicle?


I had the same thought. The two vehicle sightings make no sense if we assume they are the ones moving the vehicle. If this was an organized escape plan, maybe they met up with someone else and did a vehicle swap—they took the other person’s car and that person took the police vehicle which they then moved to the shopping center parking lot to try and throw off authorities? It wouldn’t make any sense for them to be the ones moving the vehicle to a shopping center 2 hours after the escape.

I’m also wondering if they were ever seen leaving the vehicle. I know a previous report stated they did not have footage of them getting into another vehicle, but it didn’t say anything about them leaving the car they left the detention center in.

Limestone officers negotiate Casey White's surrender

In this video (from Dec. 2015), Casey White has been run off the road in a high-speed chase in Limestone County, AL. He requests that the deputy summon Sheriff Blakely to negotiate his surrender.

At [-2:04] of the video, Casey White is asked by the deputy, while he waits for Sheriff Blakely to arrive on scene:

"You want a dip [smokeless tobacco]?
You want a dip?
I got a dip.
You just want a cigarette?
You want a SunDrop?"

Coffee, tea or Sheriff Blakely, it's service with a smile for the fugitive in Limestone County, while he waits for Sheriff Blakely to arrive so that he can negotiate his potential surrender. Yep. It appears that Casey White is used to calling the shots.
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One thing that is confusing to me is in re: to the timeline that was released.
Lauderdale County sheriff releases timeline of events regarding missing employee, murder suspect

"9:41 a.m.: Vicki White leaves detention center with Casey White en route to courthouse for “mental health evaluation.”"
"11:34 a.m.: A Florence Police Department officer spots the vehicle parked among other cars left on a lot that are for sale. The officer is unaware of the situation involving Vicki White and Casey White."
"3:30 p.m.: [snipped] A citizen hears that authorities are looking for the patrol vehicle that Vicki White and Casey White were in Friday morning. The citizen says she saw the vehicle on her lunch break in a shopping center on Cox Creek Parkway. Deputies retrieve the vehicle and search it, but no evidence is found."

Another article said: "The vehicle that the two left in was found at a shopping center located at Highway 72 and Cox Creek Parkway in Lauderdale County, Alabama."
North Alabama deputy, inmate missing

Is the "for sale" lot a different location than the shopping center at Cox Creek Pkwy and Hwy 72??? Looking on Google maps, I don't see a car lot at the intersection of Cox Creek and Hwy 72.

If they are different locations, why would it be at a car lot at 11:30 (two hours after they left the detention center), then later be at a shopping center, probably very soon after the 11:30 car lot sighting? Did anyone see either of them at those locations or just the vehicle?


Here's a Google map showing the Walmart near the intersection of Cox Creek Pkwy and Hwy 72. Some car sales lots show up in the same vicinity. It wouldn't look out of place to see a patrol vehicle at (or close to) a used car lot -- maybe looking for a stolen vehicle.

Google Maps
Hmm I could be way off, but when I found this tidbit it changed my point of view lol :

"Vickie White has been a corrections officer for 25 years in Lauderdale County and turned in her retirement paperwork on Thursday, Singleton said".
Some good her retirement is going to do her how can she collect any of her own money she would be dependant on him and she would be aiding him. Its happened before I'd have to look it up but another woman aided a fugitive who was incarcerated at the time but years later she got tired of running and was happy to get caught. Its a very sad situation but can also be potentially deadly that felow was incarcerated for armed robbery if I remember correctly but this man is incarcerated for murder. The woman who aided the armed robbery fugitive her husband and family believed she was innocent until she was aprehended by LE. There are people like this out there, sadly who would behave in this manner. MOO. All MOO!
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I was thinking the same thing. Is she married? Does she have kids? Siblings? I haven't been able to find any social media for her either.

It’s like she’s a blank.

Other than a few tiny bits and a couple of comments that aren’t verified yet, there’s nothing from friends or family anywhere.
The News Courier reported in April 2019 that Casey White had been sentenced to 75 years in prison after his conviction for two counts of first-degree kidnapping and attempted murder. He was accused of trying to kill his ex-girlfriend and kidnapping her two roommates. He also was convicted of first-degree robbery, first-degree and third-degree burglary, burglary of a vehicle, animal cruelty for shooting a dog and attempting to elude.

