Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #5

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If they don't give this man the reward money I'm going to be mad! Goodness what a mess.

Respect to this humble man who did the right thing the right way.

In his prior interview, I did not hear him talking about recognizing Casey's tattoos from the news coverage, as he mentioned in this interview.

So, CHEF'S KISS !!!!! to all of you who were sure that was Casey at the car wash and believed the tattoo matched.

I really wasn't sure. I couldn't imagine he'd lost all that weight in 10 days; and as it emerged, it was far fewer days than that.
Where / When did Casey White call Vicky White his wife? I must have missed that post.

I wonder if they had a pact to both suicide if they got caught. Plus, I wonder what were they doing in Indiana? Where were they going? You can't get into Canada with guns, so I can't imagine they were going there. I'm also thinking that even though they had a relationship for a couple of years, Vicky being with Casey in person might not have been like she thought it would be. It is extremely difficult to really get to know a person that you have never spent time alone with.
The US Marshall’s said when Casey got out of the car, the first thing he said was “my wife shot herself.”

It’s mentioned here and then in the CNN video interview that was just posted: Manhunt ends with Casey White in custody, Vicky White dead from gunshot

I wonder why they were in Indiana too. The Marshall said in the Anderson Cooper interview that the intel they received was that they were planning to stay in Evansville for a period of time. Their master plan couldn’t have been driving up to Indiana and then staying in a motel 6 for weeks on end could it? It makes no sense whatsoever. I hope Casey sheds some *honest* light on all of that.
I think she loved him. Perhaps she understood that the bad things he did were the result of one bad day when he was high. he must have shown some decent qualities that impressed her. I hope he loved her too and she was not just a target of his as a way to get out or jail.

One bad day when he was high?

He has a very extensive criminal record that multiple people have posted here on WS. Records provided by LE and by MSM.

He pleaded guilty to the murder of an innocent woman, was present when a girlfriend was shot to death and is being reinvestigated for that, he went after an ex-girlfriend in her home, with guns in both hands, shot up the place, she escaped but he killed her dog, and he has vowed that he would kill her if he ever was freed from prison. He made shanks when in prison earlier in an aborted jail escape.

There's more that I can't remember, and I couldn't begin to scroll through the threads to find the links again, but they are probably all there on the media thread.

One bad guy, not one bad day.

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I really wasn't sure. I couldn't imagine he'd lost all that weight in 10 days; and as it emerged, it was far fewer days than that.

Prison bloat--CW was in the SHU, locked down 23 hours a day with limited access to exercise or the yard. Even prisoners in gen pop bloat up, especially if they eat a lot of the crap they sell em in commissary and aren't lifting weights or whatever. Probably CW eating ramen noodles and velveeta cheese 3 meals a day. All that salt and cheap carbs. They get out and are able to move around and eat better food and they quickly lose the bloated look.
Not me.

@caradana I like your writing style, but have some fundamental difference of opinion on Vicky and her “great romance.”

I’ve had great love, and marriage, and children and grandchildren. I’ve also suffered terrible heartbreak and loss.

There is nothing, I can state unequivocally, that would induce me to do what Vicky did. Categorically, nothing. Although I’ve had the beauty of life I’ve also endured some of the most heart-wrenching experiences that others can’t even imagine.

Yet I would NEVER do what she did.

I’m sorry but I know myself and it’s true.
I would not ever do anything like that either, ever.
I’m the opposite of you. I feel like part of me slightly identifies with her. I have a husband and children and I also prefer a low risk lifestyle so I’m not saying I would ever remotely find myself in her situation. Definitely wouldn’t work at a prison. But as far as not having a big circle of friends or feeling important or worthwhile… I feel like I am not in a position to judge her for feeling those things, if she felt them, having always been a little like that myself. The sheriff says that her coworkers are struggling to cope with her death. I hope they let her know how much they cared when she was alive.
I’m in total agreement with you there. Options are a sins and stones thing. I’ve had the means to give these girls of mine options. Let’s keep in mind that if we could rewind time one month, and read a bio of this woman prior to all this, we’d be respecting her fortitude in a 25+ year unblemished career around convicts in an area with less than zero economy, serving what is described as a maternal role for younger hires, in an environment where livable houses go for five digits and the media cannot find a friend to interview about her. Think about that - has anyone seen a friend of hers in the news? She didn’t have a circle of relatable women around her. I work in finance on Wall Street. I have women around me who would show up in a severe crisis, publicly and privately. Not seeing that for VW.
I live somewhat close to this area and my son and his family are living in the same area that Casey White is from. I am not sure where you got your information, but you cannot buy a livable house in Lauderdale County for five digits. I can't think of any city in Alabama where you can buy or rent a livable house for 5 digits. There are so many misconceptions about the south. I have been to NYC and all over Europe. Smaller cities in Alabama are quieter, but it is not what you think it is like. I hope that she had some friends. People in Alabama move at a slower pace overall, and to run out and admit that you are friends with Vicky White while she has done what she did does not ring true. I would think that some would be trying to figure out what in the world was happening first.
I'm flabbergasted by the car wash thing.
Manager said he saw that pickup truck several times when he looked over the course of the day, and didn't he say it was there the next morning too? (I have to watch again) Obviously someone is going to wonder why it's just sitting there at the car wash. Didn't he also say it had Tennessee plates? even more noticeable. Plus, there's video surveillance.

