AL AL - J.B. Beasley, 17, & Tracie Hawlett, 17, Ozark, 31 July 1999 #3

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Wow. You have posted quite a bit of info that hasn't been posted on these boards before. You seem to have more insider knowledge about the investigation than most of us- and that I appreciate! I want to make sure I am understanding correctly, though:

You said that you spoke with Mrs. Merritt. Were you interviewing her as a law enforcement official, private investigator, or a private citizen?

You said that Chief Walker was a good man, but politics are preventing him from taking action. Who is obstructing the investigation? Politicians? LE officials? What is their motive in obstructing justice?

I found out about the two guys (without shirts) following, scaring, and pinning in the girls from Jacqui's video and have always thought that had to be relevant. What motive do you think these 2 guys had in following the girls? Are you implying that the girls were set up (given a map that would lead them into danger)?

As far as I know, the police have the phone records from both the Headland store and the Big Little in Ozark. The boy at waiting at the Headland store (who called Tracie's house) would be the one that Tracie asked her mother to on the way home, correct? Do you feel that he is involved? Is this the same boy from Skipperville who visited Tracie at JB Penny?

I know I have asked a lot of questions, and I apologize. But please respond with as much (or as little) information as you feel comfortable with. We are all trying to piece this puzzle together and maybe some of the other sleuths will have pieces that match yours. Thanks in advance.

Wow. You have posted quite a bit of info that hasn't been posted on these boards before. You seem to have more insider knowledge about the investigation than most of us- and that I appreciate! I want to make sure I am understanding correctly, though:

You said that you spoke with Mrs. Merritt. Were you interviewing her as a law enforcement official, private investigator, or a private citizen?

You said that Chief Walker was a good man, but politics are preventing him from taking action. Who is obstructing the investigation? Politicians? LE officials? What is their motive in obstructing justice?

I found out about the two guys (without shirts) following, scaring, and pinning in the girls from Jacqui's video and have always thought that had to be relevant. What motive do you think these 2 guys had in following the girls? Are you implying that the girls were set up (given a map that would lead them into danger)?

As far as I know, the police have the phone records from both the Headland store and the Big Little in Ozark. The boy at waiting at the Headland store (who called Tracie's house) would be the one that Tracie asked her mother to on the way home, correct? Do you feel that he is involved? Is this the same boy from Skipperville who visited Tracie at JB Penny?

I know I have asked a lot of questions, and I apologize. But please respond with as much (or as little) information as you feel comfortable with. We are all trying to piece this puzzle together and maybe some of the other sleuths will have pieces that match yours. Thanks in advance.

Great questions!
The boy said he had been waiting at the Shell Station, the time was then about the 1:00AM, and couldn't wait any longer; end of message.
somequestions, consider the following: July 26-27/1999 Ms. Hawlett's home burglarized twice during same nighttime hours, yet neither time nothing of value ever taken; most obvious the rifling of drawers and closets as if someone's purpose was to find something in particular, items of high price value were never the target. July 31, 1999 Ms. Beasley's 17th birthday, invited to attend a birthday party in Haleburg with Ms. Hawlett after she got off work at Penny's. Requiring a drawn hand map; thinking out of the box for a moment, who all would have known she had such directions, the approximate timing, due Ms. Hawlett's employment, never made public the exact circumstances occurring in Tumbleton which caused them to return to Headland store and go directly to payphones, Ms. Beasley's call, and Ms. Hawlett's call, which one was made first, or together? What does Headland store's payphone records reveal as to phone company logs? At that time of night, why not just return back home? Unless whatever happened in Tumbleton may not have been anticipated, yet not alarmed by since recognizing whomever these boys were, further identifiable since following the girls back to Headland store. What's not known, what color, what type of truck were they driving? How long were they at the store? What did direction did they leave traveling in from the store?
Mrs. Merritt said, Ms. Hawlett was already on the phone upon entering store's parking lot; what does the phone company records reveal as to how many calls around about that same time?
When Mrs. Merritt would have lost sight of the girls, it is reasonable to conclude the time being approximately short of, just past the midnight hour. To read into the message the boy left on Ms. Hawlett's phone, about waiting as long as he could, it was 1:00 AM and had to go; one could logically believe in his mind earlier that night, for whatever reason, that he, and/or they were to meet the girls at a more reasonable hour; justifying further cause to wonder about number of payphone calls from Headland, or maybe even earlier.
Their estimated times of deaths were put at between 12:30 AM and 2:00AM.
To shark315's point earlier: Regarding public being interviewed/tested; witnessed, although having no reason at the time to believe involving a crime, an individual on Matthews Avenue after the 1:30AM hour standing close alongside street curb witnessed two dark colored 4 door vehicles traveling high speeds with second vehicle close up in space to first vehicle; the first vehicle identified as foreign built type of car, although unknown its make and model, and in very short-time only one sped back by. Because of having heard how those being treated who came forward in beliefs they may know something, this individual never went attempting to file a[any] report. I hope this will help provide you additional factual insight.