He faced capital murder charges in the 2015 murder-for-hire slaying of Connie Ridgeway. She was found dead in her Meadowland Apartments home. Charges in the case were brought in September 2020, WAFF TV reported.

Lauderdale County CO and the capital murder suspect are missing

:eek::eek::eek: He sure has nothing to lose.
If its what we think it is then this action on her part is extremely foolish and she is playing with fire. Nice to ruin one's own life, and that for a fugitive! I guess a nice quiet retirment wasn't what she wanted. Its a blinded fantasy that one is going to be happy and content living like this. A fantasy that the fugitive will love her. How utterly sad! OMG! MOO. All MOO!
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I think she helped him escape, either voluntarily or under some kind of coercion or extortion:

"Missing Assistant Director of Corrections Vicki White broke protocol when she escorted inmate Casey White from jail this morning to apparently take him to the courthouse in Lauderdale County."


"Vicki White coordinates all transports from the detention center to court and therefore knew the protocol, the sheriff added. Singleton said that although Casey White was supposedly being transported for a mental health evaluation at the courthouse, they have since learned that no such evaluation or other court hearing for him was scheduled for Friday."


"When Vicki White escorted Casey White out of the jail, she told the guard she was going to drop him off at the court and then go seek medical attention because she wasn't feeling well."

Alabama authorities are searching for a corrections officer and inmate who never made it to court - CNN

So she coordinates all the transports and knows two deputies are required. She takes him out of jail alone, against protocol, knowing no appts or court was scheduled for him. She then buys herself some time by telling the guard she would not return immediately.

So either she helped him of her own free will or he coerced her to voluntarily help him under some manner of threat or blackmail or extortion or something.

Either way, I don't think she's safe with this guy whether she is voluntarily with him or not. I'd be watching the Mexican border.
I don't think it was coerced/extorted or blackmail it was premeditated and planned. If these were the case she had the freedom to tell her superiors of that and the courts would let her off easily. This guy is using her and she's believing it. In the end it will be her demise as well because she has to listen to him fully and do what he says. In the end the romance will sour but it'll be too lae for her as she will not like the life she is headed for. Its not like this guy has money galore, if he did I don't think he would be with her for one thing and secondly its a one sided relationship now she needs him more than he needs her. He is free although she is hostage material I guess. She probably doesn't realize that but I'm sure he's aware of it though. MOO all MOO!
This is a lawyer question and I have no idea, but what happens if you break someone out of prison and they hurt or kill someone? Are you on the hook for that? Accessory to murder? Negligent homicide? Would you get additional jail time on top of the jail time for the jail break?

Is she going to be in serious trouble if he hurts someone??

You could definitely be culpable under an aider and abettor theory of liability.
100% agreed. I'm leaning that way, too..Why would she throw her life and her pension away for this guy?
She's been a dedicated employee for twenty-five years. jmo moo
In what ways could he possibly hurt her Loved ones when he's behind bars?
Because people are sometimes deluded from reality, that's why. The world could be falling apart around them but they desperately want to see it as rosy. That's why.
I gotta say, I'm "shocked", too. What is going on at that facility that allows a correctional officer to just waltz out with any inmate they like? I worked in corrections years ago and there is no way I could have gotten a capital murder inmate (or any inmate for that matter) through the sally port without a bunch of pieces of paper. It's not like we were allowed to just take the inmates out of their cells, walk them out of the facility, put them in a car, and just drive off.

This is not a case of one CO violating policy - a whole bunch of them did. IMO

Power sometimes is a bad thing perhaps in her case it was where she overrode her authority and her suboordinates didn't question her motives as she is the boss lady. It could be a lapse of her superior as the superior was busy with other urgencies. So I wouldn't be quick to judge others as a post I wrote earlier I mentioned another similar case but it was only the female authority that had knowledge of the armed robbery suspect's escape as she was the only one involved. She was happy she was caught in the end.
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