Why did they not think of parking/dumping that pickup where it wouldn't catch someone's eye, where CW could wait till VW picked him up with the Cadillac?
And, they were in that town for several days.
The weird thing is that VW picked him up in the Cadillac from the carwash. That's why in the video he was waiting around. I think because its a rural area that's why the truck being where it was didn't raise alarm bells with the owner of the carwash until later. But I agree it doesn't make sense since CW knows he's on camera there. WHY? Also why abandon it at the carwash and not at some rural road? I wonder if in their heart they knew the US Marshell Service was on to them? Perhaps to throw them off? To a point he is disguised with the sunglasses and his baseball cap plus new clothes. Maybe because its not far from their hotel so they don't have to drive far. Well one thing is it is an enclosed space on either side of him. Actually thinking about it can you imagine if someone recognized him and he had a gun, I can only imagine what the outcome would've been. Or he suspected that person walking by him recognized him? SCARY!!!
That, and if they were legally married, he’s her next of kin and inherits her money and whatever else she didn’t forfeit already.
A new spouse doesn't automatically get everything that she had before they married. In Alabama, it is now 50% of the house (I know of a current case), and I am not sure about cash. My father was an attorney, however he passed away 30 years ago and laws change. I do know that an inheritance, if not mingled with the household money doesn't pass to a spouse even if received when already married.
The weird thing is that VW picked him up in the Cadillac from the carwash. That's why in the video he was waiting around. I think because its a rural area that's why the truck being where it was didn't raise alarm bells with the owner of the carwash until later. But I agree it doesn't make sense since CW knows he's on camera there. WHY? Also why abandon it at the carwash and not at some rural road? I wonder if in their heart they knew the US Marshell Service was on to them? Perhaps to throw them off? To a point he is disguised with the sunglasses and his baseball cap plus new clothes. Maybe because its not far from their hotel so they don't have to drive far. Well one thing is it is an enclosed space on either side of him. Actually thinking about it can you imagine if someone recognized him and he had a gun, I can only imagine what the outcome would've been. Or he suspected that person walking by him recognized him? SCARY!!!
Dumb criminals make LE's job easier.
The US Marshall’s said when Casey got out of the car, the first thing he said was “my wife shot herself.”

It’s mentioned here and then in the CNN video interview that was just posted: Manhunt ends with Casey White in custody, Vicky White dead from gunshot

I wonder why they were in Indiana too. The Marshall said in the Anderson Cooper interview that the intel they received was that they were planning to stay in Evansville for a period of time. Their master plan couldn’t have been driving up to Indiana and then staying in a motel 6 for weeks on end could it? It makes no sense whatsoever. I hope Casey sheds some *honest* light on all of that.
I doubt he is honest about anything. MOO
A psychosis simulation (which sounded bizarre based on the article) doesn't make a person mentally ill or cause disordered thoughts. None of us will know what she was thinking, but I think it's very unlikely she had a diagnosable mental health condition that made her do this. We know a lot about why people do things like this and usually it isn't an acute mental illness. I can say with about 99.99% confidence (as an expert in the field) that it has nothing to do with the psychosis simulation.
A psychosis simulation which sounded as bizarre as this one sounded with little instruction and overall supervision is very unwise MOO. Not knowing Vicki's state of mind at that given time, we can't say without being a doctor AND speaking to Vicki what, if any, way it affected her.
CW syaing "My wife shot herself" is a ruse so he can draw on someone's empathy! So he can sucker someone in down the road. That's the first thing he said as he got out of their car. I'm not surprised by him saying this though. Oh watch the crocadile tears in court with his lawyer. Just watch! He's going to use her death for his own purposes. To have someone give him a benefit. And they say this guy has mental health issues more like CONMAN issues!
Well, Vikcky is dead. We will never hear her story or understand her unique and twisted thought process. I'm left here to wonder and draw my own conclusions. What if gender roles were reversed?
This is all MOO!
Perhaps CW grew up in an abusive environment and turned to a life of violence and crime, he also suffers mental health issues that make him particularly vulnerable. At some point he decided to repent. He even confessed to a murder in an attempt to turn his life around and live honestly. He was moved to Vicky's facility. She preyed on his vulnerability, made unwanted advances toward him, used food as a means to control him. He felt so afraid of how it might escalate that he planned an escape. He was eventually moved out of her facility. Unfortunately this man who was already being punished for his crimes was moved back to VW's jail. The sexual advances started again. She was a senior official and nobody questioned her. There was no oversight. Nobody protecting CW or the other inmates from predatory officers, like VW. VW became increasingly obsessed with CW, she planned this for a long time, CW had no idea. He was serving his time and had a right to certain protections. Her sexual abuse and manipulation of inmates were over looked. A predatory opposite sex officer was allowed to remove him from the facility alone. She kidnapped him. Anytime he mentioned that he wanted to turn himself in she would threaten him with a gun, likely issued by the department for which she was employed. Eventually he developed Stockholm syndrome and went along with VW's delusions that he is her husband to keep himself safe. She held him captive for over a week until he was rescued. VW killed herself to avoid being punished for her crimes.
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In case not already posted:
@margarita25 thank you for posting the videos. The second video shows plastic on the driver side window. Apparently the keys were still in the vehicle, so no one had to break the window. Was the vehicle sold that way when they paid cash to the guy or did something happen after the purchase???

