Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #4

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What do you guys feel about the video of them leaving the prison? I found it strange that VW led CW out to the car.
I agree. I would think that simply for appearances sake, she would have been behind him as I assume this would be standard protocol when escorting a prisoner to a LE vehicle. Simply to avoid any red flags.
It's quite obvious she wasn't worried about him being behind her.....not even on little bit!
Despite the sheriff’s other shortcomings, he was right about investigating multiple angles. Too many times something has been “obvious” and it turned out to not be the case at all. Even though right off it looked like she was an accomplice, there was still possibility it was a hostage situation - his prior escape attempt with building shanks and threatening to force someone to go with him, the jail being supposedly short-staffed and allegedly this not being the first time an officer has taken a prisoner out alone, her spotless work record, etc. There was room early on to consider the possibility she wasn’t willing.

Right. I give full credit to the sheriff for being responsible, rather than just jumping to conclusions and mouthing off.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?
I don’t think I qualify as a great mind, but…

I lean toward VW still being alive. But realize it could go either way.

I do think they’re in the US still. Remote cabin or camper in the south is my bet.

I’ll give them another week or 10 days before they’re caught.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?
Yes, folks. I’m answering my own survey.

I think she’s alive now but will likely lose her life before it’s over.

I think they’re in the U.S. Within a few hours from the Lauderdale facility most likely. Maybe FL or TX.

I give them 5 more days. Someone is going to find something in the footage somewhere. Leads will follow.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?
Yes still alive.
Yes still in the US...Headed towards Georgia and the mountains (or already there).
I actually believe indefinitely if they lay low. Less if they are traveling....less than a week more maybe
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed> ... the marshalls are out there shaking the bushes both literally and figuratively. The folks who live near where the orange SUV was found got to see 20+ person LE crews in action searching homes and woods.

It would be awesome to hear from some credible criminal profilers on this case. Sure the Whites may have gotten a head start but behind the scenes much work has been done since day two.

I think LE knows what vehicle they used after they left the one in rural TN. We know they have highway and billboard alerts in Texas (I-40) and Louisiana. Where else, I wonder?

Better live it up perps because the future is not looking bright!

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Yes, folks. I’m answering my own survey.

I think she’s alive now but will likely lose her life before it’s over.

I think they’re in the U.S. Within a few hours from the Lauderdale facility most likely. Maybe FL or TX.

I give them 5 more days. Someone is going to find something in the footage somewhere. Leads will follow.
Right with you there! Except I'm not sure she will be dead at the end.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?

I think VW is most likely still alive.

I think they are in the US. I lean towards them being in a rural area in a western state.

This one I'm less sure of - I'm guessing maybe 2-3 weeks up to a month. possibly longer.
I think LE knows what vehicle they used after they left the one in rural TN. We know they have highway and billboard alerts in Texas (I-40) and Louisiana. Where else, I wonder?
I meant to comment, back when someone reported there were highway alerts along I-40 in Texas -- the poster mentioned that the alert included a plate number -- but we now know the Ford Edge had no plate. So what plate number was listed on the alert? Any chance it was a plate from a vehicle LE has identified but not made public yet?
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?

Yes I think still alive. He is too big to be seen in public so he needs her.
Yes probably still in the US but slight chance they crossed the southern border.
I honestly think they will stay hidden a long time if they play their cards right. Think Elizabeth Smart (even though her captor was more anonymous, and different situation.) I personally even believe it’s possible we may never see them again and someday their bones will be unearthed somewhere. (Remote murder-suicide)
I meant to comment, back when someone reported there were highway alerts along I-40 in Texas -- the poster mentioned that the alert included a plate number -- but we now know the Ford Edge had no plate. So what plate number was listed on the alert? Any chance it was a plate from a vehicle LE has identified but not made public yet?
Great observation. I remember the highway alerts being mentioned because it made me think perhaps LE had some indication they were headed for Texas. But I didn’t realize they had a plate #. I wonder if anyone posted a pic on social media.
Doesn’t it make you wonder about who even initiated the relationship between TW and CW in hindsight? Like did he try to purposefully lure into a romantic relationship? Or maybe just as possible, did she have a desire for a deeper connection with someone she could look after and rescue. I hope it comes out. I’ll have my popcorn ready!
My money is on him. Prisoners are always looking for a weak point to benefit themselves in some way. I forget if it was here or another platform, but I read of someone whose sister worked at a prison. She never got much attention on the outside, but virtually all of the men in the prison hit on her, complimented her, and flirted with her. She never took it seriously because she knew they only wanted to use her for favors.

