AL AL - J.B. Beasley, 17, & Tracie Hawlett, 17, Ozark, 31 July 1999 #3

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According to VERITAS himself, he set up a camera in the bathroom because he was playing a prank with a rubber spider on his girlfriend and someone found the camera.

The private detective Cambron said that V was letting teenagers use the apartment to “do their thing.” And I think Cambron said that V was taping them.

I have always wondered if this was about those tapes, and through rumor and word of mouth, it ended up getting twisted into the HCR tape story.

About the keys… that was from Veritas himself. So either it is true, or he wants to assert himself in the story. If a good prosecutor would go back through his own posts and responses from Wiregrass, he or she could make a decent circumstantial case against him. MOO.
According to VERITAS himself, he set up a camera in the bathroom because he was playing a prank with a rubber spider on his girlfriend and someone found the camera.

The private detective Cambron said that V was letting teenagers use the apartment to “do their thing.” And I think Cambron said that V was taping them.

I have always wondered if this was about those tapes, and through rumor and word of mouth, it ended up getting twisted into the HCR tape story.

About the keys… that was from Veritas himself. So either it is true, or he wants to assert himself in the story. If a good prosecutor would go back through his own posts and responses from Wiregrass, he or she could make a decent circumstantial case against him. MOO.

If a prosecutor wanted to access these old postings how could I point the way for them to read? Also what if the tapes had kids having romantic relationships plus narcotics dealings on them?
If a prosecutor wanted to access these old postings how could I point the way for them to read? Also what if the tapes had kids having romantic relationships plus narcotics dealings on them?

If a Prosecutor actually had a case and probable cause, they could subpoena the forum, where the comments were made.

This scenario of an apartment with cameras and tapes is conjecture and rumor at this point. There is no factual evidence at this time, that this happened.
If a Prosecutor actually had a case and probable cause, they could subpoena the forum, where the comments were made.

This scenario of an apartment with cameras and tapes is conjecture and rumor at this point. There is no factual evidence at this time, that this happened.

I totally agree. This guy could just be a creep who knew JB and inserted himself into the narrative. The only people who (should) know for sure is the OPD, ABI, and FBI. I personally think he is probably involved, but as a websleuth, and not an investigator, I have no way of confirming my theory. (The camera in the bathroom was confirmed by V himself.) I will say this... that my suspicion about him is largely based upon his own words! He said a lot of self-incriminating things over the course of the months and years he posted...not all at one time.. and you have to dig for some of it on the threads. Does anyone know if there is an archived version of the Wiregrass forums online anywhere?

One more interesting fact: On this guy's Facebook page (He is a prolific poster) he said that he once took his own son to the cemetery where JB is buried. He said that his (now estranged) son began telling people that V was obsessed with JB and wanted to be buried beside her. -again, this is from him.

I have tried to reach out to JR Cambron, the private detective that posted under Nicodemus, but I have not been able to contact him. I wish we could get him to interact with us on this forum. :(
If memory serves me, Nicodemus said V was staying with his brother near Atlas st. when the murders occurred. V disputed that and said he living with his brother in Baldwin trailer park in Level Plains. He also said his brother was sleeping with one of Johnny B's sisters. I think his brother was in the towing business if I remember correctly.
Fairly new poster but long time reader and lived in Dothan/Ashford until a few years ago. I also went to Northview and happened to be in the same class as JB's brother. I remember the Veritas postings on wiregrass, he also implied at some point that the girls were into older men, as I recall. My personal takeaway from his posts was that he just wanted attention.
I think J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett were murdered by a stranger, someone unknown to them and probably to their murder investigation. I do not discredit the DNA found simply because it has not been matched to anyone. Has it been matched to anyone known to either girl? Do police think the DNA is connected to the murders or not?

It could be that police do not have a suspect to attach the DNA to because the girls were murdered by someone they did not know.

I would like to know what places would have been open after 11:30pm on the night of July 31, 1999 along the supposed route they would have taken back to Dothan(either Broad to 123 to 231 or Broad to 231)? Of those places that were open, which ones did NOT have security cameras? I can only guess police tried to get as much surveillance video as possible to see if anyone's vehicle sat for a long period of time or if an individual came walking back to a vehicle in a parking lot in the early morning hours of the day they were murdered?

