Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, cap murder chg, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22*Reward*

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A few practical questions;
How did she get into work that morning? Is her personal car still in the lot? Did her mother drop her off and if so, was that unusual?
Don't most police vehicles have dashboard cameras?
How did they get a change of clothes for both of them into the police car and where and how did they change before abandoning the police car?
Who carries the keys for the cuffs and waist band he had on? How could she be coerced into unlocking them unless someone else knew of this escape attempt and who is it?
Enough for now.
You still have to have an ID to get on a cruise ship.

In most cases I have seen, people seem to go into hiding in the region.

If a bright person (and she sold her house so…) was truly determined to take the risk to cross a border though, I think there are ways. I remember when Ted Cummins was on the run with one of his students, we researched that heavily. There were border checkpoints that were considered easier than others, where people crossed in mass or where you drive or ride across with much less scrutiny. There were also places where, theoretically, one could walk across.

Also, I know two people (friends) who look a lot like me. Both live within an hour radius of my house. If I didn’t have strong morals, what would stop me—if I was desperate?—from going to their house or to lunch with them and taking their ID out of their wallet? I am trusted (known them both 20 years!) and would have easy access.

I could then wear a Covid mask to the airport and when the security guard asked me to take it down to check my face against the ID, there would be a brief few seconds where they would get to compare the two.

She could potentially have access to all the prisoners’ effects that are returned to them when they are released. And she works at a jail where there would be low level offenders who are not on the do not fly list (think DUIs). I don’t think these sorts of scenarios where people plot even false IDs out to this degree are likely or common, but it’s not impossible.

The biggest difficulty I think of in obtaining a false ID would be his height. But who knows? He could have brothers or cousins. Or they could’ve used his own ID and got to a port fast before the manhunt went national.
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Casey White and Vicky White: Authorities are trying to identify the vehicle an Alabama inmate and corrections disappeared in
This article repeats what many other articles have said and that is that there is no footage of what vehicle they got into at the mall when they left the police vehicle. Does that mean that they are seen outside the police vehicle and walking away out of camera range to another vehicle? If so, what were they wearing, was he still cuffed?LE knows a whole more that we do. MOO MOO MOO MOO
Casey White and Vicky White: Authorities are trying to identify the vehicle an Alabama inmate and corrections disappeared in
This article repeats what many other articles have said and that is that there is no footage of what vehicle they got into at the mall when they left the police vehicle. Does that mean that they are seen outside the police vehicle and walking away out of camera range to another vehicle? If so, what were they wearing, was he still cuffed?LE knows a whole more that we do. MOO MOO MOO MOO
Or it means they chose a transfer spot where there was no camera coverage. Or, someone else (besides the two) dropped that car off and they switched somewhere else.

I have seen a lot of cases where LE holds on to info and doesn’t release it publicly bc they don’t want a criminal to know they are on their trail.
So we know that CW was in the Lauderdale facility at least once before in 2020 (Timeline: How a murder suspect escaped an Alabama jail).

We also know that in 2020 he made a shank while at Lauderdale and intended to escape with a hostage (Inmate And Prison Official Both Disappear On Their Way To Court. Two Years Ago, The Inmate Threatened To Escape With A Hostage. | The Daily Wire). For all we know, Vicky could’ve even been his target back then too.

We also know (same article linked above) that he was transferred to a state facility where he was held until earlier this year. And it sounds like maybe they sometimes temporarily transferred him back to be held in Lauderdale when he had court appearances scheduled…maybe because it’s closer to the courthouse involved?

So he may have known that confessing to a crime would require him to attend hearings in Lauderdale and be moved back.

Was VW his intended hostage the first time? Had she developed a relationship or friendship with him at that time that he hoped he could use this time?

I know it’s super likely it’s more of a “they fell in ‘love’” sort of thing. But it would be so Lifetime movie-ish if he turned out to be like an off-the-books kid of her ex-husband who she still visited until he died of Parkinson’s. Her ex just died in January too, so this could’ve maybe triggered some instability or feelings of being alone? Ugh. God bless her.
I think she fell in love with him. The only way they could have made it this far is through exceptional planning, she must have found them an untraceable place to hide and stocked it with food and supplies so they could stay hidden for months until things cool down. Ya there is a lot LE is not telling us, like did she take anything from home that makes it obvious she didn't plan to come back?
I think she fell in love with him. The only way they could have made it this far is through exceptional planning, she must have found them an untraceable place to hide and stocked it with food and supplies so they could stay hidden for months until things cool down. Ya there is a lot LE is not telling us, like did she take anything from home that makes it obvious she didn't plan to come back?