But if that is the case, about the other vehicles near Matthews Avenue noticed by a witness, what about the Boston Red Sox hat the killer supposedly took? Is that information true? Why would the killer take the Boston Red Sox hat if he was not walking somewhere? So you think the killer took the hat as a trophy?
In the case of J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett, if the killer was someone known to them, that might explain a motive for the murder. But if the killer was a stranger, I could never understand why they were murdered. But like they say on Forensic Files, people will kill for the strangest of reasons. If it was some type of sexual motive, the killer just could have moved on to whatever far away place he came from if he was not from the area. So maybe it was not his face the killer was worried about the girls recognizing?

Maybe J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett stopped at some person's house or driveway by accident? The killer could have been worried they would remember his house. But then you have the geography of the route they would have taken back to Dothan if they were not lost so why would the killer park so obviously far away from his home to have to walk back to(assuming the house was somewhere along Broad Street Rt. 27 or U.S. 231? This case is a real mystery.

Wow. You have posted quite a bit of info that hasn't been posted on these boards before. You seem to have more insider knowledge about the investigation than most of us- and that I appreciate! I want to make sure I am understanding correctly, though:

You said that you spoke with Mrs. Merritt. Were you interviewing her as a law enforcement official, private investigator, or a private citizen?

You said that Chief Walker was a good man, but politics are preventing him from taking action. Who is obstructing the investigation? Politicians? LE officials? What is their motive in obstructing justice?

I found out about the two guys (without shirts) following, scaring, and pinning in the girls from Jacqui's video and have always thought that had to be relevant. What motive do you think these 2 guys had in following the girls? Are you implying that the girls were set up (given a map that would lead them into danger)?

As far as I know, the police have the phone records from both the Headland store and the Big Little in Ozark. The boy at waiting at the Headland store (who called Tracie's house) would be the one that Tracie asked her mother to on the way home, correct? Do you feel that he is involved? Is this the same boy from Skipperville who visited Tracie at JB Penny?

I know I have asked a lot of questions, and I apologize. But please respond with as much (or as little) information as you feel comfortable with. We are all trying to piece this puzzle together and maybe some of the other sleuths will have pieces that match yours. Thanks in advance.
Bulldog23: Please, excuse in delay not having responded back to your inquiries; delay not intended to be evasive, response to your request forthcoming, circumstances presently dictates time constraints.
It would appear these two particular kids from that relatively small town would be at a very low risk of getting murdered in an even smaller neighboring town. So I'm thinking if the dna is not related, which I don't know that to be the case, it had to be something they either did or seen that very night that angered someone enough to have gotten them killed. I almost hate to even theorize any further with the question of the dna up in the air. Seems a waste of time.
OPD needs to release a few more new details, not all because I understand stand they need to keep some to themselves but like the DNA, if it's been ruled out and they found it to be unrelated or the possible crime scene on S HWY 123 or Depot Ln. If they release that it could very well jog someone's memory. Maybe at the time something didn't seem strange but now that you say hey this is the original crime scene and then John Does like man I did see a car parked on the side of the road in that area. But that's just my opinion
shark315, ref. pgs. #509/515: #515 first, someone has twice erased messages in response to your page #509. Your page #529 validates cause to attempt once more; although in amended version, but to the point. Paraphrasing, Throughout past years it has been reported the case's rising cost, last recorded short of, just over a million dollars. Referring to your interest, further commenting how the department and city are obligated to the tax payers now after nineteen years financial accountability for such investigative expenditures, namely all types test, and all out-of-state travels; understand better. Additionally the everlasting DNA was accessible upon lifting the vehicle's deck lid, waiting two months? Likewise before signing off for awhile, ref. to LR1's pg. #530; the motive had been known beforehand, and before the sunrise of Monday August 02, 1999 a previous evening's incident would almost cause it to be mistakenly revealed, which has been in more expanded detail in recent time. Hoping this assist you. More so, trusting you receive this, now, third same attempted styled message.
Thinblueline can you elaborate a little bit more, I'm sorry I feel a little bit confused. But I also don't know how everyone is referring to a post by saying "509 or 514" I haven't been on this website that long so I suppose I'm missing something. Thank you so much for your reply. I am still super excited to hear bulldog23's questions answered, you seem to have researched more than the rest of us. And I commend you for that, whatever brings the girls peace I'm all for
I’m sorry but I must have totally missed it- what is the story about two shirtless boys following and pinning in the girls? Same night?! Thanks!
I’m sorry but I must have totally missed it- what is the story about two shirtless boys following and pinning in the girls? Same night?! Thanks!