So here’s Vicky, who was known for caring for stray animals, who remained her ex’s caregiver long after they divorced, was known for treating the inmates like human beings, and wore an earpiece to know what it was like for an inmate with certain mental conditions to be locked in solitary and lectured about it. She’s a soft touch. Nothing wrong with that, but if you’re soft in the wrong way, a prison career is not for you. For a dangerous manipulator desperate to get out of Bessemer, someone like that is an easy target.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?

Maybe another week while marshalls/LE gather more info leading up to this and follow up on that info

I was surprised when she was on camera at the hotel with no disguise. I really thought they had that figured out. Any kind of hat, wig, fake glasses, if no time to dye your hair yet, tuck it into your hat.

I think CW will kill himself prior to being captured by police. They may even have a suicide pact of sorts.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?

Yes, I think if they are found and only one of them is still alive it will be VW.

Still in the United States. I'd speculate that VW pre-arranged some place to hideout initially within a few hours drive of Lauderdale County--some place she could drive back and forth to from Lauderdale County in the weeks leading up to the escape.

How long they can stay hidden will depend on their discipline and ability to handle not going out for long periods. The less they venture out, the longer they can avoid detection.
VW knowing LE operations would be well-aware that the first week or so they'd have to be completely ghost from the outside world. And then only venture out for provisions maybe once a week at most after that. More like every other week.

Also, she's aware that LE has limited budgets and limited attention span for things they can't solve. So eventually the current multi-agency task force looking for them will disband and those assigned to the task force will be re-assigned to other investigations/tasks. I'd guess a minimum of a month, maximum 2 months? Sometime between Memorial Day and 4th of July they'll give up the task force and just rely on VW and CW messing up and getting spotted out at a store or pulled over driving around or a civilian diming them out.

If they make it through Labor Day, that's when I'd relocate to a more permanent situation--when kids start back to school and people are moving around and relocating in general. Probably under an assumed identity where they are able to have a more normalized day to day life--at least VW might be able to move about somewhat regularly at that point. Doubt ol Casey's ever going to be able to out and about on the regular without some sort of extreme ruse or disguise.

I think CW will eventually piss off VW or VW will realize he was just using her for the escape and she'll cap him and bury his body in the woods before he has a chance to do the same to her.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?
1. Yes, I think VW is still alive, and I hope she survives.
2. Yes, I think VW and CW are still in the US.
3. I am sticking with my six-to-eight week timeline before LE catches up with them.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed> the marshalls are out there shaking the bushes both literally and figuratively. The folks who live near where the orange SUV was found got to see 20+ person LE crews in action searching homes and woods.

It would be awesome to hear from some credible criminal profilers on this case. Sure the Whites may have gotten a head start but behind the scenes much work has been done since day two.

I think LE knows what vehicle they used after they left the one in rural TN. We know they have highway and billboard alerts in Texas (I-40) and Louisiana. Where else, I wonder?

Better live it up perps because the future is not looking bright!


bbm. The billboard/highway alerts... are those new in the last couple of days or from before? If the latter I'm not sure it tells us all that much
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My money is on him. Prisoners are always looking for a weak point to benefit themselves in some way. I forget if it was here or another platform, but I read of someone whose sister worked at a prison. She never got much attention on the outside, but virtually all of the men in the prison hit on her, complimented her, and flirted with her. She never took it seriously because she knew they only wanted to use her for favors.

So here’s Vicky, who was known for caring for stray animals, who remained her ex’s caregiver long after they divorced, was known for treating the inmates like human beings, and wore an earpiece to know what it was like for an inmate with certain mental conditions to be locked in solitary and lectured about it. She’s a soft touch. Nothing wrong with that, but if you’re soft in the wrong way, a prison career is not for you. For a dangerous manipulator desperate to get out of Bessemer, someone like that is an easy target.
Thanks for sharing!
Maybe another week while marshalls/LE gather more info leading up to this and follow up on that info

I was surprised when she was on camera at the hotel with no disguise. I really thought they had that figured out. Any kind of hat, wig, fake glasses, if no time to dye your hair yet, tuck it into your hat.

I think CW will kill himself prior to being captured by police. They may even have a suicide pact of sorts.
I don’t think the hotel mattered. She showed up at work after she left the hotel. The hotel is really a nothing-burger unless she was seen with weapons or shopping bags or etc, which I assume she was not. It looked like she was just trying to check out of her room and nobody was at the desk.
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