I agree the most likely explanation is that they fell in love or he manipulated her into believing he was in love with her.

I think your idea about stocking a hideout with food to lay low is likely too. Though if it were me, I would try to get out of the country before all the agencies had their ducks in a row to screen for them at the border.
Interesting info.

I suppose in the end it won't make any difference.

Unless VW is somehow completely, 100% innocent, which IMO she is not, she's forfeited everything anyway.

Hopefully her actual life has not been forfeited.
If she lives through this, her life as she knew it has been forfeited.
If she lives through this, is captured and convicted, her pension won't even matter. She'll be in prison.

The only way I see her retaining her pension in any meaningful way, if she lives, is that she is not found guilty, or serves a short enough sentence that her pension in the future will still matter.

I wonder if a clever prosecutor can make a case that even under Alabama law, this IS partly a financial crime, because the FBI and the local LE have to expend time and manpower, taxpayer's money, to hunt them down.

We will have to wait and see.
In Alabama she will collect her pension up until the day she I'd found guilty or pleads guilty to a felony. Even then she will recover all of her contributions plus interest. If she directed it to her mother's account it makes sense.
2014 Code of Alabama :: Title 36 - PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. :: Chapter 27D - PUBLIC RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. :: Section 36-27D-1 - Forfeiture or suspension of retirement benefits; refunds; liability.

Believe it or not, Alabama is one of the toughest on this. Many states a cop could kill someone in the line of duty and still collect a pension.
I think she fell in love with him. The only way they could have made it this far is through exceptional planning, she must have found them an untraceable place to hide and stocked it with food and supplies so they could stay hidden for months until things cool down. Ya there is a lot LE is not telling us, like did she take anything from home that makes it obvious she didn't plan to come back?
There was definite planning and prep involved here. Looks like it started maybe 3 months ago. Likely a stash house. Probably involved at least one person on the outside, perhaps a friend or relative of CW.

She probably sold any personal car and bought another, maybe without even registering it.

One thing to consider: if he is lying about the murder, then he never actually killed anyone. He certainly tried on his wild night back in 2015, but he was serving 75 years so he is desperate anyway.

I predict in this press conference they will have video or information on her buying supplies at various stores. Unusually long pants for a man. Survival gear.
There was definite planning and prep involved here. Looks like it started maybe 3 months ago. Likely a stash house. Probably involved at least one person on the outside, perhaps a friend or relative of CW.

She probably sold any personal car and bought another, maybe without even registering it.

One thing to consider: if he is lying about the murder, then he never actually killed anyone. He certainly tried on his wild night back in 2015, but he was serving 75 years so he is desperate anyway.

I predict in this press conference they will have video or information on her buying supplies at various stores. Unusually long pants for a man. Survival gear.

I think it’s possible they started in 2020 even given the info I linked in my post a few comments up. Sounds like he had a plan to escape then…from the same facility. Did he intend to leave with her then too, but it got screwed up when he was transferred?
I work for the State of Alabama and have dealings with inmates and prisons. To say there is a failure of efficiency within the department of corrections is an understatement. There have been three escapes in the last week including this cretin. One in for murder walked away from an honor farm. Another got out of Kilby in Montgomery. Inmates have cell phones. They have laptops. Correctional officers are not always above board. Prisons are overcrowded and gang activity is rampant. The only part of this that surprises me is the ease in which this woman was able to spirit this man out without anyone questioning it or checking on her story. And why he was taken out of Donaldson and brought to a county jail in the first place. MASSIVE fail.
Transcription of the timeline provided in the article (BBM):

8:47 a.m. - Transport Van 5 leaves detention center with 7 inmates escorted by two deputies.

8:56 a.m. - Transport Van 2 leaves detention center with 5 inmates escorted by two deputies

9:20 a.m. - Asst. Director Vicky White instructs corrections deputy to prepare inmate Casey White for transport to courthouse. Deputy removes White from his cell, takes him to booking where he handcuffs and shackles his legs.