In her video from a couple of years ago, Jacqui Burgoon, JB's sister, says the girls were looking for a party in Haleburg, ran into 2 guys with their shirts off, left and were followed back to Headland and pinned in by the shirtless guys. JB looked frightened and the 2 guys took off without talking to the girls.
In her video from a couple of years ago, Jacqui Burgoon, JB's sister, says the girls were looking for a party in Haleburg, ran into 2 guys with their shirts off, left and were followed back to Headland and pinned in by the shirtless guys. JB looked frightened and the 2 guys took off without talking to the girls.

Okay, I have a question and it may have been answered previously and I just don't recall the answer. Was Jacqui Burgoon with the JB and Tracey that night? Was there multiple conversations between the three of them? I don't understand how Jacqui can say JB looked frightened if she only had a phone call with her.
Okay, I have a question and it may have been answered previously and I just don't recall the answer. Was Jacqui Burgoon with the JB and Tracey that night? Was there multiple conversations between the three of them? I don't understand how Jacqui can say JB looked frightened if she only had a phone call with her.

No, Jacqui was not with J.B. & Tracie. She turned 10 years old on the day the bodies was found. I can't speak for her, but I'm sure she got her information from the LE investigators. Also, she has had conversations with J.B.'s friends that saw her the night of the murders.
Mr. TedMac sir: You made a comment earlier regarding Chief Walker's personality, and hopefully believed future professional contribution to these cases. It is commonly believed that Chief Walker is a good man; and Chief Walker does have the best investigative intentions to perform his duties from time of accepting present position; beyond such, especially when involving the two young ladies cases, will never be allowed a line for him to cross, having been long ago previous determined born out of an August 18th, 1999 meeting in Montgomery involving two rouge officials having overt concerns about black-books. Subsequently two elected official contacted; end of story...…… Only as result of recent years sound and qualified information surfacing, thereafter solidified dedicated investigative movements toward resolve from outside the state of Alabama; which should address part two of your interest pertaining to "paralleling investigations"; by now having been successful in surpassing some previously known before investigative obstacles and roadblocks from earliest years. Sorry, cannot expand in detail beyond this. Like you just recently wrote, something about a new podcast and those who may be, or have been involved, start making mistakes...………...right!
So what is your theory on what happen to the girls on that night @ThinBlueLine
After nineteen years, what's been allowed; thereafter condoned, and subsequently encouraged to have happened in the aftermaths of these two 17 year old high school senior girl's putrid murders are no longer reserved for theories or scenarios.
From Morf 13 July 20, 2018, item # 3: "The next morning 8:00 Roberts called police almost exact moment, Ozark police officers found Beasley's Black Mazda 929 just BEFORE 8:00 A.M."

Shined Rabbit Film, promoted as a True Crime Documentary: "car found at 9:00 A.M.; claiming in a podcast interview that the film's content in part came about thru police interviews-----------

Morf 13 item # 4: "According to police, when the car was initially found there were no outright signs of foul play."
Yet, it was that very first, prior to 8:00 A.M. officer who had reported blood evidence, over his police radio, but no mentioning of such an important original key piece of evidence.

Shined Rabbit Film, likewise avoids interviewing police for further discussion when already common knowledge because of 9mm bullet exit thru floor of trunk that while traveling blood had blown back under vehicle; upon being parked puddled arousing officer's attention.

Consistent media/official reports of only the driver's window being partially down a few inches; yet, Shined Rabbit comments on how Shined Rabbit Film was made aware of both driver's side windows being down on first arrival. Who placed them back in up positions, and locked the doors? Apparently, unconsciously leaving r/s front unlocked, being electric since repair shop work in progress with parts ordered why didn't lock, although supposedly claiming unknown at the time justification for a Dothan police officer to come having towed to Dothan, when at time there hadn't been officially concluded a crime scene until after 2:00 P.M.

Those having had, developing a serious interest in Ms. Beasley's and Ms. Hawlett's cases at this point, may want to go back to night of July 26/27, 1999 when Ms. Hawlett's home was targeted for burglary twice in one night, evening's events occurring night of July 31, 1999 when travel plans changed, phone calls, timelines; commit to research, read, re-examine, review, re-evaluate, and re-discover contradictions having always existed, but never before challenged. And lastly, the most revealing, how both girls after found in trunk, was unusually noticeable how their pants pockets were turned inside out, as if someone had been looking for some particular item or two only four nights previously. Unbelievably how sad, would take an blue collar habitual alcoholic to ignite the investigative engines which since day one had been knowingly mute and inactive, "turning over all stones" public propaganda.
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