I copied the video to start where the truck is to make it easy for everyone.

Plastic on driver side truck window.
Cadillac looks like 2007-2011 range STS, even high end blue book for a 2011 Cadillac STS would be 10K or under, earlier model years even less. They said the truck cost $6,000, purchased from a private owner. The orange SUV would've been in the same price range as the truck. All under the 10K limit for cash transactions. Possibly all bought from private owners. I would guess she paid $20K total for all 3, from 3 different sellers, 3 different under $10K transactions.

I looked up the Edge in Kelley Blue Book, giving medium-range values for everything I didn’t know about it, and ignoring the rear-end damage. Its trade-in value came to about $2000 to $3000.

I might have entered something wrong, of course.
Sheriff Singleton said he would not be surprised if the Vicky White gunshot wound was actually not self inflicted.
He says there is no evidence to suggest that -- and he will wait on forensics -- but that it is "possible."

Sheriff Singleton knows Vicky White and he knows criminals. Since they were in Indiana for six days, I believe all of this was a joy ride for CW. CW never intended or couldn't think straight enough to make a plan where they could hide out for a long period of time. That takes a stability that CW does not have. He got to wear new clothes, drive several vehicles, get out of jail, eat food he liked, have sex, and be free for awhile. I don't believe he ever intended this to end well for VW. CW is not capable of living a stable life with a woman. VW had so little contact with him prior to the escape that she did not know him at all. She had his words which were lies and more lies. I am glad that someone is questioning whether or not she shot herself. CW is the closest thing I have seen to Satan himself. CW is a master manipulator as we hear when he starts talking as he got out of the car. Does he look heartbroken to you? Is he capable of love? I think not. VW isn't the first woman to be manipulated and she won't be the last. CW should get the chair and soon.
Well, Vikcky is dead. We will never hear her story or understand her unique and twisted thought process. I'm left here to wonder and draw my own conclusions. What if gender roles were reversed?
This is all MOO!
Perhaps CW grew up in an abusive environment and turned to a life of violence and crime, he also suffers mental health issues that make him particularly vulnerable. At some point he decided to repent. He even confessed to a murder in an attempt to turn his life around and live honestly. He was moved to Vicky's facility. She preyed on his vulnerability, made unwanted advances toward him, used food as a means to control him. He felt so afraid of how it might escalate that he planned an escape. He was eventually moved out of her facility. Unfortunately this man who was already being punished for his crimes was moved back to VW's jail. The sexual advances started again. She was a senior official and nobody questioned her. There was no oversight. Nobody protecting CW or the other inmates from predatory officers, like VW. VW became increasingly obsessed with CW, she planned this for a long time, CW had no idea. He was serving his time and had a right to certain protections. Her sexual abuse and manipulation of inmates were over looked. A predatory opposite sex officer was allowed to remove him from the facility alone. She kidnapped him. Anytime he mentioned that he wanted to turn himself in she would threaten him with a gun, likely issued by the department for which she was employed. Eventually he developed Stockholm syndrome and went along with VW's delusions that he is her husband to keep himself safe. She held him captive for over a week until he was rescued. VW killed herself to avoid being punished for her crimes.
Although females can be manipulative as well as I said in past posts no one talks about self-fulfillment. But he is linked to a death in Lexington of a woman. LE is investigsting his role. She died in 2008 and its just recently (I believe) coming to light that he was involved in her death. Plus don't forget he violently tried to carjack a woman, he punched her in the head and shot her in her arm when she refused or tried to get away. He's no pansy! He also knows manipulation when it comes around him and he's on the other side of it. Meds aren't going to help self-centered people who want things their own way. Wish it was that simple!
They do, but they can't be formed in a matter of days, and I don't think they can be formed between inmates and correctional officers.
I live in Alabama and have some friends, one with a daughter who was living with her boyfriend. This was about 3 or 4 years ago, but in Alabama we no longer have common law marriage because of homosexual marriages. Alabama got out of the business. Now, all you need is to sign some forms and have it notarized and then you are married. The ceremony is up to you and has nothing to do with the marriage, meaning a ceremony is optional now.
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