9:41 a.m. - AD White leaves detention center with inmate Casey White enroute to courthouse for "mental health evaluation". Prior to leaving she tells booking officer that she is the only deputy available who is firearm certified and she is dropping him off to other deputies at the courthouse and going to Med Plus from there because she isn't feeling well.

11:34 a.m. - Florence Police officer spots the vehicle parked among other cars left on the lot that are for sale unaware of the situation at that time.

3:30 p.m. - Booking officer reports to Administration that they have been trying to contact AD White to check on her and that her phone is going directly to voice mail. She also advises that Inmate Casey White was not returned to the detention center with the other inmates. The Administrator immediately contacts sheriff's office and officers begin a search of the courthouse to determine if inmate White is still in the building. Over the next several minutes it is determined that he is not in the courthouse and that there was no court appearance or evaluation scheduled. Security footage was reviewed, and it was discovered that AD White never arrived at the courthouse.

National APB is put out with information on both subjects. Citizen hears we're looking for the patrol vehicle and reports she saw it on her lunch break at the shopping center. Deputies retrieve vehicle and search it for any evidence. No evidence was located to assist us in the investigation.

US Marshals are contacted to assist in the investigation as are the FBI, ATF, Secret Service, and ALEA. By 5:30 p.m. there are approximately 18-20 investigators locally on the case. Video surveillance camera footage from the detention center, courthouse, the shopping center, and other locations based on tips are searched for leads.

Focus of the Investigation

Our primary focus is on locating AD White and re-capturing Inmate Casey White. Our secondary focus is on investigating the escape itself. Indications are, since no court appearance was scheduled, that AD White assisted in the escape. The question is: did she do so willingly or was she coerced into doing it by inmate White by threatening her and/or her family or other means.

He was in custody. Unarmed. This took planning by them both. What threat to an armed deputy in a locked facility or to her family could not be dealt with by reporting the threat? It makes no sense that this wasn’t voluntary on the part of the Deputy.
In Alabama she will collect her pension up until the day she I'd found guilty or pleads guilty to a felony. Even then she will recover all of her contributions plus interest. If she directed it to her mother's account it makes sense.
2014 Code of Alabama :: Title 36 - PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. :: Chapter 27D - PUBLIC RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. :: Section 36-27D-1 - Forfeiture or suspension of retirement benefits; refunds; liability.

Believe it or not, Alabama is one of the toughest on this. Many states a cop could kill someone in the line of duty and still collect a pension.
Exactly what I was thinking-If I were going on a suicide mission of sorts (either I was going to jail, going to be dead, or disappeared forever) I would make sure my family had the benefits I was entitled to-

Many public servants do this when they are terminally ill so that their spouses or children are financially sound.

This speaks to planning and to a prior relationship which should be known in the rumor mill.
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They don't have many options. Carjacking and or taking over someone's RV and or camper would be options if it were me. He is huge, and hard to hide that. I would put all campgrounds on high alert as the weather is good and he has attacked and killed before. Someone could be missing and carjacked already and we don't know. It would be easy to enter a campground at night and kill owners and take their ride and belongings.
He was in custody. Unarmed. This took planning by them both. What threat to an armed deputy in a locked facility or to her family could not be dealt with by reporting the threat? It makes no sense that this wasn’t voluntary on the part of the Deputy.
I agree the most likely scenario by far is that VW was a voluntary accomplice. And I agree with many here that the strongest theory is she believed they had fallen in love.

Because the person CW confessed to killing (Connie Ridgeway) was a witness in another court case at the time and because CW claimed he was hired to kill her, though, I myself still leave a tiny bit (emphasis on tiny bit) of room that CW could be tied into criminal networks. And that if he is a part of a bigger network, others could have a stake in helping him escape, including (long shot) gathering info on VW’s fam to use to threaten her.
They don't have many options. Carjacking and or taking over someone's RV and or camper would be options if it were me. He is huge, and hard to hide that. I would put all campgrounds on high alert as the weather is good and he has attacked and killed before. Someone could be missing and carjacked already and we don't know. It would be easy to enter a campground at night and kill owners and take their ride and belongings.
I like the way you’re thinking. Campgrounds, Air BnBs or VRBOs in remote areas, economy hotels set up for long-term rentals for business people…
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