So the poll question is: Do you think J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett were murdered by someone they knew or by someone they did not know(a stranger)? Why?
I think J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett were murdered by a stranger, someone unknown to them and probably to their murder investigation. I do not discredit the DNA found simply because it has not been matched to anyone. Has it been matched to anyone known to either girl? Do police think the DNA is connected to the murders or not?

It could be that police do not have a suspect to attach the DNA to because the girls were murdered by someone they did not know.

I would like to know what places would have been open after 11:30pm on the night of July 31, 1999 along the supposed route they would have taken back to Dothan(either Broad to 123 to 231 or Broad to 231)? Of those places that were open, which ones did NOT have security cameras? I can only guess police tried to get as much surveillance video as possible to see if anyone's vehicle sat for a long period of time or if an individual came walking back to a vehicle in a parking lot in the early morning hours of the day they were murdered?

So the poll question is: Do you think J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett were murdered by someone they knew or by someone they did not know(a stranger)? Why?

I have run all the scenarios in my mind. Would they have stopped suddenly for someone in the road? Not a chance in hell they would have, 2 young girls, they would be freaked out, no way they would stop and get out. We know there was no damage to their car so they wouldn’t have stopped for any kind of accident so that’s out. In my head there are 2 possible scenarios. One....they stopped for someone they knew who either pulled up next to them (highly unlikely though I think). Someone they knew called them after they left the gas station from Ozark area and they turned off of following behind the woman from the gas station and went to wherever the meeting point was or they had a stop already planned along the way to see someone who lived in ozark and that’s why they turned off. Yes they asked for the quickest way to 231 but that doesnt mean they didn’t have any other stops planned otw. The other possible is that they were pulled over for some reason by police and maybe the conspiracy theorists are correct. There were known hangouts in Ozark when I was in high school there (1993) such as party houses etc. so who knows if they could have headed somewhere like that? The only places open that late at night were the gas stations and fast food. McDonalds was always a popular hangout and drive thru spot but they turned off before coming up to that. It’s so hard to fathom what could have happened and the police have been so tight lipped about literally everything including the DNA and all the testing of soils and such and they still scent released results from that I don’t think this will ever be solved. I think the mistakes made by the OPD were vast and they ruined any chance of finding the killer. They were way in over their heads and from what I have seen and read have never been real cooperate unless forced with other agencies. To not cooperate with crime solving organizations and even tv shows that have a proven success rate just blows my mind. In my opinion they were not murdered by a stranger. I think they absolutely met with someone they knew whether they received a call or they ad a plan to begin with or they were compelled to pull over for law enforcement
I have run all the scenarios in my mind. Would they have stopped suddenly for someone in the road? Not a chance in hell they would have, 2 young girls, they would be freaked out, no way they would stop and get out. We know there was no damage to their car so they wouldn’t have stopped for any kind of accident so that’s out. In my head there are 2 possible scenarios. One....they stopped for someone they knew who either pulled up next to them (highly unlikely though I think). Someone they knew called them after they left the gas station from Ozark area and they turned off of following behind the woman from the gas station and went to wherever the meeting point was or they had a stop already planned along the way to see someone who lived in ozark and that’s why they turned off. Yes they asked for the quickest way to 231 but that doesnt mean they didn’t have any other stops planned otw. The other possible is that they were pulled over for some reason by police and maybe the conspiracy theorists are correct. There were known hangouts in Ozark when I was in high school there (1993) such as party houses etc. so who knows if they could have headed somewhere like that? The only places open that late at night were the gas stations and fast food. McDonalds was always a popular hangout and drive thru spot but they turned off before coming up to that. It’s so hard to fathom what could have happened and the police have been so tight lipped about literally everything including the DNA and all the testing of soils and such and they still scent released results from that I don’t think this will ever be solved. I think the mistakes made by the OPD were vast and they ruined any chance of finding the killer. They were way in over their heads and from what I have seen and read have never been real cooperate unless forced with other agencies. To not cooperate with crime solving organizations and even tv shows that have a proven success rate just blows my mind. In my opinion they were not murdered by a stranger. I think they absolutely met with someone they knew whether they received a call or they ad a plan to begin with or they were compelled to pull over for law enforcement

I agree that it is hard to know what the scenario was that led to the actual kidnapping and that there will always be the possibility it is someone the girls knew.

