Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #4

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I do think she may be better than most. You’d need to avoid large stores that have shoplifting cameras, plus banks, ATMs, car dealers etc. But even if you’re playing it safe, a trail cam on a country road could end up getting you. We have friends in the country who have 5 or 6 cameras set up around their yard. For them it’s mostly related to hunting, but they still pick up cars that go by etc.
Oh totally agree. I think they’ll eventually get tips that lead to footage. But for her main car-packing and other big events, I feel like she was likely to scope out areas without cameras. Unless the cops are keeping it really quiet, they apparently haven’t even found a second getaway car yet (whether purchased or stolen), meaning that out of all the video footage I have no doubt they checked, nothing has showed up. MOO
Thanks. I don't have LI either, lol. I am thinking she could have used aliases for online sites if she was into that. I just keep thinking there's a loose end that will help investigators find them.
If she used aliases for websites on top of all this mess, then there’s a WHOLE ‘nother Vicky White that needs to be included when this book gets written that I’m pre-ordering. Lol.
I didn't see anything about "sex toys". Just the lingerie and something else that went undescribed by Brian Entin. Do you have a link for that? TIA.

there is a mention in this paper. The story has hit the U.K papers.

I think Vicki White is still alive.

I think Vicki and Casey White are still in the US, living in an RV or living in a well stocked van/vehicle.

No idea. I'd have a better thought on how long they can stay hidden if I knew what LE discovered when they found the abandoned vehicle. Such as, did dogs track them far on foot, were there tire tracks from another vehicle that was hidden near the abandoned vehicle. Are there foot prints around the location, what was left in the trunk.

Also like to add, has anyone heard anything about video around the hotel Vicki stayed at the two days prior to her removing Casey White from the jail? Was Vicki packing that vehicle with supplies? If not, I'd guess she was supplying another vehicle at a different location. I wonder if there was any LE activity at any storage sheds near the area also. I don't believe the broken down vehicle is what they intended on traveling in. Food, clothes, guns, other supplies I believe were stashed elsewhere.
I still think it's possible and even likely that VW has a storage unit nearby Florence, with her furniture and housewares in it (from selling her house and moving in with mom instead of into another house). She could have stashed any escape supplies there and packed the SUV from there as well. Heck that could even be where she hid the SUV until it was time. I know most storage places have cameras but it's possible she didn't care or thought it wouldn't be found, especially if the unit(s) were rented using an alias.
JMOO I think he will keep her alive maybe even hostage for his own advantage and pleasure but I’m afraid if she becomes a burden to him, he will take the cash etc and he will murder her. It’s really sad to think she gave up everything for this loser. I can’t feel sorry though because she knew what she was doing and she wanted him so badly.
there is a mention in this paper. The story has hit the U.K papers.

This article is the boldest I have seen setting forth speculation as fact. Interesting. Another article I read stated that the owner of the shop was told by her lawyer not to comment, but this article makes it sound like the owner said too much.

I wonder why they are not saying “Kohls” and “Big and Tall section” even though I’m almost positive that came out earlier in the news? Now they’re keeping the name of the clothing store quiet.

Vicky, girlfriend, you gotta order those toys online, sweetie. Lol. SMH.
Where was the hotel in relation to the original SUV parking spot?

Within walking distance
I still think it's possible and even likely that VW has a storage unit nearby Florence, with her furniture and housewares in it (from selling her house and moving in with mom instead of into another house). She could have stashed any escape supplies there and packed the SUV from there as well. Heck that could even be where she hid the SUV until it was time. I know most storage places have cameras but it's possible she didn't care or thought it wouldn't be found, especially if the unit(s) were rented using an alias.
I am with you. And while it’s standard for reputable storage companies to have cameras in most places, I can tell you firsthand that not all rural storage lives up to this expectation. There’s a storage facility down the road from my moms that has been robbed twice that I know of and they still don’t have cameras.
This article is the boldest I have seen setting forth speculation as fact. Interesting. Another article I read stated that the owner of the shop was told by her lawyer not to comment, but this article makes it sound like the owner said too much.

I wonder why they are not saying “Kohls” and “Big and Tall section” even though I’m almost positive that came out earlier in the news? Now they’re keeping the name of the clothing store quiet.

Vicky, girlfriend, you gotta order those toys online, sweetie. Lol. SMH.
I can't imagine, as planned as it seems to be, she wouldn't go shopping BEFORE the escape....not sure I believe this without video.

Within walking distance
Well I can see why she's pacing back and forth because she is tense and wants to get going to put her insane plan into action. The fact that they tried to spray paint the car green tells me that trying to paint it was a pathetic attempt to disguise the car. Because it is an orange color it is noticable so that wasn't part of the plan. I can't believe this woman thought that her illicit plan would go smoothly. Very arrogant and cocky attitude IMO. And people have empathy for this individual saying that she was an emotional wreck so it helped her feel better! That is not our problem our problem NOW is that these two are loose and you can see the desperate attempt at disguising the car that they are in a heightened sense of watch even perhaps paranoia and are extremely dangerous heaven forbid a misstep by the public! Get these two off the street NOW!!!!
Blackmail. If he made threats to have someone go after her family if she did not go along with him, in a way that she believed and also believed the law would not be able to stop it.
I had thought of this, too: If he had something on her. Not likely, though, that it could be so huge that she’d destroy her entire future.
Well I can see why she's pacing back and forth because she is tense and wants to get going to put her insane plan into action. The fact that they tried to spray paint the car green tells me that trying to paint it was a pathetic attempt to disguise the car. Because it is an orange color it is noticable so that wasn't part of the plan. I can't believe this woman thought that her illicit plan would go smoothly. Very arrogant and cocky attitude IMO. And people have empathy for this individual saying that she was an emotional wreck so it helped her feel better! That is not our problem our problem NOW is that these two are loose and you can see the desperate attempt atdisguising the car that they are in a heightened sense of watch even perhaps paranoia and are extremely dangerous heaven forbid a misstep by the public! Get these teo off the street NOW!!!!
I agree. Have no empathy for her whatsoever. This isn’t something she did impulsively. It’s something she planned for weeks and months. It was deliberate and pre-meditated.

Not sure what to make of the spray paint but think her plan is pretty calculated. Could be a bungle. But may have planned to camouflage it and leave it in the woods but decided they needed to get moving. Leaving the car blocking the road so it would be towed onto a lot and out of public eye before LE even discovered they were gone may have been intentional. We will see.
I hope by now that these two if not about to get caught by American LE then they are in some third world country because it saves the American public from having to deal with them! IMO.
How about a survey to see what all you great minds are thinking:

Do you think VW is still alive?
Do you think VW and CW are in the US still?
How long do you think they’ll be able to stay hidden?

No idea.

Lots are saying that she could hide her face with sunglasses and a mask. But, if they're still in the southeast, especially in a more rural area, wearing a mask is going to look more out of place than wearing one. There are a lot of people not wearing masks at all anymore, especially in more rural areas, especially in the southeast, and especially now in the warm weather. Sunglasses, yes. Baseball caps, yes. But, masks? Not so much. Sure she/he could wear a mask in public but that might make locals in a more sparsely populated area look at them even more. MOO.

And, my guess is that they're traveling in a pickup, perhaps with a camper back on it. (Or maybe an SUV.) I think an RV is too unwieldy/unmanageable, especially if they need some flexibility in locations/roads they can take if their plans need to change. An RV also stands out more. Imo.

I don't see CW ever being taken into custody again. If caught, he'll either commit suicide or do something to force suicide by cop. She may be the same, but I'm not sure.

All JMO.
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