Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #3

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I just double-checked that and you are right that she did have a doctor's appointment. However, I could swear that is NOT what we read in earlier articles. It gets confusing!
It was mentioned in the articles I read in the beginning.
VW told other officials on Friday, 4/29 morning that she was dropping CW off at the courthouse for a mental health evaluation and then she was going to a doctor to seek medical treatment for herself. VW had spent more than 15 years with the department, officials said, noting that Friday, 4/29 was supposed to be her last day of work before she retired.
I just double-checked that and you are right that she did have a doctor's appointment. However, I could swear that is NOT what we read in earlier articles. It gets confusing!
I agree, It was reported she wasn't feeling well and going to a walk in clinic kind of place but after this mess, they looked into it and she wasn't listed as a patient.
It was mentioned in the articles I read in the beginning.
VW told other officials on Friday, 4/29 morning that she was dropping CW off at the courthouse for a mental health evaluation and then she was going to a doctor to seek medical treatment for herself. VW had spent more than 15 years with the department, officials said, noting that Friday, 4/29 was supposed to be her last day of work before she retired.
That's not the part that differs though. The earlier reports iirc just say that she SAID she was going to the doctor but did not. These newer ones say that she actually had a doctor's APPOINTMENT that she did not show up for.
The orange car, IMO, was a decoy. Left where it would get towed STAT. Paint attempt, IMO, in the hopes of it getting lost in the sea of impound, while the world kept looking for the orange car.

They probably called the stalled car in themselves.

Laughing as they sped back the direction they came, in a nondescript vehicle, on their merry way.

I think the spray paint was another sort of disguise- knowing if the car was caught on camera at some point, linked to them, its description would be released… sans spray paint. Anyone who follows the story hears the vehicle description but nothing mentioning some very obvious spraypaint, so, “oh, that can’t be the vehicle they’re looking for or they would obviously have mentioned the spray paint.” JMO
I agree, It was reported she wasn't feeling well and going to a walk in clinic kind of place but after this mess, they looked into it and she wasn't listed as a patient.
See, this is the discrepancy I'm talking about. That's what I read earlier on too. I just saw a newer article that said she DID have a doctor's appointment but never showed up for it.

I guess some of that is expected when it's a developing story but I've found a lot of it this time around.
I think it's a huge ( no pun...) negative for Casey. Its so easy to disguise one's face and hair and there are still some wearing masks which can be a huge bonus for a perp. But it's harder to disguise 6'9" and he would most definitely catch my attention. I also think that's a huge plus for Vicki - he's got a reason for keeping her alive - he needs her to run out and buy beer and cigarettes so he's not noticed.
I agree. In fact, IMO his height is the most vital part of this pair's description, because height cannot be changed.

They can change their hairstyles, and the color and length...add eyeglasses, wear masks, he can cover his tattoos with clothing, he can shave or grow more facial hair, they can wear hats...but they can't change their height. His is conspicuous.

I'm a very short woman and it's always remarked upon. It's possible that posters here are outside the average height, tall or short, and don't realize that other people use your height as a descriptor while you go about your business. Also, we aren't criminals so presumably no one is scrutinizing us much.

IMO his height is the one thing that will do them in. Also, possibly, their accents, but that depends on where they go. If they go to the North their accents will be noticeable. Even here, NYC, where half the population has accents from other countries, I have very rarely heard a deep southern Alabaman accent. I would notice that much more readily than the foreign accents I'm accustomed to hearing daily.

It is conceivable that she's pushing him a wheelchair, as so many have mentioned. But how long can that go on? Isn't he almost 300 pounds? She's going to push him and the chair everywhere?

Did she buy him the clothes locally? Because if she did, isn't that the kind of small town where everyone knows each other, and would be wondering why a single woman is buying male clothing in a big and tall department? Or do I overestimate the familiarity people have in tiny towns?

I just double-checked that and you are right that she did have a doctor's appointment. However, I could swear that is NOT what we read in earlier articles. It gets confusing!
You are remembering correctly. In the beginning, we were told that she did not have an appointment. It was then speculated that she had planned to go to a walk-in/no appointment necessary, or spur-of-the-moment appointment, clinic (such as Urgent Care). Later, it was reported that she did have an appointment (somewhere), but failed to show up. (IMO - no links, just from my feeble memory)
I don't remember seeing this detail previously...

"Casey White was transferred from the state penitentiary to the county jail because the state would not allow his lawyer to bring a laptop with evidence inside. Lauderdale County DA says the transfer was permitted so White could go over the evidence w/ his attorney before trial."
  • Vicky White also told coworkers she didn't feel good, that she was going to a doctor after taking the suspect to court. Singleton said there's no indication she actually had an appointment; it's been confirmed there was no reason for Casey White to be taken to the courthouse.
The video here states the same.
I don't remember seeing this detail previously...

"Casey White was transferred from the state penitentiary to the county jail because the state would not allow his lawyer to bring a laptop with evidence inside. Lauderdale County DA says the transfer was permitted so White could go over the evidence w/ his attorney before trial."
Never saw this before!
I feel they are still in the U.S. I don't think she'd want to risk a border crossing north or south and the possibility they would be caught. If I had to put out a theory right now, I would say she had a second vehicle stashed somewhere near where the orange vehicle got dumped. She was probably hoping/counting on them having a head start where people didn't know they were missing, which is exactly what happened.

Why dump it right in the middle of a rural road? I agree it's almost as if they wanted it to be found out. I think maybe they wanted it to throw off the trail and/or get LE fixated on a location that's nowhere near where they are. IMO they dumped that orange car, got into the one she had waiting and drove off in the complete opposite direction, heading back south, etc.

Together or separate? I feel they are still together, hiding out somewhere. I don't think they are just sleeping in a car, though. Too many chances to get caught. There's no way they would sleep at Walmarts or the like because of people and cameras everywhere. I feel even rest areas or natural areas would be risky because often times, cops or wildlife officers will stop and check on people found sleeping in cars. So maybe in a cabin rental somewhere? Way out in a rural area? How she would pay for it without it being tied to her name, I have no idea. I just don't see them going out in the world, into gas stations, etc. without someone spotting them, even if she was alone. And I don't think she would risk that, even if she could get away with it. MOO
As per DM article quoted upthread photos of CW's tattoos for police files reveal a very flabby, out of shape, bad physical look for a 38 year old.

Maybe the age difference is not so notorious.

He will need his Meth soon, will Vicki have taken care of this also?
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