However, I cannot explain the following about the case. Supposedly when Tracie Hawlett was at the Big Little gas station payphone in Ozark, AL she asked her mother for permission to stop on the way home and say hello to 2 boys in Midland City, AL who were waiting for them at a gas station(source: this thread previous info). So the question is, why would J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett stop to see someone else they knew if Tracie had already told her mother they were stopping to see the 2 boys in Midland City, AL who were waiting for them at the gas station?
It's possible they made it to the gas station but the boys didn't and they were accosted by a stranger there. I believe if this case is ever solved we will find that it was a chance encounter with a stranger.

I doubt there was any business open on one twenty three if they went that way. Maybe a gas station or fast food place if they went the other way.
There is a lot of information that is not explained in J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett's murder case. For example, if Tracie Hawlett had asked her mom over the phone for permission to stop to see the two boys from Midland City, AL, how did the two boys know to meet them at the gas station? Did Tracie call the boys from the Big Little payphone too? From what I have read, neither J.B. or Tracie had a working cell phone that night.
If that is the case, maybe the gas station was just a hangout and the boys parked there often to hang out. When the girls arrived, the boys weren't there as they had anticipated, but the killer was.
I don't think this was done by a stranger, I think it was someone they knew or associated with in some way. I don't see a stranger abducting them only to shoot them execution style. That just doesn't make sense to me.
If that is the case, maybe the gas station was just a hangout and the boys parked there often to hang out. When the girls arrived, the boys weren't there as they had anticipated, but the killer was.

Earlier in this thread another poster explained to me that the 2 Midland City, AL boys they were going to meet at the gas station were there waiting for them. When the girls did not show up after a certain amount of time had passed, the boys left. Knowing this I cannot imagine that police did not ask the gas station if they had any surveillance footage or other witnesses to corroborate that story.

So that is where my information comes from. Is this information correct about Tracie Hawlett calling her mother from the Ozark, AL Big Little gas station to ask if she and J.B. Beasley could stop to see the 2 Midland City, AL boys and the boys actually being at the Midland City gas station waiting for them? I don't know.
If that is the case that goes back to them stopping for some unknown reason between the Big/Little store and the Midland City gas station.
I can't figure out what that could be unless it was someone pretending to be LE and stopping them or they stopped at a fast food place out by the 27/231 intersection or even Walmart. I believe it was a 24 hr supercenter by then.
I think the girls knew the killer or killers. If it was just random then I would think that it would've happened again. If the OPD would actually work with other sources (like CJ or any others), it may get solved. I believe after 20 years it's time to try other avenues. I'm guessing they don't want everyone to know just how bad they did mess up?
I can't figure out what that could be unless it was someone pretending to be LE and stopping them or they stopped at a fast food place out by the 27/231 intersection or even Walmart. I believe it was a 24 hr supercenter by then.

And again the problem is time. I think most dining rooms for fast food would be closed by 11:30 pm, but even if they were open or the 24 hour Walmart was open, how do they have enough time to do anything but drive to Midland City, AL?

I can only guess this but I am guessing J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett's meeting with these two boys was for midnight. And then we have to consider that she asked her mom if they could see these two boys on the way home so it had to be sometime around midnight. So wherever they stopped it would have to be a place they thought they could go to quickly and leave.

And then there are the witnesses. Wherever they stopped it must have been kind of desolate if no one remembered them, and at a store or a fast food place you usually have to talk to someone face to face like a cashier. So have any other witnesses other than Ms. Merritt and her daughter at the Big Little gas station come forward to say they saw J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett? Who else saw J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett after 11:38pm on the night of July 31, 1999?
My theory from the start has been that they stopped to use the bathroom. It's a shame the OPD wasn't on the ball and checked the Walmart security cameras.
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